I may have forgotten to mention I’m in Vegas this week.
You see, I was under the misguided impression I’d be able to keep the blog up and running seamlessly, a laughable concept in hindsight. Believe me, I see the error of my ways. To set the record straight, I’m here for a work conference so it’s strictly business, excluding a little pool action.
It’s 100 plus degrees here in June, so can you blame me? Of course not. It’s also why I have to eat and run today. Work calls, and those clear blue waters are beckoning in the background; or maybe it’s the other way around. ‘Eh, you get the idea.
Happy What I Ate Wednesday.
I give you my Tuesday eats in Vegas.
First breakfast was coffee and water in the hotel room with a side of blogging. I’m still hoping to get a full blown post up on Friday. No promises though.
A more substantial breakfast was provided through the work conference. I had fresh fruit and orange juice, followed by asparagus, potatoes, roasted cauliflower and scrambled eggs.
In all honestly, I’ve been spoiled with my local farm fresh eggs, and these powdery half-cooked imitations were not up to my standards, so I only had a couple bites before opting out altogether. I rather enjoyed my asparagus though.
Lunch, also through the conference, was some olive bread with butter, followed by a plate of sautéed vegetables, their vegetarian option.
Dessert was some kind of vanilla bean custard with fresh fruit. I would have licked the glass clean if I wasn’t in public or if they hadn’t taken it away from me.
I did bring snacks with me on this trip and sure enough they came in handy. I ate an apple with a spoonful of peanut butter and some of my own homemade Banana Bread Granola.
Dinner was my favorite meal because I got to spend it with my in-laws who reside full-time in Vegas. We had white wine and a cheese platter, alongside roasted veggies and orzo in a lemon Dijon vinaigrette.
It’s safe to say I won’t be going hungry anytime soon in Vegas. I do hope to squeeze in some more pool time though and maybe a berry mojito. I hear they’re good here.
Have you ever been to Vegas? If so, what’s your favorite memory?
I hear that fresh dates are in season??
I don’t know about in season but you can get them at Costco in bulk. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Definitely jealous of that pool time! All the good looks great as usual, enjoy the rest of your trip 🙂
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…WIAW – Out to Lunch and Off the Deep End
Thanks Michele. I’m hoping to sneak in a little pool action today. 🙂 There’s a small break in between sessions and I’m hoping to take advantage.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Dang I wish my in laws lived in Vegas… Great that you managed to squeeze in a visit whilst there!
Never been to Vegas but always wanted to! Can’t see it being on the cards anytime soon but that’s ok as we have quite an adventure ahead of us!
I hope you got that berry mojito!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…CrossFit – Double Under Ninja!
If I get the berry mojito, I will toast in your honor.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Birthday in Vegas. This will always be my favorite memory.
Let me know how the berry mojito was. Sounds intriguing.
Lucie@FitSwissChick recently posted…Paleo Rhubarb Pie and Porridge
Yeah a Vegas birthday is pretty damn epic.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Doooode… if you had been there at the same time… we might not have made it out alive.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Things I’m Loving + WIAW
Even though it’s work, have the best time!
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…What I Ate Tuesday (yesterday)
Thanks sunshine!!
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
The food the conference provided doesn’t look too shabby. When I go on a conference I always bring my own food because I’ve never been on a training/ conference/ meeting where edible food was involved! Never!
How nice you could also visit your in-laws. And a berry mojito sounds tempting!
I love Las Vegas. I’ve been there last year for the first time and can’t wait to go back this year. It’s all so unreal 😀 I loved the Bellagio Fountains most. Very cliché but still true!
Juli@1000lovelythings recently posted…What I ate Wednesday #92 – The Clean Eats, Fast Feets Edition
I still need to check out the fountains. Thanks for reminding me. I’ll make sure to have a berry mojito for you.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
I went to Vegas as a kid – I was only 15 and looked really young, I was there because my parents had a work conference in one of those big convention centers which apparently host all kinds of super-non-Vegas-y industries! But we did get to eat at a lot of fancy places, I especially liked one of the Batali restaurants we went to. I’m big on seafood though and could never get over my dad reminding me they just fly it there from California or from the East Coast where we live!
Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…WIAW #15
Yep, that’s true. There’s not a whole lotta water in Vegas; it makes fishing hard.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Hmm… Roasted vegetables as the vegetarian option… I hope this was your choice and not just because it was the only thing available… I can imagine that if that was the case some vegetarians would leave very hungry.. 🙂
I wish we had work conferences somewhere warm with a pool…or ocean…I’m no picky 🙂
The roasted veggies were not my choice, and while I do love them, I need more than just that for a meal. When they brought it, I turned and said to my dining companion, “I’m going to be starving in an hour.” They were good, but hitting up the peanut butter jar, back in my room was a necessity.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Is it weird that I got excited by that picture of you computer & coffee in the hotel room? Like, ooooh I need to go on vacation!! I mean, the food pics are great too, of course. And I’d never turn down a bowl or orzo. But a hotel pic – not even being sarcastic, it stirred up some wanderlust.
Sara recently posted…all the small moments
Wanderlust is a good feeling to have; maybe a road trip is in order. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
I got so much crazy love for Vegas. It’s actually probably one of my favourite cities to visit, mostly because of the atmosphere and fact that there’s always something to do. I can’t wait for my own trip in a couple of weeks, but it would have been better if you were there… and not stuck in work conferences 😛 Have the best time!
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. WIAW… confession time! .
Man, I wish I could come back here for your trip. We’d have a blast, and I promise to leave the peanut butter at home. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Never been to Vegas, but it is on my bucket list! All of your roasted veggies and fruit selections sound perfect for summer – cool and refreshing and no cooking needed. Plus it’s kind of hard to cook in a hotel room, so I guess you’re at the mercy of the conference gods.
It’s also why I brought a lot of snacks. I never like to be at the mercy of anyone. 🙂 So far, so good though.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Ha ha. You said “blown!” I’ve never been to Vegas, and I’ve never really been interested in going. I think because it’s too stimulating. I can barely handle crowds of people in WalMart. All that skin showing, the fluorescent lights… ack. But it sounds like you’re having a decent time. Have a safe trip!
Suzy recently posted…Woozy Wednesday: We Are Family
The crowds are actually making me a bit crazy. I tend to walk with a purpose and I find myself darting in and out of people who are ambling along or stopping to take pictures. It’s ninja walking. Oh well, I guess it can’t hurt to brush up on my skills.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Firstly…..sorry about the game last night 🙁 That orzo dish looks delicious. I pick up an orzo and kale salad at Whole Foods last weekend…I haven’t had orzo in forever and need to pick some up. Forgot how good it is. Hope you can scope out some tasty food to get your mind off last night today!
Kate @ Kate Lives Healthy recently posted…WIAW #52
Thanks Kate. It was a rough game to be sure, but I’m still proud of my boys and my city. Win or lose, I got nothing but love for Cleveland.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Yup – I went to Vegas on a girls trip a few years ago. It was fun – we didn’t go that crazy which is good for me – and I enjoyed myself and the warm weather. We went in March which was 30-40 degrees here in Cleveland, but 70s in Vegas. Which was perfect 🙂 We survived on mostly $5 foot long subs at Subway except for splurging on one nice meal.
Hooray for WIAW! Who is hosting this week’s linkup?
Melissa recently posted…WIAW #19: Zoodles and Birthdays
Vegas in March is always a good idea!!
Arman from The Big Man’s World is hosting this week. Happy WIAW!
Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Come on… no one goes to Vegas strictly for work. You are fooling no one. No go out and get your public banana on!
Chris recently posted…Murph 2015
So the first day here, I was hanging out in the lobby waiting to check in, and I got super hungry. So I pulled a banana out of my purse (of course there was a banana in my purse) and ate it while in line. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Nice post, Meghan! Las Vegas sure is the hospitality-capital in my mind… not only on the forefront of cuisine and dining, but service…. which can make all the difference. As you show with all that you’re doing, meals are an experience in which everything that goes into the meal plays a part. In terms of Vegas-memories, first time I had ever had stone-crab (or even heard of stone crab for that matter) was at “Joe’s” in Vegas. Quite a unique dish… I love how sustainable these crabs are in terms of a food source… from my understanding, the claw is snipped and used for food, but the crab lives on and re-grows the claw and the lives on.
Wow, I had no idea about the crabs. That is pretty damn impressive. Thanks for sharing and nice to see you commenting here.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
No problem! Plus the Stone crabs are delicious and hard to come by. Are you still in Vegas? Check out Joe’s if possible. I think the only place in the world you can get stone crab is in Florida or at Joe’s in Vegas. Enjoy!
Thanks for the tip Nick. I’m here for the next couple days but my meals are booked solid. Just means I’ll have to come back strictly for pleasure.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Oh my, that olive oil bread looks so lovely. It makes me want to explore Italy. I’ve never been to Vegas, but one day I shall venture that way. Probably just for food stuffs though. Oh and day time tourist stuff too.
Brittany recently posted…Summer Sun
Yeah, aside from one bet on the Cavs game last night, I have yet to gamble. It’s not really my thing.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
If you have time (and can convince someone else to pay) GO EAT AT NOBU! Even if you can’t convince someone else to pay, just go and order one dish. It was so fucking good.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Things I’m Loving + WIAW
Duly noted!
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Yeah….when I am on vacation, I basically disappear so I am sending HUGE props to you for even managing this post.
Also, powdered eggs need to die a long slow death.
Jessica recently posted…Laurel Highlands Ultra Race Report
I agree. Powdered eggs are an abomination.
Also I’m taking a real vacation next month and I full intend to take the entire week off. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
Ahhh I want to go to Vegas! It makes me slightly sad that I’m 25 and I’ve never been. I may end up going next spring though – and it definitely won’t be for a work conference :-p glad that you’re getting some pool time in!
Sam @ Better With Sprinkles recently posted…Alberta: 8 Month Update.
If you get to Vegas next Spring, let me know and I’ll try to meet you there.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
vegas baby vegas!!!! i’ve been to vegas a few times, the first was like a ‘fear and loathing’ style, very crazy as i was not yet of drinking age. the times after that were all unique as they were for each different reasons. my favorite times in vegas were two: the first was for a rocknroll half marathon, it was a blast to run there at night with live music!!! the second favorite was with my sister and friends – we met in vegas during a coffee convention (she’s in the coffee shop/bean biz) and had a blast. stayed at the mandalay and had five star treatment, and she taught me how to play baccarat. i don’t really gamble at all, ever, but all my sisters and mother do. actually every female in my both sides of my family do but me! i guess that’s why i don’t, don’t really see the point but whatevs. i still loved vegas and all the crazy orange tanned people in bright colors. i don’t take it seriously, it’s just a surreal funland for adults and richy rich and broky broke peeps. all kinds of people go to vegas, and i love to watch them all as they play. i sit there and sip my cocktails and listen to the sounds of ‘cha-ching! cha-ching!’ it’s a temporary place of entertainment and amusement 🙂
enjoy them rays of vegas hot sunshine!
danielle recently posted…Deep Thoughts: Weekend Wonderments
Well said. Vegas is perfect for people watching. I love the diversity, although much like you, I could take or leave the gambling. I’d much rather spend my money on FOOD. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
I love the way that banana bread granola looks!
Dani @ DaniCaliforniaCooks recently posted…WIAW – Typical Business Travel Tuesday
Thanks Dani. The Banana Bread Granola is one of my favorite flavors to make. It’s fantastic.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
I have never been to Vegas before; I always imagine the Los Vegas as being very hot and loud.
Safe travels!
Heather@hungryforbalance recently posted…WIAW: Day in the life
You are correct on both accounts. It is hot, and it is loud, and it’s also super crowded. It’s still pretty cool though.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
I’ve never been to Vegas, but I wish my work would send me there for a conference! I’m not much of a gambler, but I think I could amuse myself just fine with the shopping and restaurants and pools!
That’s a pretty sad vegetarian option for lunch though – yikes! It always surprises me when establishments don’t consider vegetarian diets. But hey, at least that bread and dessert look good. 😉
Chelsea @ Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen recently posted…Fig and Date Compote with Greek Yogurt
You should have seen my lunch today: another plate of just veggies. Same for breakfast too: veggies with a few potatoes. Needless to say, I am so grateful I brought snacks because I need sustenance and these meals are not cutting it. I miss my farm share. 🙁
The pool is lovely though.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
That’s great that you were served veggies for breakfast! I think they should have had a more substantial vegetarian option for lunch though!! Enjoy the rest of your trip!!
Kayla @ Blondes Have More Run recently posted…WIAW – Meatless Edition
You and me both. The veggie lunch options are lacking in substance. They need to toss some nuts, beans or something into the mix. After today’s lunch, I came back and ate spoons of peanut butter and cashews.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Vegas Edition
I love that cheese finds its way into your meals every day. We are kindred spirits.
I’m glad you’re faring better in Vegas than my family did during our trip when I was 14. Oh man. Let’s just say flights to Vegas in August are cheap for a reason. It was the Murphy’s Law of vacations- my cousin got a perforated ear drum on the flight there, I passed out from heat exhaustion, and my dad bought my mom concert tickets for the week after we were going to be there. Oh, memories!
Well at least you know have a great story to tell….oh man, what an adventure.
Meghan recently posted…Tips to Manage Your CSA and Farm Share Produce
Vegging poolside in Vegas – now wouldn’t that be a life?! Granted, I’m kidding. I can’t even manage an hour of lying in the sun before I get antsy and need to move or do something. And here I am wondering why I never work up a tan … Keeping my fingers crossed you’ll luck out on that front while in Vegas [read: I’m hoping you’ll get to squeeze in some more pool time during the remaining days of your stay].
One thing Vegas [or just that hotel] needs to work on are vegetarian options. That olive bread and fancy butter look like a silver lining, though.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Quick Cauliflower Chickpea Curry [vegan]
I concur. I was sorely disappointed in the vegetarian options. It was literally a handful of sautéed veggies at every meal. Girls gotta eat.
Meghan recently posted…Tips to Manage Your CSA and Farm Share Produce
That banana bread granola looks really good!
Emily recently posted…How to Have a Low-Key Thursday
Thanks. It’s a favorite of mine. Then again, I say that about all my granola. It is really good though.
Meghan recently posted…Tips to Manage Your CSA and Farm Share Produce
i’ve only been to one place in vegas and it was crappy. But next time i think i’ll come with you and dine! check out that asparagus! large and in charge! LOL!
Just how I like my asparagus.
Come to Cleveland; it’s better and you’d definitely have a non-crappy place to stay.
Meghan recently posted…Tips to Manage Your CSA and Farm Share Produce