I like these “It’s Okay” posts circling the blogosphere, partially because they allow me to justify my own bad behavior.
I need to find more things like this.
I first saw the idea on Carly’s blog what feels like eons ago and again just this last week on Ashley’s blog. Since I’m struggling to find content of my own, I thought why not borrow theirs. Plus, these posts make me feel all warm and fuzzy, and who am I to deny myself the warm and fuzzies, unless of course they come in some gargantuan type slippers, more appropriate for a four-year old, that you wear all around the house. Then again, maybe that’s okay.
Speaking of what’s okay…
It’s okay to buy ingredients to make a delicious dessert.
It’s okay to eat said ingredients before you even make the dessert.
It’s okay to eat cereal and toast for dinner some days.
It’s okay to take more than one rest day, especially if don’t need to lose weight.
It’s okay to classify vacuuming as exercise. Have you ever seen me vacuum; dust bunnies beware.
It’s okay to pepper a post with pictures of your daily eats simple so you can join Jenn’s What I Ate Wednesday.
It’s okay to eat two Banana Walnut Muffins and then hours later a bowl of Lemon Blueberry Granola for breakfast.
It’s okay to not always be funny, although it sure helps when you are.
It’s okay to realize you can improve in areas, without beating yourself up for where you are now.
It’s okay to pack a super easy lunch…Cucumber and Hummus anyone?
It’s okay to burp loudly in the comfort of your own home, even though the Hubby would totally disagree.
It’s okay to eat leftovers for dinner.
It’s okay to try new things.
It’s okay to cut off all your hair. It’s just hair. It’ll grow back. Or you’ll fall in love with it and the 37.2 seconds it takes you to style it in the morning.
It’s okay to rip non-producing plants out of your garden. I’m talking about you broccoli.
It’s okay to watch the one and only asparagus you harvested from your garden go bad because what the hell are you going to actually cook with one asparagus spear. He still has a little life in him yet. Any ideas?
It’s okay to be sick of cabbage, even though you still have 3 giant heads in your fridge.
It’s okay to pretend your crisper drawer isn’t threatening to explode with an ungodly amount of green beans. It’s always the damn green beans.
It’s okay to pen a short post. Even for me.
Your turn. Tell me what’s “okay” for you.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
I would argue that it’s okay to eat cereal and toast for dinner on -most- days… and if not for dinner, then for lunch 😉 If it’s not okay, well then… at least it’s still damn good! You know what’s -not- okay, though? Posting that luscious shot of white chocolate chips and tempting me to do horrible things like eat a handful of [butterscotch] chips at 5:40 in the morning 😛
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. from hobby to job – taking your blog to the next level .
Meghan says
I hope you ate a handful of butterscotch chips at 5:40 in the morning. I’m a wonderful influence on my friends. 😉
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Pip {Cherries & Chisme} says
Hahahaha you could make the asparagus into a super gourmet style meal – you know the fancy ones with ridiculously small portions?! You’d be so posh.
It’s okay to be on your fourth rest day in a row because you were having too much fun training you’re now a bit burnt out… and it’s okay to full on plan your lunch so that it will leave you room for dessert because that’s all you really care about.
Pip {Cherries & Chisme} recently posted…My Bucket List – Dreaming Big
Meghan says
Fourth rest day…that’s nothing. I think I had like six rest days last week. Ha!
Yes, amen to some dessert.
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Khushboo says
It’s okay to wanna be a copycat and make a note to put up a similar post in the near future ;)! It’s also more than okay to go back for seconds when it comes to homemade baked goods (holla to real food ;))! And finally it’s okay if the last time you washed your hair was 5 days ago…not that I would know or anything ;)!
Khushboo recently posted…How to eat more calories
Meghan says
I can turn down some processed cookies, sweets or what have you, but when it comes to homemade, I am going back for seconds!!
The hair thing though….um, yeah I’m hoping you’ve washed it by now. ;O
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Khushboo says
HAHAH it’s washed 🙂 !
Khushboo recently posted…My take on the Ice Bucket Challenge
Meghan says
Big sigh of relief. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Anna International says
Ha, love this. Though worry if I do my own, I’ll get a load of comments like: “Ugh, that is NOT okay!” or “wow, sort yourself out!” since at the moment life is very upside down and I’m finding myself needing self-convincing for a lot of strange things!
The single asparagus spear (well done – it’s tough to grow, it takes about 10 years to establish a really productive asparagus bed, according to my Grandpa, who was an asparagus producer extraordinaire!) could be enough to make a single portion of asparagus risotto? Or chopped up really small as a pizza topping? Enjoy anyway!
Anna International recently posted…How to Survive Your Train Commute: Top Five Do’s and Don’ts
Meghan says
Ha! I’ll support your “It’s Okays” so long as no cats were harmed in the process. 🙂
Asparagus risotto. Now there’s an idea. Think one spear would be enough though?
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Brittany says
Don’t you DARE let that lone asparagus go bad!! I am so excited it even grew!! SO many phallic veggies to be loved in this post. If all else fails, saute that asparagus with the rest of this amazing produce. It’s OK that I am slightly bitter towards 4 of my coworkers that are leaving to open a new store. I am bitter because they get a Clover machine which is too legit to quit for Starbucks. Makes some wicked awesome French press like coffee, but without the sediment. Bitches…
Brittany recently posted…Early Morning Confessions
Meghan says
Alright, alright. I will do something with my solo asparagus spear JUST FOR YOU!
Why aren’t they taking you with them? Don’t be bitter; get in on that action!
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Lucie@FitSwissChick says
Send that cabbage over here, I take it!!
I think you should do a #stopdropandselfie with the single asparagus. And then throw it away. It’s ok.
It’s ok to go home from the office over lunchtime to nap. It’s not ok to never wake up and then call your boss to ask if it still makes sense to come to the office by 4pm. He’s so ok cause he laughed. OMG.
Lucie@FitSwissChick recently posted…What I eat
Meghan says
Cabbage express on it’s way. 🙂
#stopdropandselfie done!
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Chelsea says
Love it! It’s a different way of saying “everything in moderation” or “balance” or “hey, we’re all human”. And that’s okay. 🙂
Meghan says
Exactly right! You hit the nail on the head.
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Alysia @ Slim Sanity says
It is moooost definitely okay to eat leftovers!
Its also okay to eat cold pizza for breakfast 😉
Alysia @ Slim Sanity recently posted…Chili-Roasted Cod
Meghan says
Yes, I love cold pizza for breakfast. Sometimes it’s even better than fresh from the oven. Like when you’re hung over. Not that I would know or anything.
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Anneli says
I love your garden bounty! Especially the asparagus spear! It’s sooo much better than what my garden produced this year. I’m a bit jealous!
I’m okay with missing workouts, I’ve been doing a lot of that lately, but, soon I’ll be going at it all gung-ho again.
Anneli recently posted…Spontaneous getaway to Naramata
Meghan says
One asparagus spear does not garden bounty make.
Although I have been getting lots of cucumbers, some zucchini and it looks like my tomatoes are finally going to start producing. Hooray.
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Carly @ Snack Therapy says
It’s okay to eat curry or noodles or rice or potato chips for almost every meal (especially if you add some fruits and veggies in there).
That asparagus! So cute! I’ll take him if he’s looking for a good home…
Carly @ Snack Therapy recently posted…A Day of Adventure
Meghan says
It’s more than okay. It sounds perfectly balanced to me.
I’ve decided to take selfies with the asparagus because that’s totally normal and completely okay.
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Melissa @ Mango About Town says
Great post! For me it’s ok to eat Cookie Butter with a spoon while I sit on the couch and edit my thesis proposal. It’s a tough job, but someone’s got to do it.
Melissa @ Mango About Town recently posted…WIAW: Getting Through a Crazy Week
Meghan says
I think maybe you need two spoons for that job!!
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Davida @ The Healthy Maven says
It’s okay to wish you had a green thumb but in reality you killed your cactus. This is like my third time mentioning this…can you tell how depressed this makes me? Can you PLEASE teach me your ways. I would be SO stoked if I grew one asparagus spear!!!
Davida @ The Healthy Maven recently posted…Vanilla Cupcakes with Coconut Cream Frosting + Thoughts On My 25th Birthday
Meghan says
I shall teach you my planting ways. I’m pretty sure I have like twenty plus houseplants and that doesn’t include the garden. Damn broccoli. He thwarted me… this year.
Cactus are tough so don’t be hard on yourself. For real, I killed mine.
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
Cheers to short hair! And a large #publiccucumber.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Blueberry Cheesecake Protein Shake + WIAW
Meghan says
I am all about the #publicphallicfruitsandveggies. Apparently, it’s my thing.
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles says
It’s totally ok to eat peanut butter at each meal. Well, in my world it is.
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…What We Ate – Reading Terminal Market
Meghan says
What is this peanut crunch? I think I need to get me some of this so I can see just how okay it is to eat at every meal.
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
…It’s okay to feel the need to suggest recipes randomly in comments.
Cabbage and rice baked casserole- I had a tonne of cabbage (6 massive 1/4’s…you do the maths ;)) so whipped this up- so easy and leftovers were pretty epic.
Steam the eff out of the cabbage, set aside (and try and squeeze some moisture out of it). make rice. set aside. Get a can of diced tomatoes, put into a bowl. Add herbs of choice, salt, pepper and red pepper flakes (or omit then add hot sauce post cooking). Add some fun mix ins like olives and sun dried tomatoes. Add rice and cabbage to it, add 1 cup or so of good, melty cheese (i used mozzerella) and mix really well. Transfer to a lasagna dish and top with shredded parmesan cheese and bake in the oven until golden. Thanks to steaming the eff out of the cabbage, it suffers….shrinkage. Cabbage style. I add minced chicken or beef to it but you don’t need to. I’ve also tried it wirh ricotta but it was too watery.
It’s okay to fall back on epic blends who have rough days too. 🙂
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…It’s Davida’s birthday, we’ll eat gluten if I want to
Meghan says
Thanks buddy. I’ll have to give this a whirl. Or a circle. Or a cabbage. Or whatever the hell I’m talking about. Half the time, I don’t even know.
It’s always good to have a very unique and long distance support system. Thank you. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Melissa @ Step Into My Kitchen says
Love this! It’s okay to carry on full conversations with your cats, especially when they meow back to you at appropriate times.
Melissa @ Step Into My Kitchen recently posted…Roasted Eggplant and Garlic Dip
Meghan says
Of course it is. Wait…did someone tell you different? It wasn’t the cat was it? That could be awkward. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Charlotte @ Commitness to Fitness says
i LOVE your short cut!! It’s awesome and I’ve toyed around with the idea myself. And it’s ALWAYS ok to eat lots of banana walnut muffins. My “it’s ok” is it’s ok to dance in the elevator to your Pandora station, and it’s also ok to kinda put in a beat in your step as you continue out into the world.
Charlotte @ Commitness to Fitness recently posted…Hollywood Style and Body Image Through the Years
Meghan says
A woman who listens to music and isn’t afraid to show it. Damn, I like you even more now.
We are kindred spirits, you and I.
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Frances says
Make the asparagus spear part of your next green smoothie.
Meghan says
Now’s there’s an idea. You’re a genius!
Amanda @ fridaylovesong.net says
I love this. Can I steal it too? I always eat the ingredients while/before baking. That’s almost as much as a must as liking the spoon (or bowl).
Amanda @ fridaylovesong.net recently posted…Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Bites
Meghan says
Steal away my friend. Heck, I stole the idea too so what do I care?!
Sometimes I make cookies just to eat the dough.
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
lindsay says
i love it’s okay posts. I’d say it’s okay to be scared of change but still.. it’s okay ENOUGH to go for it. I’d say, it’s okay to not sure what the heck your life’s plan really is, just go with what the day unfolds. I’d say, it’s okay to not wash your hair for almost a week… thank you dry shampoo and my laziness.
lindsay recently posted…Letting Go of Routine and Going with the Rhythm
Meghan says
You and Khushboo need to team up with your unwashed hair!
It’s definitely okay not to know what comes next. The simple truth is we’re all, or at least most of us, still figuring that out. That’s what life’s all about, and I think you are fabulous because you Go For It despite any uncertainties.
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
sara @ real fun food says
It’s OK to go ahead and invite me over for a dinner of green beans and cabbage now that I’m (well, soon to be) living in Ohio. Even though I’ll be far away in Dayton and probably couldn’t come anyway, I’ll feel super cool to get invited for beans and cabbage.
sara @ real fun food recently posted…my top 5 travel destinations
Meghan says
I just had a friend from Dayton in town so it’s a doable drive.
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay
Cailee says
Hahah!! I love this! So cute and fun!! That’s so nice how quick it takes ya to do your hair!! Sweet!! …and it’s always the green beans (or Brussels sprouts) at my house!! Haha… and your right… what can you do with 1 asparagus ?? Lovely post!!
Cailee recently posted…Start Fresh September!
Meghan says
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. I opted to take lots of selfies with my one asparagus stalk. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…It’s Okay