I hope you’ve got your pads and pens ready because it’s time for the Week In Review.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the last seven days. It’s an achievement list, an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back.
Need more details? Head here.
Let’s get listing:
- I stepped back into reality. Translation: I worked forty hours at my jobby job, half of which was spent in meetings.
- I wrote and published three blog posts, including a recipe for Pumpkin Cranberry Trail Mix. Thankfully, the vast majority of you said the seeds don’t count. Therefore, my anti-pumpkin integrity remains intact.
- I road tripped to Buffalo and back, my home away from home; the city ♫ where I was born and raised. On the playground is where I spent most of my days. Chillin’ out, maxin’, relaxin all cool, and all shootin’ some b-ball outside of the school. ♫
- It was one of the prettiest road trips and the epitome of Fall.
- I ate all manner of phallic food.
- I indulged in family dinner, the details of which will be shared on Wednesday.
- I hung with my boys, Rooster and Hudson.
- I took a night-time tour of Canalside Buffalo.
- I hit up a local restaurant for breakfast, Five Points Bakery and Toast Café, a must eat.
- And then I drove the three plus hours back to Cleveland, where I promptly ate a veggie and cheese packed omelet for dinner and caught up on Project Runway.
Your turn. I want to hear from you. Link up and get yo’ list on.
What three things did you accomplish last week? Last week, I went to work, I fed myself and I fed the felines. Winning!
OMFH that toast looks amazing. Much more better than the frou frou high falutin’ toast I ate in DC that wasn’t very good, to be honest.
I rocked the back yard gardening this weekend. With minor assistance from the kids I spread each raised bed with shredded leaves. I emptied out both compost bins (and relocated the one that was getting overgrown with raspberry canes) and spread the compost on top of the leaves. I spread leaf mulch–aged shredded leaves that look like dirt, pretty much–on top of the other soil amendments. And I did all that right before a nice soaking rain.
I planted my year’s supply of garlic in the herb bed.
The Certified Wildlife now have their winter feeding stations set up.
I swapped out the screen inserts for the glass inserts in our 87 yr old storm doors.
I even spoke with my neighbor about hiring the guys painting his house to take down, repair, and put back up a broken shutter that has been on my Honey Do list for a while. (I’ll talk to the actual carpenter today, just wanted to know if I could poach his guys before they pack up their ladders).
Then I went inside.
On Saturday I measured out about 3 pounds of flour (always weigh flour, so easy) and made orange sweet potato dough and purple sweet potato dough from the farm share sweet potatoes. I combined them in an Overnight Sweet Potato Monkey Bread that will appear below my comment on next Monday’s WIR. I made Parmesan Whole Wheat Pizza crust, then made pizza for dinner using it. On Sunday I made a braided bread using the rest of the dough, and the kids will crack into that this morning.
After baking, photographing, and kid feeding I gave the rest of the monkey bread to my neighbors and my son’s ACT proctor.
My morning routines are developing nicely, and I’m even remembering to lip goop my lips before bedtime, not that I’m kissing anyone besides Robert Barker these days.
Have a lovely week! Looking forward to your family dinner post!
Kirsten recently posted…Asian Pear & Cardamom Cream Muffins #MuffinMonday
Good lord you were impressive last week. Also, I took note and will plant my garlic this weekend, along with mowing up the leafs to add to the top of the bed.
I can’t wait to see the combined Sweet Potato Monkey Bread post. I’m fascinated by this one.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
Love all your photos and what a lovely dining room shot! I’m feeling the same about coffee right now too.
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…NYC Marathon Training Week 15 Recap
I know right. I could drink all the coffee. I’ve been keeping it to one small cup a day though and I miss it tremendously.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
For me those endless meetings were always the worst part of the coropate world. Endless bla bla and a constant struggle to supress the inevitable yawning.
I am glad you had such a good trip. All the food looks bomb and I love the autumn pictures. The foliage is so beautiful here at the moment. I need to make more weekend trips. Last week was hectic and I didn’t really pause this weekend at all. So I guess I have to get inspired by your neat little list and add #4 to mine 😉
Juli@1000lovelythings recently posted…Week in Review – Drink Coffee, be Awesome
Yes you should get out and enjoy that Fall foliage while it lasts. I suspect the leaves will all be down and gone in another week or so, at least judging by the carpet of them on my front lawn right now. Oops, I’m that neighbor. Hopefully you’ll see raked lawn on next week’s WIR post. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
What a fabulous week- I can’t get over those fall photos from your road trip! Seriously though, when did nature become THIS gorgeous! Three things I accomplished last week include getting back in the driver’s seat, hitting PRs in every workout and playing catch-up with friends overseas!
Khushboo recently posted…Healthy meals on the fly
That sounds like a great week to me, especially catching up with an overseas friend. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
Those colors! And that brunch! And your family dinner! All look so lovely. And of course your banana. How is it you always manage to make me want a banana. Sounds like it was a really nice week – even with the step back into realty and work meetings.
Because bananas are delicious, nutritious and portable. I eat at least one, sometimes more, every single day. They’re like the perfect food. Then again, I’m biased. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
I love the picture of you with the mini gherkin; phallic indeed!
3 things I accomplished last week: meal prepped, took the kiddo to a corn maze, and vacuumed.
Heather@hungryforbalance recently posted…This weekend I…
Good eye: way to spot the pickle type. I’m impressed.
Those are three good things. Hell I need to do some vacuuming too.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
I’ve been to Buffalo once for Ralph’s Army reunion. Didn’t get to see much because of all of the activities. Looks like fun, of course family makes the visit! Have a great day, Meg!!
Fran@BCDC recently posted…Week In Review~10/26/15
Family does make the visit. You are 100% correct.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
Your fall road trip pics look awesome. We’ve just started to see some of those colors down here and I can’t get enough. I finally finished up with my work travel on Friday, so it feels great to stay in one spot for a while!
Kelly @ Kelly Runs For Food recently posted…Homecoming weekend!
Yeah traveling for work is a whole ‘nother scenario. I always want to be back home too. Glad you’re getting to enjoy yours.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
I love all your pictures – looks like you had an amazing weekend! The colors on those trees….wow!!
Torry @ A World Without Wheat recently posted…Weekend Recap
Yeah, it’s so easy to get lost in the fall foliage right now. The colors are stunning.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
I spent my free time last week stopping off and photographing the fall wonder, it is spectacular!!!
Drooling over those bakery goods…. the presentation, the breads, the spreads…. I want it all.
We need to do a little driving trip and stop off and take pics together. I’d love to capture some of these moments, and the Hubby is not so inclined as to pull over on I90. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
Hi Meghan! Yay for the return of “Week in Review”! I love this kind of post, because we should all be a bit more proud of the things we get done. And how cool that you can make it home in a short drive. Sadly, living in California, it’s not as easy to make it to my parents’ house in Florida. And I never seem to get out for breakfast, but boy that looks good! Happy Monday! 🙂
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…A friend-filled weekend and my workouts
It’s the same reason I love the WIR posts too. It’s amazing how much we all do in a single week when we stop, step back and take a look at it. I feel like we’re all super heros.
CA to FL is definitely not an easy trip. It must be hard being so far from home.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
What a perfect list! My WIR is coming this afternoon. It’s all ready. It feels really good to list off all the things I did. I’m so glad I started doing this with you! I’m glad you had so much fun in your hometown, Will! Looks like a beautiful city.
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday
I’m thrilled to hear you’re digging the WIR posts. They make me feel all accomplished and like a mofo so I’m glad to hear it’s having a similar effect on you because you were a beast last week. Plus tons of kitchen prep work to boot. Um hello, I’m coming to your house for dinner.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
ok i’m dying over the little porcelain china pieces at that bakery… i want them all!!! i love little decorative containers that can hold condiments, i love condiments and showing them off in the best way is just my idea of happiness. i love the little plate for cheese or butter or whatever that was. eep!
what a spectacular trip, and 3 + hours ain’t too shabby! those fall leaves, gorgeous. i love all the colors.
3 things i accomplished: extra sleep (yay!) more dinners at home, and new work related stuff… busy bees are swarming me, i think they want me to join them.
danielle recently posted…Week in Review: Recovery, Happy Thoughts, and Shenanigans
So long as the busy bees are friendly, I say the more the merrier. Extra sleep! Now that is awesome and sometimes so very much needed. I’m glad you got those z’s.
I can’t get enough of the fall foliage. It’s breathtaking.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
I’m still upset that we didn’t manage to sneak in a public banana while I was over there… but at least we still have the one from Colorado. And is it sad that I really have to stop and think about what I did last week? I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say that I baked something, photographed something, and wrote something 😉 And I seriously love that Five Points offers a discount to people who don’t come in by car. Although that might be tough to pull here in the winter time. Brr.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. link love 10/25 .
We’ll just have to get together again soon so we can make public banana happen.
I adored the car thing about Five Points. It’s why I made sure to leave it in the pic.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
Ok I just love the fact that the cafe you went to offered a 10% discount to anyone who didn’t use a car to arrive! That’s such a good idea!
After such a crazy work week it must have been so nice just to spend some time with family relaxing… And those poochies are adorable! Nothing better than snuggles from a dog… Although you may debate that with your kitty cat! 🙂
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Friday Favourites!
What Oscar doesn’t know won’t hurt him, right? Right. 😉
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
What a great trip! I love that photo of the Buffalo graffiti, and also the FOOOOOOD. And you, you look adorable! MAKE ME A VIDEO WITH THE DETAILS OF YOUR TRIP.
Brittany recently posted…Mount St. Helens Summit
I love graffiti art when it’s done well. It makes me all warm, fuzzy and thuggy. 🙂
Video coming your way today.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: The Buffalo Edition
I want to stick my face in all of those toasts. There should be toast flavored granola. That could be a thing, right?
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Quinoa Zucchini Breakfast “Pizza” [Recipe]
It already exists. I get Granola Bread from the Breadsmith all the time. It’s amazing.
Noooo… the reverse of that. Actual granola that is toast flavored.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Quinoa Zucchini Breakfast “Pizza” [Recipe]
Hmmm, I need to look into that. Maybe Cinnamon Sugar Toast…..
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Family Dinner Edition
you should start a phallic food blog. Kidding. kinda. On another note, boo reality. But yay hudson! he’s adorable! like you. xxoo
lindsay Cotter recently posted…Coconut Cream Pumpkin Quinoa Porridge {Vegan}
A phallic food blog, now there’s an idea.
I miss you! Sorry I’ve been so MIA lately. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Family Dinner Edition
I apologize for not keeping in touch better!
I blame the wedding. LOL. (One Week!!!)
I have been creeping…er reading…all your posts this summer, they make me happy!!!!
Toast….omg toast. One week til I can eat carbs again.
Then I shall eat All. The . Things.
I can’t believe the wedding is only a week away! I’m so excited for you. Once you’re married and honeymooned out, come see me and I’ll feed you all the carbs. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Family Dinner Edition
Looks like you had a great trip, especially after seeing in your wiaw what you ate 🙂 I don’t know if I knew you were originally from buffalo, I have been there a few times, almost went to college up there! So many of my friends did and loved it.
meredith @ Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…WIAW – I didn’t Have oatmeal For breakfast
Yeah, Buffalo is a really pretty area, and they’re going through a bit of a revival which I love.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Family Dinner Edition
Meg that pickle is like a baby. Like a TOMATO even. Seriously, Cleveland is one up in that regards.
Buffalo looks so beautiful at this time of the year. Five points is on my bucket list now purely for their dishes and that cheeky blue cheese concoction.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…3 Ingredient Flourless Banana Bread Cookies
It was a gherkin. Those guys are supposed to be small, not like that monster I fed you when you were in town.
That cheeky blue cheese cheddar hot sauce concoction was out of this world. I snuck a bite of the Hubby’s meal.
Meghan recently posted…Blueberry and Cream Cheese Buns (In The Oven)
I appreciate they way they display the toast + cream cheese + jam. It must be a stand up joint. Adding to my “if ever in Buffalo” list.
Melissa @ Mango About Town recently posted…Friday Favourites: The Gloomiest Week Edition
Yes, you must. Five points was fantastic and I adored the toast concept. They really make it work.
Meghan recently posted…Must Have Oven Roasted Candied Walnuts