Exercise is overrated.
I’ll be the first person to tell you exercise is the most powerful drug out there, better than any pharmaceutical and more potent than all the over the counter medications combined. Even the Hubby, a budding young pharmacist, would agree with me on this one. If not, it’s gonna make the next few days around here prrrreeeeeetty awkward. It’s a proven fact. Men who agree with their wives have a longer survival rate. They get laid more often too. Food for thought.
Simply put, exercise is the bomb.com, the bees knees, and cat’s pajamas all rolled into one. Although to be clear, I would never put my felines in clothing. I value my life too much, and I’ve seen what they can do to chipmunks. They’re ruthless.
Back to my point, exercise is amazing, and I think everybody should do it; regularly too.
So why in the world would I say, “Exercise is overrated.”?
The real reason: mostly for show. I’m not above eye-catching and thought provoking titles to garner a little attention. To be honest, I’m not above much of anything, except the Hubby on a Saturday night; Wednesday too if he’s lucky.
Things tend to get a little dicey though when you talk about the quality and the quantity of exercise.
Most medical professionals will tell you moderate intensity, for thirty minutes a day, five times a week, is ideal. We’ve already established I don’t mate that often, although it certainly would qualify as moderate to high activity. Thirty minutes, not so much.
Here’s the thing. A walk where you raise your heart rate is great, a nice jog is another way to get moving; fitness classes, yoga, hiking, biking, and yes, even yard work, are all fantastic forms of exercise. Me personally, I would even toss cleaning into the mix. There’s a lot of bending and scrubbing that goes on there, and I’m always shedding layers as I go. Cleaning is damn hard work.
My point is you don’t need to work out six or seven days a week at high intensity to be healthy. You don’t need to exercise for hours on end to be healthy.
You don’t need to be all gangbusters in the gym and balls to the wall crazy to be healthy. While I can certainly see the appeal here (hello, vanilla gorilla), it’s not necessary for optimum health.
You don’t need to be able to complete a Tough Mudder to be healthy.
You don’t need to run marathons to be healthy.
You don’t need to spin seven days a week to be healthy.
You don’t need to complete Iron Mans to be healthy.
In fact, that level of intensity, all the time, is the opposite of healthy. It’s going overboard, and asking for a case of adrenal fatigue. Your body needs to rest and recover.
Clearly there are exceptions for professional athletes or someone training for an upcoming event. That’s a different beast altogether, and I’m not trying to take away anyone’s accomplishments or steal your thunder. I think running 26.2 miles is an amazing feat, and I applaud you. I wouldn’t do it every day though.
One final note, when it comes to this topic, I do actually practice what I preach. I work out on average three to five times a week. I love spinning, yoga, BarreTone and will happily toss in some Body Pump and a weekend jog if time allows. On the days I do exercise, I only do one of those activities, not some combination thereof. And on the days I don’t work out at all…well, I don’t sweat those; literally.
What level and amount of exercise do you consider to be healthy? How often do you workout? Do you give yourself guilt free rest days?
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
Cleaning is definitely a workout, and this comes from me who runs marathons. A cleaning marathon wipes me out like nothing else. To be healthy, I’m with you in that I don’t think you need to do all that much. There’s a wide range of what can be healthy, I think in general people think more is always better, but we all have our limits.
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…NYC Marathon Training Week 9 + Boston Thoughts
Meghan says
I think you’re right. As a society we definitely have a more is better philosophy and more is not always a good thing. We tend to learn things the hard way too.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
heather says
You are too funny and I love it!!!! I workout at least five times a week. I don’t feel guilty on rest days. I mainly exercise because it does make me feel good and I like to maintain my fitness. I am a runner as well. Have a great day
heather recently posted…My Bucket List
Meghan says
Thanks. You have a fantastic day as well.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Khushboo says
Oh hell yes to guilt-free rest days. If you ask me, they should an integral part of any training program, both in terms of boosting performance and mindset. I tend to take one full rest day a week and then another active recovery day (e.g. a light swim) during the week which has been working well for me. While I am sure I could fit in another workout during the week, I know that it’s just a recipe for a burnout which I rather not experience.
Khushboo recently posted…Protein Pizza
Meghan says
I agree. I think rest days should be in all training plans. I like the way you think.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Pip {Cherries & Chisme} says
I couldn’t agree more. I even think some elite levels of athletes aren’t the healthiest peas in the pod, but sometimes to them it can be worth that extra bodily strain…
Pip {Cherries & Chisme} recently posted…It’s all relative
Meghan says
I agree with you. I think any of that stuff done all the time does a lot of damage in the long run, even for professional athletes, although I’d like to think those guys are better fueled and know how to recover correctly.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Suzy says
You represent the balanced, calm part of my mind. Unfortunately, in this phase of my life, the erratic, irrational part of my mind is just like, waaay bigger than the calm part and the only thing that helps me balance it out is running. I’m a strange breed because I wouldn’t feel guilty for taking a rest day (in the same vein as I wouldn’t feel guilty for eating cheesies and cookies for breakfast, and not eating a vegetable for weeks) and in fact I’d feel accomplished if I took a rest day. Because that would mean that I’m just a little more chill than normal, and THAT is something to celebrate.
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday: Skagit Flats Marathon
Meghan says
You should try to incorporate one rest day a week and do something other than running to calm the crazies. What do you think? Am I pushing too much? I mean you did eat a giant and gorgeous salad last night.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Chelsea says
This is PERFECT. I totally get you. I’m actually working on a post right now that’s quite similar to your point!
Meghan says
Very sweet. I can’t wait to read your post. I hope you come back and let me know when it’s up. I’d love to see it. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
YUS! I’ve done different amounts of exercise at different times of my life, and I try to gauge it by how I feel as a result. A good amount of exercise will make me feel fabulous, but too much or too little does the compete opposite. If I don’t get enough movement in, I end up tired, antsy, and moody. But too much and I feel run down and cranky. It’s like Goldilocks — gotta find the place that’s juuuuuuust right. Have I told you lately that I adore your posts? <3
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. link love 9/13 .
Meghan says
Aw shucks, thanks my dear I appreciate that.
At the end of the day, it’s all about balance. I subscribe to that plan.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl says
Totally with you on this. I am a runner, but I walk many mornings I don’t run and consider that to be just as much of my exercise as my runs. Oddly enough, laundry too – somehow moving around putting things on the clothesline versus the dryer gets my heart rate going.
Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…More Exploring in San Diego
Meghan says
Yes, laundry is good one. You’re hauling that basket of clothes around and all the squats you do picking it up. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Kirsten says
I haven’t exercised in days.
However, I did go to the store to get milk, onions, and yes . . . a bottle of pop . . . this morning. Why am I mentioning this? Well, I walked 1.2 miles to the store and then back home. On the way home there was that gallon of milk, 3 # of onions and the bottle of pop, 1L, in my reusable bag.
Did I mention I was wrangling 3 leashes attached to a combined 130ish pounds of hounds? And there is Heightened Squirrel Activity in my ‘hood this time of year?
I may not clean for exercise, but I sure do grocery shop for exercise.
Kirsten recently posted…Cream Cheese Toffee Dip for Fruit (My Apple Dip)
Meghan says
I consider your dog walking exercise in and of itself. When you throw the grocery store stuff in the mix, I assume you’re training for an Iron Man.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Heather@hungryforbalance says
I agree with you that exercise is wonderful, but can be terrible if overdone. I do enjoy doing something active almost daily. And, I even enjoy doubling up on my workouts sometimes. It just depends on how I’m feeling, how much sleep I’ve gotten, and how much energy I have.
Heather@hungryforbalance recently posted…The Weekend of CPR training, trail running, and Hamburgers, Oh My!
Meghan says
Doubling up on workouts. Wow, that’s ambitious. I’m getting tired just thinking about it. 😉
Kudos to you.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Miss Polkadot says
Oh, exercise … It’s not surprising when I say I wish I’d never stumbled into my ED in the first place but it’s been teaching me a lot in regards of what actually is healthy. While I do honestly enjoy exercise and feel good getting my heart pumpkin, legs, moving and fresh ideas spinning in my mind. Yet occasionally I know there are times when I can’t be sure if it’s the healthy or not-so-healthy part of me wanting it – if that makes sense. I wish I could say it was different but I still feel guilty taking rest days so it was an accomplishment when I recently spent a day lying around at the beach and then sitting in a car for hours and did -not- stress about it [much].
Miss Polkadot recently posted…110 Things That Make Me Happy
Meghan says
At least you’re looking at your exercise and asking the right questions. That, in and of itself, is a huge step. It’s all about progress, not perfection.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
lindsay says
thank you for this. I’ve been only walking and yoga for the past few weeks because of adrenal fatigue. and It’s still a workout, yes! because we all need to find that balance. what are body needs. not to keep up with the jones’. MWAH!
Meghan says
Who are these Jones’? I want nothing to do with them. Forget the Jones, let’s do Lindsay and Meghan.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Tara says
So I overhauled my bathroom the other day- total scrubdown, new shower curtain, new fluffy towels, etc- and by the time I finished, I was exhausteddd. I had planned to go to the gym and skipped it because I was so tired, and was thinking to myself, “What a lame excuse to skip the gym.” Except it totally wasn’t because my arms were really sore which probably speaks more to the state of my tub than it does to my forearm strength but that’s neither here nor there. Point is, that shit was a workout.
Meghan says
Bathrooms are tough to clean and definitely hard work. There’s all sorts of bending, twisting and working your way around the sinks and the toilets. Definitely counts as exercise.
We should start a new training plan called the Clean Your House Workout. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
meredith @ Cookie ChRUNicles says
Just the other day I found cleaning my house harder than running! Cleaning is no joke.
meredith @ Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…Rosh Hashanah & Weekend Stuff
Meghan says
Agreed. Cleaning gets me every time.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
danielle says
A to the MEN sister from another mister. for realz. word, fist bump, hip bump, all of that.
seriously though, i don’t just take rest days. i take rest WEEKS! i love working out and hitting it hard, i’m addicted to everything that makes you feel good and endorphins are legal and awesome. BUT i can’t go into full out beast mode 24/7. hell no, i’m no fool. been there done that. no thanks. i’ll hit it hard once a week, and every 3rd week or so i’ll have a very light week. if i’m not feeling and dragging that tells me it’s time for a break. it’s time to break out the vodka and sleep in past 5am for a change. hahaha ohhhhhhh if only that were a joke. <3 you 4ever!
danielle recently posted…memoirs of the weekend
Meghan says
I appear to be on an unplanned rest week. Oh well, it happens. I’m going with it.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Kate says
Hallelujah. So glad to read this! I am happy to fit in 5 solid 30-45 minute workouts per week. I use to be jealous of people who spent hours in the gym each day or could run long distances. Now, I know that’s just not me. I like exercise to reduce stress and make me feel strong. If exercise is stressing me out or making me more tired, it’s not healthy!
Kate recently posted…Gettin’ our Greek on
Meghan says
Very good point. If it’s something you’re stressing over, it’s no longer healthy. I love that.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Suzy says
Okay, so for some reason my blog will put some comments into spam, some into pending, and some it’ll publish straight away. I have no idea why and I have no clue on how to fix it. *banging coconuts together* But just know that whenever you leave a comment, even though it seems like it disappears to you, just leave it because I’ll approve it and it will reappear. That way you don’t have to spend all day re-typing all that bullshit. I can’t even believe you retyped it all. I feel so loved, and I owe you a head rub and a boob grab. Oh wait, that’s for me.
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday: Skagit Flats Marathon
Meghan says
The head rubs are fun though, especially with the buzz cut. Confession: I could spend hours rubbing my head. It’s fantastic, so that one would be for both of us.
Also, can I have these banging coconuts you speak of? They sound like fun.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Barrie says
Love this! I think it’s called: moderation. I am not sure people know what that is anymore! It keeps the fun in the run my new friend! You speak my truth, so thank you for making my this very moment~
Meghan says
You are most welcome. Moderation and balance is most definitely the key. I’m right there with you, and I hope to see you again around here.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Nicole @ Foodie Loves Fitness says
Agreed! I think that an ideal exercise schedule depends on the individual. Some people love to consistently do one form of exercise or a set routine, other people like me all over the board when it comes to variety of workouts. I usually workout 5-6 days a week. I thoroughly enjoy my rest days, just like I usually enjoy my workouts. It’s all about balance and finding what works best for you right!
Nicole @ Foodie Loves Fitness recently posted…Barre on the Bay + Nonstop Refreshing Eats {Weekend Recap}
Meghan says
Agreed. Balance and personal pleasure are what matter.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Sam @ Better With Sprinkles says
Definitely agree with you there! I’ve definitely struggled with over-exercise in the past, and it’s not fun. That’s how you get exhausted, injured, and whathaveyou. And honesty – after running 2 half-marathons and spending about 6 months in training mode….I’m super excited to take a step back and take an easy approach to exercise for a while.
Sam @ Better With Sprinkles recently posted…HA Update – 18 Months Later.
Meghan says
I am still amazed by your half marathon running skills. You are so super impressive and enjoy your REST. I know you will.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape says
Fab post Meghan – I really do feel like exercise and the role it plays in someone’s life must always be re-evaluated. Walking for 10 miles on the weekend is not a ‘rest day’, neither is 40 mins of yoga. We spent hours cleaning last weekend – did I need any additional exercise on top of that? Heck no!
Also exercise is a major stress on the body – if I have any other stresses going on I will always avoid high intensity exercise and stick to just walking. Geez a crossfit session when I am stressed (although giving initial endorphins) really takes its toll on me for the whole day.
Exercise for me will always be to help and not hinder my health. 🙂
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Starting afresh!
Meghan says
I am in so much agreement with your comment. I’ve come to despise the term active rest days or recover rest days when 10 mile walks or yoga is involved. How about doing nothing? Absolutely nothing! I think a lot of people are uncomfortable doing nothing, whether it’s exercise or simply just cutting yourself some slack and spending some hours horizontal with a good book or Netflix. We don’t know how to relax anymore, and it’s an issue.
And like you, I was thinking about working out today and then realized I’m going to be cleaning for hours on end so there’s no need to squeeze in a second workout. I’m thrilled you’ve gotten new digs.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Chris says
I think that’s a pretty good guideline, get a few workouts at moderate intensity every week. My workouts are usually more on the high intensity side but generally don’t last 30 minutes, so I think I still fall into those guidelines. To each their own I suppose, as long as it is something!
Chris recently posted…Happy?
Meghan says
Yeah, we all need to do a little something, something. It just doesn’t need to be extreme to be healthy and I think our little community can lose sight of that. Keep in mind, this is coming from a super competitive individual. Huh, maybe I’m mellowing in my old age. Gasp. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Catherine @ foodiecology says
I agree 150% (yeah, that much).
I love being active (my 8-5 desk job drives me nuts, so I move as much as possible and walk during lunch), and my anxiety as well as physical health improve when I get in a few good sweat sessions each week. However, exercising ALL THE TIME is not normal. If you’re training or it’s your profession, sure, I applaud you, but I’m learning how NOT to compare myself to these folks (lots in the HLB community obviously) or feel guilty when my 8-5 gig, 11-month-old baby, & “wifely obligations” prevent me from having a more “traditional” workout schedule. Because you’re right, cleaning (& walking…carrying an infant) totally count! Health is SO much more.
Also…you crack me up!
Catherine @ foodiecology recently posted…Weekend Wrap Up + #BOSUStrong Challenge
Meghan says
I would say hauling an 11 month old around is exercise in and of itself. Seriously, I bet your arms are in fantastic shape.
I’m so glad you got the point I was trying to make, which is you don’t need to do all that stuff to be healthy. It’s so easy to forget that when most in our community are out there killing marathons. We tend to go overboard and I want people to realize that’s not necessary, not to be healthy anyway, which really should be the ultimate goal.
I’m thrilled I make you laugh. Mission accomplished.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut says
A to the men! I think you know my feelings on this too with the Did You Know post I did a while back. Fitness blogs are great and all, but sometimes they make me feel less than fit (when I know I’m perfectly healthy). So did working at a gym (thankfully I’m done with that!!).
Great reminder lady! <3
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut recently posted…Chicago Fun with The Laughing Cow
Meghan says
Don’t get me started on the gym. Their definition of fitness is so very different than mine. I think they focus too much on size and numbers and not enough on health. I do remember your post on this topic. I really enjoyed it too. I’m right there with you on this message.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Kanoelanj says
Omg this is the fountain of truth lol! Obviously with my medical issues & upcoming surgery all I’ve been able to do is walk & I’m happy i can do that bc it’s a blessing these days :). But do I miss exercise like I’ve known it?? Yes lol! Bc like u said it’s definitely turned into a drug for me. But I’m really trying to learn balance through my medical issues are a great teacher lol. Thanks for this lady!
Meghan says
Sometimes we tend to learn things the hard way. I know I do, so I can relate. Good luck with the surgery. I know you’ll be back and raring to go in no time, and then you’ll practice moderation. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Brittany says
I workout everyday simply because I love it, but I do take rest days when I feel they are needed. I think, perhaps it’s time I consider toning down my running though…for reasons I recently shared with you. The food situation I’ve been trying hasn’t worked..so..stay tuned.
Brittany recently posted…Freedom
Meghan says
Don’t worry I’ll whip you into shape this week. And by shape, I mean feed you all the veggies while simultaneously relaxing. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Chelsea @ Chelsea's Healthy Kitchen says
Amen to this post girl! I’m with you in the 3-4 days per week camp on average – I think it is the ideal amount. I stay active enough to be healthy, but have weekends off and wiggle room during the week. I’m sure some of those people who work out 7 days/week really do love it, but I think at that point I would feel like my life revolves around the gym!
Chelsea @ Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen recently posted…Sun Dried Tomato and Roasted Red Pepper Pasta with Feta
Meghan says
Yes!! So very well said. I think you hit the nail on the head. When your life revolves around the gym or you stress over fitting in your workouts, then it might not be so healthy anymore.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Katie @ Run Now, Wine Later says
Amen to all of this! I’m with you 100%. I pretty regularly work out 4 days per week, and my only real rule is no more than 2 days (usually the weekend) off…unless I’m too sore. Or too tired. Or have a work event, or stayed up too late watching Netflix. Or…well, you get the picture. 😉
Katie @ Run Now, Wine Later recently posted…Fitness Friday: September Running Goals
Meghan says
I think those are all good reasons. A lot of times I find myself taking the entire weekend off because there are too many other things I’d rather do with the time, like watch Netflix, day drink, sleep, go out to eat, work in the yard… 😉 You get the picture.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Beverley @ sweaty&fit says
hehehe i love how you added some sexual tidbits in here to make this even more of an exciting topic! and i am not above using catchy titles either – what works, works!
I used to workout Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, sometimes Friday, usually Saturday and run Sunday. It was insane and all done at 100%. Now I take Wednesday off (or go to yoga), and usually Saturdays (unless i’m planning to drink that evening) and sometimes Sundays! It’s way more relaxed and enjoyable and I feel stronger than ever 🙂
Beverley @ sweaty&fit recently posted…How to Eat Your Peas & Carrots (Without ACTUALLY Having to Eat Your Peas & Carrots)
Meghan says
Holy intense Batman. Good thing you’re giving yourself a chance to rest and recover now.
I say have your drink AND take the day off. It allows you to enjoy that cocktail all the more without feeling like you had to earn it first.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Abby says
Balance? What’s that? Given my own overexercise situation, I am in no position to actually comment with anything other than the fact that I admire your balance and mindset so much and for me, it’s really a day (hell, an hour) at a time. Excellent post, as always.
Abby recently posted…Should You Use the Self-checkout?
Meghan says
I know it’s tough for you and that’s the biggest understatement out there. What I’m trying to say is I can appreciate your situation and I wish you all the hearts, roses, sunshine, baseball and beer, with emphasis on those last two, or at least the baseball.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Melissa @ Mango About Town says
I can’t even spin 1x a week. My poor lady zone does not like that bike!! Instead I walk, yoga, pump, and anything else my little (hardworking) heart desires.
Melissa @ Mango About Town recently posted…Change is Coming!
Meghan says
Oh yes, spinning does take a little adjusting in the lady bits zone, although after a couple classes, you no longer feel the bike.
I like your approach.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
She Rocks Fitness says
I was going so hard for so long and now my body is like you need to slow the hell down! I was going hard all the time, but since my recent move I am taking more time to nourish and rest. Long walks are happening a lot more and more rest days too. The fitness industry puts a lot of pressure on us to look and perform a certain way. It has gotten out of control and it is also exhausting. Great post!
She Rocks Fitness recently posted…New Balance Fall Catalog Is HERE
Meghan says
Thanks for the lovely comment. I’m glad you enjoyed the post, and it sounds like you’re giving your body the break it needs. Kudos to you.
And as far as the fitness industry goes, I don’t put a lot of stock in what they use to determine fitness levels. They’re all about vanity and making money as opposed to being concerned with actual health and wellness.
Nikki @ will run for pizza says
Preach! 100% agree. Although I LOVE LOVE LOVE my 60 minute high intensity workouts, everyday if I could!, I totally agree with this. And I really DON’T do 60 minute, high intensity workouts everyday. I just kind of listen to my body and if it’s tired, I turn into a bum; and if it feels like it could win a fight in the octagon, I workout like I’m Ronda Rousey. There are days when I don’t FEEL like working out, but I can tell that if I worked out, I would FEEL better, so I force the workout…and there are days when I don’t FEEL like working out, so I just don’t. And I don’t feel guilty. I mean, I DO, but it usually passes. And then when the guilt is gone, chocolate and wine fill the void. LOL
Nikki @ will run for pizza recently posted…5 things on Sunday.
Meghan says
Wow, you are a workout bunny then huh? Hey, good for you. To each their own I always say, especially when wine and chocolate are used to fill the void. I’m a fan of both.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The What I See Edition
Elizabeth says
Yes! Beautifully written and hilarious. As you can see, I this article on my blog; I hope you don’t mind. Living on the Northern Beaches of Sydney, the fitness/clean eating culture is an obsession and I often feel myself dragged into it and exhausting myself- going past the point of ‘healthy’ to just plain fatigued. Thank you for this timely reminder to take better care of myself. I need to go and eat some peanut butter out of the jar now.
Elizabeth recently posted…Rest, and hearing yourself through the noise.
Meghan says
I’m so glad you enjoyed this post. I felt it was a message which needed to be shared.
Peanut butter out of the jar is always a win.