“I’m your typical savory breakfast girl,” she says and then posts a picture of sweet, succulent, and sexy pancakes.
I’ve always been a bit of an oxymoron, and apparently I still refer to myself as a girl, even though my actual age dictates otherwise. Perhaps I am just young at heart. Yeah, that sounds good and also more in line with my maturity level. Let’s go with that.
Back to breakfast. During the work week my morning meals, because there is multiples, generally consists of a fruit filled smoothie followed a few hours later by some homemade granola and a dollop of Greek yogurt. If I’m out of granola, which appallingly does happen from time to time, I’ll ingest more fruit, some kind of bread with butter, or maybe even some cheese. Last week, I snuck in a Red Velvet Cupcake so I’m fairly flexible with second breakfast.
Weekends are different. When I’m home with unlimited time and access to a stove, I’ll go with some form of eggs, a side of spuds and wallop of fruit. If we go out for breakfast, I barely even look at the sweet side of the menu. Instead, I stick with the classics: omelets, huevos rancheros, scrambled egg wraps with some kind of potato. I also get a mimosa too if the restaurant is right. Weekend breakfasts are my jam, not to be confused with actual jam.
The Hubby on the other hand is a pancake man through and through. He’d eat them all day, every day if you let him or really if you just made them for him. He’s pretty agreeable and will happily consume whatever is put in front of him, even foods he generally dreads, like avocados and artichokes. I know, I know, it breaks my heart too. The funny thing is he goes back for seconds when artichokes are involved.
I’m not a gambling gal, but when we go out for breakfast, I’d wager money the man will order pancakes. Every. Single. Time; Blueberry if they’re available or Peanut Butter if we’re at Sweet Melissa’s. He doesn’t like to share either, although I always manage to snag one bite, even if it comes with a lot of eye rolling and possessive pancake behavior. He gets territorial about his food. I suspect it’s because I hardly ever make pancakes at home.
There is one exception to my sorry and sad pancake ways, two now if you factor in today’s post.
My blogging buddie, Heather, has the best recipe for Zucchini Bread Pancakes around town; considering there’s a lot of distance between Cleveland and Nashville, that’s a lot of towns. It’s also the reason I stockpile shredded zucchini in the summertime. I store it in my freezer because come winter, I want these lovely little gems on the regular. Yes, they even trump eggs.
They’re also so very fluffy, which is why I used her recipe as a base for these Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup.
Why mess with perfection, ignoring the whole replacing zucchini with sweet, juicy apples bit.
It’s Fall; we should be eating apples. It’s only right, and made even more so when it comes in pancake form and is reminiscent of your favorite apple pie. Since I just made my own apple pie, crust and all, mere weeks ago, I get to say this.
These puppies are packed with shredded apples and then topped with more chopped fruit and toasted walnuts to up their nutritional goodness. Also, different textures make things tasty. They come together easily and make a mean weekend breakfast, in the best of ways. They also keep my Hubby happy, and I do like to indulge him from time to time, if only so I can continue to sneak bites of his food.

- 1 cup All Purpose, White or Whole Wheat Flour
- 1 tsp. Baking Powder
- 1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
- 1/4 tsp. Salt
- 1 tsp. Cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp. Nutmeg
- 1 Tbsp. Raw Sugar
- 1 Egg, whisked
- 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
- 1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil
- 1/4 cup plain Greek Yogurt
- 3/4 cup plain Almond Milk
- 1 cup shredded Apple plus 1/2 cup chopped Apple for garnish. Roughly 2 medium apples.
- Lemon Juice, just a squirt to keep apples fresh (optional)
- 1/4 Walnuts, toasted and chopped*
- 1/2 Tbsp. Butter
- 1/2 cup Maple Syrup
- Combine the dry ingredients from the flour through to the sugar, in a medium-sized bowl.
- In a separate bowl, mix together the wet ingredients, from the egg through to the shredded apple.
- Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and stir until just combined, being careful not to over-mix.
- Allow the batter to rest for 5-10 minutes for full pancake fluffiness.
- While your batter is resting, chop your remaining apple for garnish. Sprinkle with lemon juice to keep fresh. Toast the walnuts in a small, dry skillet over medium heat, for a few minutes, tossing often. Combine the butter and maple syrup in microwave safe cup and then heat in the microwave for 30 seconds until warm. Stir before serving.
- On the stove, bring a cast iron or non-stick skillet to medium heat. Using a spatula, spread a splash of olive oil, a pat of butter, or your greasing agent of choice, around the skillet.
- Scoop batter into skillet, a quarter cup per pancake, and cook approximately 3-5 minutes per side. The batter will bubble when its time to flip the pancake and the cooked side will be golden brown.
- Top completed pancakes with the chopped apple, the toasted walnuts and the warm maple syrup.

What’s your favorite pancake topping? Are you a sweet or savory breakfast girl (or guy)?
I’m savory, clearly 🙂 Hubby is pancakes all the way. I DO love good pancakes when I make them, as long as there’s a side of eggs and bacon somewhere nearby.
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Race Logistics, Birthday Pressure, and Homemade Sausage
Yeah, I’m pretty sure my Hubby would appreciate that side of bacon.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
I love savory breakfasts (eggs+avocado+bacon+sriracha GETATME) but when I go out to eat I love good pancakes. My favorite toppings are blueberries and bananas..or if the place is good, they will put both on top for me. Possessive pancake behavior is totally a real thing, I may or may not have issues sharing a bite.
Sara @ Oats & Rows recently posted…‘On the Minute’ Plyometric Boot Camp Workout
You and my Hubby would get along great.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
I’m a sweet breakfast girl, not to be confused with a sweet girl who likes breakfast.
Suzy recently posted…Boob Job: Feeling Up
Your comments make me smile.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
This looks so so good. I was so keen to get this recipe in my greedy, stubby fingers since you first posted a picture of those pancakes. When the hubby is gone this weekend I am going to treat myself to those lovelies!
During the week I usually eat sweet breakfasts. On the weekends I tend to change things up. Mainly with egg, bacon and cheese sandwiches. Oldies but goodies 😉
Juli@1000lovelythings recently posted…Creamy Satay Chicken with Mie Noodles
Egg, bacon and cheese sandwiches sound divine. You make me one of those, and I’ll make you these pancakes. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
This sounds like a deal 🙂
Juli@1000lovelythings recently posted…Spanish Vanilla Birthday Mugcake
Blows kiss.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
They look delicious!!! I just love butter on my pancakes. People look at me weird because I do not like syrup on my waffles or pancakes. I have never had fresh fruit but I would be opened to try it once. Thanks for sharing
I actually love the combination of butter AND syrup on my pancakes. I need both. 🙂
Fresh fruit makes such a difference in pancakes. You have to try it.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
I am allllll about sweets in the morning!! My ideal start is a banana and an apple with my coffee (which I am consuming right now) and then MORE sweet with some kind of smoothie, fruity oatmeal bowl, or a sweet potato/banana pudding thing ish. Then of course when I really want to party a muffin or some kind of cookie, but I try to limit that. Try. These look so good. I’ve been obsessed with apples since our trip to Mapleside.
Brittany recently posted…Prayers From Maria
You and me both, and I keep getting apples in the food share so life is very much good right now.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
I want these in my mouth right now. (that’s what she said?)
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut recently posted…20 Minute Meal: Bacon + Beef Burrito Bowl Recipe [GF, DF, EF, NF]
Just put it in my mouth, in my mother effin mouth….. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
Oooo these babies look SO fluffy! I really need to make these one weekend soon.
Kate recently posted…F
I hope you try them and love them as much as me.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
These look YUM. Pancakes used to be my go to order just like your hubby, until I was diagnosed with Celiacs. Then it became eggs. It’s still eggs out, but figuring out good pancake recipes and facing my fear of my own flipping skills has led me back to the goodness…
Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Learning As I Blog Along
No need to fear the flipping. It’s really easy once you get into the swing of it. For gluten free pancakes, you should try Simple Mills; they have a pretty good mix.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
Ok yummy. Why not have these anytime of day? I like breaking rules and can imagine digging into these with a side of something salty. Seriously this sounds so pleasing for my particular pallet. Warm maple syrup pretty much lures me in every time.
Danielle recently posted…reflections from the bench
You are absolutely right. To hell with the rules. It’s should be pancakes, all day, every day. Hell I think we need to institute Pancake Friday. We could make this a thing.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
I always love a thing. Yes, let’s make it a thing 🙂
Danielle recently posted…reflections from the bench
I remember you recommended those pancakes to me ages ago and I never got around to making them – even on weekends we tend to be busy/away/etc which doesn’t leave much time for time consuming breakfasts sadly. But I hope I can find some time to make these soon!
I’m a sweet breakfast person for sure. I love eggs and toast, but I never really crave this kind of food until later on in the day.
Chelsea @ Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen recently posted…3 Things That Should Make You Question Nutrition Information
Yes, you need to find some time, even if it’s just to relax or perhaps to eat pancakes. Or maybe, just maybe you can come visit me and I’ll make you pancakes.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
I’m all about the apple love – and they are still in season here in Australia so bring it on!
I always change up what I order when we go out to eat for breakfast – my one stipulation has to be that it must be something I cannot make at home/ don’t have the time to make. David on the other hand is so predictable – I can always pick out from a menu what he will end up ordering! Or maybe its just because I know him so well…
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…What I ate Wednesday!
You are adventurous. I tend to order the same handful of things over and over again too. I find what I like and stick with it. I should try breaking outside the box though.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
Yum! I used to order apple cinnamon pancakes at ihop.
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…Lightened Up Vegan Apple Crisp
I bet those were fantastic too. My favorite pancake at an actual pancake restaurant is the Dutch Baby. It’s a Dutch pancake which means more like baked dough, topped with fresh strawberries, powdered sugar, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and whipped cream. It’s heavenly and now I want some of that.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
Your pancakes come out so FLUFFY and perfect!! Mine never look like that.
I’m more of a savoury girl EXCEPT when it comes to breakfast. I don’t like eggs so that’s probably why (don’t hate me!). I usually reach for a smoothie or oats in the morning…with oats probably taking the front seat soon since it’s getting HELLA COLD!
Christina @ The Athletarian recently posted…Almost go time // Friday Five
Is it weird I never eat oats? Unless of course you count in my granola recipes, which is vegan so you could have some of those. 🙂
It is hella cold here. I might not even leave the house today. I will probably make granola though.
Also, it’s super nice seeing you here again.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
Can I be both a sweet & savoury breakfast kinda gal? If I’m having eggs, I like to have something sweetish on the side like nut butter of fruit! Although if these pancakes are up for grabs, I will surrender the savoury preference. These look incredibly fluffy0 definitely bookmarking this recipe to try out. I might have to call the girls over for some Brinner for the sake of these pancakes!!
Khushboo recently posted…Why you are not losing weight
You can be both sweet and savory. I suspect I’ve got a touch of that myself.
I hope you try the pancakes and love them as much as me.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
I can vouch for the fact that you hardly ever make pancakes, because I’ve been here for 3 mornings now and I have yet to see a pancake 😛 And you know I’m a sweet girl through and through. I’ve tried to go the savoury breakfast route on a few occasions, and I always have to go back and have something sweet. Just feels unnatural 😛
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. thinking out loud #152 .
I didn’t make a single fried egg while you were here either. Come to think of it…what did I have for breakfast? Hmm. Maybe raspberries and Cheez Its. 🙂 In fact, that sounds quite good right now.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
it’s all about the texture, yes, you are so right! i need to work on my pancake skills. So glad your husband was well fed. happy husband, happy wife, happy bellies!
lindsay Cotter recently posted…Individual Spiced Apple Cider Crumble Bake {Paleo Friendly}
Come to Cleveland and I will teach you my fluffy pancake skills. Or maybe I should come there especially in the winter when it’s freezing here in C-town.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Apple Pie Pancakes with Warm Maple Syrup
You make me so proud! *Dabs tears from eyes*
They look gorgeous m’dear! GORGEOUS! And so freaking fluffy! God, it’s been too long since I’ve had a good fluffy pancake. I know, I know…it’s through no fault but my own. Lately, I’ve been sorta in a committed relationship with English muffins and peanut butter. Don’t tell Jason. Things have gotten pretty serious. 😉 Most of the time, I feel I can never trust a restaurant to make a sweet breakfast that I can actually tolerate (read: not doused in a truckload of sugar) so I typically order savory whenever I’m out. Though last week, I was all about to order myself some blueberry pancakes at Cracker Barrel…I could practically taste them…but can you believe they don’t serve those things with bacon? And they wanted a whole $3 to add it on. Blasphemy I tell you! You’ve had it…you know. Lol. Hmm, favorite pancake topping? I guess it would depend on the mood I’m in…syrup, peanut butter, chocolate sauce, or some kind of yogurt combination is what I usually go with. Heck, you’ve seen all my pancakes…the toppings list is pretty much endless.
Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli recently posted…September: A Bookworm in the Pumpkin Patch
I owe it all to you, me’ dear. If I had your pancake making ability, I doubt I’d leave it to a restaurant either although you should give your own batch a whirl with Jason and the girls. They’d probably love it.
P.S. It’s lovely to see you in my comment feed again. I guess I just need to borrow more of your recipes huh?! *Blows kiss.
Okay, Meg. This looks so good!!! I’d be willing to wear cauliflower soup perfume for it!
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…No Bake Pralines and Cream Protein Bars
That’s good because I plan to soak you in cauliflower soup the next time you’re in town. Oscar will supervise.
Meghan recently posted…Blueberry and Cream Cheese Buns (In The Oven)
Ah, these look so thick and fluffy! I’m obsessed with pancakes:)
YUMMY!!! 🙂 pancakes are some of my favorite, and it’s wonderful that there are so many different recipes out there. 🙂
Emiyl recently posted…Creamy Maple Cinnamon Oatmeal
My Hubby would agree with you. He loves pancakes.