Get your pads and pens ready because it’s time for the Week In Review.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the last seven days. It’s an achievement list, an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back.
Need more details? Head here. ♫ You can do it, put your list into it. ♫
Let’s get listing:
- I worked forty-five plus hours on the job last week, which had me more drained than a male orgy during a private viewing of the Rocky Horror picture show. Fishnet stockings can have that effect, not that I would know. The short and sundry version is work has been kicking my non-ass ass.
- Which is why I spent the vast majority of my evenings on the couch, sometimes covered in cats and grandmas visually jarring, yet super comforting afghan. The felines are drawn to my dark grey velour pimp suit like a moth to a flame. Totally understandable.
- On Thursday morning, I had a routine doctors appointment, got blood drawn, took my one hour glucose test, peed in a cup (and on my right hand, thank you very much), and got a shot in the ass, all before noon. Talk about productivity.
- I did some adulting: folded clothes (laundered from the week before), unloaded the dishwasher, paid bills, ran a vacuum, grocery shopped, the usual monotony.
- I spent Saturday morning getting more blood drawn and drinking high fructose corn syrup in mass quantities for my second and much longer glucose test. I overshot the first round by one lousy point. Clearly, it can’t be my diet of coffee and ice cream for breakfast.
- I printed off and organized our tax forms in case I feel moved enough to actually complete and file them. Baby steps.
- I got my head shaved again and I’m sharing a makeup free selfie from this summer for my girl, Suzy, along with a side of Oscar because she loves that cat almost as much as me.
- I got back into our home office renovation, by spending hours on Saturday shredding paperwork galore, getting everything cleaned out, including the start of the carpet on Sunday. Woot, woot.
- I had a dinner date with the Hubby on Saturday night at Sweet Melissa. We shared one of my favorites: beer battered and pesto cream cheese stuffed artichoke hearts. Be still my heart. I followed it up with a giant salad because Must. Eat. Green. Things; which haven’t been deep fried. Minor detail.
- I caught up on my BlogLoving feed and scheduled more pins for my Pinterest boards on BoardBooster. Have I mentioned how much I love this program? Oh, only like a thousand times. Carry on then.
- I spent Sunday morning doing more recipe testing and picture taking so I’ll have some cool things to share with you in the future.
- Last but not least, I hit up a friends house for a Super Bowl party last night, where I made it all the way to the half time show. Pretty damn impressive if I do say so myself, and I do.
Your turn. I want to hear from you. Link up and get yo’ list on.
What are three things you accomplished in the last week?
Khushboo says
Hope your Super Bowl party involved plenty of guac…only way to do it! Looks like pregnancy has taken your breakfast to a whole new level- ice cream and coffee sounds all kinds of genius! I have my sister and nephew in town so my goals for last week and this involves staying balanced with spending time with them and staying on top of work – so far so good so I’ll chalk it up as a success even though it’s not a whole list worth ;)!
Khushboo recently posted…Baby-Friendly Sweet Potato & Cheddar Waffle
Meghan says
That’s fantastic. Have a great time with the family!!
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
Juli @1000lovelythings says
beer battered and pesto cream cheese stuffed artichoke hearts – you’re joking, right? my stomach is moaning in desire!
One of the moments when I wish to be a guy: having to pee in a cup. It’s almost impossible. I am still waiting for the day that I can perform that accident free! Hope your results were all okay!
I am jealous how far you have come with the renavation already. My plans are taking a backseat and wander on the bottom of my to-do lists every single week again. There’s just too much other stuff I have to deal with first. Though of couse you have a little more external motivation than I have 😉
Juli @1000lovelythings recently posted…Week in Review – The partly sarcastic Edition
Meghan says
You would love these artichokes. I’ll have to put it on our Cleveland restaurant foodie list. They all have the most wonderful Blood Orange mimosa and Peanut Butter pancakes for breakfast. The Hubby gets the latter every time we go while I manage to order the former. 🙂
Yes, I’m definitely feeling a little pressure to get moving on the renovations. Thankfully, we both have off next week so I’m hopeful to really get a ton of work done then. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
Heather@hungryforbalance says
I adulted, I went on a date with the hubby, and I went to the doctor. Fun week, yes?
Good luck on the renovation project- ripping up carpet is no fun.
Meghan says
Adulted, dates and doctors appointments…the stuff of life yes? 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
Oh man the artichokes look and sound so good. Starving now! And ripping up carpets is intense stuff!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Boston Marathon Training Week 2 and Weekend
Meghan says
I don’t mind ripping up carpet, especially when the floors are in such good shape underneath. Keep your fingers crossed it stays that way. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
mylittletablespoon says
Oie. I’m a little pooped just reading about your work week. I’m sure glad afghans and cats were home to coddle you.
Those artichoke hearts must not be real. Really?
Hope this week brings some more relaxation and less peeing on hands.
mylittletablespoon recently posted…Womp Womp.
Meghan says
My work week leaves me feeling pooped too. I put in another 10 plus hours yesterday which leaves me drained. Hence, the couch and the cats syndrome in the evenings.
Those artichoke hearts are like pillows of heaven.
Yes, here’s to less peeing on hands. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
Danielle says
Is be a magnet to that velour suit as well. I got a silver blanket and it’s heaven. Oddly the dogs are not interested?! I wonde if velour is not their idea of a good time. Not that I’m complaining, they’ve already taken over my other blanky collection.
My mom and I caught the beginning of the super bowl from our stools at a bar, we were taking a coffee break and of course it was on Telly. Lady GaGa did a nice job although I do agree she looked like Effie Trinket from Hunger Games. I love the dragon lady makeup personally.
Danielle recently posted…Week in Review: Snot Bubbles & High Tea
Meghan says
Happy Chinese New Year! I hope you’re feeling better and were able to celebrate a little. 🙂
I say take advantage of those private dog free moments because I suspect they’ll be all over you soon too. It must be the pregnancy hormones. They cats are getting all their Meghan time now and I bet your pups will be the same.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
Ellie says
I’ve eaten dinner at the Sweet Melissa’s near my apartment…it’s an ice cream store hahahaha I really love how great you look with short hair. I’ve thought about going short before…but think I would look like a boy. Maybe I should get knocked up like you so people would have no reason to think I wasn’t female 😉
Ellie recently posted…Week In Review: Keep Smiling
Meghan says
I’d take the ice cream store too. 🙂
I say go for it and cut your hair (no need to get knocked up first 🙂 ), and if you don’t love it, you can grow it out again. It’s all in the attitude though.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West says
I like the look of those recipes you were working on, Meghan! Hope you get to work less hours this week at the day job. Nonetheless, you’re killing it! 🙂
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Super Bowl weekend in San Francisco and my weekly workouts
Meghan says
I’m super excited for the granola one. I tried round two yesterday and loved it! My coworkers all gave it two thumbs up too.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
Suzy says
Ohhhh the glucose test. That orange drink is a tough swallow. YOWCH. I just love how your cats are velcroed onto your pant legs in that picture. But I can’t get over Oscar’s face. You two are both strikingly beautiful, sans makeup. I could kiss his wet little nosie!
My week in review is coming.
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday
Meghan says
Oscar says he loves you too, and he can’t wait to meet you in person one day.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
Brittany @ Freckled Nettles says
I made it to the HT show too! I swear I’m 21 going on 70. Cheers to a good week 🙂
Meghan says
Here’s to adulting and half time shows. Have a great week. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
Heather says
Nothing better than kitty snuggles! That sucks that you had to do the 3 hour glucose test. I actually didn’t mind the drink so much, but just hated waited around.
Heather recently posted…Week In Review – Busy Weekend
Meghan says
That was my thoughts exactly. The drink wasn’t as bad as people made out; the killing time though…yeah, patience is not my strong suit. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
meredith @ Cookie ChRUNicles says
Ugh the glucose test! Bleh!
meredith @ Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…weekend highlights
Meghan says
I passed. Hooray!!
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
Joyce says
Yeah….that SuperBowl was pretty long and dull. So yes, I am impressed that you made it to half time.
Meghan says
I was in the company of good friends so that helped more than anything.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
Kate says
I was hoping for that there would be a recipe link for those delicious looking potatoes!! I look forward to that recipe.
Also, love the hair. Not gonna lie, envious of your ability to pull that off. Also, they should consider something tastier for that glucose test!
Kate recently posted…Brief list of things
Meghan says
I’ve gotta give the potatoes another whirl yet. They were good, and I think they could be a lot better. 🙂
Thanks. Short hair (to almost no hair) feels like freedom.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
Chelsea A says
I’ve been spending my evenings camped out on the couch too lately – and by lately I mean always. I don’t get how people have the energy to do things on weekday evenings. I’m ready for bed by like 7 pm lol.
Mmm those artichoke hearts! Deep fried meat doesn’t appeal to me in the least, but deep fried veggies/grains (especially arancini) have a special place in my heart.
Chelsea A recently posted…Quinoa and Steel Cut Porridge with Sautéed Apples
Meghan says
I have no idea how people accomplish anything in the evenings. I’m pretty much useless after work. 🙂
Try fried leeks on your next salad. They’re amazing!!
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape says
You definitely deserve the couch time – heck all I want to do is chill on the couch in an evening and I don’t put in the hours you do. You need a couch day as a reward!
Well done on the progress with the spare room, I can imagine ripping up the carpet was actually pretty satisfying!
And I’m glad you and the hubs are getting some date nights in – much needed and well deserved! X
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Week In Review – Feb 8
Meghan says
Getting the carpet did feel amazing and what we can see of the floors beneath are beautiful too so that feels all kinds of awesome. Hopefully, we’ll get the rest out this weekend and then I’m on a staycation next week. Hallelujah. I need the break.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review #17
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
I need a cat blanket in my life… and I’d probably have one if it weren’t for those pesky allergies. I used to think I was a dog person, but the older I get, the more that cats appeal to me. Have I mentioned how much I detest allergies?
Also, every time you cut your hair, it makes ME want to cut mine. I honestly have a hard time imagining life without long locks, but the freedom and simplicity look so beautiful.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…currently – february 2016
Meghan says
Cat blankets are kind of the bomb, and maybe just maybe you’d be ok with cats now. You did alright around Oscar.
You should absolutely cut your hair. All you need is killer cheekbones, and you’ve got those in spades. Short hair would be stunning on you.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2016
Kirsten says
I’m sorry you had to retake the test. You should have studied more. It’s going on your permanent record, you know.
I would love to say I’ve been accomplishing all kinds of things but I cannot. I read an article that said “work, family, friends, fitness, sleep–pick 3” and it’s seeming more and more true to me. As much as I’m becoming consistent with the fitness, and much much better about the sleep, more stuff is sliding.
So, no listing for me this week. I’ve got my folks visiting for the month, which is pretty nice, and we’ll be doing some cooking and lots of visiting. I’m taking it easy on dog walking because Robert Barker hurt his ACL (apparently all the modern dogs have these. Back in my day dogs did not have ACLs to damage. They were just dogs) though dog school is progressing well. So while he rests I rest, and that’s about all I’ve got.
Sorry to be a downer. Want the artichokes, though–my spouse and I would adore them and will make it a point to try them when we make our weekend in Cleveland trek.
Kirsten recently posted…Turnip, Potato, and Sausage Soup
Meghan says
Right now I’m picking sleep, sleep and food. 🙂
We’ll go out for the artichokes the next time you’re in Cleveland. Enjoy the visit with your folks.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2016
Miss Polkadot says
That picture of the cats on your bump is too cute. Your two current children protecting/cuddling with their future sister – another way to see it :).
Week after week I’m amazed by how crazy productive you are despite those two full-time [++] jobs of working at the office and growing a tiny human. Or not so tiny anymore?
Also: beer battered artichokes?! At least a drippity drop of alcohol allowed in your diet right now ;). Maybe I should type up my mum’s white wine apple cake recipe for you . the alcoho evaporates but you still get the taste. Mmmg.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Week in review: Walking, working, blogging.
Meghan says
Oscar sits on my belly like a bird on an egg. I don’t think he has any idea though.
I feel so super non-productive during the evenings. Work tends to take it all out of me right now. Thank god for weekends when I can actually accomplish something.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2016
GiGi Eats says
There is absolutely ZERO things wrong with kicking it on the couch covered in an Afghan!
GiGi Eats recently posted…Fon-Doing With Plant Fusion
Meghan says
Exactly, I think afghan time should be a regular thing!
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2016
Brittany says
NOOOOO, you failed the glucose test!? So now you have to take it again and go another million hours without food? May God be with your stomach….
Brittany recently posted…I Am…
Meghan says
I took it again on Saturday and passed with flying colors. HOORAY!!
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2016