I have been a bad blogger.
Now go back and read that first sentence in a naughty voice.
See all better now, right?
No, damn.
I was hoping I could flirt my way out of my umpteenth disappearing act this Fall. At least I’m consistent with not being consistent, although the simple truth is I owe you an apology. When life gets too hectic, I tend to go all ostrich and hide my head in the sand, which is not the greatest of traits, especially since I don’t have the same booty decoupage as those fine feathered specimens. Me flashing my tail is not the same thing.
All I can say is I’m sorry and I will try to get back to some type of regular posting, maybe even share a recipes or two. I know, a novel concept for a food blogger, especially since you come here for the eats and of course my ever witty banter, which goes hand in hand with my crazy. For real. Who else can you talk to about ostrich ass? Plumage is so hot right now.
In an effort to get back into the swing of things and bring you up to speed on my life because it is super thrilling, especially on the nights I can make it until ten o’clock, we’re going to bust out a Currently post. Bonus points if you read my entire introduction in a naughty voice.
Current Book: I just finished The Book of Life, which is the final novel in the All Souls trilogy. It was Harry Potter meets Twilight with a dash of say, Twenty-Five Shades of Grey. A lack of bondage equates to a color reduction. It makes sense in my mind.
Current Music: I’ve bypassed music and hopped back onto the Podcast train. I’ve listened to at least seven hours of Jillian Michaels in the last handful of days, mostly due to my answer to the very next question. See what I did right there? It’s called building intrigue or something like that. Just go with it.
Current Guilty Pleasure: road tripping to Toronto for a long weekend to see some fabulous faces. Look at that, more suspense. I’m awesome at this. P.S. I have no idea why I’m trying to create an air of mystery.
Current Nail Color: clear, although right up until yesterday, my phalanges were painted the palest of pinks. I know how to rage.
Current Drink: water, even though I’m seriously wanting a cocktail, despite the early hour. I blame the view from my treadmill on Saturday morning. Running for thirty plus minutes, while staring at an outdoor bar, tends to make a girl thirsty.
Current Food: my dinner of late has consisted of apple slices smeared with peanut butter, a side of cheddar cheese, and roasted almonds or potato chips. It’s an interesting amalgam of eats: sweet, salty, with a side of protein.
Current Favorite Show: Sex and the City. It’s been far too long time since I’ve hung with these girls, and I’ve had a grand old-time getting reacquainted. I relate mostly to the sassiness of Samantha, minus the multiple partners and sex swing.
Current Wish List: Blogging consistency, which I semi-explained in my long-winded and feather-filled introduction. Flirting was involved.
Current Needs: at the end of the day, I need for nothing. I do have a mean craving for broccoli though. I’ve been thinking about it for a while now too. Pretty soon, “it will be mine. Oh yes, it will be mine.”
Current Triumphs: mastering my latest pizza creation. It involves apples, butter and sage. Need I say more? Guess what? I’m going to; I could never pass up an opportunity to spout off more rhetoric. Expect the recipe later this week.
Current Bane of Existence: the matching blisters on the backs of my feet from hoofing it all over Toronto. I can hardly say poor me given the circumstances.
Current Indulgence: shameless selfies with Christina, Arman, Amanda, and Davida, in order of appearance, which trumps alpha today.
Current Blessing: Shannyn from Wonderbunnie, yet another blogger I had the good fortune of hooking up with while in T town, who’s the best freaking tour guide, voices and all. Her English schoolmarm persona is spot on, provided of course that’s what she was going for.

I recognize this picture is not fabulous. It’s also the only one I took of the actual city, so you’re stuck with it.
Current Outfit: super sexy grey sweatpants and a hoodie. In other words, the pair without the giant holes and frayed waist band. I am a creature of comfort.
Current Excitement: reuniting with this face in Toronto. I even managed to keep my pants on for all of five minutes. True story; I’m super proud of my restraint.
Current Links: Bloglovin. I’m slightly, also known as incredibly, behind on my blog reading and I may have to skip a few posts in order to catch up. Forgive me please and promise me if I miss something huge, you’ll fill me in. Thank you; you’re the best ever. You already knew that though, didn’t you?
Current Mood: eager to be home and ready to get back into the mix of things, at work and in the kitchen. Broccoli will be involved, although not in both places. I also promise to leave my naughty voice at home. I’m sure my coworkers appreciate it.
Your turn. Fill me in on what I missed. What’s Currently going on with you? Current mood? Current excitement? Current kitchen creation?
I feel you on the bad blogger front- I’ve been horrible with posting lately too! Also I NEED to read those books already, I have it downloaded on my kindle and just haven’t gotten to it yet.
Jess @ JessieBear What Will You Wear? recently posted…Where To Begin
You would love these books. You must read them stat and then report back.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
The naughty voice redeems all
Jenn L @ Peas and Crayons recently posted…Butternut Black Bean Burgers
Always the naughty voice.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
Great post, Meghan! Glad you’re back. Toronto looked like So Much Fun!! I read Discovery of Witches and I’ve down loaded Shadow Of Night to my Nook but haven’t gotten to it yet. Gotta put that in line to be next. Dinner sounds good to me. I’ve been doing a lot of apples lately. I keep saying I’m going to mix up some PB2 to go with it because speaking of naughty, I get into a LOT of trouble with real PB. Have a great day, my dear!
Fran@BCDC recently posted…Saturday Snapshot~November 8
Real PB is so worth the calories for me.
Enjoy the books! I really liked them.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
Found your blog through The Athletarian.
#hoorayloveit #stayawhile I’m like wine, I get better with time. Either that or a fungus where I grow on you. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
Currently sitting in Heathrow Airport, getting ready to board my last flight before home. I’ve been awake for 24+ hours and am quite out of it (but not too out of it to catch up on my fav blogs). Feed me that apple pizza creation please?
Tara recently posted…The End of an Era
Holy crap; 24 plus hours. Geesh, safe travels and most definitely pizza for you.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
The cool thing about being new to your blog is I don’t know your schedule, so technically you haven’t been naughty at all in my eyes. Also, how do I know the difference between your normal voice and your naughty voice? Perhaps your normal voice is naughty? Whoa.
Chris recently posted…I’m Getting Stronger
A newbie…well then, this is totally my blogging schedule. Nothing unusual here, nope.
My normal voice is naughty….Gasp…Mind Blown.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
I wasn’t even joking when I told you that I was going through serious withdrawals yesterday morning. I miss my girl and our midnight chats and SATC marathons! Come to Edmonton… I’ll even buy some PB and apples for you. Me? I’ll probably stick to drinking oatmeal from a cup 😆 But seriously… TO was an awesome time — let’s do it again. Maybe somewhere warmer next time around, though…
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. mocha chip mug cake .
You’d buy me peanut butter. Woah, now that is love. It’s because I sprinted so quickly into our stay isn’t it. Ha.
Definitely warmer for the next trip.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
You guys need to come in the summer!!! We could do way more stuff and see more stuff and eat more stuff. And just do…stuff!!!!
Shannyn recently posted…Lest We Forget
Although I’m incredibly jealous of your blend meet-up, I’m going to let it slide and talk about other parts of this post instead of complaining about how sad I am that I didn’t get to meet everyone. Cool.
First, I don’t know why you would even recommend a bondage-less book. What’s the point?! Second, SatC is the shit; I’ve seen every episode about 100 times. Third, don’t apologize for taking time away from the blog. We love you, but you gotta go out and live life sometimes.
Carly @ Snack Therapy recently posted…Damage Control
Oh my gawd, I would have loved for you to come to Toronto with us. It would have been a blast and we would have watched all the Sex and the City episodes while drinking mass quantities of wine and eating buckets of cheese.
Next trip, k?
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
I copy Carly’s first part of the comment. Though I have to complain. I am jealous and I want ALL the recaps. WHERE are they? Ok, no. It will make me more jealous.
SATC – Samantha AND Miranda make my days. I will take them to my girls weekend (coming weekend -wohooo) and make us watch it 24h in front of the fireplace with booze in one hand and cookies or come savory indulgences in the other. I call this perfection.
I feel so honored that you guest post for me with all your business in life. This is love. I give it back to you. In whatever form you wish 🙂
Lucie@FitSwissChick recently posted…CrossFit and Food in spite of crazy times – WIAW#82
I don’t like to kiss and tell (cough, cough).
You better think of me while you’re watching at least one episode please.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
My life lately seems to revolve around the never ending supply of beets I have in my refrigerator. I have made and put up borscht (delicious) and pickled beet relish (also good), devoured many servings of plain roasted beets, and threw away one batch of cocoa roasted beets (disgusting!)
SATC….. ahh, good times, good times…. 😉
You have been missed. xo
Try beet chips with goat cheese.
Always good times with SATC. 😉 You too of course.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
omg, what were you doing in Toronto??? Is that a really crappy picture of the government building in queen’s park? LOL..
Tell me tell me!!
It is the government building. Good eye!!
I was hanging with friends. A nice long weekend getaway.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
Do I get bonus points for reading the whole post in my naughty voice? You see once I started it was really hard to stop 😉
You have been up to some awesome shenanigans and I’m glad to see that while things have been hectic they have also been fun. Also can I come over for pizza?
Sarah Pie recently posted…Changing the meaning of health
You get triple bonus points for full on naughty voice.
Yes, come for pizza and stay for the beer, or maybe in our case, the cider.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
I am sad I missed the fun! I had told Amanda I wished I could have made it, maybe next time! It’s not even a far plan ride. Ugh. Anyway, my plate is forever loaded with apples and peanut butter…I can watch repeats of SATC over and over but really can’t stand when Carrie dated the Russian. Those episodes I can do without.
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…Benefits of Organic Eggs Plus A $100 Visa Gift Card Giveaway!
That is too bad you couldn’t make it. Next time.
You’re right. The Russian was a bad phase for Carrie.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
Yep – we ate your home grown broccoli last night! I didn’t even need to confirm that fact with Suz. I recognized the broccoli consumed last night in your photo today.
I call shenanigans. 😉
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
I couldn’t turn out the naughty voice after the intro so it followed me through the whole post 😉
Those books sound really interesting. I am going to put the first one onto my Christmas Wishlist!
Current excitement? I am setting up an epic 30 before 30 bucket list and I might have persuaded Stefan to volunteer as my victim for my long desired cream tart faceplant. He’s a keeper isnt’t he? Current kitchen creation? Cream tart!
Juli @1000lovelythings recently posted…What I ate Wednesday #62 – Breakfast for Lunch
Yes, add the books to the wish list. I think you’ll really enjoy them.
I would like to be a victim of a cream tart face plant.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
Oh you’re definitely a keeper, too <3
Do you think this little fun justifies a ticket to Cleveland? I am so tempted 😀
Juli @1000lovelythings recently posted…Thinking Out Loud #39 – 30 before 30 Part II
Cleveland is where it’s at. #believeland
Meghan recently posted…#PoppingTags
I love the pale pinks! I have been into grey lately though. 🙂
Looks like you had a great trip to Toronto!! Kinda jealous!
Alysia @ Slim Sanity recently posted…4 Healthy Snacks Worth Adding to Your Meal Plan
It was a fantastic trip. Don’t be jealous; just come next time.
Meghan recently posted…#PoppingTags
this makes me miss you. and spoons.. and well now i want to road trip to see them all too. Wanna go back?
For you, I’d definitely go back. You could always come to Cleveland too.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: November 2014
You ARE a terrible blogger! Bragging about all those indulgences too… I think you own me pizza. And bring Broccoli (Heather, not the veggie).
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…All About That WIAW
How about I bring the veggie and the girl? Or maybe my green Broccoli veggie craving is my subconsciously reaching out for the girl? *mind blown.
Meghan recently posted…#PoppingTags
That’s deep, Bro.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…All About That WIAW
Woot woot so good to see you back blogging, friend! Not going to lie- this post left me with a serious case of fomo…so many of my faves in one place! Toronto looked like it was a blast- how far was the road trip? My current mood is a combo of exhaustion (down with the flu) & excitement (my sister gets in this evening) :)!
Khushboo recently posted…Simple pleasures for the healthy foodie
So I had to google what FOMO meant and it has two very different meanings. One is nice and the other…well not so much. I of course am under the impression you meant the nice one. 😉 It would have been awesome if you had been there too. I actually drove from Cleveland to Buffalo since I have family there. That’s a three hour drive, and then I hopped a bus to Toronto which was another 3 hours. Not bad at all, especially since I broke it up.
Feel better and have fun with your sister.
Meghan recently posted…What The Rut?
Seeing you was beyond amazing.
Seriously. You have a heart of gold, the humour which trumps Tina Fey and an appetite for bread which makes me proud.
Cannot wait to see you in 2015. you know it’s going to happen.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Blogging Politics- The experiment
My appetite for bread knows no bounds. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…What The Rut?