Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
And healthy is in the fork of the eater. Confused? Yeah, me too. Let me try that again.
The word “health” is defined as “the general condition of the body or mind with reference to soundness and vigor,” and “freedom from disease or ailment.” While I’m sure we can all agree vigor is a badass word and should be used more prominently and often, the rest of the definition is open to interpretation.
Surprisingly, the things I find to be healthy might cause others to turn up their noses, and not because of a particularly odoriferous blue. It’s shocking, I agree. You know what else though? It’s possible the things you deem healthy make me want to run in the opposite direction, fast (cough, protein powders, cough), and the truth of the matter is that’s ok.
At the end of the day, we all have different takes on what is or isn’t healthy. For some, it’s Vegan, Paleo, Raw, Gluten Free, Pescetarian, you get the idea. Others suggest dairy is the devil and sugar is a slippery slope to the seven layers of hell. Me, I’d like a slide installed; make my descent a little more thrilling. Also, I’d appreciate a ladder so I could climb my way out whenever the mood suited me. Plus, exercise.
Now I’m not saying my version of healthy is the One Ring to Rule Them All. I just know it works really well for me, and it’s entirely possible it will work differently for you.
Since I promulgate myself as a Healthy Living Blogger though, it’s important to share my version of Healthy with you and to share it often. After all, it is kind of the whole point.
Healthy is…
Using olive oil more than I use butter.
Eating whole, nutrient dense, and magically delicious foods.
Healthy Is…
Minimizing overly processed and packaged goods.
Making my own pizza.
Shopping the outside aisles of the grocery store.
Healthy Is…
Avoiding the low-crap, zero-crap, reduced-crap and any other lesser crap nonsense because it’s crap.
Passing on protein powders because they’re unnecessary and I don’t need to eat to make myself feel fuller longer. I’ll take a side of enjoyment though.
Steering clear of chemical anything.
Healthy Is…
Consuming edibles which nourish, heal and fuel my body.
Variety in my diet.
Eating foods I love in the right quantities.
Healthy Is…
Kitchen Dance Parties.
Being able to laugh at yourself.
All good things in moderation, including moderation.
Healthy is…
The occasional wedge of cheese.
Devouring a rainbow of colors.
Healthy Is…
Eating mountains of beautiful fruit.
Eating even bigger buckets of produce.
Eating sexy and sassy salads that ♫ make me wanna leave the one I’m with, start a new relationship with you. ♫
Healthy Is…
Belting out a particular stirring tune, even if you suck at it.
Drinking lots and lots of water, lesser amounts of coffee and the occasional glass of booze.
Sweetening food using honey, maple syrup, dates, bananas, raw sugar, brown sugar, and even the white devil from time to time.
Healthy Is…
Purple potatoes. Red skinned potatoes. Sweet potatoes, White potatoes. All the Potatoes.
Whole grains including oats, flour, rice, bread and pasta.
Eating eggs, the yolk and all, and full fat dairy.
Indulging every so often.
Healthy Is…
Solid nights of sleep where you wake up ready to conquer the world.
Setting boundaries.
Taking a breather from work, even work you love.
Asking for help when you need it.
Healthy is…
Moving your body a few times a week and enjoying yourself in the process.
Giving yourself permission to relax and meaning it.
Taking care of yourself.
Healthy Is…
Scheduling in downtime because you deserve it.
Managing stress.
Loving yourself.
Having balance in your life.
Healthy Is…
Being strong mentally as well as physically.
Photoshopping your head onto Linda Hamilton’s body because it’s funny. Alright, this one might be questionable.
Healthy Is…
The whole package, the full shebang, the real deal.
What does healthy look like to you? It’s alright if your version is different from mine. Promise.
Khushboo says
Gorgeous photos and no wiser words were ever spoken- fabulous post, Meg! While I do use protein powder, I have to run the other direction when I see the word ‘protein’ in any dessert recipe- I’m sorry, but any tiramisu that has protein powder in it cannot be considered a dessert or like the real deal…just no! My version of healthy is constantly evolving so rather than fixate on certain foods, I am going to share my macro view of the word: Healthy to me is about making choices that nourish you mentally, physically and emotionally…and those choices go way beyond food.
Khushboo recently posted…Sweet Potato & Chickpea Curry
Meghan says
I like your macro view. It’s a sound one, and I’ll look past the protein powder business, provided you ignore my cheese hoard. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
I love this, especially the non-food related health things that I think people (me) don’t focus on enough. I’m getting better about sleep, I swear, and asking for help, sort of 🙂 I would add I think healthy is having honest discussions about issues, feelings, etc instead of relying on defenses. This comes up in parenting all the time too!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Change of Route?
Meghan says
Very, very valid point. I agree being honest with yourself is huge. So many people have trouble with this and get defensive instead. Of course, after honesty, the next step is acting on the knowledge you have, especially the hard stuff.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
danielle says
ah, health. what an elusive concept! but what is it? argh i’m scratching my head. actually i love your list, a lot. in fact i’m sort of with ya. i could do better on every front in regards to said list, but if i were going to pronounce what i think could make me superhuman, your list would be a great foundation. i had many yes’s and yup’s and word! as i was reading.
however, since i’m hormonal and feeling ‘rage-ish’ i am more in tune with my negative side today. and therefore i can easily tell what i don’t think is healthy:
margarine. the devil’s scum… the toe jam of satan. be gone you evil parkay people!!!
gluten free products made from a crap-ton of weird starches and chemicals
any “diet” food with a crap-ton of chemicals, that also might make you crap. a ton.
diets/weight loss challenges – they are just not my thing. for me and my health and sass, i don’t think they jive with my zen place.
more than 10 selfie’s a day from the gym by one person. and more than 10 butt-selfies a day. i’m reasonable but common, why? eh?
OBsessing about the whatever thing you ate last week. it’s over, it’s done. get over it.
okay here are some other things i feel are healthy for me and my sexy inner beastette:
mediation – especially in the morning
daily gratitude
making lists of what great things happened at night. not crazy, just 3. life doesn’t always suck, even if it means you got a primo parking spot, it’s a great thing some days.
laughter, like belly laughing all the way till you pass gas. that kind. and even beyond that… there are other orfices, use your imaginiation but laugh till your butt explodes (and then clean yourself)
cold showers – nothing will wake your ass up more (especially after an explosion) than 10 seconds of cold water. hello world, i’m a new born freggin baby!!!
bonus tracks:
laying down on needles.
if that doesn’t suit you, acupuncture. i love that sh$t
massage – YES to the YESSSSSS – rub me. it’s so much better when another hand rubs my butt then when i try to rub my own butt.
i have more but i’ll stop now and save you from myself.
bless you and your provoking topics, woman!!!!
Meghan says
Sadly I have no ass or else I would probably take 10 selfies a day of my hot bodacious buns. Le sigh. 😉
I love your lists, both of them. I need to try acupuncture, and I am digging a good rub down….er, I mean massage. Yeah, massage.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Suzy says
I love kitchen dance parties!!! That is probably the only healthy thing I can check off your entire list. Oh, and the protein powder. That stuff makes for some serious farts.
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday
Meghan says
“Not even loving yourself?” she ask hopefully.
Because I think you’re kind of fantastic and a wonderful writer to boot.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Suzy says
Awe, thank you Meghan! Yes, I love me. A lot lot. 🙂
Suzy recently posted…The Double Standard Combo
Meghan says
See you totally have more than you realize down pat.
Chris says
You dropped some old school Usher so thanks for that. While I am a user and supporter of protein powder (good protein powder) I agree with many things that you said. Go around the outside of the supermarket. Don’t go for the low/reduced/whatever stuff. Moderate your moderation. I think trying to be too strict with your healthy habits is just as unhealthy as being unhealthy. Or something like that. PS eat all the cheese!
Chris recently posted…On My Averageness
Meghan says
Yup, yup I agree. People can get a little overzealous in their search for health and wellness and then they ultimately lose the actual goal: being healthy.
I will raise my glass of beer and toast your protein powder because it’s you, and I appreciate honest feedback even when it differs from my own.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Lucie@FitSwissChick says
Kitchen Dance Parties. Seriously, it’s the thing that makes me happy. All alone. I have no freaking clue how people can survive without music in the kitchen.
And sleep. Since I was complaining several times in the past few months that I didn’t get enough sleep, I made a plan. You know, plans work for me as well. Sometimes it’s what I need to be healthy. I made a plan on when I go to bed so I am sleeping 8 hours before I need to wake up again. So far it works. And I don’t feel like eating 7 chocolate bars a day. One healthy habit leads to the next one.
I am so wise. 🙂
Do you celebrate my bday in San Diego with me and Laura? We’ll drink some healthy booze.
Lucie@FitSwissChick recently posted…Trailrunning and Party Madness
Meghan says
I like your new sleeping plan, and I’m thrilled to hear you’re netting 8 hours a night. That’s awesome, and I bet you’ll start to feel so much better as a result. Sleep does a body good.
I so want to celebrate in San Diego with y’all. I’m not gonna be able to swing it this year with Blend though. Once the Hubby is done with school and working, we’ll be traveling again because I foresee a trip to San Diego and Switzerland in my future.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Juli @1000lovelythings says
I’ve tried to be healthy for years now but I feel like I am getting closer and closer to a vision of healthy living that it more sustainable and real than any of my clouded approaches from my past! Something that has always troubled me is the concept of moderation. What is moderation? 1 piece of chocolate a day? Or 1 a week? Can I have a glass of wine every day or do I better save the bottle and have it all at once? What if I crave a second glass on the second day in a row? Or worse, let’s talk about cheese. Is there even such as moderation when it comes to cheese? Moderation is such a sad word to me. And the concept behind still puzzles me! Besides all the things I don’t know about healthy there’s one thing I certainly know: healthy means not to fuss too much about everything!
Juli @1000lovelythings recently posted…Catching up Monday #17 – Eremite me!
Meghan says
Moderation is like healthy. It’s in the eye of the beholder so pick what works for you and don’t worry about the rest.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
caren says
Healthy is Mr. Bubble man…..
Love it! Gorgeous pics, too.
Happy almost b-day girl!
caren recently posted…3 Ways to Color Your St Patrick’s Day Protein Pancakes With Superfoods
Meghan says
Thanks Sunshine. I’ll have one for you tomorrow. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Emma @ em-poweredwellness says
I love everything about this! For me: healthy is eating your greens and drinking your water, working up a sweat in whatever way you love most, journaling and self-reflection, hikes and adventures with friends, occasional wine and tequila shots with friends, treating yo’self to a massage once in a while, spending time in nature, and gratitude always.
Emma @ em-poweredwellness recently posted…Minty Shamrock Shakes and Irish Soda Bread
Meghan says
I love your version. Journaling, self-reflection, gratitude, hiking and adventures with friends are such good ones.
Also, I had a margarita flight on Saturday. It was fantastic.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Frances says
Meghan says
To Big Bird.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape says
Ok that final pic cracked me up! Gotta love a bit of photoshop action!
You are spot on with your post Meghan – we are all different and as a result all have different concepts of what it is to be healthy. I would never judge someone just because their version is different, I would just be super happy that health is an important factor to them!
Health to me – real food, exercise, sleep, minimal stress and love. Oh and kitchen dance parties – David and I have one of those every Saturday night doing food prep with a few glasses of wine! Bliss!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…CrossFit – You win some you lose some!
Meghan says
I dig the way you think: ” just be super happy that health is an important factor to them!” That’s exactly right.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
meredith @the cookie chrunicles says
Everything in moderation including moderation —- love that! It’s so so soooo true.
meredith @the cookie chrunicles recently posted…Build Your Own Plant Based Power Bowl
Meghan says
Thanks Sunshine.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Brittany says
Big fat giant yes to all of this. I DO however….use a 100% pure pea protein in some of my smoothies because I love the creaminess it adds. I suppose I could use coconut milk (full fat from the can baby) instead, butttttt I like the added protein. Can we still be friends? I agree with you on everything else. I don’t eat cheese, but if I had to choose between cheese and those “low fat” “sugar free” fake foods I’d eat the cheese. Yup, my vegan soul just said she’d eat cheese.
I’ve actually stopped purchasing a lot of “vegan” foods (and by foods I mean treats) because I don’t think vegan butter, other oils, and other weird shit they put into them is natural. It’s not natural sooo…I’m eating more “raw” treats that are made with whole fat foods and sweetened with real shit like dates and figs. At this point I have thought about (only thought, never acted…yet) should I have to choose between a vegan cake and a non vegan cake, the non vegan cake would be much better for my health because my body at least recognizes milk and butter over the factory made stuff. Long story short is that my intake of “non natural” products has immensely gone down, and whole foods rock my world more than ever. Can we be best friends again?
Disclaimer: I am not claiming to never again eat vegan cake because you can bet your sweet ass I will. I will however search for the best kind I can. HA.
I just wrote you a novel.
Brittany recently posted…Sharing Secrets
Meghan says
Nature’s Bin has the most amazing vegan cinnamon buns which are almost as good as cake so I promise to feed you one in Cleveland. I might try to toss in a side of cheese.
We can always be besties, even when we differ and partially because we differ. Variety is the spice of life after all. Plus, whole foods trump all.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Chelsea @ Chelsea's Healthy Kitchen says
You consider white sugar part of a healthy diet? We can’t be friends anymore. Just kidding, you know I agree with basically all of your points. 🙂
Chelsea @ Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen recently posted…Matcha Chia Pudding with Sweet Dukkah
Meghan says
I’m gonna slip white sugar in your coffee when you’re not looking. 😉
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Tara says
Healthy for me: coffee in the morning, water all day, red wine in the evenings. Margs on the weekends, sometimes. Green smoothies, eggs, avocados, salads, cheese, oatmeal, almond butter, roasted veggies, veggie burgers, and fish in some form every day/every couple of days. Sushi and ice cream on the weekends, the occasional boozy brunch thrown in for good measure. The occasional slice of bacon but mostly pescatarian (kind of on accident currently but sometimes on purpose). Zero protein powder ever because it tastes funny and let’s face it, I get all the protein I need from cheese.
I reeeeally hope we can dine together some day soon. I think we’d get along swimmingly in the foodie (and drinky) departments.
Meghan says
Your version of healthy sounds pretty damn tasty, and it makes me wish I liked fish. It’s a weird texture thing for me, although I know it’s incredible for you and full on nutritional goodness.
I would love to dine together one day. Can you make it to Cleveland real fast. Use your g0-go gadget arms to fly here because the shenanigans will start in a few hours. 🙂 If not, I will make my way to you one day soon because mimosas need to happen.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Kaylin @ Enticing Healthy Eating says
Oh your blog posts ALWAYS crack me up! Especially the part about how your version of healthy may not be the “One Ring to Rule Them All”. I agree, though, each person’s own version of healthy will be slightly different. Like how we always have a different fingerprint. My “fingerprint” of healthy includes pie. Always saving room for pie.
Meghan says
I’m so glad I make you laugh.
I did toss a little closet geek in there with LOTR. Hee, hee.
I like pie, especially the fruit filled ones. They make me happy.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
Healthy is……reading a blog like this.
I’m making a protein powder concoction for your birthday. But in all seriousness, you always hit the nail on the head (minus the protein powder part:p…Oh and the butter part. Butter> olive oil) Having been in your presence and during meals, you have such a healthy relationship with it all- It’s amazing. And the walking. and in flats. And…okay. that’s enough now.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Breakfast Around the Tan + Man Sass Mondays #5
Meghan says
I’m running from your protein powder ways…….
Dude, I got some serious blisters from those flats. I hadn’t expected to walk a bazillion miles that day. I should have worn my tennis shoes, even if they aren’t ‘cool.’ I would have made them cool. 🙂
I heart butter.
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Jessica says
This is why you are magical.
This was so so good, from one kitchen dancer to another…
Jessica recently posted…Friday Things x 2
Meghan says
Magical!! What a lovely comment. You just tickled my toes and made my day. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Healthy Is…
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut says
Love all of this (aside from the banning of protein powder and preference of olive oil…butter FTW!!). All of the photos make me want to lick my screen!! (The foodie ones lol!)
I’m not sure I could list out what is healthy to me though. I feel like it changes over time and with new information I learn. Healthy is definitely one of those words that is different to each person which is why I could never settle on the phrase “health nut.”
Also..I want more videos of you in the kitchen! You could have your own cooking class. I am pre-signing up right now. 🙂
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut recently posted…Inspire Me Monday #4: 6 Bloggers Who Inspire Me
Meghan says
That’s a good point. Healthy is being fluid with the definition because things change all the time.
More kitchen videos, huh. I’m glad you liked it, and I think I can handle that. I’ll get on it. As soon as my director (the Hubby) is back. He runs a right ship. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Musical Editional
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
And here I thought beauty was in the eye of the beer holder.
I still love that muffin tin.
Happy birthday to you and your muffin!
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Cookies & Cream Zero Carb Protein Smoothie
Meghan says
Yeah that muffin tin rocks.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Musical Editional
Brittany says
This is an incredible post! Loved everything about it.
Meghan says
Thanks Brittany. I appreciate that.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Musical Editional
Alyssa @ RenaissanceRunnerGirl says
Thanks so much for writing this! We all need to figure out what our own ‘healthy’ is, and not let other people decide it for us.
Alyssa @ RenaissanceRunnerGirl recently posted…Food for Thought
Meghan says
Yep, every person’s definition of healthy is going to be a little different and hopefully is what works best for them.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Musical Editional
Melissa @ Mango About Town says
This x 4000. Are we the same person!? Unrelated side note…vigour is a great word.
Melissa @ Mango About Town recently posted…WIAW: Typical Grad Student Edition
Meghan says
Isn’t it? In fact, I could use a vigorous walk today, really get the heart rate up. 🙂
Thanks for sharing my post. I truly appreciate it.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Musical Edition
Sam @ Better With Sprinkles says
I’m just catching up on some older posts now, and I have to say I freakin LOVE this post – this is exactly why you’re awesome and why I respect you views on health so much.
For me, health is eating mainly whole, unprocessed foods – lots of veggies, fruits, proteins, complex carbs and healthy fats (and I supplement with protein powder, although totally understand that it’s not for everyone). It’s honouring my cravings when I need a burger or some ice cream, it’s trusting my body, moving it frequently, getting enough sleep, and resting it when necessary.
Sam @ Better With Sprinkles recently posted…HA Update: 1 Year Later.
Meghan says
Thanks Sunshine. I think your views on Healthy are pretty spot on too. In fact, it’s remarkable how far you’ve come in the past two years. Seriously, YOU are amazing.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Musical Edition
Kristy @ She Eats says
Healthy is reading Meghan’s blog and having a good giggle while I sip my customary Friday coffee and baileys (it’s my day off) and remembering how much I adore her. And coffee. And my life.
Also… Healthy is talking it out. Be it a new recipe, an internal struggle, an external struggle (no fists allowed… Unless they’re pumping in the air to the tune of “I like to party all the time party all the time party all the ti-i-i-ime”) or whatever… Getting it out, figuring it out and being happy.
PS. I just picked up the most beautiful Easter egg radishes from the market. Bring on the warm weather. This is also healthy – finding joy in the small things. Happy first day of Spring to you!!
Kristy @ She Eats recently posted…Fennel Infused Salty Dog: The Fenhound
Meghan says
Coffee, Bailey’s and laughter are all great and in fact healthy things.
Sing is sister. I’ll be your backup vocalist.
Meghan recently posted…Chipotle Style Burrito Bowl Recipe
Kirsten says
This was a great post for your birthday. Excellent food for thought with a side of pure, unadulterated Meghan.
Kirsten recently posted…Egg, Carrot & Kohlrabi Sushi