Wednesday again. Is it that time already? Seriously, where did July go because I want it back. I’m not ready to embrace August, but I am ready to embrace this month’s new WIAW theme: Summer Staples. Ya wanna know why? Because fruit is a summer staple in my house (and a fall staple and a winter staple), but it truly rocks my world in the summertime when it’s the freshest, the most flavorful and the juiciest. I wish they’d have a fruit-eating contest; I’d win. Someone please sponsor one, and I’ll sign up. Case in point: I ate half a watermelon at work yesterday, all while chilling at my desk. I even had a spit bowl for the seeds because I’m classy and professional like that.
Mad props go to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for continuing to host this What I Ate Wednesday madness. Stop over and check her out, but make sure to come back here. I don’t want you permanently lured away by her fancy food pictures and funny wit. She’s that good.
Since I’m not 100% ready to give up July’s fitness theme (this has nothing to do with being stubborn since no one could possible use that adjective to describe little old me), let’s talk about Spin class today. You know it’s going to be a good workout when you walk into the room and pumping out of the sound system, you hear “Holding Out for a Hero” from the Footloose soundtrack. I’m talking about the original movie, not some weird knock off version which I never saw so probably shouldn’t judge, but whatever…you never saw Kevin Bacon in those jeans with all his angst. Yum. Bacon or not, I love this song, and I’m not ashamed to tell you. Maybe I should be, but I’m still not. Nor am I embarrassed to say, I squealed a little bit before bouncing onto my bike and rocking out (yeah, I’m that girl). Later in the class, Ms. Whitney made a brief appearance (her music obviously) with a techno version of “My Love is Your Love.” I might have hummed a little and I definitely was bopping my head (to the beat of course). I’ll be honest if I had any musical talent, and I do mean any, I would have belted it out. I really like to sing and knowing the lyrics is only mildly important, but sadly I was not blessed with vocal ability. In fact I’m so bad, the one time I hit an actual note, the Hubby marked it on the calendar…back in 2007. I’m still trying though. My point here (I do actually have one) is music can make or break a workout. Find songs you know will fire you up (“Music makes me high”), add them to your workout mix and go get you some.
Back to the food and the reason for your visit here today. I’m going to share my Sunday eats with you since I actually took pictures of everything, except my coffee, and really, if you’ve seen one coffee, you’ve seen them all.
My day began with a variety of beverages: coffee, water and a Banana Peach Smoothie. Hydration is important to me. 🙂
Since I was going to be putting in some hours working in the yard, I wanted to eat a filling, sustaining, and energizing breakfast (it’s amazing what the right food can do). A quick survey of the kitchen led me to believe I only had one choice: an omelette with tomatoes (from our CSA!), kalmata olives, feta cheese and fresh basil. Sounds like a damn fine way to start the day. If only my employer would let me wander in at all hours of the day, I might have time to do this more often.
I have a friend whose family is in the restaurant business, and he taught me the trick to making omelets. Skip the milk and beat the crap out of the eggs. He was right. Now, if only he taught me how to flip them (I’ll flip you, I’ll flip you for real).
The omelette was absolutely delicious and good for me. Take that Mickey D’s. Pumped full of protein (beefcake), I felt ready to take on the world or my train wreck of a back yard.
The Hubby and I toiled away for hours and hours breaking only to rehydrate with water and one of these. Normally, I wouldn’t encourage mixing alcohol and chain saws but all the heavy lifting was done before I sipped my cider. And, I really like to use the chain saw. It gets the job done (fast too). If you’ve never used a power tool before, I’d highly recommend it. It’s really satisfying and makes you feel pretty bad ass, if I do say so myself, and I do. I can’t wait to get my hands on a nail gun. Maybe I could find a pink gun which only shot out glitter nails. That could be fun. I don’t know why they don’t ask women for their input on this stuff. Obviously we (I) have something to say.
After turning into a hot, sweaty, chain saw wielding mess in the yard, I showered (duh) because I was filthy and took a 30 minute power nap. Power naps, inspired by sun and Original Sin, rock. They also work up an appetite, so I snacked on some veggies and hummus, and I might have sneaked a strawberry or five while prepping them for the week. Sooo good and look how pretty. I’d choose these over a crappy candy bar any day. But if you happen to show up at my house with some homemade vanilla ice cream, then I’d happily add my strawberries to it. Fruit + Ice Cream = Heaven
Since the strawberries were just a precursor to the main event, I put on some music, had a mini-dance party with the Hubby and then a full-blown dance party with myself, and got cooking. I was hoarding patty pan squash like a squirrel stockpiles nuts, and it was high time to put it to the test, or at least stuff it. I found a fabulous vegetarian recipe from Oh She Glows ( and, with a small adjustment or two, got busy.
The Hubby confessed to being terrified to try this one and after last week’s Zucchini mishap, I couldn’t really blame him. Neither one of us was disappointed though. It was really good, and I’ll definitely make rice (the bulk of the stuffing) like this more often. It’s safe to say, we have a winner and a cute little serving vehicle because that’s what happens when you stuff things. I may have to do this more often.
After dinner, we wrapped up our day by listening to some live jazz music in Lakewood Park (I love their summer concert series) while reading our Kindles and eating watermelon. And since we were running late, I quickly cut the watermelon into giant hunks and forgot utensils, which wasn’t a problem the first few bites. After those few bites though, you pretty much had to face plant into the middle of melon to get to it, which I happily did. The Hubby, much more civilized than me, waited until we got home before using a spoon to polish off his melon.
And for those of you keeping score (what do you mean you’re not?), CSA produce used in Sunday’s meals: peaches, tomatoes, patty pan squash, corn on the cob, and watermelon. Not a bad little Sunday by my account.
What did you eat this weekend? Would you have face planted into the watermelon too?
I have always wanted to stuff a squash like that, but for some reason, I never have! It looks so delicious, and almost too pretty to eat!
Awww thanks. It was easier to do than I thought.
That stuffed squashed turned out very nice. Thanks for linking to the recipe. I love stuffing things because 1. it makes a cute serving dish (especially your squash) and 2. I love the different textures of the food. Hope you’re having a great week! Happy WIAW!
Flipping the omelet is always my downfall too. *sigh*
No shame in face planting into a watermelon. I wish I could do that right now. People people in my office might stare though.
I’m in a fish bowl office, so everyone can see me eating and spitting away. I have no shame. 🙂
Those stuffed squash are so pretty! What a fun way to serve dinner and get in a yummy vegetable!
Thanks Rach. I had a good time making them and most importantly eating them.
P.S. I tried to comment on your blog but wasn’t able to do so. 🙁 It was asking me to login (as opposed to being a guest) and wouldn’t take my wordpress credentials. Weird, might be user error on my part.
My comment though is: If you ever make it back to Cleveland, have your friend take you to the “Roots Cafe” in Lakewood or “Sweet Melissa’s” in Rocky River. Both are very vegan, veggie friendly, and they are delish. Hope you had fun at Cedar Point.