I find this whole blogging business fascinating.
Aside from scoping out a recipe here or there, I’m amazed people stop by my little corner of the world on a monthly, weekly or whenever basis to see what’s going down because the easy answer is usually not a whole lot.
While I may be witty, slightly deranged and often times sarcastic, no one has ever described my personality as gripping. Plus, my wild lifestyle days are mostly behind me, unless of course you count my passionate love affair with veggies, cheese and the Hubby, generally not at the same time, although exceptions have been made. Simply put, my life is pretty mundane.
The best part is I like it that way. I enjoy my little bubble filled with unicorns and inappropriate nut ball jokes. It might not exactly be riveting stuff, but it is me through and through. It’s also why I’m astonished people come here willingly to see what I’m going to say next. Spoiler alert: veggies or monkey love will be involved.
To my regular readers, THANK YOU. You rock my non-matching socks off, and I appreciate your support to infinity and beyond, even if it makes you a bit touched in the head. To my new readers, “Come in, come in. Sit down, pull up a chair and feel free to stay awhile.” For everyone else, there are search terms. Specifically the words or phrases you tippity tapped into Google, which ultimately brought you to my neck of the woods.
And away we go.
- Control freak: who told you? It’s completely false. I’ll deny it to my grave or at least the rest of this sentence. Alright! There might be an iota of truth in there. Whatever.
- Glitter: I’ll take seconds please.
- witch eating pancakes: um, not sure what you’re suggesting here, and to be completely honest, I don’t like it especially because I’m more of an eggs for breakfast kind of gal. Protein, bro.
- wearing crocs in public: if you’re looking for validation to wear rubber baskets on your feet, you’ve come to the wrong place. Just say No to Crocs.
- High heel toe cleavage: now that’s more like it.
- naughty snoopy: my brother’s one-eyed dog named Rooster made a pass at my leg this weekend. Talk about a self-fulfilling prophesy. It was awkward to say the least.
- Naughty Dorothy: I’m sensing a trend. I’d also like to meet this Dorothy. She sounds rather compelling, gripping even.
- My tatas are better than yours: those are some pretty strong fighting words from a complete stranger. I say “Bring ’em on.”
- Quiche de broccoli: I feel footloose, fancy free and totally French. Oui, oui, mon cherie. Je m’appelle Meghan, and J’adore croissant and quiche de broccoli.
- Acorn Squash Walnuts: Egads! A new species of nuts; I must investigate this further.
- Nut crusher: aaaand I just scared away the four males in my audience. I’ll be gentle, I promise.
- Two potatoes in love: awwwww. Spud love baby, spud love.
- Cats in workout gear: I do not recommend stuffing a clawed creature into any type of apparel, even workout gear, not if you value your life.
- Crack whores: suffice to say, all are welcome here.
- Thug Love: Where’s the Hubby when you need him?
- Sqush: apparently I have a glaring typo somewhere. Either that or I’m adding to the Urban Dictionary. I’ll probably find Sqush right under my new species of nuts.
- Ode to grilled cheese: we should do this every month.
- I’m my hubby’s pampered queen. No explanation needed.
- I am out of control: this is so yesterday’s news. Been there, done that
- Frenzied cleaning as a disorder: and what of it? In fact, I’m pleased as punch with this behavior. Don’t knock it ’til you try it.
- Parade of Salads because balance.
Balance seems like a good note to end this post on, especially for a Healthy Living Blogger such as myself. Besides, I’m out of terms so our search engine fun is done; for today anyway. Look for round three on the horizon.
Need more? Try What Brings You Here Today: Part One.
What are some of your favorite search engine terms? What brings other people to your blog? What brings you to my blog day in and day out? Thanks for that, by the way. You make my day.
Khushboo says
Totally lolling at “Naughty Dorothy”—> what are you not telling us ;)! Some of the search engine terms that bring people to my blog make me laugh…and also remind me that we are living in a world full of crazies which makes me oh so happy. Just for the record, I am now craving a quiche…and not a crustless quiche. Bring on all the puff pastry!!
Khushboo recently posted…Why I stopped Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Program
Meghan says
You mean a frittata I’m sure. 🙂
I don’t even know a Dorothy. Weird but true.
Meghan recently posted…What Brings You Here Today Round Two
Sara says
What brings me to your blog is actually something you wrote about recently – being realistic and not beating yourself up if you happen to miss a salad and a ten mile run.
Or maybe it’s just because you’re an Ohioan. Probably that, actually.
Sara recently posted…dayton’s elite
Meghan says
Who the heck is doing ten mile runs? Geesh, I’ll take three and call it good. Also, it is not salad season yet. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…What Brings You Here Today Round Two
Anna International says
This! This kind of amusing musing keeps me coming back! You’re you, and unapologetic about it. It’s brilliant and quite different to most of the other blogs I read.
Keep it coming. Also, potatoes in love please.
Anna International recently posted…Abandoned Places: Old Meltham Railway Line
Meghan says
Amusing musings…I like that. I’m going to borrow it. Thank you!!
I’m glad to know I’m not the run of the mill blogger. That makes me almost as happy as potatoes in love. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…What Brings You Here Today Round Two
danielle says
your sass, cleanliness, and witt bring me back, and writing. it’s your writing, and of course your kitty….. hahahaha sorry anyway… heheehee.
after that i happen to love your vanilla gorilla action, cheese and veggie fetish, and any other ramblings. never before have i enjoyed reading a recipe post as much as i do here. the bonuses for me are mentions of crack whores, glitter, and all-things-nuts. you are a saucy girl.
you need some Uni-Kitty!!! if watching the entire LEGO movie is a bit much right now, i’m sure there are clips of Uni-Kitty somewhere in the interwebs.. or tubey tube
danielle says
here ya go! yes i’m a kitty pusher… a UniKitty pusher
danielle says
Meghan says
Ok, this was fantastic. I love it and Cloud Cuckoo. Stay happy!!
I’m also tickled pink you appreciate my writing. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…What Brings You Here Today Round Two
Jessica says
I come to your blog because I love how fluid your writing is and I just KNOW you are like this in person. I feel like we are close friends and have never met. THAT is why your blog is awesome.
Jessica recently posted…Momentum Monday: The Toronto Bike Show
Meghan says
“Aw shucks, Jessica,” she says while kicking feet bashfully at the ground.
Meghan recently posted…What Brings You Here Today Round Two
Chris says
Those are some random search terms! I need to do a post like this; I’ve got some winners. I get a ton of visits from people searching for injuries to their buttocks. Haha! I keep coming back here because you are you! Duh. No other reason needed.
Chris recently posted…2015 CrossFit Open WOD 15.2 Recap
Meghan says
Yes, you definitely need to do one. Search terms posts are such fun and my gawd man, think of all you can do with buttocks. It’s already a winner.
Meghan recently posted…What Brings You Here Today Round Two
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles says
Just the other day someone googled – can I eat cake if it’s snowing — and found my blog. I am still laughing about that one.
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…What I Learned About Myself After Watching Oprah & Ayanla
Meghan says
Ha, that is a good one. Too bad you can’t answer them.
Meghan recently posted…What Brings You Here Today Round Two
Emma @ em-poweredwellness says
These are superb. Most of mine are just unknown search terms, but I did recently get ‘primitive gymnastics.’ Sounds like a fun time to me!
Emma @ em-poweredwellness recently posted…How to Calculate Your Ideal Calorie Intake for Your Goals
Meghan says
Thanks Emma. I have a good time seeing them. They always make me chuckle.
Meghan recently posted…What Brings You Here Today Round Two
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape says
Haha love the search terms! you do sometimes wonder what in earth people think when they type things into Google… Then again I would dread to see some of the things I have searched for over my lifetime!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…CrossFit – Another one in the bag – 15.2!
Meghan says
Oh my gosh, thank gawd we can clear Internet histories. Those would be so revealing. Maybe I should make that my next blog post. Oops.
Meghan recently posted…What Brings You Here Today Round Two
Suzy says
You are HILARIOUS! That’s why I read you. I know most people love recipes but I’ll be honest, I’m not one of those people. I am NOT a foodie. I hate cooking and I don’t care about food. It’s annoying and a waste of time. But you? You are so hilarious and your writing is so magnetic that I end up reading your damn healthy recipes anyway… and resent you for making me hungry. xo
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday
Meghan says
Too bad you don’t live closer. I’d pawn off or at least share some of my healthy recipes with you, especially because I happen to think you’re pretty damn funny yourself.
Meghan recently posted…What Brings You Here Today Round Two
Chelsea @ Chelsea's Healthy Kitchen says
Haha I love seeing other bloggers’ search terms – they’re so hysterical! “My tatas are better than yours”… like what? Why would someone even search that??
I read your blog because I’m checking up on you to make sure you’re turning into a squash lover. 😉 Also you’re awesome and I wish I knew you in real life.
The weirdest search term for my blog recently was “my mom is cooking how to make my dad is fat in my knee”… what does that even mean? Haha.
Chelsea @ Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen recently posted…Miso Edamame Dip
Meghan says
I’ve got a squash recipe in the works, and I think you might like it….
There are no explanations for some search terms, and I believe you’ve got yourself one.
Meghan recently posted…What Brings You Here Today Round Two
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
We had a massive cheese plate the other night. As I was eating it, I said “this would make an epic grilled cheese.” On the rosemary bread we were eating with it… happening this week. Be proud.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Lessons From Route 66
Meghan says
Grinning from ear to ear.
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
Those are some amazing search terms! I like the cleaning as a disorder one because I joke that unfortunately I haven’t been afflicted with that one. On a sad note I once had the search term “what if I can’t run away” and it freaked me out a little. I can only hope the person found something a little uplifting on my blog!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Yoga Home Practice Guide
Meghan says
There are some sad ones in there too, and those are toughest. You always want to find them so you can reach out and help.
Meghan recently posted…What Brings You Here Today Round Two
Brittany says
AHHAHA omg, these are too good. My recent search terms are totally boring and coffee/food related. I did have one food one the other day: “photo of organic hippie.”
Brittany recently posted…Sharing Secrets
Meghan says
Photo of organic hippie is fantastic. I love that one.
Meghan recently posted…What Brings You Here Today Round Two
lindsay says
this is why i love you. ALL OF THE ABOVE! PUBLISH BANANAS, High heel cleavage, recipes, cat photos, sarcasm, and just comfy inviting atmosphere. CLEAN … EATS, and fast (witty) feet
Meghan says
Yes even my feet are humorous. 🙂
Welcome home!!
Meghan recently posted…What Brings You Here Today Round Two
Ashley @ MilesonOats says
I come to your blog because once upon a time I met you in real life, and you had thee most beautiful and authentic soul. I hope that doesn’t sound creepy or extreme, but you were so genuine and I instantly fell in love with your personality. I am sad I won’t see you this year because I can’t afford to go to blend, but sending you love in spirits.
Oh, and don’t let me forget to mention that all of your food looks damn good. That too. 😉
Meghan says
What a lovely comment Ashley. I’m sorry to hear you won’t be at Blend again this year. I would have liked to have seen you and found out what’s happening in your world. I hope Chicago is treating you well and you survived the record breaking winter. I can only image how ready for Spring you are. Hope life is going well.
Meghan recently posted…Seven Simple Dinner Ideas for the Work Week
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
um…It’s your milkshakes which bring me here.
We need to discuss search terms. Some of mine.. oh lol.
Let’s find acorn squash nuts.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday Link Party #214
Meghan says
Yes, we need all the acorn squash nuts. It’ll be a thing. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Seven Simple Dinner Ideas for the Work Week
Kirsten says
The cat. That cat brings me here.
Kirsten recently posted…Honey Banana Oat Muffins
Meghan says
Yeah, he’s a keeper.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: March 2015