Get your pads and pens ready because it’s time for the Week In Review.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the last seven days. It’s an achievement list, an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back or smack on the ass. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Need more details? Head here.
♫ You can do it, put your list into it. ♫
I’m obsessed with Timehop, the app that tells you what you did on this day one year ago, two years ago, three years ago and so on. It’s even more entertaining and eye opening now that Ave is just over a year old (14 months to be exact!). There is a marked difference between my life one year ago (hello, baby pictures galore) and every other year before that (food, farmers markets, boozy cocktails, yoga and an entirely different lifestyle). As such, I’ve decided to focus today’s WIR on the things that happened last week only because I hang out all day with a tiny human.
Lets get listing.
My dad and stepmom paid us a visit in the middle of the week. It’s nice to be retired. Not only can I have family in town on a random Thursday, I always beat the crowds and run my errands on a easy breezy Tuesday or a slow and steady Friday.
I sat back and let someone else do all the work in the kitchen.
We hit up the new playground in the hood. It was a whopping success, and Ave was just as enthralled with the other kids as she was the newfangled jungle gyms, which have come a long way since the days of my youth.
I blew up a baby pool. It’s a good thing I’m full of hot air.
I played lots of vocabulary games, which entails rattling off every word you can think of that begins with the letter B or W or whatever letter floats your literary boat.
I mailed bills with the corners chewed off. Who doesn’t like a little DNA with their tax payments?
I cleaned up the puddle of pee the tiny human left on my bathroom floor. I have no photographic evidence of this incident. You’ll just have to take my word for it.
I placed an unusual order on Amazon.
I folded thousands of tiny socks, not to mention onesies and pint sized pants.
I enjoyed quiet time with the kid, watching Baby Einstein.
Last but not least, I watched this video only a thousand times.
It’s official. The tiny dictator is an independent bipedal. Yup, she’s walking. God help us.
It’s your turn. I’d love to hear from you. Link up and get yo’ list on.
What are three things you accomplished in the last week? Big or small?
Martha says
OH MY GOD THE WALKING! Congrats, Ave, and may god have mercy on the rest of you.
Meghan says
Thanks Martha. I think we’re in trouble now. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Susie @ Suzlyfe says
I love timehop/on this day because it really is a lens into another era. I especially love the status updates that make not an iota of sense. And I kind of miss the status updates when it used to be that FB autofilled “Susie is” and you filled in the blank. Just out of nostalgia, I guess.
Meghan says
I’ve stayed away from the status updates so my memories are almost all pictures with some tweets thrown in for fun. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Patricia @Sweetandstrong says
Aw yay for Ave walking! Even though now you’ll be chasing her everywhere, lol.
Patricia @Sweetandstrong recently posted…Summer 2017 Bucket List
Meghan says
Yep, my days are going to be filled with lots of running now…. after Ave. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Jamie says
I LOVE that baby pool! Ours came from Dollar General and already look like they should be parked in front of an abandoned mobile home. Also…Ave rocks the skinny jeans. Let me know what you think of the Honey Stick crayons. We LOVE them!!!! P.S. Went to the Farmer’s Market Saturday for the first time and thought of you : )
Jamie recently posted…How to Talk With Your Spouse About Tragedy Before You Talk to the Kids
Meghan says
My dad and stepmom gave us that pool last year. I think they had it left over from some other grand babies.
I’m excited about the crayons, and I’m hoping she doesn’t break them immediately especially since they cost an arm and a leg. Worth it though to be baby safe and chemical free.
Hooray for farmers marketing. One of my favorite weekend activities. Ave’s a fan of the live music. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Cora says
That video. Dada!!! Ahhhhhh feeling so much joy. Absolutely made my day.
So can I come join in the yard pool parties? Even Batman didn’t have a pool that cool.
Cora recently posted…Week In Review: Soothe the Soul
Meghan says
You are welcome at our pool parties anytime. Bring coffee crisps. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Grandma Lala says
Oh! Oh! Oh!!!! She’s off and not walking, but on the run! I was Proud as punch when my first and second were up on their feet and going! The third, I silently cheered when I caught my older ones knocking him over like a bowling pin every time he tried as feigned anger. The fourth….well, we worked long and hard to have that last child I wanted my last baby to stay little! The kids got nickels for sitting him back down every time they saw him trying to stand on his own! Sarcasm…of course we were thrilled with each ones new steps!
Ave might be showing signs of two things! One, short stature. I too have stand on my tippy toes to clean the top shelf of the fridge. I need a chair if I want to clean all of the to the back! And, Might Ave grow into neat freak, removing everything to get into each corner!
It’s fun seeing her sweet little (okay, lunging) steps, and hearing her excited little voice! Thank you so much for sharing that video! Imagine the difference between now and one year ago! In both of you!
Nothing like movie and a popco…..snack! Oh heck! I grew up with the fear of not always having enough to eat too! There is comfort in just checking on things and knowing! I sometimes hoard food and smile too! That is now in my 100 favorite best of her! Fantastic!
Meghan says
The difference between now and a year ago is absolutely amazing, for both of us. I love the video too, and I keep watching them. Isn’t that the funny part about being a mom? You can’t wait for nap time and when it finally happens, you spend half the time watching videos of them. 🙂
She is definitely a tippy toe walker. Her calves are going to be sooo strong, although I’m hoping she gets daddy’s height. She might be getting my anal cleaning tendencies though. She likes to clear off all the shelves, tables, and even puts things away now…when she thinks it’s a game of course. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87) says
I kinda want to take a dip in that tiny pool! Did you really blow that all up yourself? I get dizzy doing that. You have the cutest little human! recently posted…Egg White Salad
Meghan says
I blew up 85% of the pool before my Hubby borrowed a pump from the neighbors. It absolutely gave me a headache.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Evangeline says
Woohoo!! Ave is officially on the move! Maybe I shouldn’t woohoo. Maybe I should pray for you. Good luck 😉
Evangeline recently posted…Week in Review: Summertime
Meghan says
Yes please, lots of prayers.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West says
OMG that pic with her hand reaching down your jacket is hilarious. And I love seeing the Timehop memories too. I rarely share them but am so entertained by jogging of the memory! Happy Monday, Meghan! 🙂
Meghan says
Ah yes, the joys of nursing. You might be in that same boat soon if you choose to go that route.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Brittany says
I died at the security blanket photo. She is one smart cookie.
Brittany recently posted…Howth, Ireland
Meghan says
I know. The boob thing is hysterical, until she tries to do it in public, usually in a big crowd.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Suzy says
HA HA! The photo of Ave reaching into your shirt is priceless! I love it!!! I also love the blow-up baby pool. I bought a pool too but it sucks. I need to get a blow up one. It’s a delicate balance between buying one that’s too small that it’s useless for toddlers/preschoolers and one that’s too big so that it takes forever to fill up and is freezing. GAH. How about we just come over there and use yours.
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday
Meghan says
You are welcome anytime. Bring the kids and coffee crisps. I’ll supply the booze.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Juli@1000lovelythings says
OMG! I can’t stop smiling about the video <3 <3 <3
But the look on her face when she's casually reaching in your jacket cracked me up 😀 Also next time we come visit Ave has to share her pool with me. I wish I had one like this on my balcony 😉
Juli@1000lovelythings recently posted…The One were I took a break from everything
Meghan says
Ave can’t wait to check out your balcony. I’ve been telling her all about it. Maybe we can pack the pool in our suitcase too. In the meantime, she says come to Cleveland and she’ll share everything but my boobs. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Heather Shoberg says
Go Ave! Looks like she’s on her way to running and oh so much trouble! Haha! That picture of her reaching into your shirt is too funny… I wish I could say that changes, but even now I have to remind the kids to keep their hands to themselves. I get that boobs are magical, but seriously guys?? I’m also a big fan of Timehop. I love to see the changes over the years.
Heather Shoberg recently posted…Road Trip Part 6 – Durango
Meghan says
Boobs are magical. Forget wands and potions, we just need our breasts.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Kirsten says
Wahooooo!Way to go Ave!
I hope you enjoyed your rest over the past 12 months (you were in recovery for the first 2 months donchaknow), Meg, because you’re gonna get run ragged for the next couple years. It’s all good, eventually she’ll see reason.
It’s funny how much like drunks newly walking toddlers are. Can’t reason with them, can only keep them safe. Takes longer for a kid to sober up though . . . years.
<3 the security blanket. Reminds me of Emma after she rejoined me during Kindergarten orientation.
Kirsten recently posted…Fresh Cherry Blueberry Cobbler
Meghan says
They are like drunken frat boys. I’ve been saying that all week, “better knock off the sauce kid.”
I recognize I’ll be experiencing a whole new level of exhaustion. Send coffee and booze please. Also you. I’d love to see you again before you move.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
That video. I can’t stand the cuteness. If I wan’t about to sell my soul to get my knee cut open, I’m fly out to teach her to run to Auntie Laura with a glass of wine.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…How Much Protein You Need After a Workout & Why
Meghan says
You are onto something. I need to teach her how to bring me things. Hmmmm….
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Hannah says
That is some competent walking Ave has going on! Looks like she is ready to get into all the things.
Meghan says
Oh yes, I think it’s time to step up the child proofing. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Misti says
She’s so adorable! And walking so well.
Misti recently posted…week in review: plenty of reading
Meghan says
Yep, my days of sitting back and taking it easy (which is so not a thing) are over. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
meredith (The Cookie ChRUNicles) says
I so miss that little age!
meredith (The Cookie ChRUNicles) recently posted…Trader Joe’s Shop & Ways To Use Everything But The Bagel Sesame Seasoning
Meghan says
Yes, it’s a great age. SO much innocence and curiosity.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
danielle says
ohhhh be still my heart! that video is just too precious. it’s glorious!!! she is just so sweet, i love it. she’s a toddling toddler 🙂
Meghan says
She can keep up with Little Lulu now. Maybe.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Carlie says
That face before she falls on her bum is priceless!
Meghan says
I concur.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Life With a Tiny Human (#87)
Miss Polkadot says
Major milestone crossed off Ave’s life to-do list? Check! Congrats or should I say: Go Ave! Literally. Here’s to running after the tiny dictator as a new form of exercise. I’ve heard it’s a particularly exhausting one. Hm … maybe you should market that as a calorie-torching workout to any of those popular websites ;).
Also, I want to join you poolside and colour with those fancy crayons afterwards.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Changing [habits, wardrobe and routines]
Meghan says
You are more than welcome to join us poolside. Maybe you could chase after Ave for a bit for me. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Sunshine Keister
Kaylee says
Look at Ave go go go!! Not sure if the world is ready for her. It’s always nice to have family in town especially if they take some things off your hectic plate. The pet ate your tax, err, homework?
Kaylee recently posted…Week in Review: An Attitude of Gratitude
Meghan says
Ave ate my tax bill…little muncher. 🙂
Diane Price says
This is too adorable! I think I’ll start writing a Week In Review to remind myself of the seemingly little achievements I achieve with parenting! Haha