I am a gluten slayer.
It’s true. If you put a loaf of bread in front of me, odds are I’m going to eat it with a healthy slab of butter and a side of jelly because gluten is my jam. I was raised on the stuff, in a time when Celiac disease didn’t really exist or if it did, I didn’t know about it. While it wasn’t a part of my barley filled bubble back in the day, it most definitely is now. In fact, I’d go so far as to say it impacts all of us today, in one way or another. If we don’t have our own issues with gluten, then we know someone who does. In my case, it’s the latter; multiple people and even some very good friends.
Celiac disease, by definition, is an autoimmune disorder where the act of ingesting gluten damages the small intestines and prevents your body from absorbing nutrients. 1 I may not know a metric ton about the small intestines, except they’re anything but small (hello twenty feet!), but I do know nutrient absorption is a big deal, especially if we want to survive and even better, thrive.
When Simple Mills first reached out to me, offering me a sample of their products in exchange for a blog review, I definitely raised my right eyebrow up high, cocked my head to the side, and scratched the top of my noggin. Gluten free and ME? Surely this was an oversight, and they had emailed the wrong blogger. After much introspection though, a little bit of outside counsel and a couple of fairly entertaining and completely internal debates, I decided to pop one of my own pearls of wisdom: be open to ideas different from my own. Man, it’s rough to be right.
With the suggestive seed planted, I did my research on Simple Mills. I scoped out their website, reviewed their client feedback, and went searching for their ingredient list because at the end of the day, what’s in my food matters most to me. They came across as incredibly wholesome, in a Laura Ingalls type way, minus the poor outfit choice. Girl could rock a freckle though.
I easily found an entire page devoted solely to their ingredients, a refreshing rarity in this business. Even better, they were great ingredients too: almond flour, coconut nectar, arrowroot powder, pumpkin, bananas ( 🙂 ), cocoa, baking soda, and celtic sea salt. They also boast no additives, non-GMO, transparency, are big on flavor and offer a variety of mixes from breads to cookies to muffins.
Be still my gluten loving heart.
While everything sounded great on paper, the big questions still remained: Does it taste good, and would I eat it again?
Not surprising considering my gluten slaying prowess, I was fairly skeptical and even a bit nervous when I tucked those bad boys into the oven. I decided right then and there, if for some reason they weren’t my cup of tea, I’d email Simple Mills, politically decline the blog post review, spare you guys the gory details and offer to reimburse them for the mixes they’d sent. Considering I had a back up plan at the ready, my hopes were not high.
Thankfully, they were also completely unfounded because those chocolate chip cookies turned out to be spectacular. They were moist and light on the inside and I got a bit of chocolate in every bite. Full disclosure: if I hadn’t of known, I never would have suspected they were gluten-free. In addition to my own seal of approval, the Hubby also gave them a thumbs up, and even defied my warnings not to touch the remaining ones cooling in the kitchen, while I was outside photographing these two. It says a lot about these cookies that he was willing to risk my wrath. He is a brave and sometimes foolish man.
Even better than the Hubby’s take, I shared these cookies with a friend diagnosed with Celiac. It was the true test and Simple Mills passed with flying colors. In fact, they got themselves some new customers. As for me, I willingly stepped outside of my comfort zone to taste test these chocolate chip cookies. It’s a rough life I know, and in true martyr fashion, I did so in order to benefit all those who are gluten-free and proud. Never let it be said I wouldn’t help a friend in need.
How has Celiac disease impacted you? Have you tried Simple Mills products? I’d absolutely recommend them.
Lauren says
I’ll have to try them!
Meghan says
For sure, they were delicious. I’m eager to make the bread next.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Mills Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Tara @ Rovin' Rambler says
Can I comment not on gluten, but on something that makes me ragey about sponsored posts?
But first, thank you for writing a sponsored post that did not sound like it was written by a robot. I cannot stand when bloggers do sponsored posts and have to quote a bunch of crap, write all fake-nice and generally sound nothing like their own voice. Nothing makes me click off faster than that. So, even more than this delicious-sounding cookie recipe (if you can believe it), I appreciate you voicing your actual opinion. Not that I would expect anything less from you!
Meghan says
Aww why thank you. I struggle reading sponsored posts too. They generally come across (to me anyway) as disingenuous and a little well…..slutty, not that there’s anything wrong with slutty. I’m very, very selective when it comes to agreeing with sponsored posts. In fact, I’ve turned down every offer thus far, with the exception of the folks at Swanson Health Products because they are super kind and they’re wellness goals are in line with my own. All this to say, your comment means a lot to me. Thank you.
Suzy says
Yep, you did a great job. It’s hands-down the best sponsored post I’ve ever read!
Suzy recently posted…The Courtesy Flush
Meghan says
Awww, you just made my day. I really appreciate your comment. Thank you!
Between you and Tara, my ego is going to be huge. Don’t worry, I’ll probably trip walking up the stairs in the next hour or so and it’ll go back to normal.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Mills Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Lucie@FitSwissChick says
You ARE a friend! I love gluten. But I my tummy feels happier if it doesn’t have to digest tons of it. Sometimes I can not help it and still eat tons of it. But on the other hand, I LOVE the glutenfree flours, ESPECIALLY Almond Flour.
Paired with chocolate? Hello, here I am.
Lucie@FitSwissChick recently posted…Raw Apple Oatmeal Squares
Meghan says
This is my first time dabbling with almond flour and I was very pleasantly surprised. The texture was spot on.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Mills Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
danielle says
yay for opening your brilliant mind! you’ve embraced your pearls, and your audience thanks you 🙂 i know i do!
i had my own issues with the whole gluten thing – when i was around 13 i became a weird food nerd scientist and started trying to figure out why i’d feel so darn bloated after eating. mind you, my diet for that period was mountain dew and dried papaya… but nevertheless, i did discover some interesting things like food combining. this eventually led me to poo-pooing gluten and processed foods, and i felt pretty rad! but alas, i was too young and even though i had all this powerful info, i wanted to party my butt off and abandoned all sense of well being… fast forward to my early 20’s, i found paleo and dismissed gluten again and felt all cool in my little bubble world (as this was before paleo was mainstream) but then wanted to have a life again. so once again my well being suffered a bit, but i also realized i actually could eat certain breads like sourdough without any ill effects. from my 20’s to my current mid-30’s (okay closer to 40!) i have been all over the health spectrum and have decided this: i still appreciate what i learned from food combining, processed foods are not that awesome but can taste good, gluten is not evil but the processing and other alien chemicals they add kinda are, and lastly VEGGIES ROCK.
sorry for my long winded comment. i really don’t know anyone who suffers from celiac but everyone i know is afraid of gluten, and i just try to remain calm and zen-like. happy day to you my dear!
Meghan says
Your comment alone makes me so happy I opened myself up to some gluten free products. I also like you were Paleo before it was mainstream, You’re ahead of the curve, and VEGGIES will always rock. Give it up for nature’s candy.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Mills Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
caren says
I met the owner this week at the fancy food show and I also had a chance to try their goodies. They are awesome! Loved the baking mixes.
caren recently posted…How to control constant hunger
Meghan says
That’s sweet. I hope you had a great time at the show and marketed the hell out of your pancake mix, another awesome product.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Mills Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Cat @ Breakfast to Bed says
husbands are dirty, dirty, cookie thieves.
Cat @ Breakfast to Bed recently posted…Birthday Burgers Invited.
Meghan says
We should spank them, or something.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Mills Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape says
Wow they look great – awesome ingredients! If I could get them in the UK I definitely would give them a go!
I’m not celiac but I definitely have a gluten sensitivity – oh boy does that stuff make me feel nasty. But I have learned to love new and different things now so never really miss bread, pasta, cereal etc!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Meal Plan and Sweet Potato and Brussels Sprout Tray Bake Recipe!
Meghan says
I’m sorry to hear you’ve got your own issues with gluten, but glad you’ve found happiness in other sources of food. It’s a good day when we don’t feel nasty, right?!
Meghan recently posted…Simple Mills Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
I’m glad you decided to expand your horizons and open yourself up to trying something new 😀 I know that it’s easy to get caught up in the anti gluten-free mentality with the way it’s recently turned into a huge fad, but I try not to pay much attention to what dietary label something wears (since I don’t really need to), and instead focus on what really matters — does it taste good or not? And if it tastes good, then I love it — gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, or whatever it might be. Besides… all of our favourite fruits and veggies are gluten-free 😉
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. cereal milk protein smoothie .
Meghan says
You might have been the outside counsel I mentioned in the post. Sometimes it’s good to take advice from others. Thank you!
Meghan recently posted…Simple Mills Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
Mmmmm… moist and light on the inside.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Competition Prep 10 Weeks Out + WIAW
Meghan says
You know you want one in your mouth.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Mills Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Brittany says
GF recipes are my jam. I’m all about that coconut flour life right now…but I’d give this a shot. So long as it’s egg free.
Brittany recently posted…A Side of Tips
Meghan says
You have to add an egg to the mix, which I like because it means they’re mixes don’t include powdered eggs. That was actually a big selling point for me, although they do give you egg substitute options for the vegan peeps. You should try it; I think you’d like it.
Khushboo says
Although I handle gluten like a champ, I tend to eat a diet which is largely gluten-free due to personal preference. My go-to carbs of late tend to be brown rice, oats, quinoa & sweet potato. However there is definitely room for good ol’ fashioned, gluten-containing bread. I am also open to the idea of trying gluten-free mixes/baked goods so long as they aren’t filled with sketchy ingredients. I know ‘gluten-free’ has become the rage recently and although I think that sometimes it’s a bit overdone, I’m glad that those with Celiac or who truly do suffer from an intolerance now have options like these wonderful cookie mixes- nicely, done Simple Mills!
Khushboo recently posted…Back to the basics
Meghan says
No sketchy ingredients here. In fact, I wouldn’t have agreed to try them if there was. It’s probably the only area I have strict standards. It’s a good place to have them though. I know you agree.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Mills Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Miss Polkadot says
Actually, I don’t think I know any Celiac in ‘real’ life and I’m glad for the fact. Not like I had any issue with celiacs – what the heck? They’re poor souls suffering from it! – but options for anybody with this disease are slim [and that’s still expressing it nicely] over here. Germans might be fond of their bread but they fail at letting gluten-free folks partake in the joys.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…How Perfectionism Steals Our Happiness
Meghan says
I actually wonder if the gluten free movement is as big in Europe. It sounds like the options aren’t as wide, but is Celiac disease as prevalent? I’m curious about it because I wonder if it’s so widespread here because of something we’re doing to our food supply.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Mills Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
I eat gluten like it’s going out of style. We are twins, remember 😉
I have to echo Tara- This post which involved freebies is honest, upfront and no ass kissing.
Gluten me baby.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Stress and Weight Loss
Meghan says
Gluten me baby one more time.
Or ten more times. Or infinity times.
At the end of the day, I always gotta be me, even if I’m trying something new.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Mills Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies
Sabrina @ Nutritiously Sweet says
I have to find these! I’ve seen a few chocolate chip gluten-free mixes here and there but I am always so skeptical of the taste. Thanks for the review!
Sabrina @ Nutritiously Sweet recently posted…Baby G: Week 11
Meghan says
I was definitely skeptical, and I really enjoyed these. Sometimes it’s a good thing to eat your words. 🙂
You can buy them online here: http://www.simplemills.com/collections/almond-flour-baking-mixes or see if they are carried in a store near you here: http://www.simplemills.com/pages/find-our-products-in-stores
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over the Place
Sarah Pie says
Big props to you for managing to review a product without selling your soul and sense of humor in the process.
I rarely try gluten free mixes because the ingredients are often sketchy, so seeing a company that passes your standards is huge! I may have to venture into the gluten free shelves next time I’m craving cookies because for boxed cookie mix these look delicious.
Meghan says
These ingredients were all great, or else I would have turned them down. They’re actually what made me consider doing the review. I’m glad you enjoyed it.
My soul is never for sale. Unless of course it’s some kinky sex operation with the Hubby. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Thinking Out Loud and All Over the Place