I don’t even know where to begin.
July was a tough month for me, and I had to disappear for a while. Let’s call it self-preservation, shall we. The kind that allows drinking before noon, not that I did a lot of that, although there were certainly days. In my defense, they were vacation days, so it’s practically mandatory; plus self-preservation.
Instead of explaining my vanishing act, I’m decided to jump right into a Currently post, which might shed some light on where I’ve been and why. Then again, it might not. Either way, it’s how I’m rolling today and since you must have missed me by now, you’ll take me any which way you can get me, right? Don’t answer that.
Current Book: I just finished Stephen Kingβs Mr. Mercedes. It wasn’t his greatest literary work, although I still enjoyed it. Now comes the fun part: picking my next book.
Current Music: You want to know what’s odd? Of course you do; besides that was a rhetorical question. I haven’t been jamming to any music lately, well unless you count the barbershop quartet playing in the park right now on this lovely Sunday evening, as I pen this post.
Current Guilty Pleasure: despite working my non-ass ass off most of July, I did manage to escape to Canada for a few fun-filled vacation days with the family. Mornings involved a group run, while afternoons involved a beach, some booze and my nephew. He’s a natural at selfies.
Current Nail Color: same answer as every other month. Clear, Sally Hansen’s Hard as Nails to be exact because it works really well. Spoons can vouch for me here.
Current Drink: a big old Ball jar of water, although if I’m being totally honest which I usually am and sometimes to a fault, I’d rather it be another summer Shandy with my “Da,” who is too cool for the last D. That was our vacation drink of choice. There was some sangria and white wine too, since we are equal opportunity drinkers, but based on total consumption, Shandies were the obvious winner.
Current Food: a little of this, a lot of that. I’ve probably consumed my body weight in green veggies, and we can’t forget about eggs, which I can’t seem to stop eating, not that I have any intentions of stopping. I’d also be remiss if I didn’t mention the occasional sweet (chocolate fudge, a flourless cake, and ice cream), the mountain of bananas or the pizza and Dill Pickle potato chips. Basically I’m eating all the delicious foods in mostly the right quantities.
Current Favorite Show: the Housewives of every county and yes, I’m 100% certain I lose brain cells every single time I watch this show. What can I say? Some things in life are worth losing some brain cells. Let’s just pretend the Housewives is one of them, even though they’re clearly not.
Current Wish List: I wish I had some junk in the trunk, a badonky-donk, so to speak.
Current Needs: I need balance in my life. All work and no play makes for a crapton of suck. Chew on that one, fancy literary types.
Current Triumphs: I spent some time in the garden this past weekend, and I even managed to get a decent harvest, despite the squirrels attempts to thwart me. I also ripped out anything that wasn’t producing, elevated the zucchini vines and created a second trellis for my exploding cucumber plant. Yes, my phallic veggies are explosive. That’s how I like it.
Current Bane of Existence: the neighborhood squirrels; those little bastards are eating my tomatoes and tossing the remnants on the ground. Talk about salt in the wound. Drastic measures have been taken, ones which involves pee barriers and crossing all kinds of lines; the kind of lines you can’t come back from. Thank god peeing outdoors comes naturally to men, and the Hubby is a good sport.
Current Indulgence: buying a basket full of eggplants at the farmers market on Friday simply because they’re pretty. The irony is I don’t even like eggplant all that much, but they were too cute to pass up. I see ratatouille in their future.
Current Blessing: I’m blessed to have had this guy in my life for as long as I did. He made me crazy sometimes, he stole my bread, my pancakes, my muffins, my cookies and pretty much anything with carbs, but he made my life that much better. He also purred like a Mac Truck and drooled all over me whenever he was really happy, which was most of the time.
Current Outfit: some bright shorts, which clearly need to be ironed and a tank top. Also, let’s pretend I’m waving in this picture as opposed to practicing my ninja skills, which may or may not be used on certain squirrels in the very near future.
Current Excitement: a free thirty-day photography course I signed up for thanks to this lovely lady.
Current Links: In preparation for the Hubby’s return to school in the near future, we did some batch cooking and freezing this weekend, which is why the following links are currently open on my computer: Peas & Crayons Sweet Potato Chickpea Burgers, Arman’s No Bake Caramel Pecan Granola Bars, Everyday Mavens Lentil Stew and my own Vegetarian Three Bean Chili. Time to start restocking the basement deep freezer.
Current Mood: hopeful. I saw this on Friday when I left work, and I’m taking it as a sign August is going to be a better month for me. I’ve already decided I’m going to devote more time to things which make me happy, including fancy photography classes and more monkey loving, although not at the same time. Sorry Hubby.
On that positive and slightly sexual note, I’m done.
I want to hear from you though. I’ve missed you guys like crazy, so tell me everything.
What’s Currently going on with you? Have you ever crossed a gardening line which involves pee barriers? Have you ever taken a food photography course? What are you looking forward to in August?
Dill pickle chips…the greatest canadian invention since the birth of Rob Ford. Next time you’re up here, you know who to call!
Davida @ The Healthy Maven recently posted…Where To Stay, Go and Eat In Yellowstone National Park
For sure, I will call you. You were just a hop, skip, jump and a bag of chips away.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: August 2014
This: Yes, my phallic veggies are explosive. Thatβs how I like it.
My Laptop is full of spit now. I freaking love you.
August will be awesome for you, I know it!! If not, there is still Oscar – he really is such a cutie.
I can not tell you everything on here, I would risk that people stop reading my blog, but I can tell you that I made an addictive Chocolate Almond Spread, that my shorts are NEVER ironed and that I ate one third of raw muffin mixture this weekend and am amazed that no salmonella poisoning killed me.
Lucie@FitSwissChick recently posted…WOD&BBQ – Celebrating Switzerland
Be careful where you spit that stuff. We don’t want any technical difficulties.
Yeah Oscar is adorable and he’s a complete character too. I don’t think you can get salmonella from cookie dough and raw muffin mix. I think the Man made that up to keep those goodies for himself. π
Meghan recently posted…Currently: August 2014
MMMK, first of all, you’re just killing me with the dill chips right now. I’m dying for canadian chippies!!! Did you eat the ketchup ones too??? I love….
Also, did your cat die?
Glad your back, sorry to hear you had a shitty month. I did too. It totally sucked.
Here’s to a better month in August!!!
missed ya!
I never did get the ketchup ones, although I’ve had them before so I know just how spectacular they can be. I have regrets; I’ll have to go back.
Yeah, we put him down last week. It was heartbreaking.
I’m sorry you had a shitty month as well. That’s no Bueno. I hope August is looking up already. Let’s toast to it.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: August 2014
My friend, I wish I had some junk in the trunk too. I am packing a serious pancake toosh in the front and the back…! Oh well, let’s rock it! Even if we are shaken’ and nothings moving π
Ashley @MilesonOats recently posted…Hungarian Baby & Farmers Markets
Pancake ass is the worst. I’ve been doing tons of squats in the hopes of getting a bump back there, all to no avail thus far.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: August 2014
Yayyy so glad to see you back, friend! It seems like July wasn’t the best month for a lot of people- cheers to an even better August full of rainbows :)! This photography course sounds so awesome- I was actually googling food photography courses last night..looking forward to hearing more about yours! I think I am finally going to take the plunge and buy a DSLR, which means I should probably learn how to use it ;)! I love those neon shorts – they make me smile!
Khushboo recently posted…Adding creaminess to smoothies without dairy
I am rooting for a rainbow filled August, with some neon shorts tossed in, after ironing of course.
I’m enjoying the food course thus far, although it’s still early yet. There are lots of assignments (one a day), but they’re good and have really got me thinking.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Weekday Edition
You’re nephew has your hair!!!
As soon as I saw those eggplants I said Ratatouille- which actually, if you make it with less liquid/tomato sauce, more olive oil and chunkier veggies, salt and basil it’s like a more delicious salsa- French salsa? I used to make a big batch and eat it on toast with parmesan or feta.
Those chips sound delicious and you know I’m stoked you had that vacay….minus that heinous drink.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…No Bake Sβmores Protein Cookies
Arman you are a genius! Now I want some eggplants so I can make French salsa and faceplant in it!
Sarah Pie recently posted…Slices of Life #11
Oh yes, ratatouille is on the list for this weekend. Since I don’t have a ton of tomatoes right now, I will follow your advice about less sauce, more olive oil. That and it sounds good to me too.
That heinous drink was great for my mental health. π
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Weekday Edition
self preservation is needed! we’re always here for you. you know that, right? xxoo
lindsay recently posted…Why We Eat Resistant Starches for Gut Health
Aw thanks Lindsay. I guess I know it now. I appreciate it baby!
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Weekday Edition
READ OUTLANDER BY DIANA GABALDON. I was going to comment on your post, but I saw the book thing and I couldn’t help myself. Plus it’s a good, fat book. Anyyywaaaaaay. I totally understand disappearing for a bit, I had to do that between the bugs/rats/flood. Everyone needs a break!
Jess @ JessieBear What Will You Wear? recently posted…Getting Into the Swing of Things
Shoot, I order a different book on my Kindle: A Discovery of Witches. I’ll add this one to my list though. π
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Weekday Edition
Oh yeah, looks like you’re having fun as usual lady! Picking your next book is usually a giddy time for me as well, I spend hours at the library reading cover inserts searching for the perfect find.
Thanks for the food photo towards the end those bars look amazing may have to make them!!!
Jayne @ http://www.busybarista.wordpress.com recently posted…If you only Live once I want to Live with youβ¦
The bars are delicious and I think you should 100% make them. In fact, I’m already out and dreaming up my next batch.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Weekday Edition
Ah, never announce to a recovering English major that you’re in the process of selecting a new book. I highly recommend The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. Hands down the best book I’ve read so far this year. I’m also anxious to get my hands on The Lowland by Jhumpa Lahiri.
I went with A Discovery of Witches. I’ve heard great things but I will definitely add your recommendations to my list. Thanks!!
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Weekday Edition
Hmm… Pee barriers you say? I’m wondering which drastic measures need to be taken to get rid of those damn fruit flies. Kidding. I hope your uninvited garden guests will stay away after the husband’s left for university again so you won’t have to work on ‘refreshing’ the barriers yourself.
And I had to laugh at the eggplants because that sounds SO like me, too. I’m not a fan but if they’re looking cute? I’m a hopeless case. Sometimes when it comes to nail polish, too. If it gets your and Amanda’s seal of approval I feel I should probably seek out that Sally Hansen nail magic. Chances are it’s one of those things we don’t get over here, though.
Max had a soft spot for carbs, too? Then he truly had the best life at your home. Sending you a big hug.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Currentlyβ¦ August
The fruit flies are easy. Just put a cup of apple cider vinegar on the counter next to your fruit (or wherever they are congregating) with a squirt of dish soap and leave it there. Within a few days, you should be fruit fly free and perhaps footloose as well. ;0
He was a carb eating machine. He once dragged an entire loaf of bread out of the kitchen, up the stairs and down the hallway to right outside our bedroom door, where he proceeded to eat it.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Weekday Edition
I’m dying over here thinking of Hubby helping you protect your garden, big fat tears down my face laughing! Hopefully that does it for those pesky squirrels and if not at least you have explosive cukes.
Glad to see you back, and hoping this month has better things in store for you, and if not I’ll just have to figure out how to mail a cheese box π
I never in a million years would have imagined having a pee barrier. Then again I didn’t even know such a thing existed until last week. I am definitely doing some on the job learning with this gardening stuff. π
Mmmm, you said cheese back.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Weekday Edition
Man alive! I wish there was a way to reply to each of your “Currentlys” individually! This would be a fucking novel if I tried here.
Current Wish List: I wish I had some junk in the trunk, a badonky-donk, so to speak. (you and me both girl.. The more I workout, the more it goes away. Hm…. I hear there are butt pads we can buy)..
Current Needs: I need balance in my life. All work and no play makes for a crapton of suck. Chew on that one, fancy literary types. (again. yes. I’m seriously considering quitting my self employment bliss bubble to work for the man again so I have time – end energy – to do the things I love to do on the computer. like visit you).
PS. New book – Heather O’Neil is a fantabulous author. Her first book changed my life – it’s so tragic and horrifying and beautiful and I just picked up her second book. Can’t. Wait.
Kristy @ She Eats recently posted…Spiked & Juicy Blueberry Butter
I need to look into these butt pads.
I will add some Heather O’Neil to the list. Thanks for the recommendation. Alright I must go work on my badonkey-donk now. Squats! Squats! Squats! followed by Shots! Shots! Shots!
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Weekday Edition
It was good to come home and see you back in my reader… I’ve missed your fabulous, sexually laden posts π Being the selfish creature that I am, I hope August is better for you than July so that I don’t have to go through CEFF droughts. I kid, I kid… I -do- hope that August is better for you, but because I love you and want you to be happy… so promise me you will, k? As for me… I’m currently going to paint my nails with some nail strengthener and [mentally] thank you again for introducing me to it. My nails took a beating over the weekend.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. link love 8/3 .
Selfish or now, we are on the same page: a better and more balanced August. Cross those fingers and toes for me and help keep me sane. π It might be a tall order, but I appreciate it nonetheless.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Weekday Edition
Been thinking of you my love!! I hope you are doing well in your preservation time. <3
Brittany recently posted…Mailbox Peak
Thanks Britt. I appreciate it. I’m getting a little better each and every day, although I still miss my furry fuzz face like crazy.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Weekday Edition
We share the same wish list…sigh. Dearest ass, wherefore art thou, my friend? And while I have squirrels in my yard, they can’t get through my fortress of doom that surrounds my garden. The bastard groundhog? That’s another story. Let’s just say it hasn’t been pretty…
Abby recently posted…My Life is Headline News
I need a fortress of doom. Think I can pick one up at Home Depot? π
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Weekday Edition
I blame you and your wit for me spraying ranch dressing all over my ‘puter when I read about explosive phallic veggies.
Would be SUCH a good band name.
I have periodically asked my H and his band mates to pee their beer laced pee in my compost piles to not let any of the valuable nutrients go to waste. I see a composting toilet in my future. Pee barriers are where it’s at.
Currently? I want/need/ask for nothing. Things are going the way they should be. This is the time of contentment. I will probably steal away for another coffee in about 5 minutes because all paperwork and no starbucks make for a very sad Lindsey Panda.
Let’s make august our bitch, shall we?
Lindsey @HalfDimeHomestead recently posted…3 Ways to Build Soil Health in Summer
You are right! It would be a great band name. Genius idea…now we need to sell it to someone so we can get oodles of money and spend our day in our urban farms.
I’m thrilled you are experiencing contentment. Lap it up baby.
Yes – August – Make it our Bitch. I can get down with that.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Weekday Edition
Oh I’m sorry to hear about your cat! We had to put our dog down a few years ago. She had been with us for 12 years, since I was pregnant with my daughter. I still miss her!
Someone else mentioned Diana Gabaldon… if you do read her books start at the beginning. The first one is called Outlander. I loved them! I read the series and I’m going to reread them. They are huge books and if you enjoy them they kind of take over your life. Plus there is a miniseries based on the books coming out this month.
Have a great August! Enjoy your veggie bounty from your garden!
Anneli recently posted…My Weekend and Vegan Iced Vanilla Latte
Alright I definitely need to get the Outlander books on my list. Thanks for the tip. I like big books, and I cannot lie.
Meghan recently posted…The Greek Quiche: Artichokes, Kalamata Olives, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, & Feta
Dill pickle chips, ketchup chips, we now have MANGO SALSA chips…oh yeah. We’re *so* civilized up here. LOL.
I hope this next month settles down for you and you can find your peace again.
My Furballs mean the world to me, and saying goodbye (for now) is one of the hardest things we ever have to do.
Don’t be sad. Here is a link to make you laugh I hope. My old kitty Buck wrote a blog for awhile.
PS. Where in Canada….I’m in Toronto and next time you visit I’ll show you some veggie hotspots!!
Mango salsa chips…Oh My God, you are so civilized up there. I adore Canadians. Some days I wish I was one.
I was in Fort Erie, which actually is pretty close to Toronto, another city I love. Thanks for the offer, I’ll have to look you up the next time I’m close.
P.S. Buck the Cat sounds like he had a great life too. He was even a literary type, with his non-opposable thumbs and all. What a talent. π
Meghan recently posted…The Greek Quiche: Artichokes, Kalamata Olives, Sun-Dried Tomatoes, & Feta