Confession: I don’t have any Italian in me.
The Hubby is German.
Which is no way stopped me from naming this sandwich The Ultimate Italian Panini. I’ve got it from a good source it totally fits the bill and by good source, I mean me. I promise to be impartial (cough, cough).
This is quite simply yet another submission in my summer quest for Sandwich Porn.
It’s possible this bohemian badass just may take the cake though. In fact, it’s so damn good, I should declare myself the winner, tap out now and retire with my crown still intact.
Then again, I do like my summer sandwiches, especially when all I have to do is fire up the Panini maker. Translation: plug it in. High tech thingamabobs are my specialty.
So are sandwiches, partially because they give me an easy excuse to ingest more grains. The Breadsmith, being mere miles away, doesn’t hurt either. There are days I can and have lived off their transcendental loaves of love. Take their Tuscan Herb bread for example; it’s like manna from heaven. Chock full of Italian herbs, it’s magic all on its own and equally as tantalizing when used in a sandwich, like this one.
Bread aside, let’s talk about the ingredients inside this Italian Panini. To start, there’s only a handful, which I love. They also complement one another so wonderfully you think they’ve been together forever.
We have a dollop of pesto as our base, store bought or homemade; it makes no difference, although since I’ve made pesto the last three out of four weekends, you can bet that’s the route I’m going. My basil plants are busting out right now. Remember what I said about your chives. Well, the same is true of basil and most herbs really. Essentially, if you eat them, they will prosper.
Aside from the most fantastic pesto, these sandwiches contain a healthy dose of mozzarella cheese, roasted red bell peppers, quartered artichoke hearts and sweet red onions. Also known as everything your veggie loving soul could desire between two slices of herby baked bread. Roasting the red peppers takes this sandwich to the next level, and it even made the Hubby utter curse words of delight. The man doesn’t even like artichokes; yet he went back for seconds of this.
In my not so humble opinion, this Ultimate Italian Panini is epic.
It’s also damn good for you too. Artichokes are pretty much a super food in their own right. In fact, I’m just waiting for science to catch up with my hypothesis. They’re packed with antioxidants, vitamin C and potassium. They’re great for aiding in digestion, boosting immunity, and they’re fraught with fiber, and we all know fiber is our friend. The rest of the ingredients garner a good does of healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, calcium and protein, because protein bro.
Be still my souped up, pimped out veggie loving heart.

- 2 slices good quality bread, I used Tuscan Herb
- 1/2 Roasted Red Bell Pepper*
- 1 Tbsp. Pesto
- Mozzarella, several slices, enough to cover the bread.
- 5 quartered Artichokes, drained.**
- 1/4 of a Red Onion, sliced in rings.
- Olive Oil or shortening agent of your choice.
- Turn on your Panini maker.***
- Spread pesto on one slice of bread. Top with mozzarella cheese slices, roasted red pepper slices, quartered artichokes, and sliced red onion. Finish with the other piece of bread. Spread a touch of olive oil onto the bottom of Panini maker and also the top slice of bread.
- Place sandwich on Panini maker, with the unoiled slice of bread on the bottom. Close lid and let grill for five minutes, until the sandwich is golden brown on the outside and warm on the inside.
- Remove from Panini maker and let sit for two minutes, allowing the cheese to firm up slightly.
- *You can buy roasted red bell peppers or make your own. I made my own a day ahead of time, using this recipe:
- **I like using the artichokes marinated in olive oil, although the ones marinated in water work too.
- **If you don't have a Panini maker, you can make this on a skillet on your stovetop, no problem. Be sure to oil both outside slices of bread and flip the sandwich halfway through cooking. Cook on both sides until golden brown on the outside and warm on the inside.

Blackberry Peach Grilled Goat Cheese
What’s your favorite summer sandwich combination? Do you have a special source for your bread?
Humbleness is overrated! Really! It’s shit people teach little girls. And then they wonder why men are paid better and have more success. Rant over – women working in gender mainstreaming speaking here.
But seriously, I am so gonna roast some peppers tonight! THIS LOOKS EPIC! Another badass sandwich to kick some (taste) buds 😉
I seriously LOVE the sandwichporn quest 😀
And the hubby is German?
Juli @1000lovelythings recently posted…Catching up Monday #27 – Juliland Shenanigans
I am thrilled you’ve already gone and made this. YOU are AMAZING! Also, I love our quest for #sandwichporn. Mission accomplished.
The Hubby’s roots are definitely German although neither of us have ever been to Germany. It’s on our bucket list.
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
Totally worth to change dinner plans 🙂 Stefan loved it, too!
I might be a little biased but Munich is particularly nice. And I know someone who’d be happy to show you around 😉
Juli @1000lovelythings recently posted…Catching up Monday #27 – Juliland Shenanigans
I will definitely tell the Hubby. I’d love to see Munich.
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
Italian or not you clearly know good food! This looks incredible, I’m living vicariously through your quest for sandwich porn 🙂
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Week In Seattle Recap
Better yet, join our quest for sandwich porn. This too can be yours. 😉
That looks GOOD … but can you make the ultimate German sandwich? 😉
Sara recently posted…all the small moments
Hmmm, a vegetarian German sandwich. I think I have my work cut out for me. Challenge accepted. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
Jessica recently posted…Goals for July 2015
And ignore the redundant apostrophes…
Jessica recently posted…Goals for July 2015
Redundant apostrophes? I see nothing. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
Great veggie-and-cheese loving minds think alike. I’ve been making a pasta salad this summer with artichokes, roasted red peppers, mozzarella, and homemade pesto that has been a huuuge hit. Stuffing it all between two slices of amazing bread sounds even better.
I missed your Blackberry Peach Grilled Cheese the first time around, but I must say that it’s speaking to me now.
It sounds fantastic in a pasta salad too though. How about you try mine and I try yours? Deal, deal.
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
okay firstly, I can totally see a whole series of skits based on your recipes – the intros that is – they deserve their own skit.. I can see a waiter coming over to a table and breaking into song as he/she describes the dish that is about to be presented. it’s very theatrical, dramatic, and entertaining. that’s how I feel when i’m reading your recipe intros, like i’m being serenaded by some gastronomic poet! we should collaborate one day, I suspect we could take over the world. I don’t know what I would do, but I sure as shit wanna be there when you dominate #vanillagorilladomination
how could anyone not want this? it has roasted bell peppers – check. artichokes – check. pesto – check. all kinds of other amazing shit – check. flavor explosions to the max. OMG gimme gimme gimme.
danielle saucy smith recently posted…sweaty runny story
A gastronomic poet, I like it. It has a certain ring to it; makes me smile.
Yes, let’s definitely figure out a way to collaborate. We could make amazing music (or words) together. Think of the shenanigans.
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
yes, the shenanigans!!!!!! exactly 😀
danielle saucy smith recently posted…A Side of Fun
The wifey isn’t German, but she is a bread and cheese whore. I’m pretty sure this would make her day. And mine, for that matter.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Freedom for All 4th of July Recipes
I think you should make this for Vegas. You practically owe it to her after she sent you those beautiful flowers last week.
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
Damn, I am drooling. You didn’t promise too much, this DOES look epic! I love the addition of artichokes.
I am on love with parmiggiano and prosciutto. Paired with artichokes, I guess it would be heaven too.
Lucie@FitSwissChick recently posted…CrossFit – when mentality takes over
Salty cheese, salty meat and delicious artichokes. Yeah, that could totally work. Sounds pretty damn good to me.
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
My favorite summer sandwich is very similar to this, but uses hummus in place of cheese. Either way, super delicious combination!!
Heather@hungryforbalance recently posted…The weekend of chocolate recipes
Hummus would be great here too, although the odds of me skipping the cheese are slim to none. It’s an addiction I happily invest in. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
I seriously start salivating looking at this sandwich. I need this in my life ASAP.
Sara @ Oats & Rows recently posted…Summer Kale Salad with Blueberry Avocado Vinaigrette
I agree with you. You should make one. I promise; you won’t regret it.
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
That’s the sexiest sandwich I’ve ever seen!
Suzy recently posted…Christianity vs Homosexuality = Lonely
Why thank you. I curtsy before you.
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
Despite having no Italian heritage, looks like you nailed this sandwich…artichokes & sundried tomatoes can make anything go from yum to EPIC! Fun fact: panini refers to plural grilled sandwich whereas the singular form is paninO :)!
Khushboo recently posted…Why I stopped counting calories and tracking macros
Oh man, I need to be calling my sammies Paninos then. Eep.
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
Yum! We really do have identical tastes in food as this sandwich looks absolutely perfect to me. I had a pizza with a lot of these toppings on it recently and it was to diiiiie for.
Chelsea @ Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday: Dietitian Edition
Yes, I love these same ingredients too, on a pizza, in pasta, in a quiche, pretty much anywhere apparently. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
Those ARTICHOKES! This is freaking gorgeous, I want to eat every last bite. You know that’s saying a lot coming from me. I am in fact part Italian, perhaps that’s why.
Brittany recently posted…Rock My World
I will make you one of these or some other sandwich of your choosing. Heck, we could even do make your own Panini day. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
I absolutely LOVE that you have put artichoke in this. Artichoke is not used in meals enough I don’t think. Huge sandwich craving over here now.
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy recently posted…Comment on Feta, Avocado and Roasted Red Pepper Sandwich by Dannii
Artichokes are amazing. I adore them.
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
Promise to feed this (and every other one of your sandwiches) to me when I come visit, because daaaaaang do you ever come up with some killer combos. Me? I’m not that creative with my sandwiches. Wraps I can do better, but sandwiches usually just end up being almond butter and jelly/banana — it’s that sweet tooth coming out in me 😛 And artichokes scare me — I’ll let you handle those too.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. currently – july 2015 .
I will feed you all the sandwiches. Maybe even try out some artichokes. They’re way better than almond butter and jelly. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
Good Lord…YES!
Thanks Jennifer!!
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
Holy wowsers that panini!! I stumbled upon your site from Peas and Crayons, and I am sure glad I did! 😀 Awesome looking sandwich.
Ashley @ Fit Mitten Kitchen recently posted…[WEIGHT TRAINING] Total Body Circuit
I’m sure glad you did too. You are welcome here anytime, especially if you want to join my summer quest for Sandwich Porn.
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
My whole family loves paninis. Your recipe looks delicious. One of my favorite sandwich combos is grilled veggies and goat cheese. I think I’m going to have it for lunch. Have a fantastic Thursday Meghan!
jill conyers recently posted…Fitness Humor, HIIT, Legging Love
Mmm grilled veggies and goat cheese sounds phenomenal too. I might have to do that one next!
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
You’ve got so many great flavors going on in this sandwich. Sounds like the perfect lunch to me.
Christine from Cook the Story recently posted…Corn Salad Recipe Reshoot
Thanks Christine.
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
This is exactly what I want for lunch, but didn’t know I wanted! YUM
Rachel @ Simple Seasonal recently posted…Zucchini and Chive Quiche
Well I hope you make yourself one then. I promise you won’t be disappointed.
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
Trying this right away, because DANG THAT LOOKS GOOD! Thanks for sharing! I could go for one right now if you can deliver!
Gretchen | Gretchruns recently posted…Interview with Women’s Health Mag Next Fitness Star Finalist
I could go for a delivery of one of these right now too. Hmm, maybe I should make us some.
Meghan recently posted…The Ultimate Italian Panini Recipe
Now THAT is a sandwich! I love everything about this recipe…paninis are a big fave in this house! Pinning and sharing!
Michelle @ A Dish of Daily Life recently posted…Outdoor Living and FoodieFriDIY no 53
Now that is an awesome collection of paninis. I have to try your ultimate Italian panini recipe.
Healing Tomato recently posted…Summer Lemonade
Time to do 2 things: #1, add herbs to my multigrain sourdough bread. #2, hit up Costco because I think I emptied out a jar of artichoke <3s before we left on vacation.
This sandwich looks divine, and I bow before your porn.
Kirsten recently posted…Grilled Napa Cabbage and Chicken Skillet–Using the Grill as a Summer Kitchen
I’m out of artichokes too and those little Pita crackers and since we’re in the heart of Fattoush Dip season, we better get cracking!!
I made this Ultimate Italian Panini today, with a few minor variations– while oven roasting my red bell peppers, I thinly sliced up some red tomatoes,. I seasoned some olive oil with a little Himalayan pink salt, ground black pepper, garlic powder, Italian seasoning and a little cayenne, lightly dipped the bell pepper and tomatoes in the seasoned oil, and roasted them. I had some really good multi grain bread, and Gouda cheese. I spread the pesto on the bread and followed the instructions, adding the cheese, red onion, artichoke, roasted bell pepper, and roasted tomatoes, put he sandwich in the panini maker and oh my goodness, need I say more…it was totally AWESOME!!! I absolutely LOVED it. I made a bit of vegetarian potato salad, and I was in veggie heaven. Recipes like this one helps me to appreciate my plant-based diet more and more. Thank you for posting and sharing such a healthy awesome sandwich.
I love your variations and I’m sure adding and roasting some seasoned tomatoes only amped this panini up. Multigrain bread and gouda cheese would have been the icing on the cake. Thanks for sharing your tweaks and your thoughts. I always appreciate the feedback, and I’m tickled pink you enjoyed the sandwich. 🙂
I can’t wait to try this recipe! The ingredient looks so healthy and delicious
Paul Carabis recently posted…Me Smooth Reviews