I really like the word extravaganza. It’s slightly over the top, which suits me perfectly. Just slightly though because we all know I’m great at restraint (snort). Extravaganzas and restraints aside, I put down a lot of food this weekend, and I want to share the fun with all of you. Happy What I Ate Wednesday…er Saturday. Make sure to head over to Peas and Crayons after you’ve thrown a comment my way (but of course).
Saturday was a busy day for me. I had to run a ton of errands, including a trip to the grocery store, all in preparation for a Girls Night gathering at my place (Magic Mike was definitely viewed). I also had to clean the house because there’s no way I’m hosting people with a messy place. Yes, I know it’s crazy, but when it comes to cleanliness, I don’t kid.
(I actually have this picture on a fridge magnet. It was a gift, it couldn’t have been more appropriate, and I love it.)
So I woke up bright and early Saturday morning, and I got right to it. Caffeine, in the form of coffee, helped fuel my overall tidying and vacuuming spree. After a couple of hours, I took a short break, long enough to indulge in a bowl of cereal: Nature’s Path Maple Pecan Crunch with some fresh raspberries.
After breakfast, I hopped in the shower (did a little dancing, maybe some singing) and set about running my errands. I foolishly thought my bowl of cereal would be enough to fuel me. I was very wrong, and I broke the cardinal rule as a result. Do NOT go to the grocery store hungry. It was bad, and I almost bought everything in sight (did you see my bag of oats from Monday’s post?). By the way, when normal people go to the grocery store hungry, they buy chips, snacks and special treats. Not me though, I buy giant bulk bags of oats and purple potatoes simply because they’re pretty. I am such a sucker for good looking food.
I realized I was getting a little hangry, so I bought a Kind Bar because I can suck one down in the car (ahem, ahem). Bonus points because they were on sale. I know The Kind bars are good, but I rarely eat them because they are ridiculously expensive, and I’d obviously prefer that money be spent on fancy cheeses. So I devoured my bar in 6.2 seconds and then headed on over to the Breadsmith, where I bought a cookie, but not just any cookie. Oh no, I snagged me a dinosaur shaped cookie covered in cranberry icing (Sorry Hubby, it’s true I scarfed down a cookie, and I didn’t get you one; forgive me, I have sinned). Between the two treats, I managed to complete the rest of my errands (Target, Home Depot, a little Bed, Bath and Beyond; ok, not the last one) without attacking anyone from hunger rage. It was a close call though.
As soon as I got home from said errand running, I whipped up two fried eggs and grabbed some leftover Parmesan Roasted Sweet Potatoes. I literally ate this while my produce sat on the counter, patiently waiting to be put away. How very considerate.
After lunch, I put my gracious groceries away and then enticed the Hubby in ways I will not mention (also in Monday’s post) to assist me with my food prep for Girls Night. We got chopping. Literally.
My contribution was a ginormous fruit bowl and a mammoth veggie platter with some homemade veggie dip.
In addition to my contributions, I also dined on the following (in no particular order, which is shocking, I know):
Greek Focaccia Bread with Feta, Olives, Spinach and Tomatoes.
Tabouli and Hummus Stuffed Pita Sandwiches.
And Dun, Dun, Dun….The Cookie Monster.
Also consumed, but not pictured, was half a chocolate brownie with peanut butter frosting, along with a couple of glasses of bubbly and copious amounts of cucumber laced H2O.
It was a great day, along with loads of delicious food, so much so, one might call it an eating extravaganza.
When was your last eating extravaganza, and what did you eat? Do you like the word extravaganza?
I am coming for the next Girl’s Night!! 😉 Did you make that foccacia bread? Incredible. You are so funny, Meghan! Have a great day, Sweetie!
Thanks Fran. You’re always welcome at Girls Night, and nope the focaccia bread was someone else’s contribution, and it was really good.
Boy was this a mouthful to take in, both for me as the reader and you as the reader (but let’s be honest… I think you got the better end of the deal in this case 😉 ). Holy moly where to start where to start…? I have dreams about the cleanliness of my room, except it’s never a clean room that I see but a messy one. I always wake up super anxious with this desirous urge to organize everything in sight. Haha. Sometimes it happens but more often than not I refrain 😀 How noble of me. Lol.
That sugar cookie looks like the best kind– the kind with amazing frosting! Seriously, frosting makes it or breaks it for me and sugar cookies. And cranberry sounds so sweet, tangy and “extravagant.”
Ah. I hope you will be sharing how you made that cookie monster. I’m crossing my fingers that it is an edible dough and you didn’t have to bake it afterwards (but now that I think about it, it’s probably much more practical that they were transformed into cookies after the picture was taken). How I love to hear about cookie dough though!
I didn’t make the cookie monster, but I’m pretty sure my friend found it on Pinterest so you should check there. I’m also pretty sure it was horrible for me, but I ate my share with a spoon and loved every bite.
It’s weird, I don’t love to clean, but I love how it feels when I’m in a clean space, hence all the cleaning. After I watch an episode of Hoarders I’m a maniac, pitching things and reorganizing. It’s like your bad dream. 🙂
I think Hoarders is fascinating, but it makes me super sad and depressed. After about 30 seconds of it I have to leave the room. haha. I just can’t handle it.
I’ve actually seen that recipe on Pinterest, but I didn’t want to assume and be wrong! 🙂
You are much smarted and self controlled than me. I should leave the room because it does make me sad (and then a cleaning maniac), but I stay and watch anyway.
I want a dinosaur cookie!!!!!!
Come to Cleveland, and I will get you a dinosaur cookie. 🙂
That fruit bowl and veggie platter look amazing! Everytime I see brightly coloured fruit it reminds me how exciting it is to eat! 🙂 I’m loving the Greek bread as well. That looks amazing. Definitely Girls Night worthy!
Thanks. I love hosting girls nights because I get to keep all the leftover food. Shhh, don’t tell.
hahahaa love the magnet! I was gifted a magnet that says “Don’t try to understand me, just love me!”
I have actually been given it twice by 2 different friends – hahaha wonder what they’re trying to say 😉
BTW I love the heading picture on the top of your blog 🙂
I’d say if two separate people gave you the same magnet, they are definitely trying to tell you something. That they love of course.
I so appreciate your comment about my header because those are actually all my own food pictures, so I’m really proud of it. Thanks for letting me know.
We do, in fact, need to discuss that cookie monster. At some point.
For now I will just laugh–but not out loud, because that would be kind of weird–at how similar we are. Groceries are very patient, thankfully, because I often believe I can do a WHOLE lot more than I can before my stomach starts yelling at me. I’m impressed you had the patience to fry eggs. I end up with random raw veggies, unwashed and uncut, scooped into hummus and salsa shoveled into my mouth in rapid-fire succession. [Not that that has happened twice this week after school or anything…]
And I love big words. Especially if they are rather outlandish and hyperbolic when used. It makes life more fun to be wildly extravagant in your verbiage on occasion.
You said uncut. Ha, ha. Ha, ha.
Sorry, 8 year old boy moment over. I love big words too. The bigger the better (Ha, ha. Ha, ha.) and outlandish and hyperbolic are quite entertaining and highly amusing. Thanking you for making me laugh, but not out loud because that would be kind of weird.
Mmmm, gimme that cookie creation!!! Side note, aren’t Nature’s Path cereals awesome? They’re usually my fav.
Yes, the Nature’s Path cereals are delicious and such a great brand. No sketch, and their Maple Crunch cereal is crazy good, like a bowl of Kix but better.
Awesome day of eats here! Love that foccacia bread and cookie dough… mmm 🙂
Thanks Sabrina. Both were delicious and consumed in copious amounts.
I’m such a sucker for pretty food too, it’s not just you. And ohhhh my word that cookie dough. I. Need. It.
Yep there’s just something about pretty food.
Everything looks SO darn good!! I am loving the looks of that lunch, the fruit bowl (SO YUM!), and that Focaccia bread. Heck, who am I kidding? Everything that you ate looks amazing :).
Thanks Hannah. It turned out to be a great day of food. Dare I say an eating extravaganza.
Errr I kinda wanna dive head first straight into that bowl of cookie goodness- YUM! You and your girls sure know how to put together a delicious night together..everything especially those stuffed pitta sandwiches sound fab! The last eating extravaganza I went to was actually last night- a few of my girlfriends and I went to dinner and just went all out with ordering: waffles, scrambled eggs, pizza, poached eggs, caprese salad, freshly baked choc chip cookies, broccoli & fennel soup, bacon…hit.the.spot!
Wow, that is an extravaganza and it sounds delicious. I can’t wait for fresh local tomatoes so I can make my first caprese salad of the season.
I’m craving a filled pita now! I think I may make some for lunch tomorrow. I shall be having an eating extravaganza this weekend at a BBQ with friends. We also bring a separate dish each and we end up with some amazing combinations!
That sounds like a lot of fun. I’m absolutely ready for barbecue weather. Have a great time at yours.
Holy cow…that fruit bowl picture is insane. And those sandwiches sound so great. The cookie monster also looks delicious. To sum it up, I love it all.
Thanks Caitlyn. I appreciate you stopping by and saying hello. I’m a huge fan of fruit so I always have a big bowl at every party or gathering.
Oh my gosh, what the hell is the cookie monster??? That looks so good! Can I please come to your next party?
Yes you can definitely come, especially if you bring one of those foster kitties. My friend brought the Cookie Monster and she found it on Pinterest. I’m pretty sure it’s called the Cookie Monster too so you should check it out.
Everything looks so good! That fruit salad and stuffed pita sandwiches, yum!
Thanks Nicole. The tabouli stuffed pitas were delicious. I ate leftovers the next night too!
I like the word extravaganza, almost as much as I like your methods of recruitment (;)) and your impulse buys of pretty foods (how do you think I ended up with a 1/2 lb bag of crystallized ginger).
I haven’t had a food party lately, but a bunch of my little cousins (and my brother) are all graduating high school this year so I have graduation parties (and all the accompanying food) to look forward to next month!
Oh crystallized ginger. I could see how you’d be swayed, especially when additional methods of “recruitment” are thrown in.
Have fun at your upcoming parties.
I’m coming over for your next girls’ night! Meghan (and hubs) made food PLUS Magic Mike??
And if I grocery shop hungry, I buy enough produce for about ten people. And then get home and realize I’m one person. And that green things go bad fast.
Yep, food and male strippers is how I roll. 😉 You are always welcome. I’ll even make you a salad and your grilled cheese of choice.
It’s amazing how quickly greens can go, which is why smoothies were invented. I know your know a smoothie gal, but they sure can give you a burst for very little work. The last time I gave blood, they told me my Iron was at a pretty high (in a good way) level, and I swear it’s all the spinach in my smoothies. Me and Popeye.
Salad and grilled cheese? I’m hopping in my car and driving your way.
Can’t wait to see you. Look for the crazy lady waving her spatula.
I’m with the herd on this one- cookie monster deets are needed!!! And now that I’ve discovered how ridiculously easy focaccia is to make I’m going to dupe that fully loaded one you featured, yum! I miss a movie date at your place… good times 🙂
I want your focaccia, and you can find the cookie monster on Pinterest. I didn’t look it up because I didn’t want to know what was in it; ignorance is sweet bliss.
Dude! Hand over the focaccia and nobody gets hurt!! I could seriously plant my face right in the middle of that sucker! Oh yeah, I’m classy like that!
Love the truckload of fruit and veggies! At first, I thought you had some well behaved celery this time around, but I see one of ’em getting a little randy near that carrot stick…tisk, tisk!
I love that you made a meal (especially because it was an EGG meal) and ate it minutes after walking through the door…now THAT is a sign of a woman who has her priorities in line! Can’t tell you HOW many times I’ve done that! Yup, you and me? We just get each other like that…the peanut butter topped brownie just serves to drive that message home! 😉
Good to know the hubs was “paid” for his food prepping abilities…nookie trumps cookie (almost) any day! Hey, I’m sorry, but it depends on what kind of cookie we’re talking here!!!
I know right! It’s always the celery getting randy too. Dirty little veggie, and I will fight for that focaccia bread. so bring it on. Never mind, for you, I’ll share.
I was so hungry I had to eat, but it didn’t stop me. I literally brought in a round of grocery bags (recyclable of course), fired up the skillet, then brought in another round of bags, added the butter to the skillet, another round, cracked the eggs on the skillet. It needed to be done, and I know you get it.
Nookie trumps cookie…almost. I think your cookie obsession is getting out of hand or else I need to try one of these cookies. 😉
That fruit platter is gorgeous!
Thanks Sara. I love me some fruit.
Oh man – if I go to the grocery store hungry, I immediately head straight for the deli so I can eat something while I’m shopping. I can’t function when I’m hungry. If I’m nowhere near food, I’ll drop everything and go straight to a drive-thru or head home so I can get food.
That’s a great idea. A couple of times, I’ve bought an extra container of berries (blueberries, raspberries, whatever) and I’ll eat an entire container in the car. The little sugar kick is enough to get me home since I’m only a five minute drive away. I like the deli idea though too.
Your produce is much more mild mannered and polite than mine is. Mine would be loudly squawking on the counter demanding attention.
Perhaps that’s the pigs, after hearing the rustling of the bags.
Anyway, jealous of both the clean house and the delicious foodstuffs. What did your friends think of you taking photos of the food? People think I’m nuts.
It might have been squawking or that could have been the cats. I tuned it all out until I had eaten something.
I did most of my photos outside before they arrived and I only took a couple inside with them there. They know I have a blog so they didn’t say anything, but it was slightly strange. I’m sure they thought I was nuts but were too polite to say it.