I started this post about a bazillion times this weekend.
I may also be exaggerating (Who me? Nah…), but I did write two totally separate introductions. The first was the Saturday List Edition because those lists are extra special; they’re the ones close to my heart. I also started a Day In The Life Edition as well, again with a focus on Saturday, when I was housebound due to the weather.
Both were equally exciting, which means neither was exciting enough. Basically, I wasn’t feeling it, and I decided I had significantly more to offer today than just my Saturday activities. There were lots of things I did on other days, and I certainly wouldn’t want them to develop an inferiority complex should I neglect them for the second week in a row. Yep, a second week because last week I skipped bragging about my accomplishments in favor of story time, and while it was fun for a day, I’m afraid my ego might have suffered. As if.
Anyway, I’m sticking with the traditional format today; the one where we list out all our happenings, big or small, which went down in the last week. For just a moment, however brief or long (if you’re wordy like me), we can set aside those things which still need doing and instead reflect on what we did accomplish. I think it’s high time we gave ourselves a pat on the back for a job well done.
“What exactly did I do?” Funny you should ask.
I say, “Let’s get listing:”
- I worked forty plus hours at my job, including some weekend work. While this is the most mundane of my accomplishments, it takes up the majority of my time, so it goes on the list. In the Numero Uno slot. Bam.
- In happier news, I slept like a baby this week. I was channeling my inner Oscar. By the way, I am obsessed with his adorable cow belly. Me and this little fella also played a lot of kitty tag. It’s his favorite game, just slightly above let’s chew on Meghan’s arm, where he runs and hides, and then I get to chase him. Then I get to run and hide, and he chases me. I let him win (cough, cough), which is in no way related to the fact he’s much faster than me.
- I did a handful of fitness classes at my gym, including my beloved Spinning and a Boot Camp class, where the instructor had us running, full on high-intensity sprints, on the treadmill. I felt like a contestant on The Biggest Loser, minus the extra baggage. It was super intense, it totally kicked my ass, and I loved it… as soon as it was over, of course.
- Typically I take the weekends off from working out, unless the weather is gorgeous and calling my name or unless the weather is really bad and once again calling my name. Since the weather happens to be so vocal, I snowplowed… the driveway, the walkway, the side of the house and maybe even some of our grass, but would you look at my form. I’m a natural.
- I paid bills and handled the household finances. Not super exciting, but a necessity, at least so long as I want a roof over my head and food in mah bel-LY; my super cute cow belly, that is. 😉
- Speaking of food, I made bread and muffins. Acorn Squash Strawberry Bread and Acorn Squash Blackberry Buttermilk Soaked Oat Muffins to be exact. What can I say? I had a bunch of Acorn Squash which needed handling. Consider it done.
- I spent some quality time with Hubby this weekend, studying Anatomy. Shockingly there’s nothing kinky here, no double entendre, just the real deal. He’s got finals this week, and I’m pretty sure his knowledge about the female reproductive system surpasses even my own. I knew we were complicated, but hot damn.
- I also had a photo session with my food because that’s normal.
- I tackled appointments galore this week: a return visit to the Orthodontist, an annual visit to my lady parts doctor, a trip to my stylist to get my hair did, and equally important, maybe more so, my quarterly blood donation. #givebloodsavealife.
While it might not have been the most titillating of weeks (perhaps I should have stuck with one of my Saturday themed posts; don’t answer that), it was my reality. Often the day-to-day stuff is what makes the world go around; it’s the fabric of our lives. Oh wait, that’s cotton; Cotton is the fabric of our lives. Dammit.
Enough about me. Let’s hear from you.
Interested in participating in the Week In Review?
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the past seven days. It’s an achievement list and one with the sole purpose of bringing pleasure. Want in? Grab the Week in Review button for your post, link back to Clean Eats, Fast Feets and get your list on. For more details, click here.
Link up and get your list on.
What was your biggest accomplishment last week? What was your smallest? Where did the bulk of your time go?
kirsten@FarmFreshFeasts says
[This is totally gonna be marked as spam because of the links, so I may as well throw the phrase ‘your writing is fastidious’ in just for kicks] I’ve got some giveaways going on, and I want someone to win through me. (I don’t get anything for it, but there’s some good stuff, you know?)
Ending today, Anolon pots and pans http://www.farmfreshfeasts.com/2014/01/harvest-sweet-potato-salsa.html
Ending Tuesday, Not So Simple Cocktail Syrups http://www.farmfreshfeasts.com/2014/01/sriracha-butternut-squash-hummus.html
Ending Wednesday, Savorx Spiceologist Spice Block http://www.farmfreshfeasts.com/2014/01/pickled-pepper-and-pepperoni-puff.html
Ending Thursday, Rachael Ray Tools http://www.farmfreshfeasts.com/2014/01/very-veggie-puff-pastry-pizza-bites.html
Now, the reason I am listing my posts and being a comment spammer is germane to the topic at hand–I published 5 blog posts and shared the hell out of a bunch of others via Pinterest. I edited the blog posts in html/Text mode, which is HUGE (yoooooge) for me. I wrote the above code myself (also yooooge) so if the links turn out linked I’ll be tickled pink. I’m quite proud of these accomplishments.
I even managed to feed the family and host the book group — though work was sketchy due to the weather. No complaints from me!
kirsten@FarmFreshFeasts says
OMG! The links worked!
I also did 6 days of the pushup/squat challenge in 3, (really 8 days but 2 of them were rest days) because I kinda forgot to do my pushups/squats on Sunday in Columbus, meant to do them on the rest day (Monday), forgot again until Thursday night but didn’t get going until Friday. But I am caught up, and once I do 3 sets of 40 squats/22 pushups I’ll be done with today’s amount, too.
Lemme hook up a post, though, so your link up gets a work out.
kirsten@FarmFreshFeasts says
And the cowbellycat is adorable, the bulk of my time went to Hashtag#AppetizerWeek, my smallest accomplishment was . . . . reading a book the other night.
Meghan says
By the way, the #cowbellycat is all yours. He along with his brother from another mother broke into my cabinet and dumped a very full glass bottle of olive oil onto the counters, the floors, the cabinets. I just spent two hours scrubbing the kitchen and olive oil continues to ooze out of the floor boards. Not to mention the very fine glass shards everywhere. Grumble, grumble.
Meghan says
You should be tickled pink; that was a helluva lot of work you did, and I hope I win all the stuff. I’ll even share since you did all the heavy lifting.
Tiff @ Love Sweat & Beers says
Mmmm muffins! I love that cow belly. Such a pretty kitty!
Meghan says
Yep, I’m a big muffin girl, especially with fruit and veggies.
Davida @ The Healthy Maven says
The blogs sucked me in last week. Fortunately I had no desire to cook so I had slightly more time. Maybe this week I’ll make it to the gym…or just buy a snow-blower…
Meghan says
Shoveling is a great workout, you just need one of those. Do enough of that and you’ll be back in the kitchen in no time because you’ll be starving.
Fran@BCDC says
It’s a great week whenever there are kitty pictures! I’m getting a feel for my lists. Thank you, Thank you Ms. Meghan. You are the BEST!!
Meghan says
I’m so glad to hear it Fran, and I can’t wait to see how they’ve been working out.
Laura@fitfreshnfunny says
Now I have Hayden Panatierre singing the new Cotton song on loop in my head. Thanks, MEGHAN.
I achieved total dinner domination over my first Bibimbap this weekend. I AM SPARTA!
Meghan says
Mission accomplished.
Now I need to see that movie. Touché’.
Sarah Pie says
That close up of his sleeping face is precious! I was allowed to snow plow once and I DID snowplow some grass… my dad said I was only allowed to use a shovel after that. I also remember when I tried to recruit the BF to help me study anatomy, once he realized I meant actually studying I was on my own 😉
I think the everyday stuff is the best sometimes, and I love that you capture the littlest moments.
Meghan says
Shoveling is a better workout anyway; maybe we should both stick with that.
I’m glad to hear the day-to-day didn’t bore the pants off you; then again, are you even wearing pants?!
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut says
I love reading about your week! Especially when it involves hearing about how you play TAG WITH YOUR CAT (what?!). That’s adorable! I used to have a cat who would fetch and retrieve, plus roll over when she wanted to go outside. I think she thought she was a dog haha.
It’s always weird recapping your week or weekend when nothing amazing happened…sometimes I’m like “um I worked, made food and looked at the internets.”
Meghan says
A cat that would roll over and fetch; now that’s crazy.
I can only imagine if I documented how many hours I spent on the internets. Total time suck right there….wait, maybe I should try that next week…Hmmm.
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
Look at you ploughing through the snow like a boss. It must be accountants work your ass off week worldwide- I got emails from my accounting mates on saturday AND sunday….fun times. I love boot camp classes- They really are a killer workout, I’ll need to find one here!
Damn, I just realised I could have linked up my Monday post because it was pretty much a week in review of Sydney so far…urgh, next Monday. If I don’t, you can ban me from the breadsmith!
Meghan says
Ah the life of a snow blowing accountant…wait, that sounds dirty.
You can link up whenever; I keep it open all week, but if not, I’ll see you on the next round. I know you wouldn’t risk being banned from Breadsmith. 😉
Brittany says
I love seeing how other people take photos of their food..the set ups fascinate me hahaha. I neeeed that bread holy shiiiiittt! Also, I need kitty snuggles..in your bed…with your cat. Nothing else will do. HAHA. YAY for hubby time..and studying anatomy the intellectual way is fun too..along with the physical way. You mad monkey lovers could totally make that into some kind of game..I’ll just stop there..
Meghan says
Maybe a little strip anatomy, although we’ll have to throw the cat out of the baby. Maybe he can stay with you for a bit so we can get some private time. 🙂
I like seeing photo set ups too. They fascinate me.
Jess @ JessieBear What Will You Wear says
Dat cow bellaaayy. Also finals suuck!
Meghan says
Right and right!!
Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli says
Oh your sign off! Hahaha! Love it! And I also feel it is absolutely necessary to point out the fact that you said TITillating! *snort* It did not go unnoticed either that the photo session with your food shot does not actually picture FOOD!
You know I’ve hearrrrrrrd that a high release of endorphins just after studying helps increase the probability of the newly learned material to stick in the mind. So obviously the Hubby should have you know…ran up the block and back down…if ya know whatta mean! Maybe you would’ve been handing more than just acorn squashes. Just sayin. 😉
Speaking of getting fit and shit! Guess what I did! I went to Body Pump twice this week! MmmmHMM! TWICE! And the second time was at 5:30 this morning after I went to bed on two Benedryls and a glass of wine and sleep better than a drunken moose! Bam!
Ugh, the pictures of Oscar…you’re killing me!! Tiger and I play a game too…it’s called Find Out Where I Peed THIS Time! Little shit! Trade ya? Please? I’ll make you a buttery cheesy sandwich filled with veggies!
Meghan says
I have secret food photo sessions without food all the time. I’m honing my skills or something. 😉
The Hubby just finished his last final so he’ll be home for an entire week. I plan to keep his endorphins jumping. Those darn things take forever to heal.
After the great olive oil incident this week, I might consider a trade. Three days later, and I’m still washing the floor.
Girl, look at you getting all crazy in the gym. I love it, and I’m hoping this means your knee is finally coming along.
Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli says
It IS!!! Finally! I surprised myself the other day at Body Pump when I realized I could bring my heel all the way to my booty in a quad stretch! Now if I could just get into child’s pose, I can make my way back to my yoga classes!
Ugh, I can’t believe you’re STILL cleaning that up! Hopefully the Hubby can get your mind off bad kitty things while he’s home! 😉