Or really just a cold and a bad sore throat, since my strep test came back negative. It feels like I’m swallowing shards of glass though, so that’s always a good time. My face is a faucet with no off switch, and there’s a high probability I smell too. ♫ I’m bringing sexy back. Them other boys don’t know how to act. ♫
Typically when I feel the first inkling of illness, I immediately call in reinforcements in the form of doubling my intake of nutrients, tripling my vitamin C, gargling with salt water, taking it easy, grabbing a nap, and waking up the next day feeling refreshed and back to my usual ornery self. This is my tried and true method, and it has worked well the last few years, including my most recent Pajama Day. Not this time though since I’ve been down and out for multiple days, to the point where I went and saw a doctor yesterday. Gasp!
While most people would wallow in their illness or pretend they are larger than life and barrel right through it, it just pisses me off. I am an irked, irritated, grumbling, bumbling, snotty mess. I mean seriously. How can I possibly be sick? Am I not super human? (rhetorical questions, no need to answer) I ingest enough bee pollen on a regular basis my immune system should be in peak conditioning. That mother trucker should have ninja skills, like Kung Fu Panda or Jackie Chan. He should be able to ward off five attackers with the pinky finger on his left hand, when we all know he’s right-handed.
I expect my immune system to fight, fight hard, and go down fighting. What it shouldn’t do is catch a silly, stupid little bug. I feel duped, a little tired and a lot cranky pants. Alright maybe I’m doing the wallowing thing. Obviously, I am a crappy patient who’s already completely caught up on Grey’s Anatomy and all the Housewives, sans Miami. I still can’t stomach those suckers.
As such, I don’t have a blog post for you today. I’m sure you understand, and if you want to send some chickenless noodle soup my way, I’d happily accept. I’ll catch you on the flip side or Instagram because social media does not stop for a simple virus, even if my immune systems does.*
*Kicks ground repeatedly with feet, all while muttering under her breath.
When was the last time you were sick, and how did you handle it? Are you a crappy patient too? I’m like a bear with a thorn in his paw. Good times, good times.
oh dear, i’m terribly sorry. i know i’m not supposed to be saying i’m sorry , theoretically, but seriously screw miss manners and screw philosophy and metaphysics for now. it sucks. and it makes me sorry that you are experiencing anything but funky monkey fabulousness. and it pisses me off. damnit, i’m angered.
i hate when any of my favorite peeps aren’t feelin’ filled with fancy-free star sauce, or anything less that gorgeous and glitterful. if i had a magical wand, i’d wave it right now and it would send out beams of super human powers and awesomness. i’m waving my hand so maybe you’ll get something, hopefully it’s good.. ?
i hate being ill. hate it. i’m just not okay with my person being ‘off kilter’ and then i get very cold and icey. it’s not okay, but i can’t help it. when i feel that my walls of immunity are being invaded, i get on the defensive, and see everything and everyone as a possible intruder. like, “don’t get your ass near me if you’re not going to send me positive beams of light” or “stay away from me unless you are here to contribute to my well-being. otherwise eff off”
yeah… i could work on these things. i’m feeling a little off too recently darling, so i do feel sympathetic. i’ve been on/off antiobiotics for the last two years and my stomach feels like a friggin science fair project. i’m ready for a normal day, a day where i just feel normal. but that’s cool, in the meantime i will channel my inner diva or Rupaul.
i need you to feel better, please! for the love of greens…
Antibiotics can seriously eff up a stomach. I hope your normal day comes soon.
Meghan recently posted…My Favorite Spring Recipes & Blogging Baloney
Hoping you feel better! All I can say is, watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix and mainlining ginger ale usually does the trick for me (even if it’s a placebo effect).
Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Meatless Monday: Baked Garlic & Thyme Tofu
I had a ginger kombucha beer last night. Surely that helped. 😉
Meghan recently posted…My Favorite Spring Recipes & Blogging Baloney
I react the same way as you when I am sick… I get so frustrated! I also pretend for so long that I am not sick, to the point where I pretty much can’t function and get so annoyed if anyone tells me to rest!! Urgh! Maybe one day I will learn my lesson and actually rest when I get ill, luckily it doesn’t happen very often!
Hope you feel better soon – sending virtual homemade soup and hot honey and lemon!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…CrossFit – The WOD I was dreading!
Your virtual soup sounds delicious. I’ll take seconds please. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…My Favorite Spring Recipes & Blogging Baloney
Speedy recovery to you! I’m hearing about all sorts of bugs lately and am spending my days knocking on wood that we don’t get anything, but of course, I can’t control this. Hoping it’s a quick one!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Even More Fun the 500th Time
I usually handle being sick by being as lazy as i can and making groaning sounds like a child haha. I was sick for 3 weeks about 3 weeks ago. Just got over it. I made sure to drink plenty of tea and try as many herbal remedies I could. It’s hard not feeling 100% especially if it drags on. But once you get over it its like you get a new outlook on life. As if you became a super woman and you try to make up for the lost time spent being sick.
Kelsey @ Snacking Squirrel recently posted…Small Simple Suppers and Giveaway Reminder
Three weeks is a long time but if it makes me Super Woman in the end, I can endure it. 🙂 I hope I get a cape and those sexy boots.
Meghan recently posted…My Favorite Spring Recipes & Blogging Baloney
Oh NO!!
I want to fly over and be a lazy sick bum with you. Yes, I would even take some of your plague if this would mean we can spend afternoons on the couch watching trash tv.
And by the way, I just think you need a big glass of strong whiskey. It kills everything and it’s classy.
Lucie@FitSwissChick recently posted…Thinking out Loud with Skins on my Skin
I might be dying. Come quick. Bring whiskey.
Meghan recently posted…My Favorite Spring Recipes & Blogging Baloney
Get feeling better! I 100% agree with Lucie’s comment, you need that whiskey. I had some chinese food with that hot mustard over the weekend.. wow that pretty much cleared my sinuses out for the entire season, yikes. You need that too!
Chris recently posted…Fitness Tracking with Journal Menu (with Giveaway!)
I should douse my food in hot sauce. That’ll get me cleared up right quick.
Meghan recently posted…My Favorite Spring Recipes & Blogging Baloney
I hope you feel better soon! I don’t get sick often but the rare time that I do, I always say that my stellar immune system failed me and it’s not acceptable!
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…Would You Still Be My Friend If You Knew?
Food poisoning on an overnight bus in Southeast Asia, a region not exactly known for their smooth roads and fine bathroom facilities. I will say that having food poisoning with your significant other does bring you closer than just about anything else I can think of.
Feel better, yo. Netflix and water are your BFFs (but then again, you already knew that.)
You win. Hands down. No contest.
Meghan recently posted…My Favorite Spring Recipes & Blogging Baloney
WHAT. My poor chicken. the excitement of our upcoming proximity must have done it…..or last week’s antics.
For once, don’t listen to mama arman- She bans dairy whenever I’m sick. I ignore her.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Meet my taste testers + America Update
Well thanks for making me look bad. I didn’t put up a log post because I just didn’t feel like it. You got something up with the plague. Show off.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Spaghetti Fritters. Sort Of.
Well I’m still fighting the plague so I probably should have skipped the blog post and rested instead. Karma biting me in the ass. 😉
Meghan recently posted…My Favorite Spring Recipes & Blogging Baloney
Oooh no- you poor thing :(! Hope you have some reinforcements in the form of movies…you know, for when you overdo it with the Grey’s!! For the past year, I seemed to getting ill every 8 weeks almost like clockwork- fortunately I haven’t been down with the flu since middle of December (proceed to knocking on every piece of wood I can find)…holllaaa to plants!
Khushboo recently posted…Judging others
I’m sorry you’re not feeling well. When I start to feel sick the last thing I do is get all energizer bunny with the salt water gargling. I’m so much better with the wallowing part, and the dogs like to commiserate by sneaking up the stairs to sleep on the pile of clothes on the floor at the side of the bed. It’s strangely comforting.
I hope you feel better soon.
Kirsten recently posted…Egg, Carrot & Kohlrabi Sushi
UGH, I feel for you. Whenever I’m sick it goes straight to my throat (TWSS). I’ve had strep throat too many times to count. Advil, hot tea, new pajamas. I dunno. I hope you get better sooooooon, grumpy pants!
Suzy recently posted…Keep It Down
NO NO NO NO. I am forcing thoughts of sick out of my head. Boston is in 4 weeks and ain’t nobody got time for being sick…
Jessica recently posted…Momentum Mondays: Adapting
You will not get sick. You will not get sick. You will not get sick.
See – all better. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…My Favorite Spring Recipes & Blogging Baloney
HA, we are one in the same…I was sick for a WEEK, and entire freaking week last month and I was beyond annoyed. I do know that it was prolonged because I never slow down, and continued as if I weren’t sick so it’s partially my fault, but whatever. Feel better soon, and get lots of kitty snugs with a side of cookies.
Brittany recently posted…Early Morning Confessions
Dude I know exactly how you feel! I got sick this winter for the first time in years! I seriously thought my immune system was super human, but now I guess I’m just average. It’s hard news to get over.
I hope you feel better soon!
Chelsea @ Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen recently posted…Garlic Yogurt Sauce
It is hard news to get over! Silly non-super human immune system.
Meghan recently posted…My Favorite Spring Recipes & Blogging Baloney
Ugh, hope you feel better soon!