Oh hey. Hi there. Remember me?
Your long-lost blogging buddy, who disappeared without a trace or should I say nary a crumb because you know I wouldn’t leave that on a plate; at least not if good food was involved.
You may have wondered where I’ve been. Then again, you may not have and I’d kindly ask you to keep that thought under wraps, since I’m slightly vulnerable right now, an odd feeling no doubt. Have no fear though, I could still kick some ass if need be.
The past few weeks, I have been a slave to the Man, and I don’t mean the Hubby, although he might like that. His normally independent wife suddenly being submissive would probably be quite the turn on.
In the meantime, the Man I’m referencing is the J.O.B, the one which pays the bills. It’s a pretty important thing, and since we’re down a person at the office, I’ve been putting in extra long and sometimes emotionally fraught hours. One day last week, I made it home mere minutes before midnight. Thank god it wasn’t any later because I might have turned into a pumpkin, and we all know how I feel about pumpkin. I think I also just deemed myself a princess by association. Hey, if the shoe fits, or more importantly the tiara… hmm, I should probably let them know I have a small head.
So yeah I’ve been working a lot, an awful lot. It’s pretty much all I’ve done the last few weeks or so, except that unfortunate vet visit on Friday, where we were told Max is in the end stages of kidney failure. Yeah, so that’s no good either.
Those two facts: too much work and the imminent end of my bread borrowing buddy are the reasons I spent the better part of this weekend mostly horizontal on the couch, with my arms and legs curled up around a cat, while a movie or two or six played in the background. I dozed in and out, I cried on and off, and I cancelled all my plans except for my Saturday morning yoga class, where I kind of lost it in shavasana. Thank god the guy next to me started to snore as unwanted tears eked out of my fiercely closed eyes. I’m not a great crier and I’m certainly not a pretty crier. Given a choice, I’d like to skip it altogether, even though I know to feel it and then let it go is cathartic.
Sometimes life is not all rainbows, unicorns, puppies and magical beanstalks. Sometimes we work far more hours than we should. Sometimes we get mistreated along the way, and sometimes our sweet, amiable and once upon a time, food stealing felines get dealt a bad card. Sometimes we need to say screw the silver lining, and instead of shining a light on the positive, we need to feel the pain and grieve, which is what I did with my weekend. It wasn’t marvelous. It wasn’t Week In Review worthy. It just was, and sometimes that’s all we need.
Hang in there, girl š I hope this week is a better one!
Liz @ I Heart Vegetables recently posted…Productivity Tools
I’m so so sorry to hear about your dog! I can’t even imagine how tough it must be, and I am keeping your dog and you in my prayers! You are such a strong woman, and I know you can push through all these tough times, and come out stronger than ever! I love your blog so much and I missed you while you were gone š
Sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do. Which also means crying during yoga class.
Some of the best releases I’ve ever had (physically and emotionally) have been during class….and I bet you did feel a bit better/unwound after. And if not, there’s always “Cute Kitten Climbs on Whatevers” videos on Youtube. xo….
Thinking of you & sending lots of hugs <3
Lindsay @ Lindsay Weighs In recently posted…Monday Motivation #1 – 7/21/14
I’m sorry to hear about Max, part of me hoped that since you hadn’t mentioned it in a while the little stinker was doing better.
Good for you for taking all the time you need to recoup after a hellish work week and a dose of bad news. Pumpkin princess or not we all need that time to ourselves sometimes to process or stop processing.
Take care friend and give the feline extra snuggles. I’ll be sending warm thoughts your way.
Sarah Pie recently posted…Slices of Life #9
Sending both you and Max tonnes of hugs <3 It sucks that periods like this are kind of unavoidable, but I hope this one doesn't last too long and that you're back to your peppy self soon <3 Until then, always thinking of ya š
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. so many choices {swanson’s giveaway} .
I hear ya sister! You’ve earned yourself a big old pity party because coming home from your ‘9 to 5’ at midnight is just super not cool.
Hope things chill out for you soon!!
Damn Meghan you’re a good writer.
You know I’ve just gone through it with Wee Oliver Picklepants–so let me commiserate with you about Max. That sucks. I’m glad I was able to meet him last summer.
Kirsten recently posted…Summer Squash in Spaghetti Sauce Side Dish
Oh, and apparently the volunteer squash that have taken over the garden? Pumpkin-ish type squash. I’ve got 4 that look like lovely round pumpkins taking over the bed-formerly-known-as-the-garlic-bed and lolling about the dwarf peach tree is not, as I suspected, a Sasquatch Zucchini. No, upon recent inspection it appears to be a tall type pumpkin-ish vegetable.
I’ll take pictures if I can stand in my neighbor’s yard to get the entire vegetable in the frame.
Kirsten recently posted…Sweet & Spicy Peach, Chicken, Hatch Chile and Spinach Pizza
So sad to hear about Max, I have cats too and I love them so much.
Last year I lost my first cat-son hit by a car and I was devastated… Please give Max a lot of hugs, food and all the things cats love, he will be grateful for ever for the home you provided to him and all the love… at least you will be able to share with him and say goodbye š
Hope this week is better.
Marcela recently posted…Ensalada frĆa de Flor de Itabo
So sorry to hear this! Sounds like you did the perfect thing this weekend in resting up. That last paragraph is beautifully written, glad to have you back and looking forward to hearing more when you’re out the other side š
Oh Meghan!! Probs to you for writing all this shit down. Not that I think what you wrote is shit, but just the shit that happened – you get it. Remember my post about bad days last week? I definitely agree that we have to screw positive thinking and the light at the end of the tunnel sometimes and just face the real world that sometimes suck. And drown in self-pity with a cat in your arm and several movies playing. I hope you got some good chocolate and wine too – if not, let me send you some amazing Swiss deliciousness. In the meantime I am sending tons of blonde hugs. They’re strong and honest.
Lucie@FitSwissChick recently posted…MIMM ā Fun Photoshoot and being HOME
Oh man I totally lost it when my first cat passed away. And I had only had her for a couple of years! But she was my baby and my BFF. She’d sit on my chest while I read for hours at a time in the summer. Those little furballs can really grow on you!! (sounds weird, but you know what I mean, right?)
Also, I freaking hate The Man.
Basically, so so sorry it’s been rough recently. Many virtual hugs and thoughts and prayers being sent your way. <3 <3
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut recently posted…You vs You: Keeping Blogging Statistics in Perspective
Pretty crier or not: yes, it is good to let it all out. Said by me who hardly ever cries but when I do it’s all snot-and-tears on end. I said it in my mail already but I take all the time you need to grieve and recollect yourself. This is a really rough time for you and I wish there was anything more I could do than send you lots of virtual hugs. I’d ship a nice cheese platter over there including that pesto cheese I recently saw but I fear it wouldn’t survive the heat.
In all seriousness, though: Keeping you in my thoughts and hoping for better times ahead.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Good good links #48
I teared up as I read this, I am so sad for you and Max. I can’t even imagine how much of a mess I am going to be when my older cat is gone. He is really slowing down and lately I have been noticing things in his movements and just his way of life that are a bit concerning. UGH WHY! I have wondered where you are, and am glad for the pop in to say hello. I am sending love and happy vibes to you and Max, oh and send some bread.
Brittany recently posted…See Jane Run
I’m so sorry about your kitty. My pup wasn’t doing too well when I left so I stuffed him full of treats and gave him more belly rubs than he could ever want. Max knows how much you love him!
Sending hugs and virtual dragon fruit from Malaysia.
Tara @ Rovin’ Rambler recently posted…Dinner During Ramadan
Ah I missed your posts, Meg! So sorry to hear that you are going through a difficult period. I know few words can comfort your pain so sending you lots of hugs & good vibes your way <3
Khushboo recently posted…Avocado toast
Thinking you of as always. Sometimes abit too PG13 to write on here.
You are doing awesome and I have proof of that.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Paleo Sweet and Sour Meatballs
Hang in there, love! There probably isn’t much I could say right now to make you feel better other than that I’m thinking of you and Max and the Hubs. xoxo
Davida @ The Healthy Maven recently posted…Honey Garlic Chicken Chickpea Salad + A Protinis Giveaway!
Meghan, I’m so sorry to hear about Max. I’ve lost cats and dogs to old age and health issues and it sucks. I’ll keep both of you in my thoughts.
Melissa @ Step Into My Kitchen recently posted…Summer Squash Pesto Galette
FYI – in the land of therapy, we call this “self care”. Understanding what the body and brain need to make it through a crisis and then giving it that. Movies, cuddling, and quiet are all very good.
This is sad about the cat. You’re gonna miss him. Periodically you will look around and say “I miss my cat” and then you will cry and then you will go on to do laundry or cook or mow the lawn. We grieve in motion. And it takes as long as it takes. When I had to put my sweet baby boy Gus (pug) to sleep (he had encephalitis) I was so horrified that it took me YEARS to incorporate his loss. I’m tearing up as I write this because DAMMIT, I miss my dog.
They are in our lives to enrich us. They leave us when they do and we mourn and eat cake and try to have better days.
Sweet baby boy. What a mess for him. But dammit if he’s not the luckiest cat in the world to live in relative splendor in your house. I know you will love him up good and proper.
And I did notice you weren’t online or on instagram. I knows where all my bitches are at.
Take care, toots. Hugs from the Northwest.
Lindsey @HalfDimeHomestead recently posted…Good Mama Monthly ā The Dead Bird Edition
Ugh. Sorry things suck right now, my friend. It’s all about balance, and all of this will balance out sooner rather than later. Hang in there.
Abby recently posted…Iām a Weather Wimp
Thinking of you during this time my friend. Hugs to you.
Kate @ Kate Lives Healthy recently posted…WIAW #4
Thinking of you! And it’s ok to cry anywhere, anytime! Many hugs and prayers to you.
Megan @ The Skinny-Life recently posted…Vega Sport Sugar-Free Energizer
Sometimes life isn’t fair and it certainly sounds like it’s not being nice to you right now. Hope things get better for ya Meghan!
Jess @ JessieBear What Will You Wear? recently posted…Where to Begin?
You deserve a week to lay around and curl and movie binge and cry – you work so hard! Both for the J.O.B. and for life and for the blog. I guess that’s 3 things so I can’t say “both”…. Point being, we’re here for you when you feel up and ready to post. We’ll wait. And if you need another ugly cryer (crier?) to take up with, I’m available. We’ll drink wine and watch bad 80’s movies and sit around in the comfiest of pjs. I noticed you were absent from the instagrams and figured you were just busy. I should have emailed directly.
Also, I’m so sorry about kitty. I know what it’s like when a pet is sick and that’s a terrible awful thing. I’m sorry he’s not well….
Kristy @ She Eats recently posted…Ridiculously Luscious Arugula Pesto
Oh honey, I feel with you. Sometimes life sucks and then you just have to go on a real crying jag to get some of the tension out of your system. I send you and Max a big hug. Take your time and enjoy some family company. I hope you feel better soon <3
Juli @ 1000lovelythings recently posted…The Whole30 ā Recap
thinking of you as I sit at work late as well! Keep you chin up!
Casey (@saltedplates) recently posted…Swanson Health Products Giveaway!