It’s high time for a Currently post, which means I get to bag the introduction today.
Don’t tell my former English teacher. She’d be horrified and hunt me down just to slap my knuckles with a ruler. Either that or I’d have to wash the chalkboard a hundred times until my hands were red and raw. Shakes head. Nuns.
Hmm, we better get started before I insult any more religious figures. For the record though, I’m rather fond of those same nuns.
Current Book: I’m about a quarter of the way through Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. So far, “It’s just ok for me dawg.” Time will tell.
Current Music: instead of giving you an actual song, I thought I’d share some of my Pandora stations. My musical taste might best be described as eclectic. Yeah, that works.
Current Non-Guilty Pleasure: getting as much fireside time as possible. Cold weather is Nature’s way of forcing me to relax, and I don’t hate it.
Current Confession: I haven’t touched this puzzle since Amanda left. It’s like I can’t bring myself to work on it without her. Granted I did have to go back to work this week, so that might have played a role.
Current Drink: still smoothilicious.
Current Food: easy carbs and breakfast sammies.
Current Obsession: obsession might be putting in mildly considering I’m averaging a pint of raspberries a day and a box of Cheez Its every few days. Yin and yang.
Current Excitement: I’m going to Buffalo this weekend to see my family. It’s been far too long since my last trek home, and I can’t wait to squeeze all their faces and smother them with love, or at the very least meet my baby brother’s newest pooch.
Current Wish List: to get to the gym. I haven’t been in a month, and I miss it. My muscles are atrophying.
Current Bane of Existence: Oscar is passed out in my lap, and I really, really want to get up and grab a cup of coffee. I can’t bring myself to move him though. The struggle is real.
Current Blessing: ALL of YOU! You rock my fuzzy winter socks off. I was thrilled to see so many of you participate in the Week in Review Link Up this week, and I can’t wait to replicate it again come Monday.
♫“We’re bringing [listing] back. Them other boys don’t know how to act.”♫
(Picture ninjaed from Juli.)
Current Indulgence: Apple Pie Bread from the Breadsmith. Ah.Maze.Ing.
Current Epiphany: Superman is from Cleveland. No wonder my city is so badass.
Current Needs: about that coffee. I’d still love a cup. Anyone wanna be so kind as to bring me one? It doesn’t need to be fancy. Just hot and caffeinated please. If it helps, I pay in homemade granola.
Current Triumphs: I finally tackled my very first spaghetti squash, which is a good thing considering I have a basement full of them. Fall CSA’s are… ♫ all about that squash, bout that squash, some spuds.♫
Current Thankfulness: Geauga Family Farms. They got me a thank you gift for supporting the summer CSA season. In the meantime, I’m grateful to them for making fresh, organic and local produce so readily available to little ol’ me.
Current Fear: my Week In Review link up will be a one hit wonder, so please come back. Tell a friend. Tell multiple friends. Tell everyone you know. Shout it from the rooftops. Too much? Nah.
Current Laughs: this comic. So true.
Current Links: Pinterest. I did a little reorganization, including creating a shitton of new food boards, some dedicated solely to spuds. You know I love me some potatoes.
Current Mood: a little giddy, a lot musical. Maybe I don’t need that coffee after all. Nah, bring on the caffeine.
Your turn. What’s Currently going on in your world? Current book? Current obsession? Current Pandora stations? Current confession? Current mood?
Aw Hudson made the blog! We can’t wait to see you guys!
We are too. It’s been way too long, and I can’t believe you have a new puppy I haven’t even met yet!
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
Oh god OSCAR <3 <3 <3 I hope the cat likes me because if not I'll be heartbroken! The cat I had as a teen did the same, sprawling all over my lap and then falling asleep and forcing me to remain seated!
Well done on the spaghetti squash front. I love that stuff. The weirdest thing ever but super tasty is to stir-fry it with an egg and cinnamon.
Enjoy your weekend. I hope you have a great time in Buffalo!
P.S. I'll be around on Monday with a new list and in one month -1 day in the flesh 🙂
Juli @1000lovelythings recently posted…Being Creative or not
1 month in the flesh! That is awesome. Insert squeal here. I’m saving some spaghetti squash for you.
I’m sure Oscar will like you. He got along swimmingly with Britt and Spoons. Not gonna lie, he hid from Arman. I suspect it’s because he knew Arman’s intent to eat him. Silly boy, smart cat.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
I didn’t get into Outlander until I was halfway through the first book. It’s all downhill from there because there are like 8 more, all just as long as the first. If you stick with it, be prepared to give up your social life.
Kelly @ Kelly Runs for Food recently posted…Friday Favorites 10.23.15
And now I kind of want to run away from the book. I’m hoping I can put a dent into it on the car ride to Buffalo today because I still just feel rather meh about the entire thing and knowing it’s so long and I feel that way freaks me out. I have an irritating happen where I have to finish every book I start, even if I’m not a fan. What can I say? I’ve got issues. 🙂
Have a great weekend.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
Raspberries & cheez-its maybe like raspberry cheesecake? lol 🙂 Love the eighties ladies radio – I have similar eclectic taste!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Paleo Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake with Chocolate Cashew Butter Fudge
Raspberry cheesecake…I like it. I’ll have to use that. 🙂
Have a great weekend. Is this race weekend? If so, GOOD LUCK!! I’ll be rooting for you from afar or technically in New York State. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
You’re welcome for yin and yang. I shall expect my royalty check in the form of whatever granola you decide upon. You have excellent granola judgement and I trust you implicitly.
Have a lovely weekend with your family.
Kirsten recently posted…Beef and Turnip Pot Pie
The granola’s in the mail. 😉
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
Oh my god – your cat!! How could you get up with a face like that!? And your fires… gah… so jealous. So cozy. I’d bring us both a big cup of coffee. And then not leave.
Already looking forward to your monday link up. Hope you have a relaxing and great weekend!
I’m thrilled to hear that Lilly, and I’m so happy you’ll be back. You’re welcome to join me in front of the fire anytime. They’re one of my favorite things about this time of year.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
Loving on all those raspberries…so sad they’re going out of season!
Alyssa@Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Pumpkin Spice Oatmeal Cake
You and me both. I suspect I’ll be buying out of season ones too. The addiction is real.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
I never move when my cats are on me and look so comfortable so if I could bring you that coffee I for sure would!!
Torry @ A World Without Wheat recently posted…Friday Highs #1
Le sigh…the things we do for our felines. I sure do appreciate the thought of coffee. Thanks Torry.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
I still can’t get over the fact that we have the same socks. I have no idea where I got mine from, and we have hardly the same stores that you do down there. It’s so crazy! And wonderful. My kitty is on my lap right now too, doing the death dance. It’s when they knead their claws into your leg and purr. It hurts but they’re so happy that it’s worth it. Sigh… motherhood is costly.
Suzy recently posted…Blended Family Friday: Sexy Time
My parents got me the socks for Christmas one year and since they live in Buffalo, they may as well be half Canada. I grew up there so it’s likely we’re third cousins or something. 🙂
I remember the kitty death dance well. We must be masochists. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
your socks are seriously amazing! I am reading…ok listening (thank you audiobooks) to outlander right now and like it, but I watched the show first and thats what hooked me. I think the book by itself would be a little boring but I have the show playing in my head while im listening and it makes it much better. granted i did just finish reading (ok again listening) to game of thrones and those books were sooooo boring, even with the show playing in my head.
Oh no, I read all the Game of Thrones books and loved those. I’m struggling with Outlander though and hoping it picks up steam soon.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
that dog and those socks. LOVE!!!!
caren recently posted…Comment on Toodles. by Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets
Right! I get to meet that gorgeous dog in person today. I’m so excited.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
Billy Joel radio? Gotta get me some of that!
Your brothers poochie looks adorable! I want to come and cuddle him! Hope you have a fab time with the family. I must admit I am starting to wish that I could pop and see my folks for the weekend now… but I’m sure I will get used to it and it will be so amazing when my parents come at Christmas!
I will make you coffee any day in exchange for granola and a little Meg time 🙂 and Australia makes some damn good coffee roasts!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Friday Favourites!
Well actually I won’t be able to see the entire family. I’ve got a sister, brother in law and nephew in Brussels, so we only see them at Christmas and again in the summer. It’s hard, but at least I have a place to stay in Europe. 🙂
The coffee granola exchange. I like the sound of that. In fact, we should open a shop. Move to the states next. Bring the Aussie coffee.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
I need to better organize my pinterest boards. As organized as they are, I feel like I can do even better! Have a great time in buffalo
meredith @ Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…Japanese Sweet Potatoes & Next Week’s Meal Plan
Pinterest is a black hole of things to do. 🙂 🙂
Have a great weekend.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
It’s currently 5 am and I have been awake since about 4am. The kicker…I don’t work today. I am also drinking coffee and eating a giant bowl of oats. The hunger is real man. My French press is just about gone, but I don’t feel ready to be done yet. Ohhh the struggle. I am loving this link up participation and the looks of that bread. OHH Breadsmith.
Brittany recently posted…Mount St. Helens Summit
I am currently drinking coffee (in my baby bro and sister-in-law’s house) and wishing I had more as well. Only a few sips left…I’m savoring them, slowly.
Breadsmith is calling your name.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
i smiled at every letter and morsel of this post, especially at squeezing family faces and Oscar being so cute in your lap. i have that same issue with my sweet girl Muffin. she loves to lay on my neck while i do my morning lists… she is a list blocker, not to be confused with cock blocker but um.. she does that too #noshameinmygame
the theme of my world: can we say whirling dirvish? i can’t spell that but you know what i mean. i’m going in every direction… i’ve had a billion doc appointments and work appointments this week. i guess the work is keeping my mind off all the crazy going on with my health. running isn’t even that big of deal anymore, i got other fish to fry, or crap to deal with 😉
current obsession: my hormones and health in general. i spent 35 years ignoring stuff and now it’s time to be vigilant and own in like a BOSS. has nothing to do with fitness btw :D. i’m also obsessed with my profession and becoming the best i can, i actually love it. that’s a nice bonus.
my current Pandora stations look quite similar to yours… not surprising. however i have Eryka Badu, Les Nubiens, and Bonobo stations that also contribute to my glee. plus i love me some Buble…
confession: i’m totally okay with just doing strength work for now, actually dare i say working out is not the first thing on my priority list at the moment. daily core work, 10 min, is good enough for me, and i think that’s not too bad for me right now 🙂 balance. i love your yin and yang by the way…
and i love your linkup, thank you for getting me out of my non linkup shell. <3
danielle recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery, Happy Thoughts, and Shenanigans
I need to throw some Eryka Badu on my playlist and maybe sneak in some strength training. My muscles are withering away.
Yin and yang should be our key phrase right now. We can work on it together.
I am so thrilled you participated in the Week In Review. Love it.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
Love that I see a Simon & Garfunkel station!
Your first spaghetti squash creation looks epic. I think spaghetti may just be the only squash variety that I haven’t cooked yet this fall. I prefer the sweeter ones so I tend to buy those ones more often!
Current confession: I kind of like it when John is away because it means I can cook with all the fish, onions, mushrooms and tomatoes I want haha. Just kidding, I kind of miss him.
Chelsea @ Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen recently posted…Honey Almond Coconut Granola
I used to eat all the artichokes and black olives when the Hubby was gone. Now that he’s back home full time, I make him eat them all too. He’s adapted.
Does John come back soon? I hope so.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
I’ve been really into spaghetti squash lately, and in fact am planning to make one tomorrow night for dinner! Also, that “vegan” comic was pretty funny.
Lisa @ Lisa the Vegetarian recently posted…Rock and Shock Festival – Reviewed
The vegan comic cracked me up too. Thanks for stopping by and saying hi.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: October 2015
Notice how much of that puzzle you did and how much I did? I blame the fact that the most difficult part was the one closest to me 😆 And I’m legit dying over that picture of Oscar. I realized that the only pictures I managed to snap of him were ones where he was doing indecent things to trying to steal my banana. Oops.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. link love 10/25 .
So I actually settled down and spent some time with that puzzle on Friday evening. It was very relaxing and just what I needed after a long work week. Your sky is filling in quite nicely. 🙂
I’ll send you more Oscar pics.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
I loved this!!!! I have the same problem with my cat lately. She just makes herself at home on top of me. Love spaghetti squash, how did you get so many? I could eat it everyday. Red wine is my everything right now.
Oscar is currently back in my lap and I’m craving a cup of coffee yet again. Le sigh.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
I love your pandora stations! Especially the Golden Oldies and 80s hits. I have pretty eclectic taste as well, but I love me some sad bastard music (as my husband calls it).
Current confession: I am rereading the Harry Potter series for, like the 10th time.
Sad bastard music….what qualifies for that category?
Reread away. One day I will do the same.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
Will Smith Radio on Pandora. Jenna Marbles recommended it once as a workout channel. You will not be disappointed.
Spaghetti squash looks oh so fabulous!! Can’t wait to see what you do with the rest 🙂
Checking it out now. Thanks for the recommendation!!
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
The fire!!!! Haha, that picture reminds me of the Wizard of OZ for some odd reason!
Oh Oscar. I hope he doesn’t fall in the soup 🙂
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…No Bake Pralines and Cream Protein Bars
Oscar is going to push you into the soup. He’s been practicing and he’s ready. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Blueberry and Cream Cheese Buns (In The Oven)