This post has been a long time coming.
♫ It’s been a long time (a long time). We shouldn’t of left you (left you) without a dope beat to step to. ♫
I’m bagging the whole food and fitness theme today to get in touch with one of my other lovers. I totally said lovers in the naughty voice too; you know the one I’m talking about.
Oh yes, today we’re going to delve back into the magical place (alright fine, the strange place) that is my mind. There’s a whole lot going on up there; usually all at once, but in addition to my self-diagnosed ADD, or perhaps it’s a major contributor, there is the musical numbers. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, there are songs on repeat play all day long.
For reasons unbeknownst to me, I can’t clearly recall many childhood memories. I do however remember the minutia surrounding them: television jingles, campfire songs, creating dance numbers to Bon Jovi’s Living on a Prayer, performing in a talent show to Milli Vanilli’s Blame It On The Rain (before they were outed, obviously), or the special code for Contra which gave you an 99 extra lives, not to be confused with Jay-Z’s 99 problems. ♫ I feel bad for you son. I got 99 problems, but the [girl] ain’t one. ♫ Whatever the memory, it’s always accompanied by music; lots and lots of music.
It’s a wonder I didn’t choose a career path in the theater… well except for the small fact I couldn’t carry a tune to save my life, which doesn’t stop me from belting it out. Neither does actually knowing lyrics.
Speaking of lyrics, there’s often bits and pieces floating around up there, triggered by a word, a phrase, a thought, a sentence; although there are a select few songs, where I know all the words by heart. For example, I can nail Part of Your World better than the Little Mermaid (♫ I’ve got gadgets and gizmos a plenty ♫). I’ve also got Snoop Dog’s, back when he was still called Snoop Dog, Lodi Dodi down pat because ♫ we love to party. We don’t cause trouble. We don’t bother nobody. ♫ Yep, I can rap too. Better recognize.
So in honor of my strange mental musings and my equally strange love of music, I’m joining Amanda’s Thinking Out Loud and Arman’s Spill It Sunday parties, where we talk about our favorite tunes. Instead of playing by Arman’s rules (♫ She’s a rebel, She’s a rebel ♫ according to Green Day, anyway), I thought I’d share some of the songs I’ve played on the blog and what they mean to me. Besides, there’s no way I could pick a favorite. I can’t even narrow it down to a genre, which is no surprise since my musical tastes are about as far-reaching and wide-ranging as they come. “I dig it the most,” she says in her best Elvis impersonation.
And away we go. (Click on the song and you’ll be taken to the post where it was played).
- Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard: this song makes me want to grab a chair and dance inappropriately on it, over it and under it.
- This or That by Black Sheep: ♫ Engine, Engine, Number Nine. On the New York Transit Line. If my train falls off the track. Pick It Up. Pick It Up. PICK IT UP! ♫ That is all I have to say about that.
- Let Me See That Booty Bounce and Baby Got Back by Sir Mix-A-Lot: these require no explantation.
- Halloween (Original) Theme Music: yes from the Michael Meyers movies; clearly I have issues.
- Gangsta Trippin by Fatboy Slim (talk about contradictions right there) and Dancing With Myself by Billy Idol: these songs make me want to get out of my chair and dance with complete, total and utter abandonment; the therapeutic flailing arms, where somebody could get injured, kind of dancing.
- Homeward Bound by Simon & Garfunkle: this song makes me cry. I have no explanation for it, but there are a couple of things which will make me shed big crocodile tears for no apparent reason. I can go from happy as a lark to weeping in a matter of seconds; again with the issues.
- You Sexy Thang (I Believe in Miracles) by Hot Chocolate, Blurred Lines by Robin Thicke, ABC by The Jackson Five, Good Day by Nappy Roots, Everyday by Buddy Holly : these songs make me smile, plain and simple. I can’t hear them and not grin from ear to ear.
- Thunderstruck by ACDC: this song makes me want to go out and kick some ass or get extra creative in the kitchen. It was the inspiration for my beet juice mimosas. ACDC would be proud.
- Carmina Burana by Carl Orff: because what better way to serenade grilled cheese than with classical music.
- Basshunter by Boten Anna (Instrumental version): this song makes me want to get up and get running, bad arthritic knees and all. It also reminds me of my girl, Liz, who’s trying to stay warm in Fargo. A beet juice mimosa might help.
- Another One Bites The Dust, We Are The Champions, Under Pressure, and Bohemian Rhapsody all by Queen: apparently I’m obsessed with Queen. I had no idea.
There were others of course, but if I ever want this post to end, I’m afraid I have to bring it to a close. Instead of the required selfie for Arman’s link up, I thought I’d go a step further and share a family video instead. I’m on the couch in the back, and I’m pretty sure I was twerking, long before it became a thing. Miley Cyrus owes it all to me. I expect to be thanked in her next speech, right after God, but before Billy.
Do you have song lyrics trapped in your mind too? What are some of the songs you love and why?
Laura@fitfreshnfunny says
Dancing with myself never fails to get me and my husband flailing, usually in the kitchen. Um, there’s always lyrics in my brain…and now push it is back in there. I nudged that back out Tuesday when I made my spin class do jumps to it for funsies!
Meghan says
Gotta love some Dancing With Myself. I wish my spin instructor would play Push It; I need to take one of your classes.
Madison @ Eating 4 Balance says
I know that the title of this post probably wasn’t referencing the version in Pitch Perfect, but I just couldn’t help singing this in my head with an acapella boy band as my back-up singers.
“I Believe in Malcom.” I seriously always thought that’s what they were saying. Miracles. That makes a TON more sense now.
In fifth grade where I was waiting on the steps for my teacher to take us upstairs, I totally lost my balance and awkwardly fell/clung to the steps and my teacher sang “Another One Bites the Dust.” So now whenever anyone ever falls I always hum that in my head.
I only know maybe one-quarter of these songs so I am going to make this post my playlist tonight as I read blogs and am enlightened into the realm of Simon and Garfunkle.
Meghan says
I get lyrics wrong all the time. It’s a common problem, so you’re in good company. I hope you listened to the songs, and I hope you got on the Simon & Garfunkle band wagon. I love them; they have soooo many good hits. Homeward Bound is the only one that makes me weepy though. Good thing, huh.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
Pour Some Sugar — oh gawl… that song definitely makes me want to grab a chair and do inappropriate things to it. So good. And on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, I spent all of Wednesday with Bon Jovi’s Livin’ On A Prayer stuck in my head, thanks to Heather from KMB, and all of yesterday with Let It Go from the Frozen soundtrack in my head, thanks to Alex at The Run Within. Dang bloggers and their dang catchy tunes. If I spend the rest of the day singing Def Leppard, I blame you…
Meghan says
I will take full responsibility for any and all inappropriate chair action. 🙂
Davida @ The Healthy Maven says
I always get the worst songs stuck in my head…they tend to be showtunes. WHY?!? Why can’t the good stuff ever get stuck in my head? I just can’t win…
Meghan says
I think showtunes are designed to get stuck in your head. For real!
Brittany says
I love music..I’ve been so obsessed lately. I do hate it when a tacky song gets stuck in my head’s always a tacky classic.
Meghan says
Well you can’t argue a tackly classic. You’ve just got to accept and maybe even embrace those. Just like dancing with hippies in the middle of the sidewalk.
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
Your variety of song choices……amazing. If Baby Got Back wasn’t there, I would not believe this to be your blog 😉
Embaressing fact- When I was a kid, I was in a choir, and I sang the vocal accompaniments to Camina Burana. I remember that damn Opera because I got told off for falling asleep during the musical interludes….
PS When I visit we are making a Harlem Shake video. With Cheese. And a guest appearance by the Broccoli.
Meghan says
I’ve got lots more where those came from. I’m pretty sure eclectic might be the best way to describe my musical tastes.
I’d love to hear you sing in a choir. Please do it again and then post it on your blog for all the world to hear.
Yes, we will absolutely do a Harlem Shake video; with cheese is a given. Pretty much anything we do will be with cheese. 😉
Fran@BCDC says
This is very creepy, Meghan. I think we are the same person. There are whole chunks of my childhood I can’t remember, yet I can remember theme songs to old TV shows-much older than you would remember, I know who played who on TV shows and movies and all kinds of truly useless info. I even remember song lyrics to very old songs, before my time. I think I might have learned them because I spent a lot of time with my grandparents. Ooooo…freaky…I’m humming the theme to The Twilight Zone right now….do do do do…do do do do…
Meghan says
I remember the Twilight Zone theme song and now I’m pretty sure that’s going to be lodged in my brain for the rest of the evening.
Sarah Pie says
That video. I can’t even find the words for how awesome it is!
I’ve made it no secret that dance parties to questionable music are a regular part of my life… I may just have to run through this whole playlist tonight and see what comes of it 😉
Meghan says
Yes, yes, you should. I want to know what you think too.
Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli says
Woman, I love you. I know you already know that since I seem to be professing it at least once a week, but I am the kind of person who feels you should be reminded of my love on a regular basis…because I don’t dish it out to just anyone!
I am the SAME way with childhood memories…and still not quite convinced that it’s not due to some sort of traumatizing experience that I have blocked from my mind. Maybe it was from all those processed chicken nuggets and French fries…or playdoh fumes…OR, nope, I’ve got it! I KNEW I shouldn’t have stood so close to the Easy Bake oven! Friggin CRAP! <- which is what those tiny little cakes ended up tasting like 90% of the time, amiright? Woooo, tangent! Where was I going? Music, yes…tunage! You have some SAWEEET choices up there, dollface! I'm digging all the Queen and I will always have a special place in my heart for some ACDC. Oh and you should know that I totally busted out laughing over the Def Leopard comment…especially since it's in my workout playlist and every time it comes on, I want to drop my weights and start walking toward the mirror all sexy and seductive…maybe throw my hair around a few times. Completely normal, right? Riiiiiiiight! 😉
Meghan says
Finally; someone who I knew could relate to all this crazy music!! I don’t understand how someone could hear Pour Some Sugar On Me and not want to get inappropriate. It’s like the stripper song of our generation.
I like being reminded of your love on a regular basis. It’s makes me feel all warm and fuzzy so love away doll face. And bring that easy bake oven the next time you’re in town; I never had one of those and I bet you could bust out a fabulous mug cake in that thing. We’ll put sprinkles on it and everything; all while listening to Def Leopard of course.
Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli says
DEAL!!! 😀
Kirsten says
Love this, love you, got some tunes on my brain