This post is bittersweet for me today because it’s my last What I Ate Wednesday, my swan song if you will.
Cue bagpipes.
I’m nothing if not dramatic.
You see, I’m relinquishing my hostess duties for the foreseeable future for a smorgasbord of reasons, but mainly because I’ve got too much on my plate right now and I don’t mean the food. Between work, the holidays, my own blog and being a human incubator, I’m a bit strapped for time and don’t feel like I can do this little link up justice, which isn’t fair to you, and regrettably why I have chosen to bid you all a fond farewell.
Perhaps if I’m lucky, I’ll be graced by your presence on Mondays at my own Week In Review linkup, which is half the reason I stay sane this time of year. I toss my never ending, yet beloved, To Do list aside, in favor of focusing on all the major and minor accomplishments in the last seven days. It’s a celebration of sorts, a virtual pat on the back, and a happy swat on the ass. Hopefully you’ll join the shenanigans.
In the meantime, I give you my Saturday eats.
Liquid Breakfast of Champions
Warm Lemon Water: this has been a staple in my diet since last June.
Coffee with Almond Milk and Raw Sugar: nectar of the gods.
Fruit and Kale Smoothie: to complete the trifecta of beverages.
No wonder I always have to pee.
Lunch: Avocado and Cheese Panini with a side of Cheddar Potato Chips.
This is one of my favorite meals because it’s so simple to throw together and it’s damn tasty. Hello, easy meet sexy.
Snack: I don’t have a picture but hours later, I had a cup of tea and polished off the last remnants of the potato chips.
Dinner: at Namaste, an Indian restaurant. For an appetizer, the table shared a plate of Gobi 65, which is a spicy fried cauliflower dish. It’s heavenly and I went back multiple times.
Entrée: my main course was “Navaratna Korma,” which is essentially mixed vegetables cooked in cream and almond sauce with mild spices and a side of garlic naan bread. I polished off this plate times two.
There you have it. A full day of eats.
I’m not going to lie, I’m a little sad. It might be the pipers. They get me every single time.
Goodbye my Friend. Hopefully I’ll see you on Mondays for the Week in Review.
Now your turn.
Do you like Indian cuisine? I clearly adore it. Any favorite dishes?
Sorry you won’t be hosting anymore! All your food looks amazing. I’m currently drinking a smoothie but yours looks much prettier:)
Lisa @ Running Out Of Wine recently posted…A Day of Non-Training Eats
They all look the same when blended. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
I do love Indian but since Adam had a food poisoning incident with it years ago we aren’t allowed to go there – I almost forget how good it is! And no doubt you have your hands full right now – though you’ll no doubt be missed as a host 🙂
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…What I Ate Last Saturday
Yeah food poisoning tends to leave a bad mark. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
I think it’s good and neccessary for you to find more time for yourself now even when it means sacrificing hosting this link-up. I have heard being a human incubator is a huge thing 😉 I personally enjoy the WIR more so I am glad this one is still up!
Everytime I see one of your pre-smoothie pictures I think about getting a smoothie maker for the office. It looks like such a good way to get in some more liquids. I guess it’s not exactly healthy when the majority of my liquids come from coffee and booze 😛
I am not such a big fan of the Indian cuisine but I am willing to give it another shot. You may take me there next year in Clevelend 😉
P.S. I had three of the sandwiches in the last week. It’s clearly my recipe of the year!
Juli @1000lovelythings recently posted…Quick and Easy 3 Ingredient Chocolate Crossies
We’ll put the Indian restaurant on our Cleveland To Do List. 🙂 I’m loving the WIR link up too. It reminds how productive I really am, especially given my “condition.”
I am tickled pink you love the Avocado Cheese Panini as much as me.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
Well miss you! But good luck with everything and we’ll be following updates on your other posts of course.
Yes, lI’ve Indian food but it’s been ages since I had it! I’m definitely due.
melissa recently posted…WIAW #41: Dinner with Friends
Yep, hope to see you around.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
Just a word to the wise about Indian food. It’s fabulous when your kid is too young to appreciate it. You get take out Indian and get to eat all the leftovers.
Somewhere along the line, though, they will try a taste and then they will like it and damn it all, you don’t get to eat all the leftovers any more.
Chicken Korma (same sauce) is my all time favorite dish though I rarely eat it here in Ohio. The good Indian place has a buffet and I just get that, the closer Indian place isn’t as good as the place down the road in Virginia.
Kirsten recently posted…Grandma’s Scottish Shortbread with Amazon Gift Card Giveaway for #ChristmasWeek
I’ll take advantage of the Indian takeout, although I’m hoping this child won’t be anywhere near as picky as I was about food.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
As long as you will continue gracing us with your presence on your own blog when you can and want to, then you do whatever you need to do! You come first.
And you’d make a marvellous swan.
I’d like to think I’m a beautiful swan. In fact, my neck is one of my favorite features.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
Lately I’ve been all about beverages in the morning. Tea, smoothies (and water). I don’t think I’ve ever had authentic Indian food. Maybe just a dinner at home with similar spices and flavor? Guess I should try!
Emily @ My Healthyish Life recently posted…WIAW: Last Day of School (EVER)
You should definitely try the real thing. It’s amazing; so much flavor.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
Even though it’s sad to see you go, I can totally understand. You are one busy lady and the addition of ‘human incubator’ doesn’t make things any easier.
I haven’t had Indian food since I was pregnant with Matilda! Spicy fried cauliflower sounds delicious!
Spicy cauliflower is delicious. You need to get some for sure.
Meghan recently posted…How To Create The Perfect Party Platter: Simple Yet Stunning
I haven’t had Indian food in forever! I feel like I spend half the morning drinking stuff too- the warm lemon water, coffee, tea, etc. At least all the bathroom breaks get me out of my office a million times a day!
Kelly @ Kelly Runs For Food recently posted…My job is cooler than yours + WIAW
I figure hydration is a lovely side effect for our morning cocktail consumption. We should toss one of those in there; a mimosa sounds quite nice.
Meghan recently posted…How To Create The Perfect Party Platter: Simple Yet Stunning
You will be missed my dear! Keep that baby growing strong!
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious recently posted…WIAW…Dream Big + A Fit Girl Foodie’s Christmas Wish List
Thanks, that’s the plan.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
That pannini looks so good! I love Indian but just as of recently. I used to hate it but it was just because I never tried it. I LOVE chicken kabobs.
Melissa @ Freeing Imperfections recently posted…WIAW: Allrecipes Inspired Eats
We’ll miss you! But, really, because that sandwich….
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday: Comfort Food
Yeah that sandwich is pretty amazing.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
I want that cauliflower! Sorry you won’t be hosting but I totally understand!
meredith @ Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday 12.9.15
I want that cauliflower! Sorry you won’t be hosting but I totally understand!
meredith @ Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday 12.9.15
Understand the busy stuff. Wishing you the best in your adventures and will still be stopping by. +)
Great looking food too! YUMMO!
Trish recently posted…#WIAW Post #WLS Style {12.9.15}
Yep, I hope to see you in the future around here Trish. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
As long as you continue gracing us with your presence on your own blog, when you can and want to, then you do whatever you need to do! You come first.
And you’d make a marvellous swan.
mylittletablespoon recently posted…WIAW: Not So Tricky “Tips”
I think I make a marvelous swan too. I happen to love my neck.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
Sad to see you go… but thanks for leaving us with such a sight as that sandwich.
Since my semester is about over, I am going to try and do better about having a Monday post to link-up… I am not ready for goodbye!
Kate recently posted…Simple foods (WIAW)
Yes, I would leave to see you more at the WIR and congratulations on finishing your semester. Another one down!
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
Awwww, I will miss seeing you on the WIAW stomping ground, Meghan. Thanks for all of your hard work and good luck with all of your stuff…and the baby! 🙂 P.S. Yay for layered fruit and kale smoothies. XOXO.
Carrie recently posted…Santa Barbara Day Trip Eats
Fruit and kale smoothies are my jam.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
Don’t scare me that much, please. Even though it only took me a second to sigh in relief of you not leaving the blog world behind altogether. We need your sass here!
I’m all for you taking at least a little bit of workload off your plate so while sad I completely understand. Plus, rumor – or really proven facts – has it food can be a smidgen unappealing to human incubators at times so breaking up with WIAWs for a while makes sense. All that being said you ate some good food again. I’m a huge fan of Indian dishes though it’s been too long since I had some at least more authentic versions of it. Mine don’t really count because I only loosely follow recipes but my uncle who’s spent some time living in India makes amazing Indian food.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Why #goals might not be what they seem like
I need to meet this uncle of yours.
Have no fears, I’m not going anywhere, I just needed to take a little something off my plate right now and hosting WIAW seemed to be the most feasible.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
🙁 Sad that you won’t be hostessing anymore, but I understand the need to stay focused on the most important things! <3
Emiyl recently posted…WIAW: I’m Not a Gym Junkie
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
Thanks for all your hard work, dedication and time to the link-up! Hope this time off will give you some relief and rest 🙂
By the way…those sandwiches look unreal!! Yum!
Kat recently posted…WIAW 12.9.15
You are most welcome.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
Say it ain’t so! Your eats are some of my favorite, though understandably your life is a little hectic right now.
Indian is mah jam, which is strange because I had never eaten it until a few years ago, thanks to Alex and his family’s obsession with it. They actually have Indian food on Thanksgiving every year, a tradition that I happen to love.
PS Bagpipes always make me weepy, too.
That sounds like my kind of Thanksgiving! I need to come hang with you.
I’ll probably still participate in WIAW from time to time, just no more hosting and moderating. So my eats will still be around, I promise. We need some cheese in this world.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
I’ll miss your WIAW posts, but thanks for hosting for as long as you did! As far as Indian food goes, I love any kind of korma sauce, myself. And, of course, naan.
Thanks Erin. I appreciate that. Maybe I’ll be fortunate enough to be graced by your presence at my Week in Review link up.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
I’m not great with Indian cuisine… mostly because of all the spices. My stomach is pretty boring in terms of foods it’ll tolerate, and I try to listen to avoid it making my life a living hell for the next 2+ hours. At least there’s always Mexican. And bananas

Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…currently – december 2015
There’s always bananas.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
I love the word trifecta. I feel like I need to curl my lips in tight against my teeth when I say it. I love Indian food. Aloo gobi, aloo tikki, anything saucy that I can mop up with naan.
Suzy recently posted…Woozy Wednesday: Hokey Aftertaste
Sad you will not be hosting anymore, but I will have to link up for your week in review! I love the simplicity of tomato, avocado and cheese. It’s so unbelievably tasty. I love the trifecta of beverages!
Sarah recently posted…Slow your role to help your soul
Yes most definitely. You are always welcome at the Week In Review, a magical place with fairy dust and unicorn farts, which smell like roses, of course. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
Hi Meghan! You’ve done a great job as a hostess, and YES, we’re still on for Mondays. Oh, and might I say — you sure do get into the liquids early in the day! Way to stay hydrated. 😉
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Pumpkin-pie spiced overnight oats recipe and “What I Ate Wednesday”
The funny part is I always consume a giant ball glass jar of water before starting the lemon water, coffee, smoothie regimen so there’s even more liquids in there.
See you on Monday!!
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
I’m bummed you won’t be hosting anymore 🙁
Your avocado sandwich looks amazing!!!!! I want one.
Kelly @ The Fit Skool recently posted…WIAW: Hungry & Tired
I’m bummed too. Maybe I’ll get lucky and see you at my Week in Review link up.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
I’ll miss you, friend… can we keep you on the group message for shits and giggles?
Pass me a vat of that cauliflower.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Homemade Fun + WIAW
Yes please. I need shits and giggles in my life. Alright maybe just the giggles.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
You will be missed on Wednesday but I will be sure to be here on Monday’s 🙂
Torry @ A World Without Wheat recently posted…WIAW #7
Yep, can’t wait to see you on Monday!!
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
Bagpipes make me weepy every time! I’ve seen live bagpipe concerts done by a local boys school and they were so breathtakingly good. I wanted bagpipes at my wedding once upon a time, but my ex is Scottish and I don’t need any reminders 😉
I love practically all Indian foods! I cook with those spices and flavors regularly. Those cauliflower and korma look amazing. I love korma! And tikka masalas, and all the saag dishes. Yummy!!!
My daily thing is grapefruit – I can’t seem to start my day without eating a couple ruby reds. I’ve gone off lemon water so I guess it’s my body’s way of making citrus swaps 🙂
Danielle recently posted…Week in Review: Eat Shop Eat
A citrus swap…makes sense to me. In fact, I’m all about the fruit lately. I can’t get enough which is all good around here. Must be the simple carbs we love.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
I went to a holiday party last night and of all the four huge tables of delicious food, I grabbed a mountain of grapes. Yeah I’m sort of into fruit right now I guess 🙂
Danielle recently posted…Week in Review: Eat Shop Eat
It’s a good craving for us to have. Indulge away mama. 😉
Meghan recently posted…How To Create The Perfect Party Platter: Simple Yet Stunning
You KNOW I’m all about the avocado, but thank you for actually using almond milk that isn’t unsweetened and therefore just basically 30 calories of water. I swear I thought I was the only one used the Original (always silk almond or cashew). Anyway, keep incubating!
Abby recently posted…A Holiday Guide for the Domestically Disabled
Hell yeah. I want my fat, even in my almond milk. I always use the Original and I always go Silk too. They’re my favorite. Some days, I think about trying to make own and then realize ain’t nobody got time for that.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
First off, thanks for being an such an awesome host : )
I love that cauliflower dish too. My other go-to items are tandoori chicken & tandoori veg. I haven’t had it in way too long.
Jess @ Keeping It Real Food recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday #244: Keeping It Real during the holidays
You are most welcome.
I will have t try the tandoori veg the next time I go. Thanks for the tip.
Meghan recently posted…How To Create The Perfect Party Platter: Simple Yet Stunning
We’ll miss you in the WIAW link up! But looking forward to still reading your posts of course 🙂
Dani @ Dani California Cooks recently posted…WIAW – Birthday Eats and a GIVEAWAY!
Thanks Dani. I’m glad you’ll be sticking around for my other non-WIAW shenanigans.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
Ah the skirl of the pipes… I miss home… !!!!
Thank you for being one of the WIAW hosts! I’m sure it meant a lot to Jenn and you rocked at it. But we all need to keep our priorities in mind.
Look forward to Monday and week in review! 🙂
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…5 Top Tips on a Tuesday – How to feel and spread holiday cheer!
See you on Monday love. Bring the pipers.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Farewell Edition
I’m not sad this is your last host post, I’m quite glad this will be off your plate. Pun semi intended there. I also think you need to take me to experience those spicy cauliflower bites holy hell! Pun intended there too…get…ok I’m done.
Brittany recently posted…Early Morning Confessions
Bookmarking the Indian restaurant for Britt’s next visit. 🙂
I understand! And I’m glad you are taking time for you and human thing. Baby I mean. And I want to support you in any way! Ok? Monday’s I’ll be waiting!
Bring me boozy balls. 🙂
Oh my!!! Is that the Indian place you told me about/pointed out? If so…..Wow. That cauliflower, that curry….I’m impressed you shared the former!
Also. I drank juice this morning to wean myself off coffee and thought of you.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Healthy Flourless Carrot Cake Muffins
Noooo why are you weaning yourself off coffee. You’re supposed to be having an extra cup for me. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…How To Create The Perfect Party Platter: Simple Yet Stunning