Happy Monday my lovelies. You know why Monday’s make me happy? Because I get to do my Week In Review list, where I celebrate all the major and minor things I accomplished in the past seven days. I think marking your progress and patting yourself on the back is a damn fine thing to do. I’ve actually been tossing around the idea of making this a link up party, so let me know what you think and if you’d be at all interested. I’d probably leave it open for a few days so you wouldn’t miss your other link up parties. Think about it, m’kay.
Before we get right to it, I’ve got to get something off my chest. For me, last week really sucked. I hate to be blunt about it, but then again I’m pretty blunt. I was funky and not in a dance party kind of way. It was way too stressful and hectic at work. I didn’t make it to the gym once, which did wonders for my mental health. Not. My monthly “friend” came to town (hello hormones), and I got a mouthful of metal on Monday, making eating extremely painful and difficult, which led to a whole lot of hangry Meghan and let me just tell you, Hangry Meghan ain’t pretty. The Hubby can vouch for me here, not that he would, because he’s a smart man and he values his life.
Truth be told, I’d had enough and just when I thought I couldn’t take anymore, Thursday night I rammed my head into a wall (I need to start paying better attention to my surroundings) hard enough to actually knock myself down. While I was on the floor in a very ungraceful heap, and the Hubby was rushing to find out what the commotion was (my head + the wall = loud noise), I completely and totally lost it. I started sobbing like a two-year old girl. In fact, I would have given any two-year old a run for their money.
I spent the next hour or so with a bag of frozen peas strapped to my head, and I don’t even like peas. The bright side is once I let it all out, I felt a smidgen better. The next day I went to the farmers market, where they actually had produce (imagine that), and it made me so happy, so I guess you know what’s coming this Friday. The moral of the story though is fresh, local veggies and a good wailing cry can brighten your day. At least this girl’s day.
Aside from my tantrum, you know what else really lifted my spirits last week? Each and every one of you and your super supportive comments. You said exactly what I needed to hear. Seriously, I can’t thank you enough. It really, really helped and for that, I love you just a little bit more, which I didn’t think was even possible.
Enough mushy stuff, let’s get listing.
- I wrote and published four blog posts, of which two were my own recipes. I also submitted those same recipes to Food Gawkers. They were my very first submissions so cross your fingers for me. No matter what happens, I’m extremely proud because they were good eats. I said it before and I’ll say it again, healthy doesn’t equal boring, and I’ll take on anyone who disagrees.
- I made Kirsten’s Orange Cherry Oatmeal muffins using cranberries instead of cherries because that’s what I had on hand, and they were freakin’ delicious. She mentions they freeze well, which is pretty much a joke because there’s no way these guys are lasting that long. I downed two immediately, while the Hubby wolfed down three.
Even Max got in on the fun. I ran upstairs for two minutes to grab something and temporarily forgot about the muffins cooling on the counter. Of course Max did not, and he managed to snag and scarf down almost an entire muffin before I made it back downstairs. He eats faster than anyone I know, and he got real territorial when I tried to take his scraps away. Apparently somebody else in this house gets hangry too.
- I worked far too many hours at the office, and they were extremely stressful hours at that. But I made it through, and this week is sure to be better. My head is up, my chin is high, although I am on the lookout for moving walls.
- I had a huge dance party on Saturday. Major accomplishments in the kitchen, great food and drink, and a little music makes for a lovely day. A bazillion comments from this girl doesn’t hurt either.
- I made pizza for dinner on Saturday and I covered it in artichokes, red onions, feta and mozzarella cheese. Damn, do I love pizza. Ignore the Hubby’s meat filled pie in the background. He had a little chicken, bell pepper, blue cheese and hot sauce action going on. What a show off. Pfft.
- I started a puzzle, and I really dig puzzles. Almost as much as I love lists… almost. I think this is going to be a tough one, and we all know how I feel about a good challenge. “Bring it on,” she says, while thumping chest wildly.
- I did my finances, paid all the bills, and reconciled every single checkbook, savings account, and health spending statement. I almost did our taxes, but then I lost motivation. Maybe next weekend.
- I registered for the Tough Mudder, even though it meant signing this form. I realize this is crazy, but it’s also why I kind of want to do it. What can I say? I am a little crazy.
- My absolute favorite thing though took place on Saturday and Sunday. Both mornings, instead of jumping out of bed and tackling the day head on, I burrowed deeper underneath the covers with my book and finally got some reading done. It was pure bliss.
It wasn’t my most impressive week, and that’s ok. I worked way too much, and then spent the better part of the weekend relaxing and trying to regain my mojo. That’s life; sometimes it’s what happens and how the cookie crumbles, and now I want cookies.
What did you do last week? Tell me about it. How do you handle rough weeks? Would you be down with a Week In Review link up party?
There must have been a full moon….every day last week! Misery loves company! Aside from the stress of trying to make the right decision on the work front and turning another year older which at my age does not necessarily mean better, I had a water line break complete with Fire Department and rushing water through vents and waterfalls in my basement! Love a plumber’s job gone bad 3 weeks later! Your post today lifted me out of bed with a new week ahead attitude. Let’s hope for better days! (I also had a visual of you hitting the wall and shook my head!)
Oh no Katy. That’s horrible. Wow, I bet you want to get your hands on that plumber.
Let’s both of us shoot for way better weeks, starting today.
hey that week sounds pretty damn impressive to me! I totally had a couple tantrums this week too, so you’re not alone. That sounds brutal though. Hope your heads ok!
Thanks Jess. You just celebrated your birthday though; it’s was supposed to be a good come back week for you. My head’s fine (I think), although still tender to the touch.
I, for one, am glad you had a tantrum. Because nothing feels better than that immediate-post-cry feeling, where everything you’ve had it up to the neck with has just been put in its place. Plus dance parties never hurt. Unless you bump your head during one of those, too. Or fall off of your heels (not that that’s ever happened to graceful ol’ me). And oh man, I so dig puzzles too. Puzzles plus audiobooks? Magical combination. If I ever get off my audiobook + knitting kick, I’ll totally be going back to puzzles.
Also, the cat-muffin picture may or may not be the cutest thing I’ve seen on the Internet in a long time. And I see a lot of cute things on the Internet.
Rock on with your good self, and I hope this week brings you much cheerier times!
Yep, it was a total melt down, but it made me feel better. I’m thinking this will be a week of puzzles with American Idol playing in the background. I’ve got a months worth of episodes to watch/listen to, so it’ll be perfect.
My cat has food issues. The muffin is really just the tip of the iceberg. Speaking if iceberg, he’s eaten lettuce, bell peppers, cookies, kale chips, bread (he loves bread) and pretty much anything I leave on the counter unattended for more than a half second. And the look he’s giving me in this picture is “Get that camera out of my face and let me eat my muffin in peace.”
I hope you week looks a little brighter too.
Yikes. That disclaimer is a little scary, but from the recaps of other bloggers, A Tough Mudder is a serious accomplishment. You’ll be great!
I love that you took a picture of your cat with the muffin even though he was probably a little manic and hissing. My cat is currently recuperating from getting fixed this past week, and is all cooped up in a large cage in our kitchen. At least she’s near the window and the sunlight. I swear, she’s acting like Harry freaking Potter locked up in his cabinet beneath the stairs.
Crossing my fingers for you FoodGawker submissions. They are tough critics.
Oh, and you know I would totally be in for doing a recap link-up. I love lists as well.
(Shoot. I forgot to put in all of name, email, site stuff at the top and it asked me to go back. Momentary heart palpitation when I thought I would have to rewrite this whole comment. Lol).
Oh man, I hate it when that happens.
Yep, Max did not want to share and he wasn’t thrilled with the camera in his face either, although it didn’t stop him from eating his muffin. I think he thought it was his prey.
Yeah for lists and link ups. Glad to hear you’d be down with it, and I hope your kitty feels better soon. My littlest one is going to get fixed on Wednesday. Snip, snip.
I actually giggled that you don’t even like peas, because I keep a bag of peas for everyone’s bumps and bruises and never cook with the damn things. Especially after the kids forget that frozen peas ought to go back into the freezer and I find them two days later on a bookshelf . . .
I love the photo of Max with his muffin, and I’m glad you liked yours.
This week will be a rough one mainly because the news of a promotion, a promotion that we thought for 2 yrs was unattainable, then we heard back in October that it was maybe, possibly, barely attainable, will finally be announced. Regardless if his name is on the list or not, I’m going to be so happy when the list is finally published because the past 5 months of uncertainty for something that had previously been certain have driven me slightly nuts. And my brother is visiting from Afghanistan and my GMIL is in the hospital and oh hey, another sled hockey tournament, this time in Michigan. And I had excellent plans for the Friday night pizzas for this week, too. Hummus, chicken and cranberry with feta.
I still don’t love lists, but I love reading yours.
I’m glad you at least like reading them, and my god woman, you have a crazy week ahead. I will keep my fingers crossed about the possible promotion and I hope it means he stays here more. Have a great time with your brother and try not to exhaust yourself to much. Can’t wait to see the pizzas.
Last week was a busy work week, which means that not as much stuff around the house gets done. This week’s a bit lighter, so hopefully I can catch up before next week (which will be crazy busy again). I’ll admit it – sometimes I skip cleaning the bathroom or cooking something time consuming in favor of more sleep. 🙂
The picture of Max eating the muffin is awesome. I learned recently that one of my cats has a taste for banana granola – who knew? As soon as a piece hits the floor, he’s on it!
I’m totally in for a week in review link up! I love lists.
I think you are very smart. Sleep is super important, and I skipped a time consuming dinner last night in favor of puzzling. I’m glad I did today too.
Max will eat anything; I’m not even kidding. This muffin was all in a days work for him, and I’m so glad to hear you’re down with a link up. Now I need to figure out how to do a link up. Details, details. Happy Monday.
Gurrrrllll… I have side #3 that you NEVER want to see too. People haven’t lived to tell the tale. 😉
Good luck withthe Tough Mudder! I did it and it’s tough… but you’ll be SO proud of yourself afterwards,
I actually read your Tough Mudder post to see what insights you have, and it involved a whole lot of cold and mud. Hmmm.
I think we all have a side 3, although some are worse than others, and it doesn’t hurt you could bench press my body weight.
Ah sorry that everything seemed to come down on you on Thursday although I’m glad you had a tantrum…there’s nothing more cathartic after a good cry and I tend to find that letting it all out helps me clear my mind!
And just for the record, it’s 8 am and you have me craving pizza..I’d take your veggie-filled one over your hubby’s any day :)!
Thanks Khushboo. Your comment last week about my braces was one of the ones that really helped me remember why I’m doing this. I totally appreciate it, and a good cry never hurts either.
Now you’ve got me thinking about breakfast pizzas. Mmmm.
If you ever need to vent about having braces as an adult, please do email me- and I sincerely mean it! If anyone gets the frustration, I do 🙂
Thank you!! 🙂
If this makes you happy…. I totally would have come over & held the bag of peas on your head just to make you feel better AND would have brought you some frozen yogurt for a recovery treat 🙂
Thanks Jessie and for the record, I would have loved one of your frozen yogurt concoctions.
Ok, ok, I’ll confess…Sunday was definitely the day where things started to turn a bit for me in the way of “funkiness” (and not the good kind), but that was AFTER I had a good cry Saturday night. Of course, this was AFTER I left a bajillion and ONE comments on your little bloggity blog. And it was AFTER about 3 separate times of wimpering/near tears…but in the end, it finally came out and I have to say, even though I felt like a complete idiot (in front of no one other than my cat) for crying for no particular reason, I felt SO MUCH better when I woke up the next day. And well, you know, being totally inspired in the kitchen totally helps too! 😉
I hate to hear how bad your week was…I mean seriously, as I read through everything, I literally was like, “Damn!”…but I’m SO glad you were able to find some positives and turn your mood around before it starts over again. But for the record, braces, a visit from Aunt “Flo”, and practically knocking yourself out DEFINITELY constitutes for some good old fashioned complaining!
PS, That pizza looks insane…like I seriously want to lick my screen!
PPS, How did you know that I’ve been considering picking up a puzzle for the last week? I’m taking this as a sign…puzzle shopping tomorrow! Err…today!!!! 😀
Now you know exactly why all your comment love came at the perfect time. Thank you. We all have bad days and sometimes bad weeks and we’re entitled to it (and a good cry), but the best part is when we are able to pull ourselves out of our funks, whether it takes kitchen inspiration or puzzles to do it.
I’ve been seeing puzzles everywhere and I started to get the itch (the good kind) so I had to do it. I’m so glad I did.