Sometimes the best way to get stuff done is to do nothing.
It’s seems counterintuitive, and it still works. When my To Do List runs miles long and everything on it seems like a chore, including meditating or weeding my flower beds, then I know it’s time to take a step back and chill out.
I spent this past weekend with mia famiglia in Detroit. Nope, I’m not even a little bit Italian, unless you count my Godfather days; I just like the musicality, so please indulge my oddities. In any event, while in the big D, I did a crapton of drinking, a shitton of eating, and a holy fuckton of relaxing. It was delicious, indulgent and exactly what Dr. Meghan had ordered. Oh look, I’m a doctor now. If only everything was that simple.
The Hubby and I drove back home on Sunday afternoon, and I had every intention of continuing my nonchalant nothingness trend when I got there. I’d skip blogging on Monday and take the rest of Sunday night off, aside from unpacking my toiletries case. Hey a girl’s gotta freshen up from time to time. Might I suggest daily?
My plan started simply enough, until my felines interjected, that is. After spending the weekend cooped up in the house, they wanted nothing more than free reign of the outside…well that and their momma, which is me. After constant meowing and a lot of leg rubbing, they lured me outside so I could pet them while they did sausage rolls in sun patches. Oh to be a cat. After minutes of sheer pampering and I would assume cat loving bliss, I shook the mountains of fur from my hands and then took a walk in my own backyard. As I strolled by my raised garden bed, I innocently started pulling weeds.
Before I knew it, the entire bed was completely deweeded, one of the perks of a smaller plot, and I was able to check an item off the To Do List. Even better than that… I know it’s hard to believe there’s anything better than the ambitious cross off … I got to bask in the progress of my produce, which made me ridiculously happy, and now I want to share with you. Aren’t you lucky?
Here’s what the garden looked like almost eight weeks ago when we first put it in. From left to right and top to bottom, we planted Asparagus, Corn, Carrots, Garlic, Broccoli, Brussel Sprout, Zucchini, Cauliflower, Cucumber, Leeks, Spinach, a Hot Pepper plant, three Tomato plants, ranging in size, and one Bell Pepper plant. The pots in the front are my herbs, and they contain Catnip, Cilantro, Parsley, Basil and Rosemary. There’s also an unpictured pot of Chives.
Now…..drumroll please…. here’s what the garden looks like today. “Oh my, look how you’ve grown,” she says suggestively, while raising an eyebrow.
Let’s do a few solo shots, just for giggles.
I was ecstatic to see the resurgence of my broccoli plant. After accidentally letting him go to seed a few weeks ago (yellow flowers are bad), I snipped the tip (men everywhere are cringing) and hoped for the best.
Cauliflower leaves are ridiculously big. I know my hand is small, but Da-Yum!
Zucchini blossoms are pretty and kind of funny looking when they’re aren’t in full bloom.
I see cherry tomatoes in my future.
I also see a salad because my spinach is ready to harvest.
There you have it: my garden or “The Farm” as the Hubby likes to call it. I should probably mention I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m having fun figuring it out though.
Did you plant a garden this summer? If not, would you want to? If so, what’s in your bed? Any tips for this wanna be urban farmer?
Looks amazing!! Can’t believe it’s grown so much in a few months. Looking forward to eating some of those veggies in a couple weeks! ; )
Hopefully my raspberries (which aren’t in this post) will be ready when you guys are here. Those are my favorite. I’m looking forward to your visit!!
Meghan recently posted…Urban Farming with Little Ol’ Me
Looking awesome! I had a garden plot a few years back, but the critters go to it, so I decided I’d stick to the grocery isle for my veggies.
We’ve got some wild deer in the neighborhood so I’m definitely nervous my plot will get eaten. Cross those fingers for me.
Meghan recently posted…Urban Farming with Little Ol’ Me
Is it weird that I actually had no idea what any of these veggies look like as plants before I read this post? Like, I never knew spinach grew above the ground… which seems like it should be obvious so don’t make fun of me. Or that zucchini had devilish looking flowery things.
Beth @ The Small Victories recently posted…New Race, New Things: My Running Wish List
I had no idea cauliflower leaves could get so big so you’re not alone.
Meghan recently posted…Urban Farming with Little Ol’ Me
You are my hero…just the idea of me farming is laughable! I love that you truly embrace the phrase “farm to fork”. If I were to plant a garden, I would probably start off with fresh herbs- versatile and relatively easy!
Khushboo recently posted…Healthy on holiday
I’ve been doing herbs for the past few years with an odd tomato and pepper plant thrown in for kicks. This year I decided to go all out though. If you were here in Cleveland, I’d share with you.
Your garden looks FANTASTIC! Seriously, it’s so nice! I want to come hangout with you in this garden sooososo bad!! UGH!
Brittany recently posted…The Ten Essentials
You are more than welcome to hang in my garden. We could watch it grow together. You should just book a flight to Cleveland stat.
how much do you charge and can you work with a plot the size of my palm because that’s what i’m working with. I.NEED.YOU. From now on i’m skipping the farmer’s market and just coming to your garden. k thanks.
Davida @ The Healthy Maven recently posted…{Weekend Recap} Minnesota + Fit Foodie Finds Edition
Well, let’s see if anything actually comes to fruition first. I’m still trying to figure out what the heck I’m doing. So far, so good though. Keep those fingers crossed.
Meghan recently posted…Urban Farming with Little Ol’ Me
No gardens for this girl because I don’t have access to much of an outside, but I did get a new aloe vera plant, if that counts
In all honesty, though, it’s probably for the best since I don’t have the best track record when it comes to plants… Taking gardening advice from me would basically be condemning your innocent plants to an untimely death…
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. banana oat greek yogurt muffins .
As much as I love you, I’m afraid I will not be taking any kind of planting advice from you. I remember what happened to your mint…or was it basil. Either way, it met an untimely demise.
Meghan recently posted…Urban Farming with Little Ol’ Me
I can’t believe someone gave you an aloe plant. I feel for that poor plant. π
Dirty Birdie alert it took me a full minute to realize you were asking about what was in garden beds and not my actual bed π
Your broccoli looks fantastic, as do the rest of your goodies, maybe it’s beginners luck or you might just know what you’re doing after all. Either way it’s making me with my two pots of herbs very jealous and also giving me major ideas for next summer!
Sarah Pie recently posted…Slices of Life #5
I love the dirty birdie alert. That is awesome!!
I have no idea what I’m doing, but it’s fun trying. Hopefully I’ll get some great goodies along the way.
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over The Place
Dayum girl, that is one fine looking plot! All organized and shit! <- As I could assume any less? Nice job! And I'm sorry but after your comment about men cringing everywhere and then "Zucchini blossoms are pretty and kind of funny looking when theyβre arenβt in full bloom", I couldn't help but spew water all over my computer screen! Don't just look at em, put em in your mouth. π LMAO
If I didn't have a black thumb, I would for sure try my hand at urban gardening. And in my very best dream of dreams, it would flourish with tomatoes, peppers, squash, and lettuces of all varieties…and a money tree, because you know, it's my fucking dream, yo!
Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli recently posted…If There Were More Timeβ¦
Oh crap, I forgot to plant the money tree. Hmm, I wonder if it’s too late in the season. Maybe I could get a fall crop. π
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over The Place
If I didn’t know any better I would say that this garden thing is NOT your first rodeo!! You definitely seems to know what you’re doing!
Alisha @ Alisha’s Appetite recently posted…Almond Lime Sauce {Spring Roll Sauce and Cold Veggie Noodle Sauce}
I’ve done herbs for years now and even had some tomatoes and peppers in small pots before, but nothing like this. My hyper organization skills just makes it look like I know what I’m doing, when really I’m just neurotic. π
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over The Place
The cauliflower plant…….I think the day I have access to acquiring gardening capabilities, that will be the first thing I plant. However, I’m not sure it could keep up with my (At least) half a head a day tally. The perks of it being Winter months here.
I am muchos impressed (and I’m as Mexican as your Italian)- moreso that you did WEEDING.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Twice Cooked Roasted Brussels Sprouts
That was a week ago; you should see the cauliflower plant now; it’s practically up to my waist!! You’d need to plant a whole lot more than one in order to keep up with that happy. I’m actually not sure how many heads of cauliflower one plant produces. Off to google that now. π
I love your garden!!
I’ve got a few large barrels with some tomato plants and smaller pots with a variety of herbs. We also have several blueberry bushes and an apple and pear tree!
In my old house I had a raised bed like yours and I was able to grow veggies amazingly! The only thing that I know that worked well for me is sprinkling some epsom salt (magnesium) around my tomato plants!! I had amazing tomatoes of all varieties and no blight!!
Enjoy your bounty!
Anneli recently posted…Time marches on and so will my blog!
I love that you have tomato plants in barrels. Please share pictures.
I’m a berry girl so I’m envious of your blueberry plants, although I do have some raspberry plants here too.
Thanks for the tip on the Epsom salt. I will give that a whirl. π
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over The Place