Get your pads and pens ready because it’s time for the Week In Review.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the last seven days. It’s an achievement list, an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back or smack on the ass. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Need more details? Head here.
♫ You can do it, put your list into it. ♫
Before I get started I want you to know my liquid cleanse/New Year’s resolution is going strong.
(Nailed it.)
Let’s get listing:
The baby and I ran our typical weekly errands for supplies. We hit up Whole Foods and Breadsmith. Ave’s adopted my love for carbs. She’s one smart cookie; pun intended.
We also did another round of Baby and Me story time at the library. Midway through the class, the tiny human crawled/inch wormed her way to the center of the room and then spent the next few minutes doing sausage rolls on the carpet for all to see. Clearly, Oscar is teaching her his wild ways. Before you know it, she’ll be trying to haul live chipmunks into the house.
We had a play date with one of Ave’s buddy, who was nice enough to share his snacks. I’m pretty sure food sharing equals friend for life.
We went to grandma and grandpa’s house to feed their cat and eat the caramel popcorn they so kindly left on the counter. Alright fine, the popcorn was stashed away and unopened, but I found it, and I devoured it.
Ave and I stopped by my old workplace for a visit, and the tiny human got right to work. She has a head for numbers, meaning she almost got the entire calculator into her mouth.
My mother came into town for the weekend. We spent most of our time hanging with the baby, although on Saturday night, we watched The Big Short alongside a big bowl of buttered popcorn.
On Friday, we had game night and I cleaned up in Monopoly. To the victor go the spoils, also known as Moscow Mules.
On the solo front, I wrote and published two blogs, including this cheeky little number on the various responsibilities that comes with parenting. I’m going to try and submit it to Scary Mommy this week. Cross those fingers for me.
Also, I hopped on the elliptical and got my sweat on three times.
I continued my kitchen cabinet purge, which is still giving me all the feels. Decluttering is almost as good as booze and chocolate…almost.
I did some reading on BlogLovin’ and tackled half the emails in my in box, which has been out of control for a good month now.
Last but not least, I went to my girlfriend’s LuLaRoe party, mainly for the company and the day drinking, although I did manage to steal away with some leggings, and by steal I mean I paid for them.
It’s your turn. I want to hear from you. Link up and get yo’ list on.
What are three things you accomplished in the last week? Big or small?
I love watching kardashians lol. I don’t enjoy rob and chyna but the original show is still one of my faves!
meredith @ cookie chrunicles recently posted…They Changed Linda’s Fudge Cake & Other Recent Eats
I used to DVR the show but for some reason, it stopped recording and I just forgot all about it…until now that is. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
Oh how nice that you went and visited your old work! I’m sure your past co workers were so excited to see you (And Ave – their up and coming numbers star). And sooooo nice to have your Mom up for a visit. Movie nights and boardgame nights with big bowls of popcorn (stolen or not – ha) are so grounding. I’m liking this awesome balance of “you” time (congrats on the elliptical sessions), productivity time (yay organization) and social time. Hope it felt like a good balance for you, too!
Cora recently posted…Week In Review: Gracious and Humble
Last week was a good balance of me time coupled with baby shenanigans. I’m hoping this trend continues.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
I love reading your blog. The fun part is that you are real, just to the point. Keep up the great work
Thanks DIanne. I’m so glad you enjoy it, and I really appreciate the comment.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
If you want to laugh, let me tell you about the time I tried to take the twins to story time at the library and we got kicked out because they wouldn’t follow directions and Jonas broke the train table.
Jamie@TheMomGene recently posted…Ugly Cake Tears
I’m laughing just thinking about this.
Also, how can they ban coffee from mommy and me story time. It’s like a cruel joke.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
Thumbs up for the liquid cleanse. I bet cleansing has never been that easy ;-P Your week sounds perfect with a good combination of time to yourself, friends and family. And when there’s Moscow Mule involved, even better!
Ave looks so damn cute with this little headband. I also feel like she looks more like you every week.
Also keep submitting those posts!
Juli@1000lovelythings recently posted…Week in Review – The Happy Edition
I’ll definitely keep submitting posts to Scary Mommy. One day, they’ll accept one, maybe it’ll even be this most recent one.
Lucie mocked me for Ave’s headband. She said that’s an American thing and Europeans don’t put frilly shit on their heads. Is this true?
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
🙂 it’s true. Well the Germans don’t do that unless it’s for pictures. But I think the Brits might.
Juli@1000lovelythings recently posted…Week in Review – The Happy Edition
Leggings are my religion! Nice choice. I’m craving popcorn now. Ave looks so cute holding that calculator!
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday
I think a pants less religion is the way to go. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
Glad to hear your liquid cleanse is going strong! It’s always good to make a resolution you can stick to. 🙂
Best of luck with the Scary Mama submission. You seem like a pretty scary mama to me, if a very nice scary mama.
I’m impressed Ave got most of an entire calculator in her mouth. It sounds like she’s a fan of carbs & calculations.
Joyce @ The Hungry Caterpillar recently posted…Week in Review: Goodbyes, Cleaning, & Strawberries
Carbs and calculations….she’s a girl after my own heart. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
Good luck with the submission, Meghan! 🙂 Have a great week!
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Les Mills BODYPUMP 100 class and my weekly workout recap
Thanks, you too.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
I am smelling popcorn as I read this! Buttered popcorn!! I love game night. Can’t wait to have another one which reminds me I better I get on it and start the invites. Meaning tell my mom to bring her ladies heehee.
We had a good week. My second week of the new schedule in where I teach classes on Thursday through Sunday. I kind of like it a lot! Is that passive aggressive enough??? Ugh I gross myself out sometimes.
Lulu loves the baby room at the gym and luckily they’ve only had to call me a couple times to change her poops. The nice thing about this gym is all the instructors have kids and make it feel really normal to run around like a mad woman before class trying to get Lulu settled then getting my class started on time. I’m lying. It feels crazy. But I love the facility and teaching there.
Lulu loved your veggies bean soup so much, she inhaled a whole bowl right away. I’m so happy that she loves her food. It’s pretty awesome, the kid and I are gonna get along well.
Danielle recently posted…WIR sleep less play more
I’m so glad little Ms. Lulu loved the soup. These kids are good eaters. Hooray for small favors. I’m looking to join a gym where they watch Ave although I’m nervous about leaving her with other folks. She tends to be skittish around strangers. Did you have to take Lulu a couple times before the actual class to get her used to them or was she cool right away?
Popcorn is always a must; with extra butter.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
Yesssss! I totally took Lulu to the infant room to meet everyone before my classes began. I also tried to get used to the ones that work my shift. They’re all used to her now and vice versa. We have our favorite ones of course but I sure as hell ain’t complaining
Danielle recently posted…WIR sleep less play more
I scraped grout off the tile in my bathroom. It was sooo satisfying. I cleaned out my fridge, including dumping out all the scary old food and cleaning the entire inside of it and washing all the shelves and drawers and everything. Today I am at work and getting stuff done even though I am feeling ridiculously emotional and just want to go home, flop on my bed and cry. Trying to figure out where all these feels are coming from.
Some days we just need a good cry and some chocolate.
I’m envious of your freshly cleaned grout and fridge. Go you!!
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
Glad to see your liquid cleanse is going well! You really can’t go wrong with Moscow Mules. I think I need a professional declutterer as I have slight hoarder tendencies.
Heather recently posted…Week In Review – Bugs and a Road Trip
The hoarder shows always fascinate/motivate me. I feel like I should be a professional organizer. I love that stuff.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
I 100% approve of your liquid diet. And of your weekend activities. I always kill it at Monopoly. Clearly we need to play one day… mwhahaha! Ave can be the banker.
Did you love The Big Short? I saw it 3 times!
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Simple, Healthy Turkey Sloppy Joes [Recipe]
I really liked The Big Short although I found it kind of depressing too. It seems like we’re heading back down that path too. Fool me once…
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
We made moscow mules this weekend too. I was so mad I didn’t have the cups though, fancy cups totally make drinks taste better.
Patricia @Sweetandstrong recently posted…Shopping, BBQ, Workouts, and other Weekend Highlights
I’m not gonna lie, the fancy cups do make the drinks taste better. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
There’s something about the elliptical machine that draws me to trashy tv too. Maybe because the elliptical is otherwise so mind numbingly boring. I remember in university I would watch some horrible weight loss show while on the elliptical – and even though it went against all of my ideals as a soon-to-be RD at the time, I still couldn’t change the channel from it lol.
3 things I accomplished in the past week: I organized my Tupperware, unsuccessfully went to the mall for new pantyhose (is it just me or is the pantyhose section of department stores a NIGHTMARE?), and finally photographed a new recipe for the blog.
Chelsea A recently posted…2016 in Review
I feel like if you’re going to put yourself through cardio, you might as well get a little guilty pleasure in the form of reality TV.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
Oooh I really enjoyed The Big Short – I liked how fast paced it was. And hooray for monopoly! I love that game… I do everything in my power to win, it’s embarrasing how tactical I get!
Found a new bakery last week which I know you (and Ave) would love! Most amazing fresh sourdough… Will have to snapchat it for you next time we go!
Have a fab week! 🙂
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Friday Favourites + New Episode of the CTRG Podcast!
I think the soundtrack to The Big Short would be excellent too. So diverse. I knew you would get into the board games given your competitive side. It was Free Parking that saved my ass.
I can’t wait to see the bakery.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
Those leggings are everywhere. Glad you snagged a fun pair and got a plate full of goodness too. You do the same thing I do when entering other people homes…search for food and destroy.
Brittany recently posted…Seattle Staycation
I was on a mission for food and booze; the leggings were just a bonus. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
Love your daughter, from a mom of a boy! I love the photo with the cat. They looks so cute! Best wishes for you and your family!
Emily@ juicer healthy recently posted…Detox recipes for juicing (get the glow)
Thank you, and the same to you and your son.
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
Sausage rolls? Nah, I’m telling you: they’re Beginner’s eskimo rolls (not sure if it’s this same term in English) that are preparing her for future kayaking adventures. Look at Oscar teaching Ave life-saving skills!
Judging from this post Ave has both the beauty – that first picture is beyond adorable; both of you – and the brains. Calculating, hm?
First story time and now board game nights. We definitely need to have those if/when I come visit you. My family just doesn’t enjoy them.
What do you mean if you come to visit….let’s go with when. The door is always open. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: Ave’s Edition
Family time is fun! What did you think of The Big Short??
Also, congrats on getting all those emails out of the way. The worst!!! I am currently trying to go through my open blog tabs. Hence, the delayed comment to your Monday WIR post. Better late than never, yeah? Have a lovely weekend!
Kaylee recently posted…Thinking Out Loud: Peaceful Podcast & The Mood Elevator
Better late than never is my new motto. I’ve still got a good dose of emails to get through although I’m thrilled I put a dent in it.
I really liked The Big Short, although it was depressing as well.
Your daughter looks so cute! My son likes to communicate with our neighbor’s cat, if he happens to pass by our front door, he would greet him with “yah yah, bleurh” and the cat will just stare at him then walks away, rude isn’t he? 🙂 Accomplished last week was, paid all the bills, had the most quality time with my son (he gets to slide in the playground for the first time!), and had to go out with my dad’s family reunion, I get to see my grandma, it was really overwhelming, and at the same time enjoyable, too many relatives that I don’t even remember! Ha! Do you have a story time book suggestion? I love reading story time book to my son, but I’m running out of stories.. 🙂
Julie@Consumerion recently posted…Best Video Editing Monitors 2017 – Buyer’s Guide
How old is your son?
Cats are a tough crowd. We have two, although only one that will tolerate the baby. We love to read Click, Clack Moo Cows that Type. It’s a favorite for sure. Also check out your local library. They often have free story time classes for the little ones which is a combination of books, bubbles and songs.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Teething, Cats and The Wire (68)
Monopoly is really something to keep you busy and at the same time enjoyable with other members of the family. I love the cat and your baby in one picture. They look wonderful.
This week, I’ve done a lot of writing stuff, more on vegan recipes and I did some technical writing too. I did my routine jogging exercise and my morning and evening reading ritual of reading the bible. I tried baking brownies and it came out really delicious. I am planning to bake cookies next. have you tried baking before?