Happy WIAW Gang. For those you new to this rodeo, What I Ate Wednesday (WIAW) is a day like none other, a day where food bloggers list out every single morsel they popped into their mouth on any given day. Alright, maybe food bloggers do this all the time, but at least WIAW gives us a forum for our madness. Let’s give a shout out to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for hosting our fine weekly affair. I’d like to make some dirty joke about affairs, but I’m skipping it for a little bit of brevity, which might be just as awkward as my wholesomeness yesterday. I’m not sure I pull either off, but I’m going to try, because today I’m doing something a little different, so bear with me.
I’m not dieting. I don’t count calories, not in and not out. I don’t weigh my food, and I could care less about the number of weight watchers points in any given meal. To be clear, I’m not knocking any of these; they just aren’t my thing. To each their own, right. My thing, and maybe I’m starting to sound like a broken record or maybe its been far too long since I actually came out and said it, is to eat more real food, less weird chemicals. Pretty straightforward, yes? I think so.
I find tracking calories, grams, points, units, and pretty much anything dealing with food to be exhausting. It detracts from my real focus, which is to feel healthy and be happy with myself. That being said, one lovely reader asked me to publish a log of my eats, day in and day out. She wanted to see an entire week start to finish, so I’ve been tracking this with pretty strong regularity since early December, and I hate it. In the beginning it was bothersome, but now three months later, it’s downright maddening, and I don’t like the pressure I’ve put on myself as a result.
I’m really not sure why I didn’t type up this post sooner and just be done with it, so I could stop tracking each and every morsel I ingest. Probably because I was waiting for the perfect week or concerned about how others might judge my choices, but let’s be real. There’s no such thing as a perfect week, and people are going to come up with whatever opinions they want. I’m just going to be honest and share what went down because at the end of the day, it’s realistic and I’ve got to be me.
Stacey – this one is for you, my dear. Once I am done with this post, I will be free of this burden and my glittery sparkly tracking notebook. You know it’s bad when sparkles don’t help, and if you want to see the last three months (give or take a day around the holidays), the notebook is all yours. I’ll be glad to be rid of it.
With all that being said (holy crap I said a lot, which should surprise no one), I’m going to share an entire week worth of eats. I’m skipping last week because that’s when I got braces and my food has been nothing short of strange and way too malleable for my own taste. Instead you are going to see the last full week prior to me becoming a full on metal mouth: February 17th through February 23rd. This is the week my little brother was in town, so my food choices were a little different, and you can do what you will with that knowledge.
For the record, while I will be publishing a full week of food, I will not be sharing pictures of ever morsel since I would have lost my mind (and I need to keep every little bit I have left) if I had to photograph it all, and some of the pictures are repeats, but the meal was the same so you get the basic idea. One last thing, while I didn’t include it, I drank buckets of water every day because that’s how I roll. I drink from buckets now; alright not really but I do like a good old fashion mason jar.
So there you have it: an entire weeks worth of food. Now that I’ve just laid myself and my meal choices bare, feel free to ask any questions your little heart desires.
On that note, do you count calories? Do you track your food? If so, do you enjoy it? Would you ever publish an entire weeks worth of eats?
Great post, girl! I used to count points religiously and then calories and then just continued writing down all my eats! They all worked for me at the time but eventually it made me overly obsessed with tracking. Fortunately I’ve rid myself of all of those and just focus on making healthy choices whenever I can. Between that and exercise, I seem to be doing okay with maintaining my weight and enjoying life at the same time..life’s too short to constantly worry about every morsel of food which enters my mouth! Being cautious > obsessive!
I’ve never really counted any of it and having to do it for even a short time was starting to make me crazy. At the end of the day, switching to a whole foods lifestyle is what made me feel great, energized and actually lose weight. Balance and moderation helped too. I’m glad the switch worked for you. Happiness is key, isn’t it.
Ok I feel like one of those crazies who get all excited when a celebrity re-tweets them! I feel so honored to have MY NAME in the title of your post today!!! And I had no idea you had actually been keeping a food diary these past few months–that’s awesome! I must say I am a tad surprised you did not enjoy it in the least–I mean, you being the list keeper type that you are!! LOL!!! Reading your journal for the week makes me wish so badly I could eat the way you do–I just do not see it fitting into my life. 🙁 My hubs is very, very picky and would never eat even half the stuff you eat! LOL! So I’d still have to buy him the processed junk and then I would be way too tempted by its comfort and most of all, convenience….ughghghghg!!! maybe some day I’ll be able to make it work….
I’ll have to come swoop up your journal and take a closer look–and grab a handful of your famous granola while I’m at it. tehehehe! Thanks again for this post–I feel so special! 😉
Celebrities re-tweet about every day people. How do I make this happen. I need to get on this re-tweet list.
The food diary is all yours. It’s funny; you would think with my list loving ways, I would enjoy this, but it made me nuts. Go figure.
By the way, your hubs won’t like this, but I would give him a choice: eat what I cook or feed yourself. With that being said, I do try to make things my Hubby would enjoy and neither him or I would have eaten half this stuff three years ago. Baby steps.
I’ll make you some granola with my next batch and we’ll see if we can’t tempt your hubs that way.
hahahaha! I know, lots of people have said that to me too–BUT I actually do like to cook stuff the hubs enjoys (I guess we all do right? I mean who wants to spend time cooking something the other person will not enjoy/eat? LOL). He’s not much of a “foodie”–he feels eating is a “chore” (crazy right?!), so I try to make it a little enjoyable for him at least! LOL! His “diet” primarily consists of some form of meat (like red meat, not a huge fan of chicken or pork), potatoes, and the occasional beans will make an appearance on his plate–oh and Dr. Pepper–lots of Dr. Pepper. LOL! You are awesome! I would love to try your granola–you are right–baby steps!!!! He might like granola…not sure. He does like granola bars! haha! And I have converted him from being a bacon eater to being a turkey bacon eater–to my HUGE surprise he actually prefers turkey bacon!
Well let me know when my granola sample is ready and I’ll pick up your notebook then too–you are so nice–you do not have to feel obligated to make me granola–but if you do make a little extra–I would def love to try it! I’m always drooling over your pics of it! haha!! 🙂
I’m happy to make the granola especially if it helps get your Hubs on track. I’m hoping you’ll love it and then make double batches on weekends too so you’ll both have a great, healthy breakfast all week.
Changing your diet/food is really hard and sometimes you need a huge and swift kick in the ass to do it. As you know, we got that kick in that ass a couple years ago, which is why we changed our diets and mow we love the way we eat. It doesn’t feel like a chore or we’re forcing down boring food; instead it’s a celebration and an excuse for us to hang out together in the kitchen.
Thanks so much! I’m sure I’LL love it! He’ll take some pressuring to try it. LOL! I’ve been eating greek yogurt with Kashi go lean crunch for breakfast and love that! You like Kashi too don’t you? I think I got that idea from one of your posts actually…LOL! I’d love to get to the point where Mladen (the hubs) and I are cooking in the kitchen together, but I don’t know if I’ll see that day–maybe when pigs fly…HAHAHAHA!
Hopefully we never get the kick in the ass you guys got–that was so scary! But you are right–it was definitely a kick in the ass to make better choices! But kudos to you both for making those changes because even with that kick some people wouldn’t have! 🙂
Stacey, just wanted to let you know I totally understand your struggles. I am the cook in the house, and not only do I need to tend to my not SOOO picky hubby, but my 3 kids, who are kind of picky.
It is HARD,,, but you know what, I am the boss when it comes to the kitchen, and food. I cook ONE meal, and basically try to make something that everyone can eat without “dying”, lol….
It’s rare that I can please them all, but it’s ok. I’ve never had junk food available to snack on, I don’t buy “snack’ food, soda, or things like that, and haven’t done so for over 10 years. My kids know that of they don’t eat what mama makes, then it’s another bowl of ceral for them. The organic kind, lol., or some fruit.
I love cooking, and love seeing my family enjoy their food more than anything, so I don’t blame you for wanting to make something your hubby enjoys. Slowly though you can start sneaking some healthy food in there, and swapping out other things.
For example, I add beans, or spinach to so many meals, my family is just used to it. I know it may not seem like a lot, but it does make a difference. Hang in there girl, and keep at it. If you are determined to eat healthier, then ultimately nothing should stop you from doing it for yourself. If your hubby wants to join in, or support you, even better, but it should not be a reason to hold you back girl!!
Would love to chat more, if you want 🙂
Hi Bella! Thanks for your note! I know I am not alone with the picky husbands–why are men such buttheads?! LOL! I need to just lay down the law with healthy food for both of us–it is only in both our best interests!! We shall see……haha! 🙂
I should add–my hubs does NOT cook–he’d sooner starve…so when I am behaving and eating healthy, I am cooking two dinners each night. uck.
I could never make two dinners a night. That’s just too much, and I used to like Kashi, but I don’t touch the stuff now. Turns out their “natural” cereals are full of GMO’s. Even so called health food can be tricky. GMO’s aside, that’s a pretty healthy breakfast. I really like the Nature’s Path brand of cereals.
Yeah 2 dinners a night is not fun/easy–hence why I’ve been packin on some lbs…cuz I am just making one and eating what I make him lately. ugh! I will find more motivation when spring gets here–I always do. And when I can grill outside again it simplifies things SO much!!!! Can’t wait for spring/summer!!!!
Ugh, GMOs? I looked at the Kashi ingredients–how do i know if GMOs are in something? crap crap crap 🙁
what a spread! everything looks delish—happy wiaw 🙂
Thanks Deidre. I appreciate you stopping by and saying hello.
Well, I publish my post, come over here, and read pretty much what I just posted. Seriously, do we share a brain?? OBVIOUSLY, I love this message, since it’s what I’m telling myself, too 🙂 No thanks, tracking, just hand me the good food!
This is really getting kind of creepy, no. Your my protein loving doppelganger. Yep, give me a plate of food, and I will eat it.
So much good food I don’t even know where to start..sweet potato fries, yolk porn, chocolate. Yuuuuuuum. Let’s be friends.
Of course, and I don’t know how anyone can so no to yolk porn.
I used to count calories and track everything but I’ve tried to work on intuitive eating, so I haven’t been tracking specifically anymore. I still have a pretty good idea of what I eat though
Intuitive eating is a really big deal right now. It makes a lot of sense to me.
For some people, tracking their food is a great tool. But for me, it was such an inconvenience and I was constantly forgetting to update it. I’m with ya – just trying to eat real food, less crap!
Yeah. Real food, less crap!!
You really should weigh your food.
At least you really should weigh the amount of flour you’re putting into your pizza crusts, muffins, etc because it’s just so much easier than fluffing, scooping and leveling.
You eat damn healthy.
Well baking is another story though. Then it’s just about getting your food to taste good.
Thanks Kirsten. We try.
I’m all about eating whole real food and not counting calories– I haven’t stepped on a scale since i was pregnant! My body feels best when I feed it good stuff!!!
Amen to that. Thanks for stopping by.
There were two months in my lifetime where I counted calories. It was exhausting, and I was limiting myself wayyy too much. I kicked that shit and never looked back. I eat when I am hungry, I eat what I am craving, and I stop when I am full…pretty simple!! I am all for the eating of real food too. Love the meals you made!!
Sounds simple and like a lot of common sense. Stuff works better when we don’t over complicate things.
Beautiful photos! I used to count calories like it was my job, but became less obsessed with it over time. However, I do feel better about how/what I’m eating when I do it; maybe I should start up again!
Thanks Olivia. I had trouble tracking my meals, so I don’t think I could ever get into counting calories, but you gotta do what works best for you.
Amazing meals! I particularly like the look of that veggie burger 🙂 I don’t track calories anymore because I pretty much eat the same amount everyday, so I reckon the calories are roughly the same too. I definitely track what I eat though because I want to ensure I’m getting a huge variety of nutrients… Great post!
Thanks Bunny. I appreciate you stopping by and giving me a shout. I do try to make sure I’m getting all my nutrients and I do try to eat pretty balanced so that helps.
Love the photo collages! The gelato (ice cream?) looks so creamy! And you did a great job with the GREEN. Lol.
I’ve had issues with calorie counting in the past. Right now I probably log my food once or twice a week just to get an idea of my macros. Really though, for me it’s more about how many meals I have versus the number of calories that I can consume.
Gelato is amazing, and this place (The Sweet Spot) has the best; super creamy, all handmade with local ingredients when possible. They are fabulous.
You’re in a pretty interesting place, where it’s probably in your best interest to track some of the things you eat to see what does and doesn’t actually work for you.
All I have to say is that I’m annoyed. Annoyed becasue now I want banana-walnut muffins and I have no bananas. Mean.
It’s only Wednesday, and you’re already out of bananas. How is this possible? If it makes you feel any better, I made those muffins with honey instead of sugar and they weren’t nearly as good as usual. Farm Fresh Feasts has some orange cherry oat muffins that are out of this world. I subbed cranberries for the cherries, but still fabulous either way. http://www.farmfreshfeasts.com/2013/02/orange-cherry-oatmeal-muffins-monday-or.html
SOO many good looking eats!! 🙂
I do not count calories. I used to, but it became too much and became an obsession. It also left me feeling guilt-stricken at times. I feel so much more free now that I do not count! 🙂
It seems like it would be so much work, and ultimately you’d end up putting a ton of pressure on yourself. Food should be fun. And enjoyable. And nutritious. And delicious. And sustainable. Thank god it can be all these things.
Here’s to food freedom.
Hi Meghan,
Wow, I loved your little rant about eating real food, and not counting calories, points, etc. That’s pretty much my motto too, lol.
All your meals look so good, and colorful, and REALISTIC…. real food. I mean seriously not complicated, just real, that is so my goal from now on.
You are so right about it being a process getting there. I read your about page. Obviously have no idea what exactly was the turning point for you and your hubby, but that is exactly what I am hoping to prevent. Something drastic happening for me to take a step back and realize I need to do better and that I can!! Not only for myself but for my family too. Btw, I’ve been trying to eat as much “real” food as possible, for nearly a decade, and while I’ve really focused on lots of organic, and fresh food, I feel like I could have done so much more. We can always do more right? I just want to do it the real food way, all the way!!
So glad I stopped by! Have a great day girl 🙂
P.s. After coming back from an extended blogging break, I’ve started a 40 day challenge to get HEALTHY by my birthday. If you get a chance to check it out, I could sure use the support!
Hugs, Bella 🙂
Bella’s 40 Day Challenge
I’ve been counting calories for a while now…I started right after I got back from the Blend Retreat last year because all of a sudden, I felt like my snacking/mindless munching had gotten to it’s peak of being “out of control” and we won’t even talk about portion control (or lack thereof). Within a month (month and a half?), I lost 10 pounds! Then, since I was working out like super hardcore (and I totally mean that in a pat myself on the back kind of way, not like I was killing myself in the gym/borderline crazy or anything), I lost a little bit more after that AND gained some muscle! I was so proud of myself! I felt like I finally had a handle on my snacking…was learning more about what combinations of foods work best for me (high fat/low fat, high protein/low protein…etc). But now, nine months later, I’m really starting to get sick of myself! Things have been brewing in my head for a couple of months now…then I read this post the SAME NIGHT as reading Allie’s post and a WEEK after reading Sarah’s post on the same exact thing! I mean, seriously? Are you girls TRYING to get into my head?! I’m definitely in need of some changes…actually, since my surgery, changes have already been happening. Now I just need to find the time/courage to sit down and type out a post about it. But there’s just SO much to say…
I had no idea you counted calories. I actually thought you had a pretty good balance of moderation, healthy foods and indulgence. I’m surprised, although absolutely fascinated to see what changes are on the horizon. I can’t wait to read that post. Just be you and it’ll be fine.
I do know anytime you drop something from your diet (whether it’s meat, snacks, sugar, carbs, whatever) you will lose weight. Then you add in exercise while still maintaining the food restriction and you’ll definitely lose weight. That being said, I don’t eat meat because it freaks me out, it’s a weird texture and I’m just not a huge fan, with the exception of bacon. Who doesn’t love bacon, and I will eat it again someday. My advice (because you didn’t ask) is to eat real food, snack on real food, eat the less than healthy stuff in moderation and less often, but indulge sometimes. Then dance, sing, have a drink, shake your bob-bon, and it will all work out. I already know you are super healthy, but at the end of the day, you have to be happy too.
What a great post! Of course I had to go back and read all your favorites from your Blogaversary (congrats by the way!) I used a food tracking app for a while, mostly because I was too lazy to keep an actual diary like this and needed to track any food/headache triggers, and I have to say that the little calorie read-out it gave me at the end of each day was kind of nerve wracking. It felt very judgmental and I didn’t like it! I’ve always kept a pretty healthy diet but recently (with some encouragement/inspiration from you I might add) I’ve been hitting the real foods hard. There are still drinks and treats that are less than stellar but that’s part of the balance (you can’t be good ALL the time 😉 ) but overall my food is looking better and tasting better. Plus I feel a heck of a lot better so you know you and the Hubby are on to something!
Aw you are so sweet. This comment literally made my day (and maybe even my week). One of the reasons I started blogging was to help others realize that healthy food can be amazing, taste phenomenal, and ease medical ailments. I’m thrilled you are having such success. What I would say about unhealthy drinks and treats is to try and switch to a clean brand. If you love soda, try making your own with seltzer, stevia, some lemons and lime or buy a clean brand. I think Lacroix is supposed to be good, although I haven’t tried it. I’ve been eyeballing it though. 😉 I’m so glad to hear you are feeling better and virtually headache free.