Get you pads and pens ready because it’s time for the Week In Review.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the last seven days. It’s an achievement list, an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back or smack on the ass. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Need more details? Head here.
♫ You can do it, put your list into it. ♫
My title makes me sound like a hard core fitness blogger, ready to tackle the topic of adrenal fatigue while simultaneously downing my protein powder packed recovery shakes, when the simple truth is I’m an introvert and I needed some time to recharge my batteries after having company and celebrating Ave’s birthday the week prior. Oh and and the repair business…yeah, that was home improvement projects.
Let’s get listing:
I watched soooooo many episodes of Outlander, even when Ave was napping which is the holy grail of get shit done time. It was decadent and lovely.
I exercised a boatload (spinning, running, and weights, oh my!) and I binge read the book Rash: A Memoir by Lisa Kusel. It’s what Eat, Pray, Love would have been if I had embarked on a spiritual journey. Centered in Bali, Lisa finds massive amounts of mold, scary sponge hygiene, and spats with a spouse when tropical paradise doesn’t turn out as expected. It was a fast and fabulous read. I highly recommend it.
I had my annual gynecologist appointment. In typical doctor fashion, I waited almost an hour to have my nether regions probed, when I should have stayed home and let the Hubby handle it. He’s much more efficient.
Speaking of the man, we went out for lunch one day. I hoovered down a salad, which wasn’t nearly as good as my own.
I ate my body weight in veggies, followed up with spoonfuls of peanut butter because protein bro.
I did piles of laundry, including folding and putting away those same clothes. Hashtag winning.
As for the kiddo, we soaked up the sun and frolicked with the flowers whenever the weather was warm enough to allow it.
And when it wasn’t, we got fancy with a fire and spirits, the drinkable kind, not the poltergeist stuff.
When I wasn’t relaxing and recovering, I was repairing the house. I used the cordless screw driver to fix some drapery hooks with molleys, and I made a wood epoxy and spackled it on some bad patches on the back porch. Next up, only a thousand little things. Move over Tim Allen.
The highlight of my week though was attending The Chef’s Fantasy dinner on Saturday night with this lovely lady. We got a night off from momming complete with tasty vittles, more cocktails than was appropriate and a chance to pee in private. It was everything.
Now it’s your turn. I’d love to hear from you. Link up and get yo’ list on.
What is something you accomplished in the last week? Big or small. Do you do repairs around the home?
I love reading about your week. You have so much energy! I remember those days of feeling like I SHOULD be doing something productive while the baby is sleeping, but would somehow wind up watching Late Night With Letterman that I had videotaped (yes, I am that old) instead. Wait….is that wine in your coffee cup?
Laurie recently posted…Ukrop’s Monument Avenue 10k Race Report
Coffee with a little bit of Bailey’s. I’m that old too, so I’m happy to hear I’m in good company.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
My favorite lunches are like your assorted veg/fruit/hummus/cheese platter. I think I’m going to have to make one today for me and the kid. Maybe we’ll eat it on the floor on a blanket – she loooves picnics. They’re toddler gold. On Friday I got a copy in the mail of a magazine that published two of my poems. It was very fun to see them in print 🙂 We also hit up a kids birthday party on the weekend (didn’t crash it, we were invited lol) and had lots of outside time. Finally the snow is melting here!!!
Ave loves picnics too. I’m just waiting for some decent weather so we can enjoy some outdoor dining again. It snowed here again today. Sigh.
Congratulations on getting your poems published. That’s wonderful news!!!
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
You’re just getting in allllll the special kinds of doctor appointments these last couple weeks aren’t you? I hope this one wasn’t as traumatizing as the other one. You’re brave. Well done.
That paragraph about house repair could have been out of a made up children’s fairy tale book …. I don’t think I understood one word (though epoxy and spackled are now going to be in my regular vocabulary). Except Tim Allen. Thank you for bringing back my fond Home Improvement memories. You woulda ripped him to shreds.
Your night out on the foodie-town looked lush and spectacular. So glad you got to enjoy this!!
Cora recently posted…Week(s) In Review: Falling Off The Blog, Baking and Everything Band Wagon
The foodie event was amazing, and it felt so good to be put on a little black dress and some heels.
I caulked the roof yesterday. You’ll have to add that to the vocabulary too. 🙂
Welcome back. You were missed.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
What a wonderful way to begin my week: seeing you tell the world that my book was a great read. As if you don’t do enough already…here you are making a stranger feel your love. Thank you.
You are most welcome, and thank YOU for sharing your memoir. It was wonderful.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
I reviewed Rash for the literary mag I work for!!! Did I tell you about it? It’s awesome, right?
Jamie@TheMomGene recently posted…Here’s What a Sensory Processing Disorder Really Looks Like
Yep, you were the one who recommended Rash and I loved it. THANK YOU!
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
LOL couldn’t stop laughing at the gynecologist part. You almost made me choke on my green tea 😉
Glad you got to recover from all the bustle this past week!! Always nice to catch those breaks 🙂
Nicole @ Laughing My Abs Off recently posted…Moments of Magic + Weekly Workout Recap {Stress, Bye}
Breaks are everything for stay at home moms. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
Oh heyyy I had my gyno appointment recently too. And had to explain to John that no, he doesn’t have a cervix and doesn’t need pap tests hahaha.
Restful weeks of recharging are the best. That’s what I’ve been doing these past 3 days. Not by choice, since I’ve been trapped indoors by an ice storm, but I’m definitely not mad about it.
Chelsea A recently posted…Things I’m Loving Lately – Winter 2018
We need to get John to an anatomy class stat. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
That dinner sounds amaaazing.
And house repairs…yeah I should do some of those. But also yard repairs, because the voles had a tunneling good time this winter.
We have an underground network of holes caused by our lovely chipmunks. Once the weather turns, I’m sure Oscar will go back to stalking them.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
I love memoirs! I’ll have to check this one out.
Also I just discovered Outlander this winter and…yeah. It’s great. Excellent way to spend nap time!
Joyce @ The Hungry Caterpillar recently posted…Crashes, Bumps, and Stuff that Just Happens
Outlander is amazing. I’m already through the first two seasons. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
If we needed to do home repairs, I would be the one to do it. David isn’t that great in that department, bless him, but I think I was just lucky that my dad always had a lot of tools so I grew up around using them.
I have however been doing a lot of cleaning, washing and cooking in preparation for my parents coming today. Including getting out and washing all of our winter clothes. Yup the temps are finally dropping and blankets, jumpers and trousers are all being worn again. I forgot how much I hate the cold!!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Week in Review
Hooray, the parents have arrived. Enjoy your time lovely. Post some stuff on IG stories please so I can see.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
ugh, I hate the gyno appointments! even though it’s like 2 seconds of discomfort (which doesn’t even hurt but you know what I mean), I dread the whole thing every year lol
And this one was made even worse by the extra and unexpected intrusion, literally.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
Look at you go! HGTV would be proud. You’re going to have to start your own show/business.
I saw all your adventures from the dinner on Instagram. What a nice treat. It looked amazing! Which one was your favorite dish?
Kaylee recently posted…Week in Review: Life Lately
I think the peanut stew was my favorite. It was vegan and had a nice quiet heat about it.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
I never did anything handy until this move. I don’t have Vegas to depend on… so I’m not super handy. And goddammit if she won’t let me forget it now!
Peeing in private sounds super fun. And safe – no risk of pee pee tapes. (PLEASE GOD LET THOSE LEAK!!!)
I’m waiting for the day Ave broadcasts me peeing on IG live. Stranger things have happened.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
I feel you on the recovery part. It’s so weird, every time I am at home alone I feel like I should rather be out seeing people and when I am actually having company I would much rather be home alone! #theintrovertparadox
I hate when you have to wait forever when you have a doctor’s appointment. When you’re waiting for an hour every time you go there they very clearly don’t manage their appointments very well. So annoying. I wonder what would happen if you showed up an hour late 😛
We have a few home improvement projects coming up in the next weeks. Re-organizing the basement and painting and refurbishing the office. Finally, I convinced Stefan that the office needs some love and he eventually convinced me that the basement is an everything hazard. I will hate every minute of actually doing it but I am excited about the outcome 🙂
Juli recently posted…Week in Review – Gathering it together again
I’m excited to see the outcome. I’ve got my eye on cheap flights and I’m ready to pounce as soon as a good deal comes up. We can drink coffee and be introverted together. I can’t wait.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
It’s good to see you and Ave enjoying a tiny bit of spring. {said while eying the 90 degrees weather outside my door}
Misti recently posted…week in review: whirlwind
We’re back to frigid temps and snow so don’t feel too envious.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery and Repair (#128)
I’m such a bum, nap time for Emma is when I catch up on all my guilty pleasure and trashy tv shows.
Jen recently posted…Sausage, Egg and Potato Casserole
Normally that’s how I spend my evenings. 🙂
whoa looks like you had a pretty spiffy week! spiffy and sparkly! your’re right the salad you had out doesn’t look nearly as good as your own salads but you’re a salad genius and i doubt they can afford a salad genius on their kitchen staff 🙂
i started a new job and a new schedule last week, or should i say tiny tot started a new schedule.. hmm. it was great. love my new gig in outside sales with furniture. hello shopping for me! life is moving too crazy fast though. these kids are growing up and i’m feeling like whattttttttt happpened??? but kinda loving it and loving the adult conversations we’re having LOL