Get your pads and pens ready because it’s time for the Week In Review.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the last seven days. It’s an achievement list, an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back or smack on the ass. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Need more details? Head here.
♫ You can do it, put your list into it. ♫
I thought about doing a typical weekly recap today, but my type A personality dictates otherwise, and I always listen to the voices in my head. It’s a new year, a new dawn, a new day and the people want resolutions, and by people, I mean me.
I know, I know, everybody is already tired of annual recaps, resolutions, intentions and single words hand selected to hone your focus in 2017 (mine would be ‘survival beast mode style’ and yes I realize that’s multiple words; you don’t seriously think I’d adhere to the rules just because I’m a mom now). Your fatigue with such lists will not stop me from my penning my own. Pish, posh, I will try to make it interesting though.
Let’s get listing:
In 2017, I vow to have more monkey loving. You have no idea how detrimental a baby can be to one’s sex life. Parents with children close in age are imposters.
I vow to drink more champagne and other boozy cocktails for no other reason than it makes me giddy. I love everybody when I imbibe so this really is win for those around me too.
I vow to be brutally honest here on the blog, which is no different than any other year. I’m sure my parents and now my in-laws (Hi guys, love you all) appreciate my sassy, sarcastic, and oversharing ways.
I vow to stop saying this is year I’ll learn to love squash because clearly that shit is never gonna happen.
On a related note, is anybody interested in taking this spaghetti squash off my hands? It’s only a few months old. I’m sure it’s still good.
I vow to take a trip sans child, and an institution someone involuntarily checks me into doesn’t count. I’m picturing beaches, books, and booze.
I vow to keep blogging because it’s the one place I can still be me.
I vow to make pasta from scratch because I’ve always wanted to.
I vow to join a gym and start exercising on a semi-regular basis again; maybe.
I vow to stop taking ridiculous Facebook quizzes, just as soon as I finish this one right here.
(Wow, did they get this one wrong.)
I vow to visit my family in Buffalo more so they can watch le petite bebe grow up.
I vow to start a podcast with some of my favorite people. It shall be called Cock Waffles or something equally as exciting.
I vow to be me in all my shitty (hello diapers) and shining glory.
Oh and I vow to keep submitting posts to Scary Mommy even though they haven’t accepted a single one yet. My day will come, and then I shall rule them all. Cackle, cackle.
World domination seems like a solid note to end things, so I’m gonna turn the mic on over to you. Link up your resolutions, your recaps, your reviews or whatever you’re feeling.
Peace, love and bunnies.
It’s your turn. I want to hear from you. Link up and get yo’ list on.
What are some of your resolutions? Or your word of intention?
Emily says
A beach trip would be absolutely amazing; if I lived closer I would offer to watch Ave. <3
Emily recently posted…What Gives You Value
Meghan says
Aw thanks Emily. I appreciate that. Happy New Year!
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: The New Year’s Resolution Edition (#64)
Cora says
I 100%, utterly completely, full-out, without-a-doubt, hands up, hands-down support your resolutions (and your choice to make them). Podcast? I hope this isn’t a joke because you three would be the most entertaining thing to enter the audio world. And to see a trip for you in this next year, with continued booze, would be unreal. I sure hope you are starting the plans to make this happen. As for me, as long as you keep posting and being you I’ll be satisfied.
Cora recently posted…Week In Review: Back, Refreshed, and Technologically-New
Meghan says
I hope to hell a mommy vacation happens. Right now it’s all hinged on when Ave weans. She’s still boob or bust although she does eat solids as well these days. I’m shooting for the summertime. Cross your fingers for me.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: The New Year’s Resolution Edition (#64)
Brittany says
When you get an article in the mommy post, let’s celebrate with your homemade pasta and Cleveland Vegan cupcakes. Get practicing.
Brittany recently posted…The Last Post
Meghan says
It’s a deal and a date. Blows kiss.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: The New Year’s Resolution Edition (#64)
Danielle says
Happy new year mama!!! Can you believe we made it?! What a year it was, and what a year it will be.
My mantra right now is release and and restore. I feel drawn to these words. I will release anything that doesn’t bring me joy. I’d like to restore my mind and believe in myself and the goals I have. I don’t really do resolutions but I’m very goal oriented. So my goals involve being the best momma and partner I can. And dominate power cycling at my new gym. I’d like to start a new blog but have no idea where that time will come. Im not stressed so I’m sure it’ll happen in good time.
Cheers to more love, adventures, and boozy brunches.
Danielle recently posted…WIR sleep less play more
Meghan says
I still can’t believe we made it or that we have two little whippersnappers who are rocking and ruling our worlds. Oh the times, they are a’ changin’.
I like your words, especially release. I think 2016 I learned to give up control and how to ask for and accept help. I didn’t much of a choice but life is much better for it.
When you come to Cleveland, we shall have boozy brunches.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: The New Year’s Resolution Edition (#64)
Joyce @ The Hungry Caterpillar says
Seem like good goals, Meg. Brutally honest posts are the best ones, even if Scary Mommy doesn’t think it needs you. Pish, posh indeed. I’ll take that spaghetti squash; sounds good to me!
Joyce @ The Hungry Caterpillar recently posted…Why Holiday Feasting Didn’t Scare Me This Year
Meghan says
One day Scary Mommy will accept a post, if only because I’m obnoxiously persistent.
Happy New Year Sunshine.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: The New Year’s Resolution Edition (#64)
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
I definitely think you should take a trip sans child, and I think you know where I think you should go 😉 We have beaches around here… kind of 😯 And is it weird that I didn’t make nay resolutions this year, think of any goals, or come up with any words? It hasn’t even really hit me that it’s 2017 yet, so I think what I’m gonna do is just keep doing what I always do – try to improve day by day. Oh! I did want to start journalling daily, though. Last night I was up at 1am writing because I forgot to do it earlier 😆
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…currently – january 2017
Meghan says
I’m glad you were able to get the journal done even if it kept you up late. I hope this means you slept a little later this morning.
I can understand. I feel like my resolutions aren’t really resolutions, certainly not in the traditional sense. In the end, I just want to make it day by day and be happy. See, I have simple needs. 🙂
Also, I definitely want to come to Canada. You know I love my neighbors up north.
Suzy says
Omg I love that you put to drink more booze as one of your resolutions. I need to check out those other two cock waffles. If you love them then I will too no doubt.
Meghan says
I need more booze in my life, especially if I’m gonna keep doing this stay at home mom thing. 🙂
JIl St Ledger-Roty says
Want to go to SAN Francisco in March?
Meghan says
I’d love to, although I’m not sure the tiny human will be weaned yet…
Miss Polkadot says
Now these are some resolutions I can get on board with. Monkey lovin’, booze and solo vacation = happier you = even nicer to be around = good for others. Scary Mommy domination = beneficial for all readers. Well, the way I see this all of your goals are [close to ;)] altruistic ones because in the end you just care about others’ well-being, no? Go for them! Oh and make that solo trip one to Germany and I’ll like it even more, Granted, we don’t have the best beach weather around here but I’m sure the bread is making up for that, no?
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Why I’m not making resolutions.
Meghan says
Exactly, I have to be able to take care of myself in order to take care of others. 🙂
Good bread is enticement enough for me.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: The New Year’s Resolution Edition (#64)
Tara says
Yes, yes, and yes to the podcast. I’ll be first in line to subscribe.
Meghan says
Good to know. I wasn’t sure we’d have an audience, but that’s certainly never stopped me before. 😉
Happy New Year and cheers to all the champagne.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: The New Year’s Resolution Edition (#64)
Jamie@TheMomGene says
I think every one of your vows is destined to make you an even better individual by 2018…or at least a satisfied one. I give a thumbs up to all of these and on a random sidenote, I put that last Calvin & Hobbes comic on the front of my students winter exam a few years ago (it felt appropriate).
I vow to be as honest as you on my blog.
I vow to wear sweat pants as much as possible.
I vow to see how long I can stretch it between hair washings.
I vow to listen to Paul Simon any time my children will tolerate the switch from Baby Einstein
I vow to eat more Einstein bagels because I’m a word-association kind of girl.
Meghan says
I think your goals are equally as impressive. Here’s to us being happy humans in 2017.
Also I’m thrilled to have found (even if you actually found me; semantics) another mommy blogger. I love Paul Simone, except Puff the Magic Dragon, which I now think is the saddest song in the world. Poor Puff.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: The New Year’s Resolution Edition (#64)
Chelsea A says
I can help you with your drinking goal! Next summer when I see you I’ll make John drive so that we can have some fun! 😉
Also pleaseeee make the podcast happen – that would be amazing.
Chelsea A recently posted…2016 in Review
Meghan says
I like the sound of that. I need a permanent DD.
We’ll get cracking on the podcast. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: The New Year’s Resolution Edition (#64)
Juli@1000lovelythings says
Okay I stop screaming now! I love this because it’s so different from anyone’s goals/ resolutions and because it’s so you! Fingers crossed all of this happens! Well except the facebook quizzes maybe because it’s clearly super important to know what sort of ice cream fits your personality 😉
Juli@1000lovelythings recently posted…Week in Review – The Excited Edition
Meghan says
I think all ice cream fits my personality. Cheese too for that matter. Frozen yogurt though…nope. It’s gotta be the real deal or bust for me. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: The New Year’s Resolution Edition (#64)
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
I think 90% of your goals can be accomplished with me.
1. Booze.
2. Beach (Ahem… San Diego)
3. Sans baby – Vegas is baby-obsessed and my little sister is in SD too. Together they’d make a whole person, qualified of baby sitting.
4. Cock Waffles. I don’t think I need to elaborate. Or do I…?
5. Pasta-making – my Christmas present came with the pasta attachment.
I’ll leave the monkey love to Jon. He can thank me later.
P.S. Fuck Scary Mommy.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Christmas 2016: Eating All the Things
Meghan says
I’m booking my ticket now. Your sister has moved out right? The back bedroom is now mine….
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: The New Year’s Resolution Edition (#64)
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
All yours!
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Christmas 2016: Eating All the Things
Patricia @Sweetandstrong says
Vacation, YES! I want one of those too! I’m just trying to focus on small goals this year and want to reflect on them each month. We’ll see how that goes….
Patricia @Sweetandstrong recently posted…Holiday Break, Food, Family, and Fun Part 1
Meghan says
I think a monthly reflection is a great idea. Goals generally don’t come to fruition if you don’t have a way to stay accountable so your monthly check in is the way to go.
Happy New Year!!
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: The New Year’s Resolution Edition (#64)
Heather Shoberg says
Love it! A very Happy New Year to you! I feel like I’m dragging myself into January and am just trying to get back on track or into a new routine or… something. Maybe I’ll actually have my act together and can join in on the Week in Review next week. 😉
Heather Shoberg recently posted…2016 Year In Review
Meghan says
I’d love to see you back in the Week in Review although one bit of advice, especially if you’re dragging: embrace the non-routine, be a sloth for a bit more and try to just unwind guilt free. I’m guessing if you’re not ready to get back on track then you’re just not ready. 🙂 Give yourself more time and then it’ll turn itself around.
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape says
Beaches, booze and books… You are always welcome in Perth. Although it’s scary hot right now so maybe wait a few months…ha!
I love your aims for the year – all simply you to a tee, which I love. 🙂
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Week In Review – All the festivities!
Meghan says
I’m realistic. 🙂 Plus I see why mothers drink so often now. 🙂
Lily says
Love all of these resolutions! Making homemade pasta = super easy, super worth it. I stole my brother’s pasta machine (for some reason, my Nonna gave him one when he was like 6 years old. I think he used it once), and it is the best thing ever. IT has become a weekend morning ritual activity for me.
Any trip that involves booze + books sounds like an ideal trip to me. And just say no to FB quizzes! They are addicting, little buggers.
Kaylee says
PICK ME PICK ME! I will gladly take that spaghetti squash hehe. Making your own pasta is soooo rewarding! You won’t regret it.
Can’t wait to see what’s in store for you this year Meghan! Looking froward to all the future link-ups
Meghan says
The squash is all yours!!
Melissa @ Mango About Town says
You would be the best podcast host – I hope you’re not teasing us!!
Melissa @ Mango About Town recently posted…Gros Morne National Park: Tablelands
Meghan says
Aw thanks sunshine. The podcast is a real goal so hopefully sometime this year.