This blogging consistency stuff is tough, especially when you have nothing to say.
Actually I have loads of ideas… fine, I have a solid handful of ideas, I’m just a little lost on where to start, and since intros are my bread and butter, not to be confused with actual bread and butter, it’s left me a little discombobulated. There I go with the crazy words again, although you have to admit, discombobulated rolls of the tongue in a rather lascivious manner.
Truth be told, I’ve been in a bit of a rut; with food, with exercise, with all things blogging. See, it’s kind of hard to write about delicious meals and sweatworthy shenanigans when it’s not happening, at least not on a regular basis. Suffice to say, I’ve eaten apples and peanut butter, with a side of cheese and roasted almonds, for dinner more nights than I should. I can barely remember what my gym looks like, much less how a spin bike feels, although maybe that last one isn’t such a bad thing. Of course it is, I love spinning.
I am a food and fitness blogger in a food and fitness rut.
Oh the horror, although it does go to show I am human, just in case there were any doubts. If there were, I don’t want to know what you were thinking. Weirdo.
It didn’t happen overnight either. It rarely ever does. Instead, it was a gradual progression or perhaps I should say regression. The seasons changed, life got busy and my lunchtime workouts started taking a backseat more often than not. Late nights at the office dictated a face plant on the couch, when I dragged my weary carcass home. This might explain my disturbing fascination with all the Housewives. I simply can’t be bothered to change the channel.
I’ve been out to eat more times than not in the past month, which means a decrease in my kitchen antics. The same can be said for my trip to Toronto. It’s hard to cook when you’re not actually home to do it. I’ve got mad talents, but being in two places at once is beyond even my skill set. It’s also ridiculously easy to lose your routine once you’ve deviated for a period of time, even a short one.
I’m sharing this information with you for a number of reasons. The most important one though is Ruts. Aren’t. A. Bad. Thing. This point is so worthwhile I’m going to say it again with a different spin. Life is cyclical. Things come and go, babies are born, people die, seasons change. It’s a constant circle of movement, and our lives adhere to that same rhythm. Simply put, it’s natural and it’s okay.
So, I just went all Zen on your glutes, and I’ll be honest it feels a little awkward for me too. Flowery prose sounds strange coming out of my mouth so let’s put this in a practical and measurable light, you know the kind my Type A personality can appreciate.
I am in rut, and I am happy.
Yes, at some point I would like to get back to the gym. It’s on the horizon and eventually it will happen. In the meantime, I’m not sweating it, literally or figuratively. Sure, I’d like to swap my conglomeration of snacks for real substantial meals and based on my strong and sudden cravings for broccoli, that’s already started to happen. A desire to eat all the green things and a longing in my muscles to move means change is coming, yet again. New music plays in the distance and when the time comes I will embrace that too.
Until then, I am in rut and I am happy.
Tell me about your last rut. How did you handle it? I think embracing it is the way to go.
Khushboo says
Love this post, Meg- so well expressed! Ruts aren’t a bad thing, you just gotta keep trucking along and eventually you’ll naturally come out of it! I’ve been eating far too many repeat meals but I know it’s just a matter of time till the creative juices start flowing again. And sometimes a rut in one area of life is a way to let us concentrate on making progress in other areas.
Khushboo recently posted…Currently (November 2014)
Meghan says
That is a great point Khushboo. In fact, allowing myself to skip the gym is actually letting me spend more time on work which needs to be done and also on blogging, which I really enjoy doing.
Meghan recently posted…What The Rut?
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
Life is cyclical, so true! What goes up must come down and all that good stuff. So ruts are normal, and so are times when we’re so revved up with activity and seemingly doing TOO much. All part of life! Great message here, because everyone goes through this or FIGHTS going through it and sometimes it’s great to let it be and trust that there will be a time when the mojo is back.
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…We Are Not What We Eat – WIAW
Meghan says
I think it’s actually easier to trust that process than fight it. Fighting it only makes you feel bad and often times extends it because you do feel bad about it. The mojo will be back; perhaps it’s a just a life lesson in patience.
Meghan recently posted…What The Rut?
Cat says
Such a good point – let us embrace the ruts! I like the idea of seeing life as something that ebbs and flows – if it didn’t, things would get pretty boring. Like, you have to have the ‘meh’ times to experience the WOWZER times (ugh, clearly not on my writing game today!) So, lucky you – your next wowzer (again, sorry) moment is around the corner!
Cat recently posted…WIAW #53: A Meat Up
Meghan says
I am picking up what you’re laying down, wowzer, meh’s and all. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…What The Rut?
Kirsten says
Good post, Meghan! And I realize I’ve been calling you May-gan not Meg-ann. I’m sorry.
Kirsten recently posted…Cranberry, Orange and Beet Salad (make it ahead in the slow cooker)
Meghan says
I’ll answer to pretty much anything you call me, although maybe you can clarify the pronunciation of Kirsten for me too. I know you told me once, but sometimes my brain is like a bag of marbles. It all gets jumbled up there. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…What The Rut?
Lana says
So true! I go through those on a regular basis. Enjoy the down time 🙂
Meghan says
Down time is delicious, almost as much so as potatoes. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…What The Rut?
Tiff says
Happiness wins!! I’m in a rut myself, but I’m sort of indifferent to it. I miss my gym! Ha
Tiff recently posted…Bright Star Kids
Meghan says
I do miss the gym too, although I refuse to beat myself up for not making it. It’s not worth my happiness and I’ll be back soon. In fact, I’m thinking December might be a good time to start.
Meghan recently posted…What The Rut?
Juli @1000lovelythings says
I feel like I am in a rut ever since I came back from the US. It’s like I took my stride with me and left it there. But after a few weeks of trying to force myself back in a pattern that doesn’t quite seem to fit anymore I feel somehow free. I mean my pants don’t fit comfortably at the moment and that sucks. I mean I am all up for cooking from the scratch and so on but after I almost cried in the supermarket because I couldn’t find the energy to make dinner anymore I called it a day. A few store bought meals don’t kill anyone. At the moment I refuse to stress about drinking wine 4 nights in a row or about eating different kinds of burgers almost every day in a week. Work, social life, and my body that tells me to shut the fuck up and rest call the shots and I just oblige. And I appreciate the piece I got from letting me off the hook. I enjoy my workouts more and I am finally able to truly relax in the evening. Maybe that’s the way to find my stride back anywhere. Or maybe I find something that fits better. Who knows? At the moment I am pretty happy. And I like it!
Juli @1000lovelythings recently posted…What I ate Wednesday #63 – Go to foods
Meghan says
I like the idea of finding something that fits even better. You nailed it.
Meghan recently posted…Getting Thankful
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles says
If it makes you feel better, I would happily enjoy an apple with peanut butter for dinner with you any time. Actually, since I am usually starving at dinner, maybe we just sit down with a bunch of apples and a few jars?
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…What I’m Eating This Week
Meghan says
You got yourself a deal, although I’m going to need to throw in a few slices of cheese because cheese.
Meghan recently posted…Getting Thankful
Chris says
It’s never actually occurred to me to linger in a rut, to just let myself cycle out of it. When I am conscious of being in one, I’m scammering trying to get myself out. Picture a dirt wall and as I’m clawing at it, trying to pull myself out, I’m just pulling dirt down upon myself and making the rut bigger. Sometimes. Next time this happens, and with cold dark winter upon us it probably won’t be long, I’ll try and ride it out.
Chris recently posted…How To Survive A Workplace Holiday Feast
Meghan says
I almost talked about why trying to pull yourself out can be detrimental. I’m glad I skipped it because I couldn’t have said it half as well as you just expressed.
Ride it out, I say.
Meghan recently posted…Getting Thankful
Brittany says
You know my crunchy granola ass (out of context that would sounds so bizarre) loves the flower power paragraph. It’s true though, and something I struggled with, and still sort of am struggling with coming to terms with the last couple months. As you know school stole my soul and finding a balance/routine was almost impossible. Thankfully things are on the home stretch and I have just under one month left of this class (we won’t talk about the next level of chem starting in January) and my December will be FULL OF LIFE.
Brittany recently posted…Christmas at Starbucks
Meghan says
You should bring your crunchy granola ass out this way. The Hubby and you can commiserate over chemistry, and I will feed you beans.
Meghan recently posted…Getting Thankful
Christina @ The Athletarian says
Ruts are A-OK! It happens to all of us. When I was taking my break from training I was literally planted on my couch and eating burritos like 3x a week. Potato chips on the side. I honestly loved every minute of it but I won’t lie, it took me longer than anticipated to get back into a groove. Even the smallest break from anything can throw you out of whack. Take some time to yourself, a break from blogging if needed, and let the routine just naturally come back.
Happy Wednesday! 🙂
Christina @ The Athletarian recently posted…10 tips for running in the COLD!
Meghan says
Happy Wednesday back at ya sunshine! Except well, it’s Friday so that doesn’t make much sense. Hmm. I’m not surprise. I have post-work Friday brain. It’s a thing. Much like burritos on the couch with a side of chips.
Meghan recently posted…Getting Thankful
caren says
I think creativity is a fleeting thing. It’s hard to be consistently clever and interesting (as evidenced by my own lack thereof). Hats off to people that do this stuff professionally.
Sometimes when I have a creative streak, I’ll write a whole bunch of posts. Unfortunately, I’m horrible at organization and they tend to get lost on my ‘puter somewhere.
I have tons of clever prose floating about somewhere in my mac. 🙁
Meghan says
You need to shake those suckers out or something. I can’t imagine having loads of lost posts somewhere. I’d be getting someone technical on that stat. I.e. the Hubby.
Meghan recently posted…Getting Thankful
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
I very much enjoyed this post, especially because I’m kind of in a similar position myself at the moment and it’s always nice to have some good company 😉 I think one of the worst things we can do when we’re stuck in a rut is beat ourselves up about it. Like you said, life is cyclical, and bad times are replaced with good and vice versa. And if you ask me, apples with [almond] butter don’t sound like a bad dinner at all. Heck, you remember our weirdo meals in TO — and were they bad? Heck no!
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. what turned into a post about the health benefits of bananas .
Meghan says
I couldn’t agree more about not beating yourself up when you’re in a rut. Amen to that.
A love of bananas, being in happy little ruts, and a fondness for supreme snackage makes us destined to be good roommates.
Meghan recently posted…Getting Thankful
Emily says
This makes me feel good 🙂 I have not been blogging as much because I feel like I’m stuck in a rut too, and I feel silly putting content out there just for the sake of posting. But my boring may be someone else’s interesting, and if a post truly is a boring read (Wow, bacon and eggs for breakfast again? I’m such a rebel.), no one is forced to read it.
Emily recently posted…Bacon, SF Fog, and Hanging In There
Meghan says
It depends on how good the bacon and eggs look? I mean I really have a thing for eggs. Four dozen in the fridge right now. I wish I were kidding.
Meghan recently posted…Getting Thankful
Lindsey @HalfDimeHomestead says
Screw labels.
Be free.
Blog about whatever.
We will still read it and love it.
Because you’re you. And we think you’re the cats pajamas.
Just don’t actually dress your cat in pajamas.
Because that’s plain weird.
(Stream of consciousness writing provided free of charge from your friend Lindsey.)
(Psst – I’m in a blogging rut, too. It’s all the more fun with friends.)
Lindsey @HalfDimeHomestead recently posted…The Good Mama Monthly – The Cheap Douvet Edition
Sarah Pie says
I dunno I think the cats might look cute in pajamas!
Meghan says
Why thank you for the lovely word vomited delivered in a way only you can. We should rut away together. Maybe we can even throw in some free styling.
Meghan recently posted…Getting Thankful
Tara @ Rovin' Rambler says
When I taught English in Korea last year, I worked 50+ hours a week and was constantly busy and on the go. This year in Malaysia was totally different- much slower and much less busy.
Both had their high and low points, but I really do feel like the universe balanced me out with both experiences- like you said, it’s the cyclical nature of life.
As a side note, as much as I enjoy your recipes (and I do!), I love your real life posts even more.
Meghan says
Aww thanks Tara. I loved this comment, partially because you flatter me. Alright mainly because you flatter me.
I think it’s incredible you’ve been able to spend a year in both Malaysia and Korea. I admire your ability to explore new places with open arms.
Meghan recently posted…Getting Thankful
Shannyn says
It’s okay to stop and take a break….it took me a long time to accept that and not be moving and on the go All The Time.
We’ll still be here.
Shannyn recently posted…Blogathon Canada!!
Meghan says
I fully intend to keep on writing. ♫ Can’t nobody take my pride. Can’t nobody hold me down. Oh no, I got to keep on moving. ♫ Kidding, I love to be still. I’m chilling on the couch right now, with a cat in my lap, a glass of wine in my hand and a fire on my left. Perfection.
Meghan recently posted…Getting Thankful
Sarah Pie says
I love every single word of this because (like most things you right) you are being so unapologetically you, and that kind of authenticity makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Apples/nuts/granola/cheese have been my go to meals for a long time now and I don’t see that changing. Sure it’s fun to cook when you have the time, just like it’s fun (for you at least) to spin when you have the time. It’s also fun to sometimes sit on your couch in a pile of blankets and not move. Gotta have that balance 🙂
Sarah Pie recently posted…Budget Bites- November 2014
Meghan says
I like sitting in a pile of blankets and not moving, about as much as I love spinning. Both are delicious in their own right.
Meghan recently posted…Getting Thankful
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
‘This blogging consistency stuff is tough, especially when you have nothing to say.
Actually I have loads of ideas… fine, I have a solid handful of ideas, I’m just a little lost on where to start’
I can attest to this. I’m still giggling to myself that you have a RECIPE planned for NEXT Summer because you missed the boat. I like you. I like you when you’re in a rut. I like you when you faceplant the couch.
I’m personally in a fitness rut right now…I want to bulk up, but I’m lazy. I’ll start tomorrow.
Just kidding, it’s going to be 42 degrees. Celsius.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Paleo Apple Pie Bars
Meghan says
I have at least two recipes planned for next summer…wait, it might even be three now. I keep missing the perfect posting moment. Oops.
Meghan recently posted…Getting Thankful
Angela says
I love ruts .. I thrive when every day is the same, and I feel the best when I’m in a routine.
Meghan says
Hi Angie, sorry I missed this comment back in November. As a type A planner, I think routines are delicious. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy. Sounds like you’re a fan too.
Meghan recently posted…Banana Bread Granola Recipe