One of the joys of being an older pregnant woman, aside from the whole geriatric label, is all the fun genetic testing you get to experience.
I’ve given more blood than a vampire consumes on a weekend bender, the kind where you wake up in the gutter the next morning with remnants of last night’s shenanigans still stuck to your face.
Full disclosure: there is one perk of having a…hmm, shall be say, “mature” pregnancy, and I don’t mean it in a moral compass, grown up, type way; we all know I failed at that long ago. No, the benefit is finding out the baby’s gender ridiculously early and also completely by surprise, if you’re me.
(source; Hey there little fella.)
So inside of dramatically whipping out a pink ribbon or blue bow tie, biting into a cupcake filled with food dye, or having a balloon explode with colored confetti in your face (although that last one could be fun), I’ve decided to share exactly how I received the news.
Allow me to set the scene: it’s a random Monday in mid-October. I am happily working away at the office, doing my best to quell my nausea and pretend like the smell of someone’s lunch isn’t making me sick. No one at work knows of my situation. My cell phone interrupts my reverie.
♫ Teenage wasteland. It’s only teenage wasteland. Teenage wasteland, oh yeah. Teenage wasteland. They’re all wasted ♫
Me: Hello, this is Meghan.
Doctors Office: Hi Meghan, it’s Doctor Vampires Office calling to report on your latest round of blood work. The results are negative.
Me: um, does negative mean positive here?
Doctors Office: Negative means normal.
Me: Oh great, good news. Thanks for calling and letting me know.
Doctors Office: wait, wait, one more thing. Based on your blood work, we also know the gender of the baby. Do you want to know?
Me: (silence)
Oh shit!
Oh shit!
Oh shit!
(Composes herself)
Oops, sorry about that. You caught me off guard. Please, go ahead; lay it on me.
Doctors Office: It’s a girl.
Me: (silence)
Oh shit!
Oh shit!
Oh shit!
End Scene.
(source: I can’t believe this exists)
Now, a nice normal wife might choose to surprise their husband with any of the aforementioned things, although I refuse to spend a single cent on a gender reveal duck. With cupcakes, there’s at least a chance; they’re edible and filled with sugar. A proper spouse might simply decide to share the news in person or at the very least pick up the phone and call.
Not me though. Nope, I opted to catch him off guard, in much the same fashion as I myself was surprised. It seemed fitting, although the Hubby might have a different take.
What’s your take on all this gender reveal business?
Andrea @ pencilsandpancakes says
The old reason I want to have a gender reveal is so I can have cake. But I guess we’re letting it b a surprise. But I still might eat cake anyways.
Andrea @ pencilsandpancakes recently posted…Tips to get you through a food challenge
Meghan says
I say eat the cake regardless. In fact, pass me a slice too. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Khushboo says
Hahah your way of telling the hubby is simply awesome- if only we got his reaction on camera! CONGRATS mamma- this is so exciting! All pink errrrrthang!
Khushboo recently posted…Dining at The Table
Meghan says
The Hubby called me almost immediately after and said, “Did you really just text me that?” The he laughed because of course I did. It’s totally me.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
jac says
Congratulations. And I have no idea how old you are but from your picture there is no way I would have thought you’d be classified as an ‘older’ pregnant woman!!
jac recently posted…Woody P and Hugh!
Meghan says
Thank YOU! I’m pretty sure you’re my new favorite person now.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
Dying over two things. First, that card – what.the.fudge 😯 😆 And second, the fact that you told the Hubby to buy decent coffee. I had that swill, and I honestly didn’t think it was THAT bad. Then again, I’m a sucker for coffee, and I’l happily drink it even if it tastes like watered down tar. My parents had no idea what I was going to be until I actually popped out, and I have no idea how they managed to go so long without knowing. I’d want to know, but I’m not sure I’d throw a party for it with coloured cupcakes and exploding balloons. It all looks great on Pinterest, but that’s not really who I am.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…healthy chocolate lover’s blender brownies
Meghan says
You didn’t have the swill I was speaking of…..or maybe you did, I can’t remember. Either way, it was bad and made the Kirtland brand of dark coffee look like a rock star.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Arlene says
Meghan says
Thanks Arlene. I appreciate it.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Danielle says
Hahaha that’s amazing. We have quite a deal in common, I also was giving blood and being poked weekly. Each Wednesday afternoon I got to hold my breath and pray we weren’t having an alien or chili pepper. Anyhow, I was working the day I got the call about the gender. They said everything looks good and wanna know the gender? Of freaking course! I swear I knew but only because my a feeling. Not like I minded either way.
Anyhow, I sent a similar text to you except I said we know the gender. Hubby called me right away. Oh the joys of pregnancy. So many surprises and proddings.
Congrats again mamma. We’re having girls and the world will be that much more interesting 🙂
Danielle recently posted…a look at the first year
Meghan says
Here’s to gender reveals, girls, interesting futures, rainbows, puppies and putty dats. Oh and unicorns; can’t forget the unicorns.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Anna International says
Congrats! Girls are awesome. Obvs! Boys too, but we’re better. 😉
Love the announcement, and also love your cheese/berry cravings! I do not even have the pregnant excuse and that could quite easily have been my shopping list to my fiance, though it would normally also include wine.
We are planning to start a family after we get married this summer, and people have already(!) asked me if I will find out the sex. I am honestly not sure! It’d be nice to have a complete surprise, but I think I am too much of a control freak and would want to know in advance. If they hadn’t sprung it on you, would you have asked?
Oh yeah, and the ‘geriatric mother’ thing – I have that to look forward to as well, since I’ll be at least 35. Fun.
Anna International recently posted…2015 – How’s It Been?
Meghan says
Le sigh… I miss wine.
Either way, I would have found out the gender. I’m too much of a planner and a control freak to let it be a surprise.
Feel free to vent to me anytime you want about the whole geriatric pregnancy business. I can most definitely relate and I’ll also tell you it will all be fine.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Ellie says
Oh my God that’s hysterical!!! I probably would have dropped it like that too, totally casual but freaking out. Now you get to think about names!!!!
Ellie recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday [I Don’t Care About Your Green Drink]
Meghan says
Gotta keep ’em on their toes, I always say.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
meredith @ Cookie ChRUNicles says
EEEEEEEEHHHHH! A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you!!!!! And I love how you found out! lol. Me? How I found out? I knew on my walk to the appointment – I stopped in at a maternity store where I found a pink maternity shirt. I asked for it in my size and all that they had was blue. I knew right then and there that I was about to find out that I was having a boy….Sure enough, at the hospital 20 week appointment minutes later, I was told we were having a boy.
meredith @ Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…WIAW: What I Ate & Why
Meghan says
Ok, that’s a pretty awesome sign moments before the actual announcement. I love it.
I flat out refused to even think about the gender. I wanted no preconceived notions either way.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves says
GOLD. Oh my goodness this is hilarious. CONGRATULATIONS! ♥︎ Although I wish someone actually did give you that interactive “it’s a boy” card haha!
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves recently posted…Sharing Food and Sharing Life in NYC
Meghan says
Right, that card is hysterical. I can’t stop laughing about it.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
I chose to find out the sex of all 3 but didn’t care to do a big reveal. Adam on the other hand wanted to at least with our family, so I let him do it. That was 9 years ago and I don’t even remember the details!
Also when I found out my first would be a girl, I was the one on the floor with a semi nervous breakdown. Nothing makes you reflect on your own life more than knowing that you’re about to potentially re-parent a version of yourself. Congrats on a girl! With two now I can say it’s completely awesome!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…WIAW – A Monday in the Life
Meghan says
Thanks Michele. Not gonna lie; I’m a tad nervous about a miniature version of me running around. I feel like one of us is already enough. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Heather says
Congratulations! Even more I love how you told your husband. That’s probably what I would have done… When I told my husband I was pregnant with our second it was kind of an Oh Shit moment after I took a test. Our firstborn started screaming in his crib and it was one of those mornings, so I just woke my husband up, handed him the test and went to grab the screaming baby. It took him a few minutes for the shock to wear off. 😉
Heather recently posted…Gingerbread Architects in the Making
Meghan says
This might be the best story ever. I LOVE IT!
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Tara says
Congratulations!! Love the text to your husband. We had a gender reveal party for my cousin and our other cousin’s girlfriend made cupcakes with pink frosting in the middle. Jaime had actually told me several weeks before that she already knew it was a girl, but that’s neither here nor there. The cupcakes were delicious.
Confetti/glitter-filled balloons would give me anxiety, I think. (I know.)
Meghan says
I think cupcakes are always delicious, unless you get super crazy and take away the frosting. #TeamFrosting
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Suzy says
MEGHAN THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Andrew and I want to have a girl SO bad. Callum looks exactly like Andrew and we want to have a little Lily with brown curly hair and a foul mouth. Butttt we already have 6 kids, and it’s actually getting ridiculous. Soooo it’s not going to happen. Sooooo I’ll have to live vicariously through you now but I sure as hell not going to do it if your husband keeps buying the horrible coffee that tastes like swill.
Suzy recently posted…Woozy Wednesday: Cough Slurrup
Meghan says
You can borrow our tiny human anytime you want, and I’ll provide the coffee.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Jessica says
ALL THE CONGRATULATIONS! Your little girl will be the BEST.
Meghan says
Thanks Sunshine!
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Sara @ Oats & Rows says
Congrats, Meghan! That is such exciting news. I’m not a parent yet, but I feel I’d be more down with the low-key approach to revealing the gender to others. I do enjoy seeing other people’s excitement by doing the whole cupcake thing and over-the-top hoopla, but not sure if I’ll do the same. I’m always down for cupcakes, though, so we shall see! 😉
Sara @ Oats & Rows recently posted…Currently: January 2016!
Meghan says
I’m always down for cupcakes and doing whatever feels true to you.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Kate says
I only side eye gender reveals when I hear how much they cost. :O I actually don’t want to know until I have the baby, but my husband isn’t so sure about that.
I’m excited for your little girl- she’s going to have an awesome example of a strong woman!
Kate recently posted…The fiber dilemma
Meghan says
Oh man, I never even thought about the cost of a gender reveal party. Yeah, I definitely don’t want any part of that.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Juli@1000lovelythings says
Oh my God! I was so looking forward to this post! This message is so hilarious. I am actually quite fond of that shopping list. The coffee followed by the kissing smilie 😀
Gender reveal isn’t a thing in Germany. Not at all. The first time I saw a full blown gender reveal party on a blog I was like WTF???
If I will ever be pregnant this would be exactly the way I’d spill the news. To everyone.
I am so excited for you! A little Meg <3
Juli@1000lovelythings recently posted…Healthy Carrot Cake Smoothie with Frosting
Meghan says
It thrills me to know you were looking forward to this post. I had a good time writing this one, and I’m happy to see it showed.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
MassachusEATS says
Exciting news!! 🙂
Also, the pic of the baby boy card? HILARIOUS!
Meghan says
Right! I can’t stop laughing at the baby boy card. So much naughty. I love it.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Brittany says
One of the many, MANY reasons I adore you. I’m with you on not making this shit a huge deal, but I’m also with you on not being hung ho about having kids so perhaps we are in the minority on this one. I think your reveal was perfect. Plus as I commented on your IG photo, pairing the news with a comment about cheezits always wins.
Brittany recently posted…May the Life Force Be with You
Meghan says
Anything with Cheez Its is always a win. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Kirsten says
I heart that text. it is classic you.
I knew my girl was a girl before I knew I was pregnant. I had a dream that I pushed out a neurotypical healthy girl. When I found out I was ‘up the duff’ a few days later I was not surprised, and at one of my Level 2 USs (try being old-by-the-time-you-deliver + having prior kid with a birth defect, there’s a few extra tests, yeah) to see that she was in fact, a she. The OB-Geneticist doing the scan and I had an entire conversation about the baby’s gender with my mom sitting RIGHT THERE and mom never clued in.
Bless her heart. Perks of being able to speak medical-ese, I suppose.
The Monkey, because she’s a monkey in my mind being the result of mad monkey-loving public banana eating you, is so loved.
Kirsten recently posted…Sauerkraut and Summer Sausage Pizza
Meghan says
Thanks Kirsten. I feel the same way about that text and despite getting the news that way, I think the Hubby does too.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape says
If it was me, I would want to know the sex, for sure (knowing the sex of the baby is something that 9 times out of 10 is not done in the UK, everyone wants a surprise and as for a party… Never heard of one until I saw it on an American blog). I love how you told the hubs, catching them off guard is so much fun!
With regards to ducks, gender reveal parties and all that jazz… Heck no. Fair play to anyone who wants to do that but is soooo not me!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Murph and Me!
Meghan says
Yep, I feel the same way. Gender reveals aren’t my thing. Hell, six months ago kids weren’t my thing so I’m sure no one is surprised by this. 🙂 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
lindsay says
darn, i was hoping to make you blue balls. just kidding. YAY! girls! I am so happy for you. And yes, make a cake anyway, worth it! LOL!
lindsay recently posted…EASY Carrot Celeriac Spiralized Salad {Vegan, Paleo}
Meghan says
Considering I’m on pelvic rest, blue balls would still be appropriate. 🙂
Always worth a cake. I think Spring. I like making cakes in Spring.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
I would make a gender reveal cake. But only because I like cake. A lot.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Skiing, Snowboarding, and Brusing [WIAW]
Meghan says
You can still make me a cake, one of those fancy rainbow ones, and we’ll all eat it.
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…PRP Therapy and My Sexy Cankle
Luce says
I love it. I will bake a gender reveal cake for you when I am there. Horribly in delay, but then we can eat cake together.
Meghan says
Perfect. This was I still get cake. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Chelsea A says
Awwww congrats! I’m glad you guys are having a little girl – the world needs more females like you. 😉
Also lol I seriously didn’t know there was such thing as gender reveal ducks!
Chelsea A recently posted…7 Ways to Get More Protein at Breakfast
Meghan says
Right? Who buys gender reveal ducks? Clearly, we are missing out on something here. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Cora says
I just typed, “Oh boy” to start my comment. But I suppose that doesn’t really work in this case. I don’t really know what else to say other than just smile. A lot. Really big. I’m really excited for you. And the hubby. This is all so wonderful. Eeeeeeee. <3
Cora recently posted…A Little Help for my Hormones
Meghan says
Thanks sunshine, I appreciate it. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Baby Gender Reveal: Dun, Dun, Dun…
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood says
BAHAHHAHAH I’m dying at how you ‘told’ your husband. With my first we went to get an elective ultrasound to find out early (I opt out of all the genetic testing because $$$ aka not covered by my insurance at all because I’m low risk) and then told family on Christmas using their presents. With our second, my husband was attempting to console my first born who was having a meltdown because he had no idea what was happening to me. Alas, I have no “girl” advice for you, since I am due with a second tiny terror of the same gender. Either way CONGRATS!!!
Morgan @ Morgan Manages Mommyhood recently posted…How to Get Smells Out of Wooden Cutting Boards
Meghan says
A gender reveal via Christmas presents is a cute idea. I like it.
Meghan recently posted…Broccoli Mac and Cheese Recipe
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
Not even kidding- My friend who works in TV production back home was telling me that his company were devising a reality TV show based around gender reveal parties and what people would do.
….Lucky it got axed.
You are the best with the news. Let’s name her Mrs.President.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…15 Delicious Healthy Recipes Using Oats
Meghan says
Not a chance. There will be no affiliation with Ms. Parks crazy children, nor any over the top birthday parties with 13 cakes. She’ll be lucky to have one. Actually, she’ll definitely have one so I can eat cake. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Broccoli Mac and Cheese Recipe
Michele says
Pink kids are awesome. I like the blue variety as well. Congratulations. So much fun is In your future.
Meghan says
Thanks Michele. I appreciate that. I figured I’d be happy either way.
Meghan recently posted…Broccoli Mac and Cheese Recipe
Melissa @ Mango About Town says
This is amazing and totally how I would have done it.
“pick yourself up off the floor, and then come help me because Im still here…”
Melissa @ Mango About Town recently posted…Preparing for my First Half Marathon
Meghan says
Thanks Melissa. The text was classic me. 🙂