Get your pads and pens ready because it’s time for the Week In Review.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the last seven days. It’s an achievement list, an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back or smack on the ass. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Need more details? Head here.
♫ You can do it, put your list into it. ♫
Let’s get listing:
I battled a cold all week by taking as many steam showers as possible, guzzling tea with lemon juice and honey, gargling salt water, single-handedly blowing Kleenex out of business by buying up all their product, and getting as much sleep as a ten month old baby will allow.
The last one was particularly tough considering Ave and I had five middle of the night nursing sessions. Disrupted night time sleep means she’s either a) working on more teeth (we’re up to four now), b) getting ready to perform a new skill, c) going through a growth spurt, d) all of the above or e) none of the above because you never really have any idea. Oh the joys of parenting.
(My name is Ave and I love to eat.)
Despite some rough nights, the baby’s naps were unusually awesome. As such, I squirreled away a few daytime zzz’s myself when I wasn’t working on my postpartum depression and anxiety post. It was a tough one to type, although your comments, kind words, and support made it all worthwhile. THANK YOU!!
I signed the tiny dictator and I up for the spring session of Baby and Me story time.
We also hit up the Lake Erie Nature and Science Center one lovely afternoon. We hung with the foxes and ate fig bars in a sun patch.
I paid bills, reconciled our accounts and did copious amounts of laundry, including the sheets and all the kitchen napkins. Being sick means disinfecting all the things.
On that note, I scrubbed the kitchen multiple times, vacuumed like a crazy person and got the guest bedroom ready for a visitor this week.
I made cheddar cauliflower soup and a double batch of drop biscuits.
The tiny human and I delivered Chipotle to the Hubby one evening because he was working a twelve hour shift.
We also spent a ton of time with my in-laws last week. Since we were in Buffalo the weekend before, they needed their Ave fix. It’s a good thing I’m a huge fan of theirs, and I promise I’d say that even if they didn’t reading the blog. They have been a tremendous help with the baby and an incredible support for me.
We all went to Costco together one fine afternoon, and Ave got her first ride in a shopping cart, and I do mean ride. I ran her up and down the aisles as fast as possible, all while making vroom, vroom noises, which sound particularly sexy when you have a cold. Nasal noises get my gears turning.
The babe and I had an afternoon lunch date with grandpa. I shared my rice and veggie platter with her. Just like her momma, she’s a big fan of the beans and the butt bubbles they produce.
We had some gorgeous weather last week, including one seventy degree day (21 Celsius) and we took full advantage, strolling through downtown Cleveland, site seeing and snagging lunch.
The highlight of the week though was catching up with one of my besties on Saturday night over pizza and wine.
It’s your turn. I’d love to hear from you. Link up and get yo’ list on.
What are three things you accomplished in the last week? Big or small?
I want the recipe for the cauliflower soup! And I already told you this, but I loved your post on postpartum depression. It was refreshingly honest. No school for Charlie today so I’m taking all 3 kids to see Frozen at the twins preschool. We’ll see if we all come out alive.
Here’s the recipe for the Cauliflower Soup:
It’s pretty easy which is why I love it, although I use veggie stock instead of water.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
I hope you are feeling better! the weather has become real nice here too, I miss those outdoor walks with the stroller from when my son was little 🙂 not that he ever cared to sit much, I just think about it when I see your pictures lol
meredith @ cookie chrunicles recently posted…Life Lately
It’s sixty something degrees here today and tomorrow is going to be 72!!! I can’t believe it’s February. My flowers are peeking out.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
Sounds like you’re Superwoman, accomplishing all of that AND battling a cold! And Ave’s got the greatest smile already. No telling what a few more teeth will do for it.
Misti recently posted…week in review: impending drama?
I think her smile is awesome too, and I’m so glad she does it often.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
Wow!!! And I thought we had a few nice almost spring days here. Your in-laws are such sweet people! Tell them we said hello.
Put a ride in this shopping card on my list for the next time I come to Cleveland. If I spot correctly there is space for two small people 😉 I hope Ave won’t mind me crashing. I want to hear you making vroom, vroom noises 😀
Hope the cold is over or passes very soon, my dear and you have a good time with your guest!
We thought of you on Saturday when we were at a very dim lit restaurant. Stefan said he thinks you wouldn’t have approved of the light situation there 😉
Juli@1000lovelythings recently posted…Week in Review – The Cliché Edition
This weather is unheard of for us in February so I’m soaking up every second. It’s gonna be another 70 degree day (21 Celsius) so I’m going to try and take Ave to the park today.
You and Ave can ride the shopping carts together. Actually do you like roller coasters? If so, we have one of the best parks in the country right here in Cleveland (alright an hour drive away).
I would have liked the ambiance of the low lightning but certainly not what it does to pictures.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
What a wonnnderrrffulll looking week. Besides your cold of course. I can relate – as I spent the first half of the week trying every remedy in the book. We should have done the shots I mentioned in my post together… it takes you for quite a ride. You would have been running down those grocery aisles in FULL glory.
I’m so glad you had some beautiful weather this week. I know how huge that can be to lift ones spirits. As well as seeing family, in laws and best friends. The science centre also sounds like it would have been a refreshing change of scenery. That was the art gallery for me this week. A little learning and culture goes a long way.
Cora recently posted…Week In Review: Mood Struggles and Help From Family
It was a wonderful week, even with my cold and today we have another seventy degree day (21 C) so we’re living it up again. We already went to the park this morning to watch the water (the park is on Lake Erie) and the seagulls and this afternoon, we may try a playground.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
Ooh it sounds really fun to go on a grocery shopping trip with you; Ave is always so happy looking in all your photos. I know she probably does cry, but you definitely have a very joyful baby.
Emily recently posted…How To Deal With Comparison at The Gym (Kat’s Story)
I’m so sorry mama hope you and the little miss feel better asap.
Babies. I love it. Doctor what’s wrong? Oh she’s probably teething. Or hungry. Or pooped. Or none if it. Or maybe all if it. Yup.
Danielle recently posted…WIR sleep less play more
Parenting is one big guessing game.
We’re feeling better this week so life is good.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
The combo of sickness and lack of sleep sounds quite unfun. Sorry about that. That said, it sounds like you were able to get out and enjoy the sun, good weather, and time with other lovely people too. We’ve had highs close to 70 here too. A bit weird, but it does make it easier to ride my bike to campus. Your picture by the water is so sunny–I’m slightly jealous.
Joyce @ The Hungry Caterpillar recently posted…Week in Review: Here We Go Again
It really was a good week despite the cold and the middle of the night wake ups, and we’re already feeling better and enjoying this week to the fullest.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
Meghan! It’s pretty brave of you to put your struggles out there, because I’m sure many people have felt the same. And other than that, three cheers for sunshine, because we haven’t seen that in a while over here in the Bay Area, and we need it. Thanks for hosting the link-up!
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…San Francisco MOMA visit, good food, the weekend and my weekly workouts
The sunshine and warm weather has been amazing. It’s good for the soul, and I’m soaking up every ray possible.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
It seems everyone has been sick with colds lately. Hope you’re feeling better soon! I’m sure the warm weather, sunshine, and Ave smiles help! And girl talk, pizza, and wine sounds so perfect!
Patricia @Sweetandstrong recently posted…All Weekends should have Yoga, Brunch, and Donuts
It’s Friday which means pizza and wine tonight. Hooray.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
Wait, WHAT?!?!?! 21 degrees?!?!?!?!? First of all, I appreciate that you included the conversion for us polite folk, but I am gobsmacked at how warm your weather was! I AM SO JEALOUSSSSS! I could cry. Anyway, I hope you’re feeling better by now. I had that cold you had a couple of weeks ago and it’s the sickest I’ve been in a long time!!! I’m loving all the pics of Ave lately! Meghan, she is really really cute. I mean, all babies have a cuteness about them for sure, but Ave is a breathtaker. Absolutely gorg.
Suzy recently posted…Week in Review
I’m gobsmackeed by this weather too. It’s unheard of for February AND today is going to be 21 Celsius again. I’m soaking up every last drop of vitamin D I can get.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
Great pic of you and the “Tiny Dictator” outside Rockefeller Barber Shop, Meghan. Love that term, by the way. For the cold and sinus issue, I got turned onto the Neti Pot a while back and I’m a huge fan. I swear it helps and if nothing more, gives you that warm & fuzzy feeling that your sinuses are at least cleaned out for a little bit.
Gotta represent Rockefeller Barber Shop!!!
I hear fantastic things about the Neti Pot, I may have to check it out one day.
Love seeing your comments on the blog Tothie!
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
Haha, babies do indeed like to keep you on your toes. They are an absolute mystery. Aside from sickness, which seems to be going around, it looks like a good week with good food and some nice outdoor time. The weather has been so amazing and I’m not thrilled about the temperatures dropping again. Oh well, enjoy it while you can, right?
Heather recently posted…Photo Dump – Just another excuse to blog when I have nothing to say or new pictures to share…
I can’t get over this weather. We are lapping it up AND it’s gonna be 72 today!! Holla!
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
I demand video of you running up and down the Costco aisles with Ave.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Funfetti Layer Cake [Recipe]
Next time we go, I’ll get video footage. In the meantime, I’ll send you a clip of her eating, our favorite pastime.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
Oh man, ending the post with those nachos. You know how to go out with a bang! All in all it sounds like a solid week! Hooray for Costco cart rides.
Brittany recently posted…Banana Buckwheat “Hikecakes”
Costco cart rides are the best. We may even try some swings today. Wish us luck.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
That soup and biscuits look really good. Looks like a great week!
Thanks. You have a wonderful week too Patrick.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
One of these days I will eat those cauliflower nachos… and it will be a good day! 🙂
I must make more of your biscuits – as we ooohhh’d and ahhhh’d over them at christmas I promised that I would make them often… Now February is almost done and I haven’t made them again. Wrong just wrong.
I hope that cold is on its way out now – but you sure rocked the week nonetheless!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Friday Favourites + Episode 15 of the CTRG Podcast!
Those cauliflower nachos are amazing. I order them almost every time. It doesn’t hurt they’re covered in like five different kinds of cheese including queso.
I really like having extra biscuits handy in the freezer so I make a double batch every time.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
Great Midwest weather is just what the doctor ordered! Until Mother Nature plays her pranks and shows us she is really not done with winter yet! No matter, It’s great to see you, Ave, and the Inlaws taking advantage while you can! Me too! Just opening up the house and exchanging the air feels healthy and good!
I want to go to Costco and give you and Ave a ride! You make the motor sound tho… I can’t run and and hold corners and a Varoom!
Oh the netti! Someone mentioned that. Works miracles for my husband. I tried and I nearly drowned myself! I am not only uncoordinated in dancing, also in ‘netty-ing’ I guess!
I think you had a much more productive week than I did. And definitely more fun 🙂
I know winter isn’t done with us yet. It’s way too soon, but in the meantime, I’m soaking up this gorgeous weather.
It was a really good week, cold and all. Go figure.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
Wasn’t the warm Cleveland weather station great!? Boo for sickness, I am beginning to understand how tough that can be with a baby. 5 nighttime feedings? Girl, ow were you not a zombie?! I’m finally getting used to waking up in the middle of the night but some days ito feels impossible to go to work after so little sleep!
Coffee is my lifeblood these days. Also Ave has been sleeping through the night again so I think we’re past whatever ailed her last week. Then again, now that I’ve said that, she’ll wake up tonight. 🙂
Babies are no joke. Hard is an understatement.
This weather is amazing though. We’re soaking up every last drop. We went to the park this morning and watched the birds and the water and we’re going to try some swings this afternoon.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
Admit it already: you’re some kind of wonder woman! If I was sick I wouldn’t be up to half of the activities you were. I’m sorry you felt poorly all week, though, and very much hope you’re doing better now.
Fingers crossed the answer to Ave’s sleepless nights is d)! Four teeth? She’s putting P. to shame ;). Speaking of shame: I’m ashamed I missed your previous post and will read it now.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Rinse. Repeat. Rest.
It was an impressive week especially with a cold thrown in for good measure. I give myself two snaps and a twirl.
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017
Hope you’re cold has died down and are feeling a whole lot better now. And yay for making the most of this gorgeous weather. Ave looks so happy riding around in Costco. I wish it were socially acceptable for adults to still do that even without a kid in the seat. Enjoy your weekend!
Kaylee recently posted…Week in Review: Lessons
I say to heck with socially acceptable. Ride the cart, embrace the oddness. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Currently: February 2017