Happy Thinking Out Loud Thursday. No idea what I’m going on about. Click here.
So yeah, I totally just stole Spoons introduction word for word, but seeing as how she’s got a good thing going, it seemed fitting. Who doesn’t like to kick off their morning with a little plagiarism, alongside their cup of coffee? Besides isn’t imitation the sincerest form of flattery, ignoring the whole Single White Female thing. Since I’m not single, there’s no fear of me falling into this category. I’m quite sure that how it works.
Truth be told, things have been a bit scattered for me this week, which does nothing for my already overtaxed brain; nothing good, at least. Instead of fighting the madness also know as the mental pings and pongs, I’ve decided to roll with it, and share some of my random ramblings and senseless mutterings, Out Loud.
- Banana condoms exist. I am fascinated by this, probably more than I should admit.
- This cookbook has me sitting in a pool of my own drool. Give me all the caramel things.
- Despite the glory of this book, I’ve been turning down sweets left and right the past couple of weeks. Tis the season, which is why a little selective yessing is a good and healthy thing.
- That being said, some concoctions still find a way to make it to my face; like these Baked Snickerdoodle Donut Holes. I’m not sure how it happened. I was walking along, minding my own business, when suddenly I had six of them in my mouth.
- On a completely unrelated note, we need to talk about your blog ads. You know those funny little pop ups surrounding every bit of content on your page. Well, they’ve become a real problem for me. I get they’re based on my ‘personal shopping preferences,’ but I made the mistake of looking for some new brassieres online because my ladies need love, or at the very least, support. Now, every time I go on the internet, I am accosted by Victoria Secret ads. Seriously, boobs are everywhere. I’m pretty sure they’re stalking me, Single White Breast style.
- For reasons I can’t explain, I need y’all to leave some funktified and potential offensive comments on my blog post. Yep, if you could just do that for me, I sure would appreciate it. Pretty please with a locally sourced organic cherry on top.
- Who decorates this thing, and how in the hell do they get up that high? Enlighten me.
- I’ve been experiencing this weird itch. It’s called running. I don’t even know who I am anymore.
- Speaking of running, I went for one a couple of nights ago after work. It was cold, it was dark, and it was even semi-raining; less than ideal weather to be sure. As is often the case, I ran into other runners, although not literally, because I’d probably be ousted from the club. Those night-time runners mean serious business though. They are an entirely different crowd from the day time runners, rocking head lamps and reflective gear. Talk about hard-core. Obviously, this makes me hard-core too since I was one of them.
- Last but not least, I’ve got something magical coming your way.
Can I just say, the clean up from this photo shoot was not easy, and since it went down in my backyard, my phalanges were blocks of ice by the time I was done. Further proof I am hard-core or perhaps simply crazy, but I’m pretty sure the latter goes without saying; not Single White Female crazy though, just so we’re clear.
Your turn, tell me some of your random ramblings and senseless mutterings. Also, don’t forget to leave me a funky comment. Now’s your chance; I give you cart blanche.
Brittany says
I had every intention of being wild in the comments before you even mentioned it, is that fate? Basically I wanted to tell you that I often find things in my mouth when minding my own business too, but never 6 at one time. Let that sink in…
I would pop 7 of those holes in my mouth though, because what’s a great morning without holes in your mouth?
Brittany recently posted…What Chemistry Taught Me about Life
Meghan says
We should have a donut hole contest. I have small mouth, but I make up for it with heart. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over The Place, Again
Chris says
Those banana condoms aren’t real life applicable. Have you ever seen such straight, uncurved bananas? No! Bananas have at least a gentle curve to them, you know, to hit all the right places and tastebuds. I’m actually in possession of a pretty epic banana, so I’ll volunteer to model for them next time.
Chris recently posted…Push Your Strengths Or Push Your Weaknesses?
Meghan says
I have seen a straight banana before and let me tell you, when you remove the curve those suckers are long, like 11 inches long. Not that I measured or anything. Alright fine, I totally did.
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over The Place, Again
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
JERK! Sorry… that’s about the best I can do. But in my defence, I’ve only just started nursing my coffee so the creativity hasn’t kicked in yet. And 6 in your mouth, eh? Now that’s a skill to be proud of. And I’m sorry if my ads are offending you. They are drunk. Now to go make brownies at 8 AM and try not to eat the whole pan before I can photograph them. The struggle is real.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. thinking out loud #108 .
Meghan says
That mean comment was weak. Bring it on Spoons. C’mon, let’s tangle. Or better yet, how about you share those brownies with me.
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over The Place, Again
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
THAT IS NOT THE BEST YOU CAN DO. I recall someone dropping some impressive F Bombs down the streets of Toronto.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…December Christmas Giveaway!
Meghan says
I remember some colorful phrases too. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Banana Bread Granola Recipe
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
Love the banana condoms/cases whatever they are! Bananas do get pretty banged up on the go don’t they? And welcome to the cold dark run club! No other way to go in my opinion 🙂
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Quirky Kids and Endurance Shopping – TOL
Meghan says
You night time runners are die hard man. Mad props to you. I need to get myself a head lamp now. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over The Place, Again
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles says
I always feel hard core when I run in the rain! Or even today, in the slight case of snow (which means a dusting on the ground and flurries while I was running). Isn’t it a good feeling?
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…Deep Thinking Out Loud
Meghan says
Snow run is definitely serious business.
I can’t deny it; it does feel good. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over The Place, Again
Missy says
funktified and potential offensive comment.
Also? Your mom.
Oh and .. lists suck.
*blush* I tried.
Banana condoms are genius! My mom used to pack one for me everyday when I was coming up and they’s inevitably get squished and nasty and of course… uneaten.
Meghan says
Lists suck. Good god woman, you just morally wounded me. Oh well, I guess I did ask for it. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over The Place, Again
Jessica says
I just got over the concept of the public banana and now there are banana condoms? Christmas is here early.
Jessica recently posted…Runners Not Running: The Off Season
Meghan says
It’s like the best present ever!!
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over The Place, Again
Kate says
(It shouldn’t be offensive, but a female member of the Michigan House of Representatives was banned from speaking on the House floor after saying that word. For real. http://www.npr.org/blogs/thetwo-way/2012/06/14/155059849/michigan-state-rep-barred-from-speaking-after-vagina-comments. Kind of makes you want to say the word over and over, doesn’t it.)
Meghan says
Vagina. Vagina. Vagina. Vagina. Vagina.
All better now.
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over The Place, Again
Jenny @ TurtleStride says
I’ve been wondering the same thing about tall decorated trees in people’s yards!
Meghan says
Giant stilts. That must be it. 😉
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over The Place, Again
Kirsten says
My red silicone pot holders are newer than yours.
It’s as mean as I get, though I’m a wee bit testy that it’s after 10 pm and I have been waiting for a veggie delivery for 8 freakin’ hours . . . .
And for the record, back in VA I’d meet my walking buddies at 0545 for an hour long walk M, W, and F year round. We always felt smug and superior in April when all the slackers would appear.
oooh . . . My Basset Hound is cuter than your Cat! Shots fired!
Kirsten recently posted…Ham Ball and Black Eyed Pea Chirashi Rice
Meghan says
Well my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, so how about them apples!
Meghan recently posted…Banana Bread Granola Recipe
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
I really don’t know how to be creepy.
Hmm..Actually, the granola. Me, Davs and Curt all sampled it after being gifted it from you and to me, eating it was like jumping into the pit of boobies. My milkshake sells way better than yours.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…December Christmas Giveaway!
Meghan says
I will take the pit of boobies comment as a compliment. Thank you sir.
Meghan recently posted…Banana Bread Granola Recipe
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
Is that banana condom a sex toy?! Damn…
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Treat Yo’ #strangebutgood Self [Holiday Cookie Recipes]
Juli @1000lovelythings says
Exactly what I thought first 😉
Juli @1000lovelythings recently posted…Nougat Mocha Christmas Bites
Meghan says
Y’all know you want one. 😉
Meghan recently posted…Banana Bread Granola Recipe
Khushboo says
LOL on so many levels, starting off with the banana condom–> I almost choked on my lunch! That’s definitely a more humorous reference compared to “banana guard”. And don’t even get me started on the boob pit ;)! Nice going on the run- I miss winter running! Even though it’s hard to get out initially, I love the chilled breeze once you get into it!
Khushboo recently posted…Chocolate Dipped Fruit
Meghan says
Banana guard must be the technical term. I prefer condom. 😉
Yes, at first it’s freezing and 15 minutes in, you’re totally comfortable.
Meghan recently posted…Banana Bread Granola Recipe
Christina @ The Athletarian says
Don’t you HATE when donut holes just end up in your mouth like that? Yeah I don’t either… 😉
Also – PUMPED that you are running. Holy. Just a few weeks ago you were looking at me like I was a mental case and now you are running with hardcore peeps after dark. You’ll be running a marathon before you know it! Muahahahaha.
Christina @ The Athletarian recently posted…Thinking Out Loud #38 [aka the worst week ever]
Meghan says
My running history is a sad and torrid affair, which I thought ended with my Tough Mudder last summer. It keeps creeping back up though. Also, I will continue to look at you like you’re crazy because well….you are. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Banana Bread Granola Recipe
Lucie@fitswisschick says
hm. I have definitely a hard time to be funky, but all I can say is that I find it mean that you didn’t share the sex toy – wait – the banana condom earlier. I mean, I am white single and boobs and all.
Other than that, you ARE. A hard core runner. Did you wear a headlamp and reflection jacket and all?
Lucie@fitswisschick recently posted…Thinking Out Loud – a day late
Meghan says
I didn’t even know running head lamps existed until three days ago so as for owning one…yeah, not so much.
How about I get you your own sex toy, as opposed to sharing one? 😉
Meghan recently posted…Banana Bread Granola Recipe
Sarah Pie says
Definitely thought I was looking at a sex toy for a minute there… totally wouldn’t have surprised me.
Our neighbor also used to decorate his really tall tree like that, dude actually had one of those basket things you see the guys fixing the phone wires use.
Meghan says
That’s because your mind was in the gutter, and I like it.