If you’re a blogger, you’ve got some voyeuristic tendencies.
You can try to deny it all you’d like, but we know the truth. Seriously, who else puts their lives out there on the Internet for all to see without expecting a little something back. You scratch my back, I scratch yours, without the actual nails being etched into skin. Only the Hubby is allowed to do that, and even then it’s reserved for special occasions.
Where was I? Ah yes, my curious tendencies. I’ve previously admitted to being a grocery cart creeper and there’s a good reason I participate in What I Ate Wednesday on a fairly regular basis, even when it comes with a side of oversharing.
The point is I’ve revealed an awful lot to you over the years, some might say too much, especially where mad monkey loving is concerned, although I’m a firm believer an active sex life with a partner you love is healthy for all involved, so long as you go easy with the nails. Flesh wounds are no fun.
In addition to sexcapades, I’ve shared secrets from my sick bed, I’ve spewed out verbal purges, I’ve run down a day’s worth of activities, and I’ve even showcased an entire weeks worth of meals. I’ve also confessed to shenanigans more times than is probably appropriate. It’s a good thing I tossed proper etiquette out the window years ago.
I’ve put pretty much everything out there, except it turns out, for my actual living space. I have no idea how my house has escaped the wrath of this blog. Oh sure, you’ve gotten a glimpse in past posts, a sneak peek here, a quick look there, but never all in one place at one time. Until now that is.
Creep on my friends, creep on.
The Boudoir: Bow Chick-A-Wow-Wow.
The Attic, also known as the in-law suite, with separate single beds, although, if you want to get kinky, you can turn them into bunk beds.
Guest Bedroom complete with a wall sized mural of Alice In Wonderland because that’s not at all creepy.
The Living Room, also known as the place I take naps during the winter, sometimes the summer. Maybe even in the Spring and definitely the Fall. I like afternoon zzz’s.
Bathrooms, no descriptions necessary, although I wish that towel wasn’t askew.
The Manchuary or more commonly called The Man Cave.
The Three Seasonings Room which only gets used two seasons here in Ohio.
The Dining Room, which is where I do most of my blog writing in the wee hours of the morning. Also, cleaning this chandelier is a real son of a bitch.
The Kitchen, one of my favorite rooms in the house for more reasons than just food. If you can’t already tell, I’m a fan of bold colors and lots of textures.
And just because I like to keep it real, I thought I’d share some pictures of how the house looks the majority of the time.
Covered in cats.
Chairs ajar, his and her laptops, vacuum out, cat food dish chilling.
Pillows a mess, multicolored afghan disheveled. That is Oscar’s blanket, and it sees a lot of action, and I don’t just mean the sleeping kind. He’s an animal, quite literally.
The guest bedroom is always in a state of waiting for clean sheets, clothes to be ironed or laundry to be put away.
Last but certainly not least, there’s always food hanging around, wanting its moment in the spotlight.
Your turn. Tell me a little bit about your house. What’s your favorite room? What does it look like the majority of the time?
I am super neat all of the time, just don’t open my hall storage closet or the kitchen junk drawer, ok? lol
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…Oatmeal Cookie Recipe & Skoop Giveaway!
My kitchen junk drawer is super organized. I clean it out a couple times of year. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Glimpses Into My World
I’m impossibly envious of how neat and photogenic your home is! And I haven’t thought much about the blogging/voyeur thing but you’re right, I’m a completely hopeless stalker so this gig suits me well 🙂
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Workout Recap and Weekend
We’re all a little bit stalkerish so you’re in company. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Glimpses Into My World
Voyeurism and exhibitionism are necessary traits for any blogger. I fully believe that! Good for us we found a socially accaptable way to live it out 😛
You have a beautiful house! And thank you so much for throwing in the last bunch of pictures. You saved me from an existential crisis!
Funnily enough only yesterday when I did the laundry I thought that I never shared many pictures from our apartment before. And I certainly won’t anytime soon as it’s horribly cluttered right now!
Juli @1000lovelythings recently posted…Catching up Monday #24 – Ready for Summer
I had to throw in those pictures at the end. Gotta keep it real.
Meghan recently posted…Glimpses Into My World
Er do you want a new roommate?? I don’t mind camping out in our kitchen..love how spacious it is!! My favourite room at room depends on the city I am in! In London, that would be my kitchen- it’s such a joy to cook in there. However in Bombay, I am obessed with my room as I recently renovated it and I had complete input on the design!
Khushboo recently posted…Weekend eats in London
You’d be welcome anytime, and you can even have the in-law suite if you’re down for a single bed. 🙂
Redecorating a room is invigorating. Glad you got to do yours.
Meghan recently posted…Glimpses Into My World
In LOVE with your home! But… are you trying to tell me that I’ll have to sleep in the Alice in Wonderland room when I come visit? Because… that’s not creepy at all 😯
I have no idea which room I’d pick as my favourite because I like them all equally for different things. The only one I don’t spend a tonne of time in is the bathroom, which I attribute to eating a high-fibre diet 😉
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. greek yogurt banana bread .
Those high fiber diets work wonders.
You can have the guest room of your choice, although it’s between two single beds or Alice and the Mad Hatter.
Meghan recently posted…Glimpses Into My World
oh mah gah, i’m obsessing over your stuff!!! and all that gorgeous wood in the house!!! ok i’ll start with your nightstands. LOVE. and of course the bed. and the kitchen!!!! the backsplash, i just love those tin tile things. whatever they are, i want them for our future house. i redid our old kitchen myself, so i’m very obsessed with kitchens. and all rooms. i love your decor!!! and of course the kitty on the microwave is perfect. your abode looks just simply lovely and a wonderful retreat, if i were living there i would have a hard time leaving 😀 oh my favorite word that i’m sharing: manchuary. my hubby will appreciate.
favorite thing in my office right now? the standing desk that my hubby just mcgyver’ed for my by taking my existing desk and mounting it on a wooden bench. totallyworks. i’ll post pics lol.
danielle recently posted…Sauce & Shoes
Yep, it’s an old house, built in the 30’s. Those suckers have got charm and lots of beautiful woodwork. We actually redid the kitchen when we moved in and took it pretty much down to the studs. The only thing we kept was the cabinets.
Standing desks rock. I want one too.
Meghan recently posted…Glimpses Into My World
I love your style! I knew I would, though. Oh and did you finish Pillars of the Earth? I need to read that book again. Our house looks like an orphanage with beds everywhere but because we have so many human bodies spinning around and bumping into things, we keep it fairly clean and simple. No clutter. Not even much up on the walls or on mantels or anything because with so many people in here, we need to keep the background as empty as possible otherwise it would feel like a superwalmart 100% of the time.
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday
I did finish Pillars of the Earth. Fun fact: I have to finish every book I start, even if it’s terrible. I thought it was good, although not great. The Hubby loved it though so you’re in good company.
Meghan recently posted…Glimpses Into My World
Your house is beautiful Meghan! You must be so proud of it. I love your man cave… I just want to sit there, read with a glass of wine and let time fly by!
When we lived in the country we had a beautiful 3 bed house, it was perfect, but alas we were just not happy in the countryside – it wasn’t us. Now we live in a small tiny apartment right in the centre of Glasgow and could not be happier! It may not have much room but it just feels so much like home 🙂
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…CrossFit – Aces High!
Thanks Jen. The Hubby and I are super proud of it. We worked hard to get here, and you are always welcome to come hang out and read a book. I’ll even supply the wine.
Location is everything!!
Meghan recently posted…Glimpses Into My World
I love your kitchen! I also love that your counter is fully stocked with produce, including bananas, because duh.
My little space is far from a whole house, but it does the job. I sleep about 10 feet away from my home office, which makes getting to work a breeze. Someday I’d like to have my own home, but for now I kind of like how portable my life is.
The counter is always covered in some kind of produce. It’s a thing for me.
I envy your commute. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Glimpses Into My World
I love your home.
Thanks Sunshine! You’re welcome anytime. Hopefully very soon!!
Meghan recently posted…Glimpses Into My World
Dude your place is adorable! I really love the attic – I’ve always wanted to have a real attic. I remember when I was a kid I always tried to climb up into ours (which you could access through my bedroom closet) and was so disappointed when I realized it was just a small dusty space without any magic treasure chests in it haha.
Chelsea @ Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen recently posted…Month In Review: May 2015
I feel like magic treasure chests should be a prerequisite for any attic. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Glimpses Into My World
I’m a little disappointed that your guest bedroom houses clutter. My image of you is ruined.
P.S. People actually clean chandeliers?!
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Back to Reality
P.P.S. I fucking love your kitchen. Especially the bronze tile things and the Coca-Cola beer opener.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Back to Reality
If you think the guest bedroom is bed, you should see my own bedroom. For some reason, those are outside my clutter rules. Open up a closet though and it’s sleeping with the enemy in there.
You will be granted access to the Coca-Cola beer opener when you come to visit. Bring Vegas too.
Meghan recently posted…Glimpses Into My World
Consider it done. We’ll pack giant blocks of feta.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Back to Reality
Can’t wait. I’ll provide the beer.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The His & Hers Edition
That wall mural is awesome! Now I want to paint “Heather’s adventures in wonderland”in my kitchen.
I love my kitchen/living room- open floor plan and lots of natural light.
Your house is gorgeous, btw.
Heather@hungryforbalance recently posted…Money Saving Kitchen Hacks
Now there’s a great idea. A kitchen wall mural could be sweet.
Natural light is a wonderful thing.
Aw thanks, I appreciate the compliment. We like our place an awful lot.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The His & Hers Edition
Gimme that bread! Looks so cute! Way to keep it real girl! xo
Katy @ Naner-A-Day recently posted…Fort Myers Fun
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The His & Hers Edition
SHUUUTTT UP with that Alice mural, that is EPIC!! I LOVE IT. I love ALL things in your house, seriously so gorgeous especially that seasons room. I can’t wait to experience this for myself in real life.
Brittany recently posted…Keeping Busy
Me either. In fact, I even have a small gift for you waiting on one of the dining room shelves. Hurry up and get here already. Alice and the Mad Hatter are waiting. Me too. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The His & Hers Edition
Beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful. THE KITCHEN!! And Alice in Wonderland. I am SO in love.
I love to have it clean and neat, yet I am superlazy and superbusy. So these two don’t mix well, means I have more a messy appartment that I like to admit and like in general. The kitchen is my fave – it’s huge, bright and filled with food and music.
Lucie@FitSwissChick recently posted…Thinking out loud – Summer calls for…..
For all the action it sees, the kitchen is probably the cleanest room in the whole house. I tend to let my mess hang out in the bedrooms and the living room, so you’re not alone.
Also, I’m pretty sure Alice is calling your name.
Meghan recently posted…Throwback Thursday: The CSA Edition
This was so cute! My apartment is so freakin’ tiny. It could probably fit 2x in your living room. I love it because the kitchen has been redone and we have a huge (also 2 season) balcony. #priorities
Melissa @ Mango About Town recently posted…Canadian Nutrition Society Annual Conference 2015