Get your pads and pens ready because it’s time for the Week In Review.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the last seven days. It’s an achievement list, an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back or smack on the ass. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Need more details? Head here.
♫ You can do it, put your list into it. ♫
Let’s get listing:
I unpacked from our vacation, which including lots of laundry despite the fact we washed things on our trip. Dirty clothes are like bunnies, they multiple like mad.
I went to the in-laws house on three separate days to feed their cat, the fish, grab the mail, water the plants and flowers, and clean out the pond filter. I might have taken some tomatoes from their vegetable garden and by ‘might,’ I mean I definitely did.
Doesn’t it look all zen? Ok, now picture me with a hose in one hand, Ave thrown over my opposite shoulder, and sweat pouring off my head while I watered all the flowers in 90 degree heat. #reallife.
I scrubbed the inside of our fridge until it glistened, which involved taking out and washing every single shelf and drawer. It took me three days to get it done because I worked on it when Ave took her afternoon naps. I love a squeaky clean fridge. It’s makes me feel all sparkly. ♫ So fresh and so clean, clean. ♫
I went through all my email and even responded to a few, and I caught up on my BlogLovin feed.
I went shopping on Etsy and ordered a bunch of new stickers for my planner. I think I have a problem.
I ran errands, including a couple trips to Nature’s Bin and one run to Target.
I paid bills, balanced our checkbooks and cleaned the kitchen counters and floor.
I picked up my CSA and actually managed to nab a picture of my produce. It’s safe to say the season of green beans has begun. Dun, dun, dun. Oh and for those of you not in the know, green beans are kind of my nemesis because that’s totally normal and healthy.
Speaking of food, I did my fair share of cooking this week, making Greek omelettes, green onion cheese puffs, a pesto packed pizza, and a Blueberry Rhubarb Coffee Cake.
I also made oatmeal for the first time without using a prepackaged mix. It was easier than I expected, not that I thought it was rocket science or anything. It’s just that these days showering is a pretty big accomplishment. Oh and I did that too. Six out of the seven days anyway. ♫ So fresh and so clean, clean. ♫
I posted three, yes count them three, blog posts last week. It’s my first threesome since February; I’m tickled pink which could be attributed to all the beet juice I’ve been guzzling.
I weeded our vegetable garden; in my underwear. Hey, I had to make things interesting, and it was hot as hell.
In baby news, Ave and I hit up the weekly lactation support group and we nursed for a total of 9 hours last week.
There was also a ton of tummy time, baths and park walks. I love when this kid talks to me. Oh and by talk, I mean babble incoherently. Details, details.
Most impressive, Ave and I did a 24 hour solo stint while the Hubby stayed overnight in Columbus. We had lots of dance parties. When daddy’s away, the mice will play.
It’s your turn. I want to hear from you. Link up and get yo’ list on.
What are three things you accomplished in the last week? Anyone else love having a clean fridge?
Juli @1000lovelythings says
This all sounds so lovely! Well maybe besides unpacking because this is the most dreaded task of the year. Something I keep on putting off as long as possible! My nemesis so to speak 😉
Oh my gosh. Another one of my weaknesses is stationary. Last week I discovered that a big compartment store has a small range of paperchase products. My favorite ever stationary shop. You need to show me your planner. I need a new one for next year and I am very tempted by yours 🙂
Juli @1000lovelythings recently posted…Week in Review – Narnia the Second
Meghan says
I love cards, like note cards to send to people, especially the sort of handmade ones. We could start a paper club. You show me your planner and I’ll show you mine. Alright fine, I’ll show you mine anyway.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #41
michele @ paleorunningmomma says
I envy your motivation to clean the fridge! My house needs cleaning, like badly, and at this point I actually need a new fridge! I promise I will TRY to keep it clean. And those cheese puffs – holy yum.
Meghan says
Those cheese puffs are like heaven, and if it makes you feel any better, cleaning the fridge has been on my to do list since before Ave was born. It feels so good to finally accomplish it. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #41
Cora says
Holllyyy smokes. You and I both had a lot of progress in the kitchen this week, I’d say. First time with oatmeal eh!? I learn something every day. Now, did you like it is as much as the premixes?
I did NOT however clean our fridge (it looks absolutely ravishing) or weed our garden (clothed or not) . You were a machine this week!! Oh what happens when the hubby takes off…
Cora recently posted…Week In Review: The Baking-Obsession Edition??
Meghan says
It’s been so helpful having the Hubby around. It’s allowed me to do all the things again. I’ll be a mess when he starts his job next week.
My oatmeal was definitely less sweet and less interesting than the premixes. I just need to jazz it up and it’ll be fine. I hope.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #41
Kirsten says
I’m envious of the weeding, the fridge, all of those things that I think my damn children ought to be doing while I’m slaving away, and just don’t get done anyway.
I have a minor list: I put up 6 more quarts of pickles + a year’s worth of garlic scape pesto; I made a dozen shortcakes that, if the test cases thaw fine, will go up on the blog on Friday. Nothing like firing up the oven for a half an hour one morning and having 12 individual fruit dessert vehicles ready at your command during berry and stone fruit season. Oh! I got one kid 1 step closer to adulthood and lots of tomatoes and tomatillos many steps closer to harvest. And worked, and managed to do some pilates, and got 2 blog posts up filled with salsa which is helping me flesh out my teaching style for my salsa (canning not dancing) class next month.
Kirsten recently posted…Cheesy Chile Corn Muffins (Gluten Free) #MuffinMonday
Meghan says
Yes we have brought back tummy time and she no longer hates it. She pretty much just lays there with her thumb in her mouth though. Baby steps…pun intended.
I didn’t make any garlic scape pesto and I used the last of last year’s batch on that pizza. I’m envious.
Congratulations on getting the wee ones one step closer to adulthood. That is impressive.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #41
Ellie says
I love having a clean fridge! It’s almost more exciting to open it and see all the stuff. I don’t clean my fridge enough honestly, I should get on that. I did do laundry already this morning so I’m winning in that front. Have a great week Meg!
Ellie recently posted…5ks, Kinvaras and Lost Season 1
Meghan says
There’s nothing quite so lovely as a clean fridge.
Have a great week.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #41
Carmy says
i now really want pesto pizza!
Carmy recently posted…Road Trip Recap! Ottawa and Quebec
Meghan says
Pesto pizza is awesome.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #41
Suzy says
AWE! I’m glad you got to have girls night! I loved that you posted three times last week. This makes me so happy. You accomplished so much! She’s getting so big!!
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday
Meghan says
I know I’m super proud of my three posts and I’m shooting for more of the same this week. Cross those fingers for me.
Ave is getting bigger. She’s almost tripled in size!! Granted she was a tiny little peanut when she was born.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #41
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West says
My fridge needs a good cleaning too. But I cannot put that on my done list hehehe! Happy Monday, Meghan! 🙂
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Three great things from the weekend and my weekly workouts
Meghan says
Same to you Ashley. 🙂 Have a great week.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #41
Danielle says
I love the sweet baby’s smiles!! And I can’t wait to join your dance party! I’ve had one mini dance party with Lulu and she was rather curious more about the ceiling fan and the noise but I think she loved it secretly.
I baked things!!! I’m so impressed with myself, still trying to get back to painting but that’s going to require more effort. Plus I want to try encaustic technique.
Danielle recently posted…WIR – baby room & catching up
Meghan says
Ave is enchanted with lights so I can see why Lulu would love the ceiling fans. They’re probably great noise machines too.
You’re already baking things! Damn girl, you are impressive!!
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #41
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
I had no idea you had a planner addiction! I haven’t ordered anything on Etsy just -yet,- but its seriously so SO tempting. We need to talk about this.
Also, I will admit that I seriously laughed out loud when you told me that you never made oatmeal from scratch, because you’re this kitchen badass in my mind, tackling all sorts of strange things like kohlrabi, but you never made oats. I love you.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…dairy-free cookies & cream milkshake
Meghan says
Give me kohlrabi and strange root vegetables any day…. oats on the other hand. 😉 😉 Thanks for the help. It was much appreciated.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #41
meredith @ cookie chrunicles says
ive been working on cleaning my fridge since yesterday lol. and yes to making your own oatmeal! it’s really easy, right? I make four servings at a time which works nicely for having it ready for a few days in a pinch.
meredith @ cookie chrunicles recently posted…weekend stuff and the best pancakes ever
Meghan says
Four servings at a time…this is why we get along so well. I love batch cooking. It makes life easier.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #41
Joyce @ The Hungry Caterpillar says
I’ll bet Ave’s a good dancer! Her mom got a lot of non-baby-related stuff done this week–I’m impressed. Ave must be growing up.
Your fridge is so organized–with so much good lookin’ yogurt. This makes me want yogurt now.
If your neighbors’ tomato plants are anything like my tomato plants have been in past years, they probably won’t even miss the tomatoes.
Why are green beans your archnemesis?
Joyce @ The Hungry Caterpillar recently posted…Week in Review: The Best-Laid Plans of Mice and Hungry Caterpillars
Meghan says
Green beans are my nemesis because we get so many in the CSA this time of year it’s hard to get through them all. 🙂
The Liberte yogurt is my favorite. So much creamy full fat goodness. It’s amazing.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #41
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
That is your FIRST TIME making oatmeal?! You may get your blogger card pulled. 😉 I always make it at home… call be Martha Fucking Stewart. (I can still say fuck on your blog now that you have a little one, right?)
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Shrimp Teriyaki Stir Fry {Recipe}
Meghan says
You better fucking believe it. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #41
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape says
God I need to clean my fridge. It’s not ‘bad’ it just needs to be done. And it’s making me feel guilty every time I go in there. Damn you fridge!
I’m going to be making a homemade pizza on thursday for my birthday, I hope it looks as good as yours! Olives will be on there for sure!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Blog In Review – 3 Years
Meghan says
Homemade pizza night (usually Friday) is one of my favorites. I love to add olives, artichokes, feta, and pesto. Mmmm.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #41
Chelsea A says
Our fridge is so dirty it’s embarrassing .But seeing yours gives me serious fridge envy so I think I might carve out some time to do it… next week.
You’re not a green bean fan?! That’s it, you’re coming over for Thanksgiving. My dad makes the mot beautiful buttery, salty green beans with toasted almonds that even my picky teenage cousin is a convert.
Meghan says
Our fridge was so dirty it was embarrassing. Cleaning it was on my to do list for months. It feels amazing to finally get it done.
So the deal with green beans is I like them well enough but we can pounds of them in our CSA share, to the point where we’re eating them several times a week and it just becomes too much. That being said, I’d love to try your dad’s recipe.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Stella Edition
GiGi Eats says
So much so FRESH and so CLEAN…. The fridge and the garden!!! Maybe one day I will have a garden to grow my own veggies like back when I was a youngin’!
GiGi Eats recently posted…This ICE Is Nuts
Meghan says
I like when a little Outkast makes it way into my posts. So fresh and so clean, clean.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Stella Edition
Lucie@FitSwissChick says
Prepackaged Oatmeal Mix?! You gotta be kidding me. I will cook all the delicious Eggy Oats, once there. I also take teh blueberry rhubarber cake without the coffee. Cause coffee doesn’t work for me unless it’s 3/4 of milk in it. And by milk I mean fullfat cow milk. Jaga.
Lucie@FitSwissChick recently posted…Five reasons why I enjoy traveling alone
Meghan says
I will make sure to stock up on the full fat cows milk for you. I’ve already got a bottle of champagne with your name on it…not literally but you get the idea. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Stella Edition
Melissa @ Mango About Town says
Make quick pickled beans!! You will thank me and wish you got more beans in your share.
Melissa @ Mango About Town recently posted…Jonathan’s Farm CSA – Week 5