Today I’d like to tell a story.
And share some Oatmeal Raisin Muffins, but let’s not put the cart before the horse.
It is a tale of treachery and mayhem on the open road.
Let me set the scene.
It was Monday, in the middle of the afternoon. The sky was blue, the sun was shining, and the air was crisp. In short, it was a glorious Fall day. I had just caught up with a good friend and was driving home with the baby in the backseat, while my new planner stickers and pretzels rods rode shotgun. We were cruising down the highway, singing life is a highway, and drumming on the steering wheel. I was thrilled to see Ave sleeping peacefully and safely in the confines of her car carrier, that is until the mirror strapped to the headrest on the back seat dipped dangerously low. Suddenly, I was staring at the baby’s feet and nothing else.
Why that thing won’t stay locked in place I’ll never know, although I’ll surely blame the Hubby, simply because it can’t be my fault. Thankfully, I was getting off the highway soon, and would have an opportunity to fix it.
I eased off I90 and merged to the far right hand lane and into a long line of vehicles waiting at the red light. I was at least ten cars back. Knowing I had plenty of time, I went for it.
I quickly put the car in park, unbuckled my seat belt, twisted my torso 180 degrees, reached over the baby seat and adjusted the mirror in the back seat of the car, the one which allowed me to see my sweetly sleeping child. This magical maneuver took all of twenty seconds and the light remained red the entire time, although there was now one open car length in front of me.
Before I had a chance to pull up, I was jarred from my happy reverie by the sounds of an obnoxious horn and an even more abrasive voice screaming “go, go, go.” I glanced in my rear view mirror and noticed a faded yellow rental truck behind me, with two beastly middle-aged white males in the front. The reprehensible fella in the passenger side, with his torn and dirty t-shirt, was hanging out of his window and responsible for all the yelling, while the ugly on the inside, repugnant driver was laying on his horn.
“You have got to be kidding me,” I thought, followed closely by “if you wake my baby, I will harm you.” I pulled forward the seven feet to meet up with the car in front of me. As I sat waiting for the light to turn red, I made some exaggerated jazz hand gestures as if to say “woohoo, I pulled forward and now we can continue to wait for the red light. Jackass.” The ugly on the inside, repugnant driver responded by honking his horn, while his equally as charming friend continued to bellow from the safety of his truck.
Thankfully for them, the light turned green and I was able to put some distance between myself and those sorry sacks for humanity because the only thing which stopped me from putting my car in park in the middle of the exit ramp, getting out and whipping some asshole ass was the sleeping baby in the backseat. I was afraid the commotion would wake her, and as much as I wanted to go vanilla gorilla on them, it’s important Ave gets her naps.
What does any of this have to do with baked goods? Nothing, but I went home and had an oatmeal raisin muffin or three and it helped calm me down. It’s possible I was hangry.
Also, if by chance one of the two morons in the yellow trunk just so happens to be reading this blog, come to me, and I will kick your sorry hide from here to tomorrow. I won’t give you any muffins either, so there.
- 1 1/2 cups Oats
- 1 cup plain Almond Milk
- 1/4 cup Brown Sugar, packed
- 2 Eggs
- 1/4 cup Plain Greek Yogurt
- 1 tsp. Vanilla
- 3/4 cup Flour
- 1/2 tsp. Salt
- 1 tsp. Baking Soda
- 1 tsp. Baking Powder
- 1 tsp. Cinnamon
- 1/2 cup Raisins
- Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
- In a large mixing bowl, add the oats and the almond milk. Stir to combine. Stir in the brown sugar, the eggs, the yogurt and the vanilla until fully incorporated. Add in the dry ingredients from the flour through to the cinnamon. Mix until batter is just combined. Do not overmix. Fold in the raisins.
- Add the batter to a greased muffin pan. This recipe makes 10 large muffins (I know it irritates me too) or 12 medium sized ones. I like my muffins big.
- Bake for 15 to 18 minutes until tops are lightly browned and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Let sit in muffin pan an additional five minutes before transferring to a cooling rack.

Share a crazy driving story with me.
these muffins look delicious! and the recipe appears super simple with ingredients I actually have! I would have freaked if any truck or person came close to waking my sleeping baby. Those car rides were the best sleep my son got when he was little and the most peace I received too in a 24 hour period lol
meredith @ cookie chrunicles recently posted…Call Me The Carb Queen
Yes, you’ll like these muffins and maybe even your son too. I gave some to my girlfriend and her kids and they gave them a thumbs up.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: September 2016
I cannot for the life of me understand why people go bat shit like that over absolutely nothing. I am SO GLAD they didn’t wake Ave, but seriously what the hell.
A driving story? I think you stumped me! I have a tonne of crazy stories but I can’t actually think of one about driving! Imagine that.
Those muffins look beautiful. I’d swap chocolate chips for the raisins though. Your muffin tin is reason enough to bake those babies. It’s so pretty!
Suzy recently posted…Rock Bottom Girl
The Hubby would prefer chocolate chips too. Silly boy. Oh well at least he’s in with good company.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: September 2016
You’re nicer than I would have been, granted they’re lucky they didn’t wake Ave. I can’t stand douchey drivers. I’ve got one or two crazy driver stories, but one actually freaked me out because the guy was INSANE. It happened a while ago, but some guy behind me ended up getting mad because I decided not to go through a red light. Suddenly my radio hits a quiet point and I hear something, so I was like, what is that? I look in my rear view mirror and this guy is freaking out. He’s yelling and cursing at me and going nuts. This is during lunch hour, lots of cars. Eventually the light turns green and this psychopath eventually does a lot of illegal maneuvering to get around me and everyone else and is still yelling and screaming at me while he drives by. I gave him a thumbs up and a OMG, Chill Out you crazy freak look and wave. Insanity.
Heather Shoberg recently posted…Week In Review – Work, Apples and Birds
The only reason I was relatively nice or at least not abrasive is because of the sleeping baby. I was “this close” to getting out of that car and dragging them out of their truck. Asshats.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: September 2016
You are WAY nicer than I am. I would have waved my finger at those jokers and sat there obnoxiously long. Way to be a bigger person.
Also, way to go with these muffins. I love a big, moist muffin. #TWSS
The sleeping baby was the only thing keeping me in check.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: September 2016
I like to consider myself a pretty level-headed individual, but the road is one place where I might lose my shit. I don’t like inconsiderate or douchy people, and I find like I run into more of the in my car than anywhere else… not literally, of course. I’m glad the guys didn’t wake Ave, although a part of me wishes they had so that you would have gone all vanilla gorilla on them 😉
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…two minute sweet potato brownie
I was so ready to open up a can of whup ass.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: September 2016
I think all vehicles should come with a bag of yiur muffins for road rage purposes and hunger! They look delicious. I had it out with some A hole in a parking lot who literally took my spot and flipped me off as he did it. I seriously can’t believe it happened but I was screaming inside. Since I was alone I rolled down my window and yelled “seriously????” As if he cared. I simmered down when I saw he was probably 109 years old. Then I thought he’s probably someone’s grandpa and is a loony toon. Enjoy him. Thankfully I don’t have to.
Danielle recently posted…WIR sleep less play more
The 109 year old flipped you off. That’s ridiculous. You should have attacked. Alright maybe it would have been better to eat a muffin.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: September 2016
These are delicious! Child-tested and approved!
I’m glad you and the kids liked them.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: September 2016
A crazy driving story?… I can’t drive! 🙁 started learning a few years back but then we moved to the city where I had no need to drive! Urgh, one day I will get back in the saddle…
Oh and oat and raisin – yummies! I have no doubt these would work with a GF flour too.
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…What does a Health Coach do? #5TTT
If you try them with a gluten free flour, let me know.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: September 2016
In situations like this I wish I’d always carrie a douzen of foul eggs with me. And that I could throw hard and that I could actually target. Road rage is a thing for me!
When I have caught up with your blog I will go to the kitchen and make these muffins 🙂
Juli@1000lovelythings recently posted…Hiking ‘The Narrows’ at Zion National Park
I’m working on a dessert recipe next. Who am I? First babies and now desserts. Oh wait, maybe you need one to survive the other. Ha!
Meghan recently posted…Currently: September 2016
Geebuz… I’m impressed at your temperament. I would have not been so level headed.. I may have done a Lu-Man or Ramona Xanax attack.
These look delicious and it may be the first time I grin at a raisin.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Smashed Sweet Potato and Avocado Toast
A Lu-Man or Ramona Xanax attack would have been too kind.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: September 2016
Oh my god these look amazing! I’ve never put raisins in muffins yet, that’s now next on my list of things to try out!
I hope you give them a whirl. If you do, I’d love to hear what you think. Happy Monday.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: The (Not So) Self-Care Edition (#51)
Omg drivers like that drive me BONKERS! Even worse are the ones who are not only rude, but also dangerous. Like, that’s fine with me if you don’t care about your own life, but don’t put me and other drivers on the road in danger. Ugh. Sorry you had to deal with that. But hey, muffins make even the worst day slightly brighter. 🙂
Chelsea A recently posted…What a Dietitian Eats at Ribfest
Do you have a total calories for this recipe? Thanks!
I plugged the recipe info into a nutritional and calorie counter and each muffin is 137 calories. Please let me know if you need anything else.
I love your muffin dish. Where did you buy it? Never saw such a pretty one..
Your recipe looks like something I would try soon. Love oatmeal.
Thanks for sharing.
Proverbs 16:32 says that ” The one slow to anger is better than a mighty man, and the one controlling his temper than one conquering a city.”
You proved yourself stronger than a mighty man !!
The muffin pan is Polish pottery. It makes everything look pretty.
Thanks. I did make the muffins and we love them.
I’m so happy to hear this. Thanks for taking the extra time to let me know. I really appreciate it.