Oh hi. Hey there. So I kind of disappeared last week.
Maybe you noticed. Maybe you didn’t, in which case I’m going to take my wounded ego and hightail it out of here.
On second thought, I’m over it.
I guess I’m back to blogging now, although if I’m being totally honest I’m not sure for how long. Have no fears; I’m not looking to get out of the game for good, but I will say last week’s break was really nice; so nice I might do it again this week. We’ll see. I’m just going to go with the flow and see what happens. Believe you me, this going with the flow stuff is strange. I’m not sure how you normal people do it, although I did start this year saying I wanted to be more spontaneous. For me, this most definitely qualifies, which means I get to check an item off my 2013 New Year’s Resolution lists. Score!
Speaking of lists (aw yeah), it’s time for the Week In Review, where we recap all the joyous things we accomplished in the last seven days or so. Instead of further introspective ramblings from little old me (not in an age sense, mind you because I am most certainly not old), I say let’s get listing:
- I worked forty plus hours at my job with emphasis on the plus.
- I watched a lot of Duck Dynasty. Quite frankly, I didn’t do much else in the evenings last week other than watch this show. I could have given a sloth a run for their money. Suffice to say, I’m completely hooked on the show and the sloth lifestyle. If I disappear again this week, I’m probably not working on world peace, just watching more Duck Dynasty instead.
- I started to get back into a workout groove, going for two runs, knocking the crap out of a heavy bag one night and getting in a boot camp class, which after so many weeks away, knocked the crap out of me. Stupid karma.
- I introduced Oscar to the world of selfies. He’s a natural and of course I’m saying that because he looks like me. Something is wrong with the world when we begin to resemble our pets, or at least my world. On second thought, scratch that (pun intended); I find this picture highly entertaining.
- After a week of a whole lot of nothing, I kicked it into high gear over the weekend and cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom. I’m talking scrubbing flours and cabinets, kind of clean. I’d like to say it stayed that way, but I have three cats and a Hubby so it lasted all of seven minutes. They were a wonderful seven minutes though. Sigh.
- I became a baking machine on Sunday morning, which is apparently what happens when I get ten hours of sleep the night before. I managed to whip up an Apple Honey Oat Cake, a Summer Fruit Cobbler using CSA peaches and some strawberries, and a double batch of Blueberry Lemon Granola; all before noon. The recipe for the granola is coming soon, which translates to when I feel like it since I’m super spontaneous now.
- I hit up the farmers market on Friday, and I managed to nab the mother of all onions, well except there’s two so maybe it’s the Mother and Step-Mama of all onions and some sweet little fingerling potatoes. I have a thing for spuds, which isn’t surprising since I’m Irish. I’ve learned resistance is futile.
- I caramelized the Mother and Step-Mama of all onions in a Crockpot because it seemed only right (sorry ladies). Then I bagged ’em and tagged ’em and added them to my deep freezer. Oh yes, my stockpile of winter food grows. Cackle, cackle.
- I raked our entire back yard because it had become overrun with Acorns; damn squirrels aren’t doing their job. I give them days old bread, and in return they’re supposed to sneak the acorns into the neighbor’s yard. That’s it; I’m cutting them off.
- I sent the Hubby back to school with a huge grin plastered across his face. I’m pretty sure the same grin is spread across my face too. Sorry Da; you know it’s healthy (please, please don’t let this be the day the in-laws start reading).
On that over the top note, I’m off. I’ll be back….whenever.
Interested in participating in the Week In Review…good, you should be.
Here’s how it works:
- Your post should be about all the things you accomplished in the last seven days or so.
- Your post can be about food, social outings, workouts, home improvement projects, fun excursions, none of the above, or all of the above. The idea is to recognize all the things you accomplished in the past seven days. It’s an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back. Plus you get to write in list form, which rocks my socks. Although if you want to stick to prose go ahead; it’s your world.
- Add the Week in Review button to your post, link back to Clean Eats, Fast Feets and get your list on.
- Or you can be like me and make up own your rules. If you can justify it, I’ll accept it. How’s that for lenient?
What did you accomplish in the last week or so? Have you watched Duck Dynasty yet? Don’t knock it until you tried it.
Fran@BCDC says
Breaks are good and you deserve one, Meghan! I enjoyed my break during my trip to Maine. I’m going to be on a bit of a break while we head to Nashville and then on to NM. Once we’re settled in there for a few weeks, I’ll get back to my routine. So I’ll most likely miss next week’s WIR, but I’ll have a LOT to talk about the following week. Take care and enjoy the spontaneity! Love the photo of You and Oscar…so cute!
Meghan says
Your trip to Maine sounded like such a great time. I’m glad you and Gail had fun. Now you get to go and have some fun with Ralph in NM. Have a good time and see you when you get back, Fran.
Eating 4 Balance says
Well, I certainly realized that you were missing. I’m also glad that you checked in. I was getting worried because I knew you didn’t have the husband there to protect you anymore 🙂 But with those bootcamp classes the robbers will all run in fear with you walking down the block!
Duck Dynasty is hilarious. I have the first season on DVD but haven’t seen episodes other than that because of our lack of tv programming other than antenna. I’ve heard that the recent seasons are the best though. Love me some Willie and Uncle Si. And Jase and Phil. Shoot, they’re all great!
Blueberry lemon granola. Yum. Perfect for the end (almost) of Summer!
Meghan says
Those robbers should be in fear; I don’t take any shit AND I’ve been punching a heavy bag in the evenings.
Jase may be my favorite, although Uncle Si is right up there. What a funny show.
Jess @ JessieBear What Will You Wear says
That selfie is hilaarrriiiouuuus. & I feel ya on the break- totally did that this week. Felt great, but I need something to do otherwise I mope haha
Meghan says
I thought so too. Scary how similar we looked.
Glad you had a great break too. No moping allowed.
Brittany says
I’ve been so sporadic with my posting the last like 6months..and I am running with it! If I ain’t got nothing to post about, I ain’t posting! No one wants to read about my 3 BM’s in the day and the backflip my cat did. Ok, maybe they do. Either way enjoy the spontaneous blog schedule!
I am so in love with that cat/hottie selfie. Seriously..every time I see it I’m like YES! I also love Duck Dynasty…can I come over for a baking/cooking/cat cuddling/ DD marathon?!
Meghan says
I want to know about the cat’s backflip.
You can come over anytime and bring the backflipping cat. This I gotta see. 🙂
caren says
I noticed your absence 🙂
I’ve taken a new approach to blogging. I do it when the inspiration strikes and it’s made it more fun and less work.
BTW, holy shit, you do look like your cat!! LMAO …. and I mean that in the best possible way 🙂
Meghan says
Thanks Caren.
That’s how blogging should be although I do try to maintain a schedule much to my own detriment at times.
No offense taken because you’re right. It’s eiry and funny.
kirsten@FarmFreshFeasts says
WORKOUT SUMMARY for 09/02/2013 – 09/08/2013 view all
15 workouts
11 routes
40.9 total dist. (miles)
15.8 hours
3,782 kcal burned
Let the record show that in those 40 miles was one #HouseSpouseTriHalfMarathon, just for the fun of it (actually, not for fun, to reassure myself that I can indeed walk half a marathon in less than two weeks). If I can walk 13.1 miles while taking care of the family dog, cycling through laundry, and lugging a gallon of milk home from the grocery store for the final mile, then, yeah, I got this.
Oh, and we adopted a pair of elderly wiener dogs. I say we, I mean the spouse. I was just his proxy to, you know, sign the documents, pay for the dogs, feed/walk/clean up after/socialize/nurture them until he returns . . . .
I’d say you had a good week, though I missed reading your thoughts here.
I’ve no clue on Duck Dynasty because I have no cable. (I assume it’s on cable? I have a TV, and it gets regular channels when I remember to go into the basement and watch it).
Meghan says
I like when you come in with a BOOM.
I’m telling you, you’ve got this half marathon. No problem. You could probably walk a full marathon if you set your mind to it. Matter of fact, I think you can do anything you set your mind to; you got huevos, which is one of the reasons I like you so much.
Khushboo says
Although I missed your regular blogging, I totally feel you on needing a break…sometimes a little breather from computer time can do wonders for your whole approach towards blogging. I’ve started to reduce my blogging frequency on those weeks I’m just not feelin’ it – I rather no post than a half-assed, forced one :)! I want some of that cobbler…please and thank you!!
Meghan says
Breathers from social media and blogging are a necessary thing; at least for me.
You should have some of the cobbler; it was delicious.
Liz says
Escapism must be in the air… I took a break from all blog-reading and cut back on social media in total. Spent the week reading, exercising and sleeping. I think a cold virus or some terrible allergies swept the house, looking forward to a more connected week ahead 🙂
Your bakes all look so good! Doesn’t it feel swell to knock out a bunch of recipes at once. But how do you eat it all???
Meghan says
Breaks are a necessity and I’m glad you got one, whether it was allergy inspired or not. Reading, exercising and sleeping sounds wonderful to me.
Ha, ha. I actually split it all with the Hubby. I sent him back to school with half the Apple Honey Oat cake, half the cobbler and a ton of granola. The cobbler is long gone and I finished the last piece of Apple Honey Oat cake yesterday morning. I’ve been eating it for breakfast every day. I haven’t actually broken into the granola yet, but it’ll be happening soon, and it’ll get eaten over the course of the next week or so. 🙂
Luv What You Do says
I am all for blogging breaks, so take what you need but always come back to us! Especially with recipes like that cobbler. Mmmm I wanted to lick my computer screen!
Meghan says
Don’t lick the screen; it’s dangerous. Come on over and grab a slice of cobbler instead. Maybe bring some of your fabulous banana bread when you come too. 😉
Britta says
I just stumbled across your blog but I just wanted to let you know that I am coming over for dessert! Or breakfast maybe because you also made granola or I’m down for cobbler for breakfast too – all I have to say is YUM! All of it looks delicious. So rustic and absolutely DIVINE!! haha love the pic of you and your cat – he is SUCH a natural at selfies! hahah the best!
Meghan says
I’m glad you found my blog. I love new comers…so fresh, so innocent; you haven’t been tainted by my sassy mouth just yet. You are welcome to granola or cobbler anytime and I hope to see you back again soon.
Sarah Pie says
Haha you’re funny (so are Oscar and Hubby for that matter!) I won’t say I didn’t miss you but I’m glad you enjoyed a little bit of a break (and a whole lot of Duck Dynasty). When you stop being spontaneous you should share the recipe (or even some general guidelines) for that blueberry lemon granola 🙂
Meghan says
Oscar is such a ham. He loves the attention but I’m pretty sure you can see that on Instagram.
Confession: I will share the recipe, although it needs some tinkering first. I like lemony things to be really lemony and it’s not totally there yet. Close, but no cigar.
P.S. Smoking is bad for your health.
Olivia @ Liv Lives Life says
Hahaha that picture of you and your cat is hilarious!
Gosh, I love cleaning days (well, not the cleaning itself, but the way everything looks and feels after) and baking days. I’m looking forward to the recipe!
Hopefully those squirrels will start kicking it into overdrive the closer fall gets. I’m surprised they aren’t helping you a lot already!
Thanks for hosting WiR, and have a great week!
Meghan says
That’s exactly how I feel about cleaning; it’s wonderful when it’s all said and done, although I do enjoy the baking part of baking days, especially the way the whole house smells like cinnamon, spice and everything nice.
Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli says
Well well well…look at you Miss Spontaneous! If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were doing a bit of mental preparation for my visit in a few weeks? See, you’ll do just finnnnnnne! Going with the flow really does have it’s perks…but I’m pretty sure the natural rejuvenation that comes with it was probably cancelled out by the loss of brain cells encountered while watching an obscene amount of trash TV. Really? Duck Dynasty?! Please tell me your not watching Honey Boo Boo!
That summer cobbler looks amazing! My dad makes the BEST blackberry cobbler and I totally missed out on it this year…he made it on my mom’s birthday like RIGHT after I left. As good as her German Chocolate SEX cake was, I would have traded the whole darn thing for just one slice with a scoop of {lactose-FREE!} ice cream!
I have to say, Oscar IS quite photogenic…though I have to ask…does he have any meerkat in him! 😉
Meghan says
I’ve never seen Honey Boo Boo so no worries, and I will have you know, Duck Dynasty has been very educational. I’ve learned quite a bit about food preparation, including how to cook squirrel. Truth: it really is a good show and while I would call it silly, I wouldn’t call it trashy. The characters are actually quite intelligent and just get up to “redneck” hijinks. It’s not like your typical Housewives which definitely qualifies as trashy. Yes, I watch those too. Hangs head in shame.
Since I am stockpiling food in my deep freezer, I’d say a Peach Strawberry Cobbler could happen in October, and since the fruit was picked in season, it should be like a bite of summer. So they say; we can certainly test it and see.
Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli says
Omg, I’m droooooooling! And ok, I take it back about the trash…honestly, I had no idea what the show was even about. Damn you woman, now you’ve got me curious! Lol