I will not be a cliché. I will not be a cliché. I will not be a cliché.
Can you believe May is nearly over? This month has literally flown by.
Dammit, mission compromised. Abort, abort, retreat.
You know what. Scratch the fancy intros and witty banter because they’re clearly not flowing anyway. Instead, let’s dive head first into a Currently post.
Current Book: last month I was promiscuous and had multiple books going at the same time. It was fun and fleeting for a fraction of a second. This month I’ve settled down with a single read: Saving CeeCee Honeycutt, by Beth Hoffman. It’s easy, breezy, and independent, everything you want in a rebound book.
Current Music: I’m in transition, trying to dig through our iTunes account and create some new playlists. Since we have 29,000 songs to pick from and my neurosis dictates I go through them all, in order, obviously it’s an arduous process.
Current Non-Guilty Pleasure: traveling to San Diego, Boulder, and most recently Pittsburgh for a wedding where we were transported to magic fairly land, complete with twinkle lights and miniature ponies. Fine, it was a small ass, and I do mean the donkey.
Current Guilty Pleasure: an impulse purchase. I am a sucker for clever marketing and anything involving potatoes #spudlove #tellmeaboutitspud
Current Drink: I’ve been on a boozy kick. I blame the warm weather and the sultry breeze. If you close your eyes and listen closely, you can hear outdoor patios softly calling your name and visualize cocktails beckoning with their flirty umbrellas.
Current Food: all the fruits and veggies. Restocking the fridge post vacation makes me ridiculously happy.
Current Obsession: since booze is taken, let’s talk crackers. After all, I did manage to squirrel away a box or two or ten at Blend.
Current Confession: it was refreshing to have 34 Degrees as a sponsor this year. They were my ray of sunshine in a sea of protein powders.
Current Excitement: we got the garden planted. Insert squeal of happiness here, with an errant jazz hand or three thrown in for good measure.
In the raised bed, we’re growing asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, cucumbers, garlic, leeks, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes and zucchini. In the pots, we have basil, catnip, chives, cilantro, parsley, and rosemary. Lest there be any confusion, the nip is solely for the felines.
Current Wish List: I wish Oscar would stop bringing live chipmunks into the house in the hopes of finding a new best friend. One: I’m irreplaceable and two: his new friends think he’s Dexter, which isn’t a great foundation for any relationship, even interspecies.
Current Blessing: getting that same chipmunk safely out of the house and my rug sterilized. Alright fine, I didn’t sterilize the carpet. The five second rule is off the table in my house.
Current Indulgence: lounging around in sun patches with this girl, who spends a good portion of her waking hours beheading Oscar’s new friends. She’s the true sociopath.
Current Epiphany: I’m happier when I work less. Imagine that. Also, I clearly missed my calling as a rocket scientist.
Current Needs: I need to get back to the gym. I haven’t been in what feels like forever, and I like being a sweaty mess.
Current Triumphs: doing my first ever CrossFit class with Lucie in Colorado. That was fun, if not a little tortuous.
Current Bane of Existence: my short term memory. It lasts about eight seconds on a good day or as long as …. crap, what was I talking about?
Current Thankfulness: Geauga Family Farms. I get my CSA through them, and the new season kicks off next week. Needless to say I’m eager to the umpteenth power; more rocket science stuff right there.
I promise to share more deets about CSA’s in an upcoming Throwback Thursday post.
Current Fear: getting pulled over for riding around nearly topless while taking duck faced selfies.
Current Laughs: no caption necessary.
Current Links: BlogLovin because I’m still playing catch up.
Current Mood: content as a Cheshire Cat. Don’t tell Oscar though; he’d be totally jealous.
Your turn. What’s Currently going on in your world? Current book? Current mood? Will you be planting a garden or joining a CSA this year?
Laughed at your intro, I think that before every post I write 🙂 Love stocking the fridge with fresh produce, such a feeling of accomplishment! That carrot is too much, I’d probably put it down right away and try to forget I saw it, but thanks for posting 😉
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Blogger Shopping Trip and The Little Beet
I did another round of grocery shopping tonight. The fridge is completely pimped out with fresh produce.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: May 2015
I won’t take the bait, I won’t take the bait… okay I will. Hell yes, how can it be already JUNE! next week?????
Love the carrot! Please tell me YOU grew this in your garden!
I am in a pretty boozy phase, too. I blame the upcoming summer and craving the feeling of light and breezy summer evenings.
Juli @1000lovelythings recently posted…The Motivation Lie
The carrot came from the farmers market in Boulder. I suspect he was grown too close to the herbals and got excited.
I don’t understand how you get the chipmunks out of your house?? I’ve dealt with mice before (not particularly well, I might add) but chipmunks seem tougher.
Book: All the Light We Cannot See (so good, though I’ll be in need of something lighter and beachier when I’m finished)
Drink: Coffee, coffee, and more coffee.
Bane: I need to get to work…
PS I have those earrings you’re wearing in the last almost-topless picture!
Each chipmunk tends to be unique so my handling has been different each time. This last one I coaxed (i.e. chased) to the front door after running around the dining room for a good five minutes. The last one was so terrified I was able to pick him up and carry him out.
Always coffee too.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: May 2015
I don’t garden but my friend does so I am looking forward to what she shares with me 🙂 I really need a book! I keep saying that. It’s been too long since I was in reading mode.
meredith @ The Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…Lunch With Michele At The Little Beet
I love having a book. I can’t imagine falling asleep at night without one.
OMG. I am dying over the pic of Oscar and the chipmunk. He seriously is my favorite.
And I am still so prpud of your CrossFit performance. #pundschest #vanillagorilla
Can we go back to those margaritas?
Lucie@FitSwissChick recently posted…Is it marvelous to be home?
Yes absolutely. We should do another CrossFit class and then follow it up with margaritas.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: May 2015
Dude I don’t balme you for that impulse purchase- sounds dreamy…can’t wait to see how it turn out! That carrot is hilarious- takes phallic veggies to a whole new level ;)! As you know my currently involves a lot of travel which is great…and although it means less blogging time, I can’t say I mind too much!! I’m still so impressed you went for a Crossfit class with Lucie- definitely calls for an extra drink or 3!
Khushboo recently posted…Currently (May 2015)
Yeah Lucie told me after CrossFit that most newbies either a) don’t finish or b) toss their cookies on their first class. I’m happy to report I completed the WOD with my stomach intact. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Currently: May 2015
That carrot…is the first thing I feel the need to comment on out of ALL of this. HA. Next would be Oscars friend, so he brings them in safely? Like…still completely alive with all their organs and doesn’t try to murder them immediately? What a gentleman. Your produce..ooohhh your produce. Your glowing like a beautiful mystic fairy in that duck faced selfie photo.
Brittany recently posted…Bye Bye Barista
I think my nudity and exposed white skin is what’s really glowing, although I like the sound of mystic fairies.
Yep, Oscar brings his ‘friends’ inside in his mouth and then just sets them down and hangs out. He more wants to play with them than anything. He has no interest in eating them. His sister on the other hand, she’s a different story.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: May 2015
I was going to write “I SEE TESTICLES” but then I got to the end of the post and there’s like, a carrot penis. So. And I love how Oscar’s tail is curled up at the end in a mark of triumph, like a human thumbs-up.
Suzy recently posted…Fighting 101
Carrot penis for the win. I swear phallic veggies just seek me out.
That carrot… Still giggling like a naughty schoolgirl! Haha!
Your veg patch looks beautiful and I can’t wait to hear about its progress. It makes me for one small second wish I had a garden… And then I remember having a garden… And, yup back to loving not having a garden again! If I had a CSA to join I soooo would!
Oh and sunshine and booze go hand in hand! Wish you could pass me over one of those canned ciders right now! Well it is 5.30pm here and the sun is out! (For once…!)
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Short but sweet visit to London!
I go in all with the garden and the CSA. My summer usually passes in a plethora of produce. It’s my happy place; one of them anyway.
I have one more Mango Cider left……
Meghan recently posted…Currently: May 2015
You wrote the contents of your garden in alphabetical order. Are they planted that way as well? Please say yes. Please say yes. I love you.
Chris recently posted…Into The Box
Oh and HECK YES FOR THE CROSSFIT!!! Thou hast tasted the Koolaid… and it is delicious!!!
Chris recently posted…Into The Box
It would make my heart happy if I could plant them in alphabetical order. Certain plants are competitors so it’s like jigsaw puzzle getting them all to fit without fighting. The Asparagus is my lead off plant though. Also, I charted the garden bed out on paper first with measured (literally measured) boxes for each potential vegetable.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: May 2015
😆 I remember that carrot. Can we go back to that weekend? I can’t believe it was just two weeks ago. And I know what you mean about it being almost June. I’m not okay with this… especially because it’s getting way too hot and my AC is currently crapping out on me. Send help. Or ice cream. Ice cream works too <3
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. almond joy overnight oatmeal smoothie .
Mmmm and now I want ice cream, preferably in a cone where I have to lick the beautiful drips before they hit the floor. How’s that for a mental image?!
Meghan recently posted…Currently: May 2015
Live chipmunks?! That’s so funny! I wouldn’t mind having some chipmunks around – I think they’re so cute.
No garden for me, but I’m hoping that our next place (we’re apartment hunting right now) has a balcony so that I can grow some fresh herbs this summer!
Chelsea @ Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen recently posted…Mediterranean Millet Salad with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Goat Cheese
If you manage to score a place with a balcony, you might be able to sneak in a tomato plant too. They manage to grow pretty well in pots. 🙂
oh my stars Ethel, can i be Lucy? oh wait, you’re a red head. so i’m Ethel. ekay?
i love the current fabulousness of your life. i might have to order that book on Amazon like today – we packed our books and put them in storage, so i’m reading what i’ve got on hand that were stuck among random items and parcels: self help, Maeve Binchy, and more self help. i need something ELSE! enough Irish romance novels for now but i do love them, sigh.
we are still dealing with massive flooding. it’s like the Apocalypse is happening and all i want to do is cook. coping mech i guess.
done with my office job, now i’m about to get my real estate exam. YES! exam part II is on friday…
food – my darling hubb asked me to help him feel better and get his health numbers a bit more balanced, so that’s what i’m doing. cooking all the food and making sure it’s delicious so he feels content and less deprived. it’s day 3 so we’re in that foggy, gimme-the-damn-chips phase. it’s okay. it’s just for 2 weeks, i’m not CRAZY.
my current obsession – my new computer, actually tablet/pc. surface 3. i am in tech love. (i’m using it right now, meow..)
current happy – my new chiro is a healer and my legs feels good enough to jog/slide for more than 20 minutes. that is major progress! i’m now jog/sliding around town. you should join me, we can be jog/sliders and have shirts. i love shirts!
happy day my friend!
danielle recently posted…Transition Tuesday
I love Maeve Binchy books. I’ve got a shelf full of them too.
I cannot believe those flooding pictures you’ve been sharing. It’s crazy.
We should have kitchen dance parties complete with a little jog/slide action and t-shirts. I want a tank top though. Show off my guns (cough, cough).
Meghan recently posted…Blue Cheese & Chive Drop Biscuits
I am jealous of your garden – actually your entire backyard. It is gorgeous! We are in the middle of changing our yard from gravel to sod and it is a huge mess.
I am currently stuck at home nursing an injury. I am with you on missing the gym!
Angela @ HonestlyAngela recently posted…Intuitive Eating Journal
Would it help to know have the grass is clover? It’s starting to take over back there.
Hope you are injury free soon.
Meghan recently posted…Blue Cheese & Chive Drop Biscuits
Currently…excited that you tried a crossfit class 😉 I’ve been a cult member ::ahem:: crossfitter for a few years now and am always psyched when someone gives it a try.
That carrot picture HAHA.
Yep, I drank the Kool Aid and I liked it.
Meghan recently posted…Blue Cheese & Chive Drop Biscuits
I totally agree with your current obsession and confession (as I eat the cracker pepper crackers while typing this). It was so nice to see some carbs at Blend, even if they are paper thin 😉
When I first saw the chipmunk on your Insta, I was amazed at how composed you were. I would have been spider-pigging the ceiling if I could.
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…Day in the Life: Internship and Domestic Duties
The cats bring me lots of chipmunks so I’ve managed to adapt. The last one I carried out of the house in my hand. Gasp!
I love carbs. They’re my happy place.
Meghan recently posted…Blue Cheese & Chive Drop Biscuits
Ahh so many great things in this post! YAY for all of the bright pics of fruits & veggies that you’ve been munching on – and for the garden! Call me a dork, but I get so excited when my plants grow something edible. I love the potato/tomato plant – so cute! And OMG at the chipmunk – is that even real?!! Oscar is clearly very domesticated and far removed from his ancestors’ hunting days! Ha.
Nicole @ Foodie Loves Fitness recently posted…My Q&A with Tailored Fitness + Health Coaching Program Discount!
Oscar is a lover, not a fighter, unless of course he’s feeling frisky and even then he’s mostly talk. 🙂
I love growing my own things. It’s such a feeling of accomplishment and pride and I’ve got my fingers crossed about the potato/tomato thing. It’s my first year trying potatoes which is surprising considering I’m a potato junkie.
Meghan recently posted…Blue Cheese & Chive Drop Biscuits
Wait … You didn’t plant any squash in your garden??? Crime! Granted, I didn’t do myself, either [unless you count planting the seeds in little pots to start growing before moving them to the actual soil]. But my mum has clear instructions to grow kabocha in her garden solely for me every year. And every year she hates ir for greedily spreading out all across the place 😉 .
I read that book a few years ago and agree it’s the perfect light summer read. Right now I’m searching for a new book – always a tricky phase when the last one was totally amazing.
By the way: I like your add-ons to the usual survey. Especially the epiphany.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Let’s get randoMay!
Aside from zucchini, there’s no way I’m planting squash. I get enough of that stuff in my Fall CSA and even then I don’t really want it. Gasp!
Thanks love. It was fun to toss in some new currently topics. I dumped some other ones too: TV, nails, etc. I got the idea for the new ones from She Eats.
Meghan recently posted…Blue Cheese & Chive Drop Biscuits
I died laughing at so many things in this post.
THAT CHIPMUNK! I would have kept it as a pet. SO CUTE.
The CARROT – oh my!! Where do you find these things?! Hilarious!
You nearly topless – it totally looked like you were until I kept scrolling down and saw your top/dress. Hehe.
I’ve missed your posts! So much catching up to do!
Christina @ The Athletarian recently posted…What are you sweating for?
I do not go looking for the phallic veggies, they just seem to find me. I swear they seek me out. They know I will appreciate them and then share them with the world. 🙂
Glad to see you back around here.
Meghan recently posted…Blue Cheese & Chive Drop Biscuits
….Dirty birdy.
Seriously, that carrot is the best thing ever. Can you grow veggies on my behalf? I’m kind of hoping you give the CSA a miss purely to put a dent in your freezer! As for books…I dream of sitting in central park with a book but then remember it’s full of tourists. Bergh.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Healthy Peanut Butter Cup Rice Pudding
So I don’t want you to fall over from shock or anything but my freezer is pretty much empty. At least the one in the basement. I am out of all soups, stews, veggie burgers, fruit, and almost everything. Looks like it’s time to rebuild. 🙂
Come sit in the park by my house. No tourists there.
Meghan recently posted…Blue Cheese & Chive Drop Biscuits
Gosh, I’m playing blog catch-up too (what am I 2 weeks behind..) ps amazing swiss chard ya got there!
Melissa @ Mango About Town recently posted…5 Reasons You Should Actively Commute