As much as I’d like to muster up some excitement for this week’s WIAW, I’ve got none. You see, I had braces put on my teeth on Monday, and I am in a shit-ton of pain. Yes, I am an adult woman with braces, and it sucks. It took me forty minutes to eat three crackers last night. I’m thinking this could be bad for business.
The orthodontist assured me the gumming down my food phase and excessive pain only lasts a few days, but I’m not out of the woods yet. In fact, I’m still in the middle of the forest beating my head or really just my teeth into a tree. I’d show you a picture of my mouth full of metal, except I’m still way too mortified, so you’ll have to use your imagination.
In any event, I don’t have much to say (I know it’s a first), so I’m just going to share my Sunday eats, which was my last full day of food, eaten with my regular molars, bicuspids and whatever else you can call teeth. As always, special thanks to Jenn at Peas and Crayons (and maybe even carrots now) for hosting our weekly party.
First breakfast: smoothie with pineapple juice, two frozen bananas and muy mucho strawberries.
Second breakfast: two pieces of toasted Granola bread from the Breadsmith, of course, and then slathered in butter because that’s how I roll.
Lunch: a bowl and a half of homemade Cauliflower Cheddar soup topped with some fresh chives.
Snack: dark chocolate coconut bar; need I say more.
Dinner: a big bowl of pasta. More to come on this little beauty on Friday.
I’d like to tell you more, but I need to go rip my teeth out with my bare hands now because that might be better than braces. Seriously, what was I thinking? Don’t answer that; it’s my vanity, I know. Little diva wanted straight teeth.
Did you ever have braces? Any tips? What was your favorite meal this week? What’s your favorite chocolate bar?
Bird’s Eye or Pre-Metal, I feel for you. My brother got braces as an adult, but he’s overseas and I didn’t hear about the day to day pain. However, as I’m happy to note while doing my taxes, I have 2 kids in braces right now. I’m not into self-promotion, but I will tell you since you asked that my daughter lived on MA’s Make Ahead Irish Mashed Potato Casserole for a couple of weeks when she was getting all her hardware in. That and ice cream . . . she recently got the palate expander thingy off the roof of her mouth/under her tongue and chocolate ganache ice cream was very soothing. Just a suggestion. New hair color, braces . . . what’s next?
Nothing’s next. I’m done; I don’t think I could handle anymore right now. Besides my new punk hair cut doesn’t exactly compliment a mouth full of metal.
Great suggestions, thanks for the tips. I was checking out ice cream the other day, and my grocery store carries these pint size containers from a local shop, all handmade and really cool flavors (think whisky pecan). I was reaching my arm out to grab one and then I noticed the price tag: $10 a pint. I immediately retracted my arm and bee lined out of the store. I do however have potatoes, butter, cream and chives on hand and mashed potatoes sounds delicious right about now.
As far as the bird’s eye versus pre-metal edition, me and painkillers don’t mix well. There was a whole lot of Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap last night.
Please tell me that is potatoes on your pasta and not apple slices?? lol
I was wondering too!?!
It’s neither potatoes or apples. I’ll reveal it tomorrow. Great guesses though.
Ah sorry to hear about the pain you’re in! I actually am just about finishing up my braces treatment- I initially tried out Invisalign which didn’t work at all so had to go the traditional route with braces! Part of me felt a bit embarrassed for having them on at my age but trust me, it’s the best thing you could do for yourself! The period flies by and you’re left with a life of perfect teeth :)! When my braces were tightened and my mouth felt sore, I’d stick with soft foods like applesauce, oatmeal, yogurt, soups, eggs and risotto!
Thank you so much for your comment. It really meant a lot especially because you’re in the same boat, and you said exactly what I needed to hear right now. Why this is totally worth it.
I’m sorry you went through the trouble of Invisalign first; that’s a real bummer. I thought about it too but was worried I wouldn’t keep the mouth pieces in regularly. Great advice on the foods too. Thanks again. I appreciate it.
Oh noooo, that doesn’t sound too good!!! Hope you feel better very soon. Your eats look yummy though. I am in love with the color of that smoothie…i love just about anything that’s bright pink. Happy WIAW!
Thanks Antonia. I see a lot of smoothies in my near future.
Haven’t you heard? Braces are the new cool-gal thing. Even Faith Hill is doing it.
And I’m right with you on the pain! I have a dentist appointment over spring break and haven’t been wearing my bottom retainer as often as I should. So now my teeth are in the process of shifting back. I had to jam it on there last night. Just a slight headache this morning 🙂
Oh, and in case you haven’t been forewarned, DON’T try to eat an apple whole with braces. Knowing you, you will probably take this as a challenge. Haha. But a spoon is a marvelous tool for carving out chunks! (We weren’t allowed knives in our lunch boxes in high school. Lol).
That’s right. Faith Hill has them now too. Thanks for that. I needed to hear it.
You better keep that retainer on. Seriously, I had braces back in high school, I got them taken off too early and then I didn’t wear my retainer. And here I am today back in braces, so wear your braces Madison. And as much as I like a challenge, I think I’ll cut up my apples for the near future, although your comment cracked me up. Man, you know me pretty well. 🙂
Ugh, unfortunately there’s no advice for braces other than “deal with it.” And ice cream. Lots of ice cream. But not ice cream with cookie bits in it, ’cause those get stuck in braces like nobody’s business. My aunt’s 53 and just had braces put on–so more power to adults-with-braces!
And I’m intrigued by this black pasta business…
Also, best chocolate bar ever = Dagoba Eclipse. Mmmm.
Love the Dagoba brand. Mmm, chocolate.
Good advice on the ice cream front.
Ok adults with braces is an ok thing (maybe not ideal), but an ok thing. I can do this. I can do this. Sorry, I’m psyching myself up here. I think I need a little Eye of the Tiger to accompany me on my ice cream binge.
Stay tuned for the black pasta.
Pictures! You must pose a picture! I had braces and I LOVED them! Call me crazy. The pain does go away, but it will be back when they tighten you up each month (or whenever they said they would tighten you.) good luck, you’ll love your teeth in the end.
I can barely look at myself in the mirror right now (I know ‘m way too vain which is also kind of the reason I’m doing this and the reason I hate it so much), so no pictures in the short term. I need to come to terms with this first, and I can’t believe you loved your braces. Whatever you were taking, I need some of that. Or is that just your runner’s high? Thanks.
I am really interested to hear more about this pasta! I had braces for 6 years in middle/high school. Once I got used to having them, they hurt in the beginning, I would eat whatever I wanted. They will stop hurting, hopefully sooner rather than later!
Six years! Holy cow, that’s a long time. I’m still sore today, although the pain is less so that’s a good sign. I can’t wait to be eating everything again. It’s like walking on eggshells right now, only in my mouth. Thanks for stopping by and saying hello.
Your smoothie + second breakfast is RIGHT up my alley! And all of your pictures are gorgeous. I remember how hard it was to eat when I had braces, I feel your pain! It ends sooner than you think, though!
Thanks Alisha. I like the basics. Smoothies are a go to for me in the mornings because I’m generally not hungry, but I know I should eat something. I blend up my fruit and viola I get a liquid which I can manage to suck down. What’s your favorite smoothie?
Thanks for the positive words about the braces. I may repeat it like a mantra…it will end sooner than I think, it will end sooner than I think.
Oh no, I’m sorry to hear you’re hurting – braces pain was the worst. 🙁 Hopefully it’ll subside soon, but in the meantime – enjoy some ice cream and smoothies. 🙂
Mmm ice cream. I gotta get some.
I had braces a while ago, and I feel your pain. They really suck the first couple of days or even weeks, but hopefully you’ll get used to them after a while. My only tips would be soft foods and lots of pain killers! 🙂
I’m glad to hear you had them too so I know I’m not alone. I tried a pain killer on Tuesday night and ended up accidentally prematurely publishing my WIAW before I was finished. Oops. A whole lot of cursing ensued so I think I may need to stick to the OTC stuff at least when I’m not writing. The soft foods I can do though,
oh MAN that’s brutal! braces are the worst. How long do you have to have them on?
10 months so it’s not too bad. I’m ready for it to be over already. I think I need a countdown clock or something.
Oh no! Braces are the worst. My best tip is wear your retainer when you are done or your teeth will move again!!!
I love the Green and Black’s chocolate bars! They have one with cherry and one with ginger…both are fabulous!
Those sound delicious. I’ll be on the lookout for the one with ginger. Yum. And yes I plan to wear my retainer faithfully. Now doing so as a kid is how I got into this mess. Grumble, grumble.
Ouch! I hope your mouth feels better quickly! That pasta dish definitely has me intrigued…can’t wait to see the recipe 🙂
Thanks Jen. It was delish; I hope you make it.
Oh my, everything looks so good. I could happily eat your smoothie. Your soup looks heavenly and that pasta dish looks beautiful.
Thanks Nikki. It was a decent day of eats if I do say so myself. Thanks for stopping by.
I agree with everyone suggesting ice cream. It’s been a while since I had braces, but I remember that ice cream helps 🙂
Best chocolate bar ever – the Cowboy Bar, made in Montana. Chocolate, toffee, nuts…it’s just the best. I got one as a Christmas present from a friend and I’ve been thinking about it since then! Here’s a link if you want to check it out. Toffee probably doesn’t play nice with new braces, though!
Oh and I love toffee too. Damn these metal things; that chocolate bar sounds like heaven. I think I’m going to hit up the Sweet Spot and get some of their delicious gelato. All this ice cream talk is hitting me hard.
Sorry your braces are hurting you, I’m having my wisdoms out soon so i’m sure I’ll be feeling your pain then! I love the idea of having two smaller breakfasts. I always end up snacking at 11, might have to switch to two breakfasts! The pasta looks amazing, is it apple on the top? looking forward to the recipe x
Oh sweetie! I can ONLY imagine what you’re going through right now! I have entertained (on MULTIPLE occasions) the thought of braces before but I guess my wussiness outweighs my vanity on any given day. Every time I think about them, I have flashbacks to middle school…one of my best friends had frequent orthodontist appointments to have her braces/band tightened…and then her evil witch of a mother would make here COME BACK to school! The poor thing would sit there in class, after popping as many tylenols as she could, tears streaming down her sweet little face. Hurts my heart every time I think about it! Consider THIS a huge hug to you right now…you are SO much braver than me! <- or is it "I"…damn, I should have paid attention in English instead of thinking about braces! 😉
It’s my vanity which made me get them (I wanted perfectly straight teeth like pretty little fence hedges…now that’s weird), and my vanity is the same reason I hate them. They do not exude sexiness or confidence, but then again it’s the person who should do those things and not a mouth, no matter how sassy it speaks so give me a week, and I’m sure to adjust and then hopefully bounce back.
OMG!! You’ve left the most amazing comment on my blog, about how good my food looked and now I see this deliciousness! I want a bite of everything!
Gosh, coconut and chocolate, isn’t this the greatest combination ever! Yup, my definitely favorite!
Thanks Greta. I was drawn to your blog because your picture looked so good, and I’m glad I stopped by. Your entire day of eats was delicious. I’m a big fan of healthy food being beautiful and something people want to eat. Judging by your pictures, I see you feel the same.
Chocolate and coconut is fabulous and almost as good as chocolate and peanut butter.