It’s been far too long since I spewed a bunch of nonsensical things into the blogosphere.
Or wait, did that just happen on Tuesday?
Hmm, I have no idea, really. I can barely keep track of my own person these days, much less the things I say, which is why I should not be held accountable for the words which come out of my mouth, although I do have a dental appointment on Saturday, and they might be surprised at what they find in there…clean teeth, d’uh. What the hell were you thinking? On second thought, best not to answer.
For some strange reason, you all like it when I spout off a bunch of random ramblings and senseless mutterings. I won’t pretend to understand why, nor will I question your judgment, unless of course preseason pumpkin-ing is involved. I might even make up some words too. Take that Oxford dictionary.
- Damn it feels good to speak in lists again.
- Also, it feels good to be a gangsta, but that goes without saying. Me and the Geto Boys, we’re tight like that.
- You know who else is a gangsta? Oscar. It’s how we roll up in this hiz-ouse.
- Speaking of the thug life, I went to bed at 8:30 last night because it’s what the cool kids do. At least the ones who want to wake up at 5 a.m. and pen a post. Talk about dedication, not to be confused with crazy, says me.
- I’ve been outed at the office, specifically the blog. Awkward much. We shall certainly find out. In the meantime, “Welcome to my lair. Cackle, cackle.”
- Spooning is for more than just people and utensils.
- Fruit is my jam, not to be confused with actual jam, although some folks smarter than me make it that too.
- I’ve got not one, but two explosive blog posts coming your way. Get excited or realize there’s a good chance I’m exaggerating. I’ve been known to be a bit dramatic.
- I will say these posts are pouring out of my phalanges like water from a tap turned on high, (Remember my advice to write what you know?) and they’ll be heading your way some time in October. Patience, my precious. Genius takes work. Yes, let’s stick with that.
- The Hubby made me dinner: all the veggies, wild rice and a side of homemade garlic bread. He’s a damn good man, although certainly not a gangsta.
- I, on the other hand, have been processing tomatoes like a champ.
- And taking my cabbage to task.
- That is, when I’m not ♫ “rolling in my 5.0 with the ragtop down so my hair can blow,”♫ pretending of course that I have hair.
- Driving a stick while housing bananas. Thug love, baby, thug love.
On that note, I bid you a fond farewell and a happy adieu.
As always, thanks for letting me Think Out Loud, Spoons.
Your turn. Share some of your random ramblings and senseless mutterings. Go!
Erin@BeetsPerMinute says
That cat picture!!! So hilarious! I love the multi-tasking of eating whilst driving stick. I used to have mad skills for that back in the day. I’m sure I’d be put in jail now if I were to be pulled over for eating a subway sandwich, chips and lemonade behind the wheel. I can’t believe I admitted that. Haha. I was a stupid teenager! My hands are always at 10 and 2 these days! 🙂
Erin@BeetsPerMinute recently posted…What Is Your Comfort Zone Costing You?
Meghan says
Ten and two is good spot for those hands. Also, the banana eating went down at a red light. I’m not sure how I would have managed otherwise. 😉
Meghan recently posted…Random Ramblings and Senseless Mutterings Yet Again
heather says
My cat does the same thing, I call her a little slut and make her stop.
Fuitflies can all go kill themselves because I am so effing tired of the little shits flying around like they own this joint!!
Meghan says
I keep a jar of apple cider vinegar on my counters to catch fruit flies. It takes a day but it works like a charm. Add a dollop of liquid dish soap and you’re good to go.
Meghan recently posted…Random Ramblings and Senseless Mutterings Yet Again
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
I’m impressed at your ability to write blog posts ahead of time! I always want to do this and yet it hasn’t worked out. I also love that you made and organized your own pizza sauce. Goals for me 🙂
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Being Responsible and an Upcoming Race
Meghan says
Well I’m not so sure about writing them ahead of time. I got up at 5 a.m. to write today’s post. Nothing like a little pressure to keep me on my toes. I would love to write ahead though. It just never seems to happen for me either.
That pizza sauce went right into my standing freezer for wintertime. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Random Ramblings and Senseless Mutterings Yet Again
Suzy says
Omg, Oscar is all kinds of awesome. I love our new kitty and I’m hoping with all my heart that she is a poser.
Suzy recently posted…Anxiety: Part One of a Zillion
Meghan says
Yes, I can’t wait to see pictures of your newest family addition. Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
Meghan recently posted…Random Ramblings and Senseless Mutterings Yet Again
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles says
I was in bed before 8 last night so take that! lol
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…7 Random Things
Meghan says
Damn girl, I’m impressed and mildly jealous. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Random Ramblings and Senseless Mutterings Yet Again
Danielle says
Of course this post has everything: ghetto boys, vanilla ice, naughty kitty pic, banana… Girl you seriously continue to baffle and impress me. You drive a stick AND roll around like a villain just chillin with a nana. My mother always wished I learned how to drive a stick, she believes it separates the cream from the dung. Well I’m dung, still feel intimidated by all the shifting and such. My hubby’s a car guy so I’m waiting for a milestone anniversary to learn to drive properly and dazzle him. And my mom. They’ll be so proud. Anyway that was a dumb tangent. My point was just to say you are a badass! My current thought is that I’m seriously going to stick to vodka starting whenever I decide to have an adult beverage again. It might be a while.. At least a two days 😀 and I’m excited for dropping temps because my boss said we shall walk from my place to the theatre to see a show when the weather allows us to do it without being a mess. It’s about two miles and really scenic. Yippee! I love walking, the theatre, and cool temps. Happy happy happy
Danielle recently posted…Goals: September
Meghan says
I could teach you how to drive stick. You’d have to come to Cleveland but it’d be totally worth it.
Walking is pretty fabulous. I actually prefer it to running. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Random Ramblings and Senseless Mutterings Yet Again
Alyssa @ renaissancerunnergirl says
That dinner looks amazing – probably why you keep him around!
Alyssa @ renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Thoughts on the Dumbo Double Dare
Meghan says
He’s good for some other stuff too. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Meghan recently posted…Random Ramblings and Senseless Mutterings Yet Again
caren says
that cat of yours is pretty saucy!
caren recently posted…Comment on Please stop this crazy-making 6 meal a day thing. It’s bogus. by Meghan@CleanEatsFastFeets
Meghan says
Oscar’s an animal! Pun intended. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Random Ramblings and Senseless Mutterings Yet Again
Chris says
Instead of writing like I should be, lately I’ve been playing games on my ipad at night. Not sure why. I have like 72% of a post done but just won’t make myself finish. I suck. Working 10 hour days with a 45 minute commute each way and then getting my fitness on doesn’t leave much time for anything else. So yeah I suck. At least I made time to ramble on this post. I also caught up on your oxymoronnes.
Chris recently posted…Hello Again
Meghan says
You don’t suck. You’re working your ass off. When that happens, you need some time to decompress (like playing games on your iPad). That’s totally legit and normal. It’s also part of the reason I took July off. I knew work would be crazy and I’d need my free time for recovery.
I like when you catch up on my posts.
Meghan recently posted…Random Ramblings and Senseless Mutterings Yet Again
Brittany says
Your hubby made meal looks absolutely fabuloussss. I can’t wait to meet Oscar, I feel like we will get along like old friends. I mean we both like to sit spread eagle with our hand…on…well…anyway. Banana love my friend, banana love.
Brittany recently posted…100 Mile September
Meghan says
I think you and Oscar will hit it off swimmingly once he warms up to you. The white one you might never see. She’s an anti-people person, aside from her momma.
Lots of banana love coming.
Meghan recently posted…Random Ramblings and Senseless Mutterings Yet Again
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape says
There has been a couple of times these past couple of weeks when David and I have been out and about and suddenly I will yell ‘arghhhh I just had a banana… In public…. And I didn’t take a selfie’!!! #gutted – all about spreading that public banana lovin’!
Sometimes I think I should let David Cook dinner… He is a pretty good cook… Then again my favourite thing is both of us being in the kitchen – cooking, dancing, drinking a little wine – such good times 🙂
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…An Update…
Meghan says
Yes, you owe me a #publicbanana selfie. 🙂 🙂
I love when we cook together too, although I’m certainly not going to turn down a meal made just for me either. The Hubby is a champ.
Meghan recently posted…Random Ramblings and Senseless Mutterings Yet Again
Lucie@FitSwissChick says
Can I buy your freezer with content? Mine is empty and I’d love to have a stock of this pizza sauce. Plus the crust and the cheese please.
5 am and writing a post, now you seriously start to scare me. What’s next except washing walls?
Btw, while ignoring the banana, I want to say you are simply dropdead gorgeous.
Lucie@FitSwissChick recently posted…Recovered or not?
Meghan says
You are welcome to my freezer anytime. I actually made a huge pot of Ratatouille last night and Stuffed Artichoke Soup with Brown Rice so those will make lovely freezer additions.
Also, I always wake up at 5 to pen my posts. The morning is when I get my best writing done and since I need to fit it in before I go into the office, it works for me.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
I still have no idea how you manage to pen posts at 5am. I used to finish mine off when I woke up, until I realized that it was taking away from the quality of my sleep because I’d constantly be waking up and thinking about writing 😛 So now I just finish them the night before, preferably before 8pm, although the intros are always up in the air — sometimes being written at 12am 😆
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. link love 9/13 .
Meghan says
Yeah see, there’s no way I’m making it until 12 a.m.. Occasionally, meaning seldom, I’m able to pen posts at night. Usually though, I’m brain dead so I leave those hours for picture editing and typing up recipes. The morning is all I’ve got left. It helps it’s my favorite time of the day too.
Khushboo says
Blogging at 5 am?? You’re a more dedicated woman than I!! Your hubby sure knows how to put on a delicious spread- totally drooling at that garlic bread!! Bread aside, I”m suddenly really in the mood for some fruit after seeing that blender *insert hearts in eyes*!
Khushboo recently posted…Protein Pizza
Meghan says
Mornings are my writing time, and I have to try to get it all done before work, so yeah….5 a.m. 🙂
I could eat all the fruit, all the time.
Meghan recently posted…Exercise Is Overrated
Melissa @ Mango About Town says
Oooo freezing pizza sauce in one cup portions is a solid idea. We usually make it fresh and use the unused pizza sauce as the base for pasta sauce.
Melissa @ Mango About Town recently posted…Tackling Our CSA: Week 10
Meghan says
That’s a good idea too. Thanks for the tip.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition