It’s no secret I love lists.
I also happen to have a pretty high opinion of myself when it comes to getting shit done.
In my not so humble opinion, I accomplish a lot in a single weekend or even your typical workweek, especially when I’m left to my own devices. When I get a chance to work uninterrupted, well then I’m a power house of getting ‘er done. This past week just so happens to be one of those weeks and before I toot my own horn, because believe you me I’m gonna, I have a confession to reveal first.
The Hubby has left me.
And he continues to do so on a weekly basis.
Of course I’m going for shock value here.
The real story is the Hubby, with my full support, is back in school working towards becoming a pharmacist. I always did have a thing for men in uniform, even if the uniform is a white lab coat. I wonder if he could snag me one, so I can turn it into the new “boyfriend shirt.” That could be hot.
Oops excuse me, I got distracted by my hormones. Now where was I….ah yes, the Hubby. While I couldn’t be more proud of him for pursuing a different path, his new school just so happens to be in another state, which means he lives there Sunday nights through Friday afternoons. On the plus side, it’s a neighboring state so he’s never too far away, and I get to see him on weekends, even if it does mean reviewing cue cards about the hottest legal drugs on the market.
Now just in case there is some crazy internet stalker out there getting wild ideas about little old me being home alone, you better think again. First you’d have to find me, and then you’d have to deal with me. Let me tell you, you don’t want to deal with me. I have an alarm system, my neighbors are the protective type, and the felines are secret ninjas who will claw your eyes out. Plus I sleep with a baseball bat, and I know how to swing it. Basically, I’ll mess you up. Ya wanna know why? Because I’m the Godfather.
Let’s get listing.
- The Hubby and I discovered a long-lost gift card to Melt Bar & Grilled, a local joint which specializes in grilled cheese sandwiches. Um yes please. I’ll take four, except their portion sizes are ridiculously over the top so despite my desire to eat everything on the menu, I only inhaled half of my sandwich, also known as The Godfather….aaaaand…it comes full circle. The Godfather includes three cheese lasagna, fresh fennel-oregano pasta sheets, hearty red sauce, and provolone, on garlic spiked bread. It seems fitting right; makes me feel all mob boss in a non-violet way (minus the baseball bat).

I like a free meal that feeds me dinner two nights in a row, without having to lift a finger. I also like carbs, obviously.
- I had a clandestine meeting with an old friend on Tuesday night, which is a big deal because I used the word clandestine and that automatically elevates things to gangsta level. Plus, I don’t normally go out on “school nights,” ignoring the fact I’m no longer in school. Mob bosses need their beauty sleep.
- I went back to the farmers market on Friday and despite the fact I have way too many on hand right now, I bought the pretty purple potatoes. Guess I’m swimming with the spuds now, which is fitting for the Godfather of Produce. Recognize.
- I wrote and published three and half blog posts.
- I went to the Hubby’s softball game on Saturday and made watermelon mojitos for the team. See, I share the wealth.
- I went to Sunday brunch with the in-laws. Huevos Rancheros Verdes here I come. I got a spinach tortilla topped with black bean puree, sautéed spinach, poached eggs, tomatillo salsa and cilantro lime sour cream. It was a meal fit for a Don.
- I got my bucket back to the gym and ended up teaching a spinning class. While I’m not sure how this fits with my gangsta’ persona, I do get to yell at people and that’s always fun.
- Since I ate out a lot this weekend, I had some free time in the kitchen, which meant I could really get my prep on and send the Hubby back to school with a cooler full of produce. I washed and froze a bunch of fresh herbs: cilantro, mint and parsley. I sliced, diced and got the salad fixings ready for the week. I hard-boiled eggs and whipped up a double batch of Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Granola (I like to throw a banana on it and call it The Elvis). I made a ginormous batch of Crockpot Black Beans, and I shredded and froze another seven cups of zucchini, Three years ago, I didn’t even know how to shred zucchini and now….well, let’s just say when you are the Godfather of Produce, you sometimes do things you never thought possible.
- I put in forty plus hours at the office, where I finally started tackling a bunch of old projects; the kind that hang around for months, sorta like a rat you’re still trying to smoke out.
- I also ran a vacuum, washed bedding and folded laundry. I’m pretty sure I paid some bills, and I vaguely remember reorganizing my spice rack one exciting evening.
Basically when it’s all said and done, I was a mad list-checking, crazy-accomplishing machine last week, and it felt damn good. How about you? What did you knock off your To Do List?
Interested in participating in the Week In Review…good, you should be.
Here’s how it works:
- Your post should be about all the things you accomplished in the last seven days or so.
- Your post can be about food, social outings, workouts, home improvement projects, fun excursions, none of the above, or all of the above. The idea is to recognize all the things you accomplished in the past seven days. It’s an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back. Plus you get to write in list form, which rocks my socks. Although if you want to stick to prose go ahead; it’s your world.
- Add the Week in Review button to your post, link back to Clean Eats, Fast Feets and get your list on.
- Or you can be like me and make up own your rules. If you can justify it, I’ll accept it. How’s that for lenient?
What did you accomplish in the last seven days or so? If you could change careers, what would you do?
You are my inspiration, Meghan!! Always getting things done. I’m doing my best and I’m feeling better than I might think I deserve regarding getting things done. I keep plugging! Congrats to your Hubby! Changing careers is tough enough, but moving away from you and doing something that involves math and science…that man deserves a round of applause!
A restaurant that specializes in grilled cheese?!?! I think I need to ask Ralph to re-route us on the way to Nashville and New Mexico! Yum! Have a great day, Meghan!!
I agree with you Fran. The Hubby does deserve a round of applause and a specialized grilled cheese. 🙂
Lasagna in sandwich form?? Oh my gosh that is seriously genius!!
Yup, yup.
I’m not set into a career yet, so my options are WIDE OPEN! I am exploring EVERYTHing trying to find the right fit whooo!! Bummer that your sex machine is away, but this will only make you miss/crave him more WHOO! Your week is stellar, way to get shit done. Almost nothing is more rewarding.
I think exploring everything is super smart. At the end of the day, you shouldn’t settle and you should do something you really love it. It will make it all worthwhile.
You had me at sandwich lasagna and then you had to go and throw those huevos verdes in there… damn girl I wish I had your eats!!
Glad you and hubby are getting your weekend time in 😉 Even if it does inlove flashcards (I’m still trying to bribe BF into helping me study).
All in all it sounds like a crazy accomplished week for a mob boss!
There are plenty of ways to bribe your other half. Just sayin’.
The lasagne grilled cheese was out of this world. Too bad I can’t be a mob boss every week.
Oh trust me I tried all the fun ones… he’s just being stubborn!
*stalks in, throws this down on the table, and stands there, waiting for the acknowledgements to roll in*
WORKOUT SUMMARY for 08/19/2013 – 08/25/2013
12 workouts
10 routes
38.8 total dist. (miles) walked
12.8 hours
3,700 kcal burned
And the half marathon is 4 weeks away.
Back to you–way to go on all fronts, my friend!
Holy crap. That’s an entire box of Triscuits You, my friend, are an animal, and I like it.
Aw sorry that your hubby has to do that, that’s rough!
No apologies necessary. It’ll all work out for the best when it’s all said and done.
I have a thing for men in uniforms too, which is the logic that I’m using to justify that I’m currently in a long distance relationship with a guy in the military. Sigh. Distance can bite me hard. And this weekend I went to the farmers market and went against my better judgment and bought way too many peaches. Now I’m eating my body weight in them on a daily basis because I don’t want them to go bad… I think I’m just trying to stock up before summer ends.
There is no such thing as too many peaches. I refuse to believe it. You can freeze them and while it’s a huge pain in the arse, you’ll be enjoy summer fresh peaches in February. That’s pretty sweet.
I’m pretty fortunate because I get to see my man every weekend, and in the meantime, I’ll be pining with you.
the only thing better than a man in uniform is a man in uniform that can supply you with fun pills! 😉
Ha, ha.
You are a fitness instructor too?? You amaze me to no ends, ,lady! Echoing the comments above but hot dayyyy-um on that lasagne sandwich…love that it came with a side of fries too- hellllo carbs :)!
The funny thing is I’m not a fitness instructor. I just fill in for the regular teacher when he’s busy. I wouldn’t be opposed to getting certified to teach spinning though because I really love it.
That meal was a plate of carbs, and it was delicious.
Wait… was this what you were living in denial about? If so I feel like an idiot because I’ve already known for a few months. Ha.
Anyways… the offer still stands if you ever get bored and need someone to talk to! 🙂 But please don’t take that suggestion to mean that I’m being a stalker waiting in the bushes being all evil and creepy. Oy. Now I’m creeped out!
Yay for the purple potatoes! Glad they had some when you went back.
Aw thanks Madison. I appreciate it, and yes this was my big secret. It has no impact on the blog, but it’s certainly made my work nights different. Last night I had cereal for dinner, and that would never fly if the Hubby were home. Alright it might, but not as often. 😉
I’m so glad I got the purple potatoes too!
Let me just say that I have recently fallen in love with your Parm Roasted Reds, girl!! LOVE! And they will absolutely be a regular in my home now 🙂 2ndly! How kind and loving and so very supportive of you in regards to the situation with Hubby! With all the cooking you do for him and the bond it sounds like you guys share, he is very lucky to have you 🙂 Not to mention, when he graduates…the freakin lab coat, girl!! Excuse my drool! lol
I’m so glad I stumbled upon your site! I am a self proclaimed foodie so this is a perfect way to get me eating right and keep me entertained while doing so! You’ll see me on here quite often 🙂
Thanks again!
p.s. I believe curse words are a healthy part of any vocabulary as well! lol Damn skippy!
I’m so glad you like the Parmesan Roasted potatoes. I’m a huge fan of those too. Carbs just make me happy; they’re also a great source of energy too so there’s that.
Welcome to the blog, I’m glad to have a new friend and I can’t wait to see more of you. Dammit!
Hahaha! Omg THERE’S my girl!! I LOVED this post! Looks like that {FREAKIN EPIC} sandwich did MORE than feed you for two meals…you make one mean produce mob boss! And instead of two snaps and a twirl, I’m just gonna shoot off my pumpkin canon instead! 😉 I’m SO glad you went back for the potatoes…I would have too! Oh and that reminds me…how’s the cheese guy? You set him straight yet? There’s this one SUPER sweet farmer dude at my market that kinda has a little crush on me…it started getting awkward so I did a bad thing…I cheated on my market and started going to the Nashville one instead! Granted, I’m already there when I visit the man-friend so it’s not like I’m going out of my way….but I DID go back to MY market a couple weeks ago (when I snagged those BEAutiful apples of mine) and noticed the farmer dude wasn’t there. Then I remembered that he harvests tobacco at the end of the summer! Possible produce crisis ADVERTED…without confrontation…YES! 😉
Hmm, I’m thinking some zucchini bread may have to be in order in a couple of weeks, no?
Zucchini bread could happen; I certainly have enough stockpiled.
There’s nothing new to report on the cheese guy; I skipped the market one week, he missed it the next week and last week when I went, there was a female behind the table with him, and he was all business. We’ll see what happens when I go this week.
I’m not surprised you noticed, but this post was one where the words flowed and my writers block took a back seat. Even rereading it now I can tell a total difference. I’m impressed you saw it too. Hear, hear.
What can I say? All my senses are heightened in the midst of a broccoli bombing! 😉 Hmm, that cheese guy sounds like a real STINKER! (har har)