I thought about writing a fabulous intro for today’s Week In Review post. Really, I did.
I also had grand plans about knocking off a bunch of pretty cool blog stuff last week and then bragging about it, but that didn’t happen either.
Let’s just say I had a few distractions or if you want to get all technical about it, there was just one; it was a big one though (wink, wink).
The Hubby was between semesters, so not only was he home with me all week-long, he was footloose and school free, so I spent most of my free time with him. If you noticed I was a little MIA last week, it’s because I was eating my man up, literally; I’m a biter. Just kidding, I’m really more of a nipper. Needless to say, last week was all about quality time devoted to my man, and I do mean all kinds of quality, so forgive me for skipping my normal intro. Instead, I’m jumping right into it.
Let’s get listing:
- Despite my man being home, I worked in some shape or form every single day last week for my real job. Yep, the one which pays my mortgage and the Hubby’s rent. I do get to send all personnel emails like this though, so it’s not all bad. This gem was a commentary on the move from our old and what some might say decrepit office building, complete with creepy crawlers, to our new location with a view.
- Along with our new office space, the new gym has finally opened, and while I didn’t tackle any small children to get there (perhaps because I didn’t see any), I did get back to working out. Every damn work day last week…..but one. I didn’t realize just how badly I missed working out on my lunch hour. It has brought some much needed sanity back into my life, and it feels fan-fucking-tastic. Sorry, it’s been that good. It also doesn’t hurt the new digs are super swanky either.
- On the flip side of my health coin, I ate an obscene amount of Halloween candy, and by obscene, I mean enough to wire a small child for days on end. I even found chocolate on my computer mouse. I have regrets.
- I finished my book. It was a reread, and what some might call a classic. I just call it good and the main reason I’m a cat person.
- The Hubby and I shared a very zen moment with a neighborhood deer late Friday night; a stag to be exact. Let me tell you, this guy’s antlers were out of control big and if I’m being totally honest, a little intimidating. Talk about a rack; he put mine to shame. For some reason, he allowed us to creep up alongside him in our car (we couldn’t have been more than fifteen feet away) and just watch him in his element. It was pretty spectacular, although I was ready to floor it just in case he decided to go all Cujo on us and charge. I mean the car, not for watching, you dirty birdies.
- I started growing celery because I’m bad ass. Plus all the cool kids are doing it. Oh, just me. Whatever; I still rock.
- Speaking of food, I did a crapton of cooking, so much so I could have made this post a Kitchen in Review, but I decided to play it safe today and stick with tradition. That being said, I made Ratatouille.
Look when these veggies appear in your crisper, courtesy of your Geauga Family Farms CSA, they’re practically screaming Ratatouille. Or perhaps they’re more poetic: over the fridge and through the kitchen, you can faintly hear soft lulling sounds, barely more than a whisper. After a moment, you can almost make out words and phrases…. Rata… Rata…. Touille ……Ratatouille. I’d be remiss not to listen and since my listening skills are on point (cough, cough), I made Ratatouille.
- I also finally got my act together, well at least enough to participate in my girl Sarah’s Chopped Kitchen Challenge. The goal was to put together a recipe or some such creation using the ingredients referenced below. Well, we all know how much I like a challenge, especially the whole winning part at the end.
I joined the party, and I’m super glad I did because I got to make this lovely number. I give you my Apple Gouda Quiche with a dash of Chili Powder. Sweet, spicy and everything nicey. Alright, the rhyme wasn’t worth it, but this quiche certainly is.
Even though I haven’t seen a single other entry, I think I should win. Obviously. Oh and if you play your cards right, I’ll share the recipe later this week. Confession: I wanted to share it today, except the clock is ticking, and I’ve run out of time, which means it’s your turn. I want to hear from you.
Interested in participating in the Week In Review? Good, you should be.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the past seven days. It’s an achievement list and one with the sole purpose of bringing pleasure. Want in? Grab the Week in Review button for your post, link back to Clean Eats, Fast Feets and get your list on. For more details, click here.
Link up and get your list on.
Have you ever had a close encounter with a deer or some other equal impressive animal? What was the last book you finished? When you saw that produce, you thought Ratatouille too right?
A horse stuck its head in through the car window on Assateague Island (Misty of Chincoteague ponies?) Nope, that’s not the last book I read. It was some trashy romance novel I downloaded from the library Ohio eBook Project and because it was on my Kindle I have no clue what the title was. Just mindless reading.
When I saw your produce I thought ‘crap, I’ve got to get to the peppers in the crisper’ and typing that I thought ‘crap, I left tomatoes in the oven overnight’. So apparently no, ratatouille was not even close to my thoughts. I’m in the ‘damn it, I am sick of putting up produce’ stage, I admit.
I have accomplished some, but I’d like to go accomplish more so I’ll leave it at that and walk the dogs.
You crack me up although I’m sorry the produce was a trigger for so many things, completely non enjoyment related. I’m getting tired of putting up produce too, and I’ve done a fraction of what you’ve done. I also lost the basil in a wind storm last week so now I will spend the winter pesto less. How very sad. Alright, I actually have a little socked away, but I was hoping to do another great big batch with the basil. I guess it wasn’t meant to be.
That celery is insane!!! I’m so impressed. We just moved offices too. Good riddance to the old creepy crawling, window-less building, but I can’t help but hate the new open concept we’re working with because now I can’t read your blog at work. Lame.
Oh well that just stinks. Guess you’ll have to invest in the baking a little more and work your way out of the open office space.
I wish we had CSA’s in our area. I’m so jealous. I love the growing celery…how cool. You just let it sit there? How does that work? You probably already explained and I missed it. I’ll go back and read what I missed. Have a great day, Meghan!
You didn’t miss the bit about the celery. You cut off the bottom and stick it in a bowl with some water and then let it sit there. Easy right? I’ve actually added more water twice and I keep it in a window. It’s crazy how fast it’s growing.
I admire and look up to your sass. Especially in the office pic. Glad you had a fun time with the hubby at home ;). Also I’m drooling all over that quiche.
Aw what a very sweet thing to say. Thanks Jess.
OMG I had no idea you could grow celery out of a stem. I’m so doing that the minute I finish this post.
Yes! Do it! It couldn’t be easy. This is my first time so we can see how simple it is together.
That is a beautifully amazing quiche and for that alone you win! (I may actually send out prizes at some point but I have to find my room under all the boxes first…)
Self-promotion aside I love that you got to spend time nibbling Hubby to your hearts content (you said it I just paraphrased). I also LOVE your new gym, it’s beautiful.
That work email is hilarious! I want to work someplace where email like that is acceptable (heck right now I’d be happy if my office could learn how to actually send/use email…)
I do have a review for this week in progress… my internet is just a little spotty at the moment and I don’t feel like trying to upload from my phone… but I didn’t forget you I promise 🙂
Thanks love, although no need to send prizes. In my heart of hearts, I know I won and that’s enough. By the way, I haven’t read the other posts yet, so I have no basis to say that.
I want to sprout some celery too! ANd I want to stick my face you that last recipe. I don’t care if you post it. I want you to devlier. Dammit.
I’ll be bringing it on Friday. Right to your Strange But Good door because who the hell puts apples in a quiche. Oh, that was me. 😉
Who did you get to take those absolutely crazy and wonderful pictures of you? Did they know it was for the blog? Sometimes I wish I was more open about having a blog so when I take a ridiculous amount of pictures of everything people wouldn’t look at me so strangely and I’d have a good excuse.
Your gym looks empty. Where is the #emptytwerk love with Arman and Laura?
I did not know that you could grow celery like that. Was that a happy accident or did you do it on purpose? On my house it probably would have been the first…
That gouda quiche looks amazing! Please do share 🙂
Last book I finished reading- The Crown of Embers. I just went to a book fair on Saturday and got the third signed by the author!
Actually those pictures were for an email I sent out at work. I thought it came out really well so I decided to share it on the blog. My employer doesn’t know anything about the blog, and I think I’ll keep it that way for the time being.
I don’t twerk. I will eat bananas publically though.
Kirsten at Farm Fresh Feasts gave me the idea for the celery. She’s been doing it for awhile now so I figured it was time to give it a try.
Getting the book signed by the author is very cool. What a great experience.
Love this post….oh dear. So much innuendo all over it.
That gym looks EPIC!!!! I would go to work smiling like a cheshire cat if that was at my finger tips. Also that recipe…….cannot wait it sounds amazing! As soon as I saw the eggplant I indeed did think ratatouille…not sure why but maybe because thats the ONLY time I ever buy it!
Tomorrow’s WIAW post is a dedication to your post last week!
The gym is EPIC. It’s so fresh and so clean, clean. Seriously, it’s brand new and state of the art everything. It’s also connected to my office building so lunch time workouts couldn’t be more convenient.
Yes! Someone else who thought Ratatouille. We are on the same wavelength Arman. Cold pizza, public bananas, a full day of WIAW eats. Thank you for the link love and the dedication. You sure know how to treat a girl.
1. I love your office pictures, hilarious! (and looking so chic too!)
2. That gym is gorgeous! Looks like you are having fun. I can’t wait to see what else you post from there.
3. Apple quiche? No. Way. You amaze me.
4. I’ve regrown celery and romaine for mild results. Green onions though? That is where the money is at. I regrow those for 2-3 months before they give up and die. But they are fast growers, results in as little as a week!
5. Growing up in rural Ohio I’ve seen many a deer up close. They love to pick from my dad’s garden. In Florida I had the chance to see some gators in our community pond. That blew my mind. We had countless lizards break into the house too. And here in Fargo I’ve enjoyed the jackrabbits and partridge (they are so darn cute and stay through the cold, cold winter, pittering around in big groups). I LOVE WILDLIFE! It’s super neat!
So I tried green onions and they got a little slimy and gross so I pitched them. Sadly, I suspect user error. I will try again just because you said so.
You are right. I am loving the new gym and I’ll talk more about it soon. I feel fabulous again though, and I didn’t even know I didn’t feel fabulous before.
Wildlife is cool. The deer thing was just an amazing experience.
The gym looks amazing!!! PS; the shit you do with cheese just ain’t right girl. Or is it. Looks awesome.
It is. It so, so, so is.
What can I say? I got a way with cheese.
Omg, I love that picture of you with the bug! Haha! So glad to hear you finally getting your gym on again…I know you’ve been going nuts without it! But I’m even MORE glad that you got so much time with the Hubby!! Aww, yay!
That quiche! What a beauty! And nice work on the ratatouille <- Oh snap! I spelled it right on the first try!! I've never actually made rattouille <-fail before…it's kinda just like a really chunky veggie-filled spaghetti sauce, right?
I once had a brief encounter with a snake…brief being the operative word there! Last book I finished was The Gifts of Imperfection…160 pages and it took me nearly TWO MONTHS to read! Gah! While it was a difficult read personally, the author referenced another of her books, I Thought It Was Just Me that I'm thinking about checking out. It's 336 pages so that should take me…..oh, about 3 years! Ha!
Yes getting back to the gym has been epic for me. It makes everything in my life more manageable which means I’m happier. Can’t beat that.
Ratatouille is actually more like a vegetable stew. You start with onions and cook those down, then add garlic and cook that down, then add eggplant and cook that done, then add whatever else you got on hand and cook that down. You’re building flavor with each addition, and it’s great on it’s own or you can use it to top rice, quinoa or even pasta. You’d probably really like it.
So many books, so little time. Story of my life.