We picked up the final bunch of produce from our summer CSA last Thursday, and after twenty wonderful, magical, competitive (I won) and sometimes borderline crazy weeks, it’s come to an end. I’d get all nostalgic and maybe even shed some tears, but I signed up for the winter program which means I’ve got another two months of goodie boxes coming, so put away your Kleenex and have no fear. Just know, every CSA post thus far has been a mere step along the way to the final countdown.
I bid a fond farewell to my summer CSA.
Before we get to the food, let’s give a great big thank you to our lovely hosts. Once you’re done here, be sure to head over to their sites and give them a little comment love because everybody likes comments (me too…aren’t I good at subtle?).
Kristy at Gastronomical Sovereignty
I know you didn’t look at the above picture, so go back and check again. It says, “I was featured on Fresh Foods Wednesday.” Yep, that’s right. I’ve been “featured,” which includes a shout out on Kristy’s blog, her Pinterest board, and her Facebook page. Hot damn, I just went viral. She thinks I’m funny.
“What do you mean I’m funny? Funny how? Funny like I’m a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I’m here to fuckin’ amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny?”
She doesn’t know me yet and hasn’t realized I’m a unicorn-loving barrel of laughs mixed with more than an iota of sarcasm, or maybe she’s a wise ass too. We tend to gravitate towards one another. In any event, it made my day (for real).
Enough already; let’s get to the good stuff: the food.
Mmmm food…wipes drool from mouth. Alright, I didn’t drool. That only happens when I take naps in the middle of the day…on the Hubby’s pillow (oops).
Week twenty was another great haul and the final one of the season (tear, tear). We snagged more lovely sweet potatoes, some red skin potatoes, carrots, apples, garlic, and an acorn squash. Does anyone else think the red potatoes seem a tad inappropriate; little buggers were mooning me, mocking me, or both. Whatever the case, they were out of line, so I showed them who’s boss…which is me. Obviously.
I sliced them, diced them, and tossed them with cheese and served up some Parmesan Roasted Potatoes for breakfast Saturday morning. My red beauties delivered, ass cheeks and all.
I haven’t had a chance to dig into the carrots yet, but I know they’re going to be good. I’m even toying with the idea of juicing again (in a non-steroid, legal way). I just need to pick up some beets. Yes, I know. I hated beets back in May; it’s amazing how much I’ve changed in the past five months. CSA’s do some weird shit to you.
Now I’m going to be totally honest. I’ve been working mainly with apples and sweet potatoes for the past several weeks, so it’s getting harder to be impressive. You’ve already seen pretty much everything, and it’s starting to seem a little one note, at least from my perspective. I did, however, make a pretty lovely Apple Sweet Potato Tian. Even though these were featured in my WIAW eats, I’m going to share the pictures. Yes, again. I’m relentless, like a dog with a bone, or Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2. I also think Photoshop is fun, especially when other people do it for you.
All in all, I’ve been doing a pretty impressive job (um hello, I already declared myself the winner) of using up our produce, and it’s become increasingly easier since our shares have shrunk. The one exception, because there’s always an exception, is the squashes. I haven’t actually touched them yet, other than to wash them and stage them in pictures because that’s normal. It’s also quite rational to photograph your food outside because the lighting is better. I’m dreading the day the neighbors finally get up the courage to ask what I’m doing. Aside from all that, I haven’t touched the squashes, so I’m not sure if I’m working on a Thanksgiving centerpiece or planning to eat them. What I do know is I’m hoarding squash like it’s going out of style. Say hello to my little friend(s).
Imagine if I hadn’t given away the spaghetti squash from a few weeks ago. I’d be living in a squash jungle and having nightmares where they join forces to crush me. Disloyal squashes; those suckers will turn on a dime. I’ll have to come up with a plan to take them out before they stage a coup.
Is there anything from your CSA you’re stock piling? Don’t worry, it’s safe here. You can admit it, there’s no shame. Is there any food you’ve changed your mind about in the past year? Is sarcasm one of your super powers?
My neighbor’s driveway is a foot away from ours, so I was sure to explain, the first time they came home while I was taking photographs, that I’d started a blog about food. Now they juts smile and say ‘how’s the blog?’. When circumstances (homework, not mine) gets in the way of me taking photos before the sun moves too far from the driveway, I’m out in the front yard. And I am sure anyone passing on the street thinks I am nuts. Ah, well. I gotta say, though, don’t wash too much off your squash before storing. There’s probably some plant-created protective coating that could cause your squash to decline faster. I don’t know this for certain (I do for potatoes, but their skin is different) I’m just guessing. Congratulations on your feature! Always lovely to be liked! (Insert Sally Field).
The orange, carrot, and beet smoothie has me intrigued-do you cook your beets first? Whenever I use a roasted veggie in a smoothie it makes the texture more creamy, but I could skip a step for the sake of science.
Hmmm, I’ve been washing my potatoes and my squash. I’ll have to stop that. Thanks for the tip!
For the beet juice, I didn’t cook the beets at all. I peeled them, the oranges, and the carrots and added some ice (to make it cold) and some orange juice for sweetner. It’s the only way I seem to like beets and now I’m hooked. I go into a little more detail in my From Jonesing to Juicing post (you can click on the juicing link in this post too), but you should try it, especially if you’re intrigued.
P.S. I can’t seem to comment on your blog. It’s asking me to sign in using some program, none of which I’m setup for. Any ideas. I really want to let you know how amazing your pizzas look. Totally drool worthy.
Hey thanks for letting me know about comments. I have changed the setting to allow anonymous users–I hope that does the trick.
Worked like a charm.
If I can refer to the veggies that my parents give me out of their garden as a “CSA,” then yup, I’m hoarding squash and sweet potato too 🙂 I have bags of ’em sitting in my garage, staying nice and cool. And those eggs and potatoes look SO good. Pretty much the classic delicious breakfast, if you ask me.
Yep, you can never go wrong with eggs and potatoes. I’m glad I’m not the only one hoarding produce, and I say your parent’s garden counts as your CSA.
I bookmarked a recipe long ago for a tian that was similar but it used white potatoes. Since I don’t like white potatoes I was thinking sweet would work. Glad to know it does! I may add this to the Turkey Day menu!
I made another Tian earlier this summer with sweet potatoes, tomatoes, zucchini, and squash, and it was fabulous. This one with the apples would work great for Turkey Day. It’s really sweet though; almost like a dessert.
I work really hard to try and use my CSA veggies within a week or two. Peppers and radishes are my downfall. The peppers I roast or pickle and am pretty pleased with the results. The radishes I try to hide in other dishes…. In the meantime, they live in a bowl of cold water in the refrigerator…… Yes, mocking me every time I open the door…
I signed up for our Winter CSA as well and look forward to seeing how it will be different, other than only coming every two weeks. My farmer says when you sign up for the winter CSA, you know you are hard core! 🙂
I love radishes and we didn’t get any in our CSA this year. Hmmm, when we got them last year I always added them to the Hubby’s veggie wraps, salads, soups, and even eggs. For the peppers (also my downfall), I made bean and veggie stuffed bell peppers which really helped put a dent in them. That and several crockpots full of chili.
I didn’t roast or pickle any peppers but I wish I had now. I wish I had canned some tomatoes too. Only problem is I don’t know how to pickle or can produce. Oh well maybe next year. Glad to hear we are hard core!!
That sweet potato and apple dish looks amazing! I forgot to pair those two.
It was like dessert in bowl.
Potatoes! Seriously, those suckers have snuck up on me with their ability to stockpile. I’m thinking a big batch of gnoochi may be needed to help with that situation. I have to agree that CSAs do weird shit to you – swiss chard use to go straight into the iguana cage, not anymore! It’s into the saute pan first thing, never thought I would like it but turns out add some garlic and I’m in love (but then again garlic fixes almost any dish, right?).
Your right. Garlic could be it’s own super power. It turns everything it touches into gold. Glad to hear I’m not alone with my stockpiling. 🙂
Those potatoes look amazing! Like, I would totally eat the entire pan, amazing.
Thanks for sharing and as always…thanks for linking up 🙂
Of course!! These pototates are extremely easy too; just chop, toss and bake. Viola.
not only are we both sarcastic and hil-arious …. we both drool on our partner’s pillows 😉
p.s. i’d give anything to be as buff and rad as Sara Conner in T2.
thank you for sharing with us at the Wednesday Fresh Foods Blog Hop! i hope to see you again this week with more seasonal & real/fresh foods posts. xo, kristy
You are most welcome and thank you for hosting this get together. I, for one, really appreciate it.
I pan-fry sliced potatoes with sliced carrots and onion,
spices, olive oil and a little water… beginning on medium
heat, then covered on low heat turning occasionally until
the potatoes and carrots are done. Serve drippings and all
over a slice of whole wheat bread.
Sounds good. Thanks for sharing.