I had no intention of jumping on the whole ‘Year in Review’ and ‘Top Ten Recipes’ bandwagon today.
Being semi-resistant to the whole idea, I even scoffed at it at one point; vigorously I might add. The voices in my head were pretty persistent though, as is often the case, and they kept reiterating the benefits of shameless self-promotion. I mean really, who else is going to do it? Certainly not the figments of my imagination, even if those guys are pretty epic.
I don’t know why I was so anti-year in review to begin with, other than the fact everybody and their mothers is doing a 2014 recap, and I didn’t want to fall victim to the herd mentality. Not me, no siree. I march to the beat of my own drum, dammit!, which is why I was going to share a simple recipe for roasted candied nuts today, along with whatever wicked humor I could dish up. Yeah, like no one’s ever done that before. Insert eye roll here.
At the end of the day, I’m pretty sure every recipe and post idea has been around the block more times than Jenny, which is why the actual penning part of a post means something. The things I look for in a blog, aside from copious amounts of veggies with a side of cheese porn, is witty writing and well crafted sentences, with a double dollop of personality. That’s what gets my motor running, aside from monkey loving and spinning, although not at the same time. Wait, on second thought, that could be interesting. Hmm, I knew there was reason they created tandem bicycles. [Oh Hubby, a word please….]
Roasted nuts aside, I’ve succumbed to the pressure and joined the annual review party, although I’m giving it my own little twist. No surprise there.
For starters, let’s see which posts were YOUR favorites. And the crowd goes wild…
The Posts Which Captured Your Heart
The Fitness Industry Makes Me Sad
When the fitness industry told me to I need to lose nine pound of straight up fat in order to be fit, it pissed me off and put knots in my knickers. While I don’t necessarily want to speak for your underwear, I’m pretty sure you felt the same.
Ditching The Diet Mentality
This post delves into the difference between health and diet, all while encouraging you to walk away from a restriction mentality. Let’s collectively leave that crap in 2014. I know Dippy-Doo, the lesser known eighth dwarf, would agree.
What The Rut
Not only do ruts happen, it’s more than okay to embrace them. Plus it’s far less taxing than fighting them, and I’d rather devote my energy to other things, like shenanigans.
The Posts Which Made You Laugh
Thoughts That Go Through My Mind While Running
Have I mentioned my self-diagnosed ADD? Don’t say you haven’t been warned.
Top Ten Signs You Participate in a CSA
Participating in a CSA is not for the faint of heart. Speaking of which, I’ve already signed up for next year. Bring on the veggies and the dash of crazy.
A cheeky little number about Instagram hashtags, with a sprinkling of Macklemore. ♫What, what. What, what. ♫
The Posts Which Made You Cry
It’s possible I was the only one shedding tears in this post. No matter, sometimes that’s exactly what we need.
The Posts Which ‘Write On With Their Bad Selves’
You Can Do It; Put Your Pen Into It
This post explores the whys, the whens and the hows behind my writing style. It’s also a window into the inner workings of my mind.
Week In Review: The Story Telling Edition
The tale behind the time I got a little excessive with my behavior, the reason behind it, and the consequences of the same. Dun, dun, dun.
WIAW: The Hubby’s Edition
In his blogging debut, the Hubby brought down the house and apparently a few other things while mowing the law.
The Posts About Food: Your Five Favorite Recipes
Broccoli Cheddar Quiche
This is far and away my number recipe and post on a near daily basis. You guys love it, and I love you, so it’s a beautiful menage a trois.
Easy Oven Roasted Vegetables
Who doesn’t love oven roasted vegetable goodness? I could eat these by the metric ton. Oh wait, I already do.
The Greek Quiche: Artichokes, Kalamata Olives, Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Feta Cheese
A quiche whose beauty is comparable only to John Stamos. It’s also filled with flavors so vibrant, it’s guaranteed to make your mouth water. That is, if pictures of John doesn’t.
Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Chip Granola
I’m fairly certain this recipe needs no description. Suffice to say, it’s the Hubby’s favorite.
Lemon Blueberry Granola
Absolutely bursting with all things citrus, this granola is hands down my favorite.
Before I bid you and 2014 a fond farewell, I have to stop and say:
You guys are the bomb.com and the cats pajamas all rolled into one. You make me smile, you make me laugh, you make me question things which need questioning, you gently prod me outside of my comfort zone, and you make me a better person.
I read and appreciate every single comment here, on Facebook, and on Instagram (Twitter still sucks). Your support means the world to me, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart right down to the tips of my toes. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Oh and Happy New Year! Big love and other phallic veggies to you all.
What were your favorite posts? Any exciting plans to ring in the New Year?
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
The fitness industry makes me sad is what got me reading your blog 🙂 I’ve been loving it ever since! Very glad we connected, I feel like I totally relate to you! And that quiche, and John Stamos – I’m on the floor dying right now!!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Chocolate Banana Cranberry Muffins (Nut Free) + WIAW
Meghan says
It makes me so happy to know one post actually got you reading my blog. I’m so glad you’re here now, and I love seeing your comments pop up in my feed.
Happy New Year!!
Meghan recently posted…Top Recipes and Other Sundry Items
Tara @ Rovin' Rambler says
Is it too sappy to say that every post was my favorite? I’m so happy that I started frequenting your corner of the blogosphere this year. Truly has become one of my favs.
As for 2015…I will be ringing it in at home, with good beer, Greek yogurt spinach dip and buffalo cheese fries. Oh, and my significant other will be there too, but ya know, priorities. I just got a real person, full-time writing job so I have a feeling this year is gonna be another good one!
Meghan says
Thanks Tara!! Your comment means so much to me. I’ve had a really good time getting to know too, and I can’t wait to hear more about this full time writing job, which is fantastic news. Tell me everything and pass the buffalo cheese fries please.
Meghan recently posted…Top Recipes and Other Sundry Items
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles says
I am kinda with you on the recaps. I did some brief ones last week but I haven’t made my way through the abundance of them today in my reader. I will though! At my own pace so that I don’t get nauseous from it! Have a very Happy New Year!
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…WIAW- New Year’s Again & Recents Eats
Meghan says
Happy New Year to you too!!
Meghan recently posted…Top Recipes and Other Sundry Items
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
I had a feeling you were scoffing at me when I told you I was doing a recipe recap, but you were just too sweet to tell me 😉 It was a fabulous year for you, my dear, and I hope that 2015 will be even more fabulous. Oh, and I also hope that there will be even more Spoon and Feets face-to-face action than there was in 2014. We need to get on planning that…
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. top 10 recipes of 2014… according to YOU .
Meghan says
Me…scoff at you…never! Alright maybe a little bit. 🙂
I agree 100%; we definitely need to make a plan. It’ll happen for sure.
Meghan recently posted…Top Recipes and Other Sundry Items
Kirsten says
Crap–I forgot the whole recipe recap thing. I just recapped the year in general.
What can I say–my presents are still in the pile where I dumped them Thursday (and I got a seal a meal thing, so you know I’m dying to ditch the straw and try it) and I’m still recovering from all the company and food production, so my mental state is not what it should be.
Kirsten recently posted…2014 Year in Review–the Photo Montage Palooza Edition
Meghan says
I want to hear about this seal a meal deal. I’m fascinated. If it works for you, can I get your straw? After you fully recover, of course.
Meghan recently posted…Top Recipes and Other Sundry Items
caren says
Happy New Year gorgeous!
caren recently posted…Eggnog protein pancakes + sugar/dairy free eggnog recipe
Meghan says
Same to you sexy!!
Meghan recently posted…Top Recipes and Other Sundry Items
Chelsea @ Chelsea's Healthy Kitchen says
Haha I’ve just accepted the fact that I’m a blogger lemming. Recap posts, self promotion… next thing you know I’ll be plastering sweaty selfies of myself all over my blog. Oh wait, no I won’t do that. 😛
Loved so many posts of yours this year, especially that one about the fitness industry! Also, considering I’m on a huge egg kick lately, I will definitely be checking out that broccoli and cheddar quiche recipe.
Chelsea @ Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen recently posted…The best of 2014
Meghan says
I have a new mission for 2015: to get Chelsea to post a sweaty selfie. It will happen. You can do it; I have total faith. Just one.
The quiche is one of my favorites, so I hope you make it and love it as much as me.
Meghan recently posted…Top Recipes and Other Sundry Items
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape says
Ditto Michelle above – it was your fitness industry article that got me hooked on your blog! And now your one of my favourites! (Shrink that big head! Haha!)
Look forward to another year more of your blogs posts! happy new year to you!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…What I ate at Christmas!
Meghan says
My ego is swelling as I type. So much goodness. You rock. Thank you for your positive and sweet comments, today and always. I so very much appreciate them. You have no idea.
Meghan recently posted…Top Recipes and Other Sundry Items
Chris says
Glad I found your little corner of the internet at the end of this year. Love your style; you’re definitely unique! I hope you have a very banana-filled new year!
Meghan says
I’m glad you found me too, Mr. Crossfit. Sorry, is it okay if I call you that? Let’s operate under the assumption it’s fine.
I love how so many different types of folks can connect on the internet. For me, it’s the writing style and personality in a blog post which draws me in, so I often find myself reading folks who’s interest are so different than my own; yet I’m captivated. It’s good for us too.; a wide variety and all that. It’s also how a banana loving vegetarian can get on so well with a carnivorous Cross Fitter.
Happy New Year! Go get those double unders!!
Meghan recently posted…Top Recipes and Other Sundry Items
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
It’s a sign of a creeper or true fan when they remember ALL those posts you’ve highlighted. Candied nuts aside, you’ve had an amazing year both on and off the blog and along that, stress, pain and conflict but at the end of the day- You’ve proven how resilient you are, with a side of amazing sass.
Here’s to 2015. Can’t wait to catch up in person again because it’s 100% happening.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…What I ate in America
Meghan says
You are right, my friend. 2014 was a rough, rough year for me on a professional level, which of course spilled over into my personal life. Thanks for being there for me through it all, and especially at 2 a.m., when I couldn’t shut my overtaxed brain off. Time zone differences for the win. You rock, and I appreciate you more than you know.
I’m holding you to that face to face meeting in 2015. Keep in mind, if you come to Cleveland, I will cook epic breakfasts for you so you won’t even need to ingest a McD’s McMuffin or whatever those things are. I’d make you a far better version.
Meghan recently posted…Top Recipes and Other Sundry Items
danielle says
of course my eyes first went to your post on the fitness industry – and i said amen, yes while reading it! your attitude is top notch, the fitness industry can be full of bogus hogwash. in fact, i had the same thing happen to me that you experienced – i am also 5’2″ and consider myself quite fit and healthy for a myriad of reasons. to my surprise and amusement, this health/fitness robot person told me that i was ‘ok’ but could improve by doing x,y,z… honestly i tuned the robot person out when i realized i had been dooped by a dumbass, and their whole shpeil was wank. how dare you tell a petite and fit woman to lose 9 or any pounds! that is just a bunch of horsefeathers. balderdash, i say!
we rang in 2015 in the best of ways: game night! family game night with friends, and my tipsy mother making us all go outside into the rain and cold to sing “Auld Lang Syne” while lighting each other on fire with sparklers nad spilling our cups of champagne. the man and i closed the evening at 4am with the finale of Master Chef Junior. it was perfect, in every way 🙂
happy 2015, i’m happy to say i have your blog to enjoy. cheers!
Meghan says
That does sound like a perfect New Year’s Evening straight down to your tipsy mama making people sing.
I need to start using ‘balderdash’ more in sentences. Thanks for the tip.
Meghan recently posted…2015 New Year’s Resolutions
Kristy @ she eats says
I adored your post on the CSA and also the fitness industry one. and the rest. because you’re awesome and inspiring and hilarious. I know you have a lot of commitments and everything in your life and sometimes recaps and blog posts and all that jazz can seem like a lot. or a bit lemming like. either way, I’m glad you do it. I’d miss you otherwise. you make US smile!
ps. despite the fancy party dress, I was fast asleep by 11pm on new years. I’m lame. and very sick. blech.
Kristy @ she eats recently posted…The Year in A Nice Little Package: 2014 Best Food Blog Posts
Meghan says
Oh no….you’re sick. That’s awful. I’m sorry to hear that buddy. Rest up and get better quickly, so you can put the party dress back on and drink lots of bourbon.
Meghan recently posted…2015 New Year’s Resolutions
Pip {Cherries & Chisme} says
Happy New Year to you friend!
I was so determined not to do a ‘new year resolution’ style post, so decided to do my loose ‘goals’ instead, then realised that’s what everyone does these days. Fail. Oh well.
I have so loved finding your blog this past year, the more I read it the more it seems so real and honest, which is just brilliant. Thank you for acknowledging that life ain’t always perfect 🙂 and for the jokes. Let’s be honest… I just come here for the jokes 😉
Pip {Cherries & Chisme} recently posted…New Year, New Ideas