A long, long time ago in a galaxy far far away…
Luv What You Do and Blueberry Smiles nominated me for the Inspiring Blogger Award. First I need to thank God and then Kayne West for not stealing my award. I want you to know I’m humbled and honored (two things I don’t do well) to be the recipient of such a prestigious award because I have dreamed of this moment ever since I was a small child, perhaps going back to the womb. Too much? Truth be told, I dream of a clean house and that feeling I get when I cross an item off my list (ahhh, sweet bliss).
But, this award is super cool and I really can’t thank these ladies enough for not only reading my ramblings day in and day out, but also thinking enough of my blog to share it with others. You gals rock, and I dig it, more than you will ever know. Seriously, Thank You.
The way the award works is I have to share seven things about myself, and then spread the love as I pass along some of the blogs I’ve been digging lately. Sharing personal information doesn’t bother me a bit (I have no idea why because it should), but telling you about some blogs I love, well that’s hard. I don’t want to leave anybody out, but I also need to keep my word count down since I am so bad at writing short posts. So in order to narrow the playing field, I’m sharing some of the bloggers who make me laugh, a lot. I love a snarky and playful sense of humor and these ladies have it, in spades.
- Peas and Crayons: any female who talks about her balls this much gets a thumbs up in my book.
- Kiss My Broccoli: her posts are filled with witty little comments which more than occasionally make me laugh out loud. *drops mic*
- Gastronomical Sovereignty: I only recently discovered Kristy but she might be the only person I know who swears more than me. Two thumbs up in my book.
- Friday Love Song: much to my dismay, this lovely lady disappeared from the blog world for a while. She was lost, but now she’s found. She’s back and better than ever before.
- PaleOMG: this woman is about as real as they come, and I don’t even eat Paleo. She makes me laugh, and her ADD is as bad as mine. My diagnosis, of course, because I’m qualified to do that.
I read a ton of blogs and there are so many others I adore: the exercise blogs, the food blogs, the figure competition women who are bad ass, and especially those CSA mama’s, but this list reflects the ones who keep me laughing all the live long day (once I finish working on the railroad).
Enough about them, onto my favorite topic, me (I kid). As a part of receiving this lovely award, I gotta give up the dirt, so here’s some new intel (seven things to be exact) all about me:
1) I was a gymnast for fourteen years. My parents enrolled me when I was a wee little tot of four years so I would learn how to fall, since I was always climbing and hanging from things. My mom figured if she couldn’t stop me, she’d at least teach me how to land. I was actually a pretty good gymnast too and even came in second on the floor exercise in New York state one year.
Inevitably the wear and tear of such a physically challenging sport (I spent twenty plus hours a week in the gym, along with being a kid and going to school) took its toil on me and really my body. I dislocated my left knee on three different occasions and sprained both ankles more times than I can count, and a bout of mono (the kissing disease) eventually brought me down. I called it quits and never looked back. Although, I do have a soft spot in my heart for gymnasts and watch it every chance I get, and if you ask nicely enough, I will perform my beam routine, with exciting little gestures where the flips used to be.
2) I talk in my sleep and not just a little bit. I’ll have entire conversations, at least according to the Hubby, who is forever trying to catch my sleep moments on film. His favorite was the time I sat up in bed, left an entire answering machine message for my friend, laid back down and promptly returned to a sound sleep. Most recently though, I rolled over and cried out, “Microwave. Moist potato. Devil, devil. Thighs.” I’m not sure where I was going with this one, but I had microwaved a sweet potato only days before and read a story about microwaved chicken, which completely grossed me out. Who knew I was this traumatized by nuked chicken.
3) There’s no real nice way to say this, so I’m just gonna say it. I am a complete and utter Shoe Whore. Seriously, I love shoes and own more pairs than I will share, but it’s safe to say I have at least ten to twenty tucked under my desk at work. That’s work, home is another story altogether. I name my shoes, and I think toe cleavage is hot. Crocs are a horror show and should be banned for all eternity or at the very least, relegated to the garden.
4) Despite my penchant for wearing ultra high heels, or maybe because of it, I’m clumsy. It has nothing to do with coordination either because I could never have been a decent gymnast if I wasn’t coordinated, rather I don’t pay attention. At all. I trip all the time, I fall up stairs weekly, I burn myself on the oven, and corners and walls are my enemy. If there is something in range of my thighs or shins, I will inevitable walk right into it and be left with an ugly welt, bruise, or both.
5) I’m not a fan of being interrupted. I know, nobody is, but if I’m trying to work, it really messes with my mojo. For this reason, I prefer to work alone. It’s better for all parties involved.
6) I’m considered Hypermobile, which basically means I can contort my body in ways beyond the norm. I can touch my thumb to my inner wrist, lift my leg up to my head, and “pop” my hip bones in and out-of-place at will. When I stand, my knees are always overextended and when I point my toes in a seated position, they touch the floor, literally. I was only recently diagnosed (officially now; this isn’t just me) a couple of years ago, but this certainly explains why I was a good gymnast. It’s also why anything that involves running or jumping isn’t ideal for me because apparently, I’m more likely to dislocate something. Oh well, I guess if my current career doesn’t pan out, I could always join the circus.
7) I’m a thrill seeker, so long as it’s planned because I don’t do spontaneous well. When it’s structured, I love scary movies (especially when I’m home alone), roller coasters and would happily jump out of a plane with nothing but a parachute and an instructor (it’s on my bucket list), although I’m deathly afraid of bugs. I’m also highly irrational, but you knew that already.
There you have: seven new tidbits about little ol’ me, and I am little (only 5’2) and we’ll call that one a freebie.
Tell me something new about you. Any strange medical diagnosis? Were you an athlete in your youth? What’s you take on shoes? Do you know who Imelda Marcos is? If so, we can be BFF’s.
YOU GO GIRL! Proud can sound condescending, like a Mom or a big sister…so I’ll say, “You are awe-inspiring!” (just like your award) Yes, Imelda Marcos is one of my peeps…not only the former first lady of my ethnicity, but I actually spent a lunch with her at her apartment in NYC. Seriously. Tallest Filipina woman ever…and then I looked down at her shoes and they were gorgeous 4 inch heels! Have never seen her since but will always remember those shoes.
I am so envious of you right now. You met the woman! Damn!
Aaand I like you. Or continue to, rather. Horror movies and roller coasters? Yes please. I am already planning an evening in with a horror movie and a crochet project. Because I’m a dork. But a prepared one–I’ll have the hook on hand in case any creepy monsters break in while I’m watching by myself.
Microwaved chicken is worthy of a few nightmares. The smell alone makes me shudder…
I think if you watch a horror movie alone, you have to keep a weapon handy and a crochet hook sounds as good as anything else. Happy knitting.
I love Jenn and her balls. Can that count as something strange about me? LOL!
Who doesn’t love Jenn and her balls. I mean really, the girl is a ball genius.
i’m so flattered darling!! thank you for including me in your nominations. i am honored.
…we both swear a lot AND we both prefer to work alone. kindreds! xoxo!
If you are an introvert too, then we are meant to be.
Aww, you’re so kind! You always give me a chuckle too… and put an ear worm in me everytime I read a post, better than mono I guess! 😉
I <3 those shoes! I totally can't wear heels. I love looking at them though. I'm very much uncoordinated myself, and I'd certainly end up in the ER if I wore them. That's funny about the sleep talking…. my husband is the same way. He laughs really randomly in his sleep too. I always feel a little sad b/c I missed out on whatever the hell was funny.
Again, honored! xoxo.
Glad to have you back and blogging again. Stupid hacker can’t bring you down.
Oh my gosh, how I love you! I lost it with the sleep talking bit! Haha! And HOTT shoes mama! Did you get them at TJ Maxx? Because I was just there today and drooled over that EXACT pair! Of course, I know myself all too well and would never even ATTEMPT to walk in such monstrosities…we are definitely sisters in clumsiness (mine IS due to lack of coordination AND not paying attention). Although I’m pretty sure I have you beat since most of my “stunts” have landed me in the office of my very understanding orthopedic doc! Oh how I wish I was kidding.
I LOVE roller coasters, but you can have your scary movies and death wishes. Not.for.me!
Thanks for the nomination! Now I’ll have to sit and think about what I can share. Is it weird that I have the hardest time talking about myself?
The shoes are from the Nine West Outlet….gotta love the outlet mall.
In the ortho office…oh no, what did you do?! Maybe this will end up being one of your “reveal” items.
Thanks for making me laugh all the time. Your food happens to be spectacular too.
Congratulations on the nomination hunnie. You most certainly deserve this award more than anyone <3.
I think that's so awesome that you were a gymnast for so many years.. and uhh those shoes are HOT!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE EM!!!!
Thanks Jessie. That’s just one of many fun pairs I own and love. Shoes make me almost as happy as food. Is ti weird that I plan outfits around my shoes?
Love this post!
Is that a picture of a ride at Cedar Point? Most likely one that I have not ridden mind you.. My favorite is the Mean Streak 😀
#6 is awesome. I wish that I could do some of those things! I am super super inflexible. Like, I can’t touch my toes half the time if I’m out of practice 🙂
I don’t think I have a weird medical diagnosis to share really. Except, it’s impossible for nurses to find veins in my arm to draw blood for. At blood drives they always have to call in “the professional.” Lol. And this summer when I had to have an IV the male nurse collapsed the vessel in my arm no once but TWICE. Gosh, I would have felt bad for him if it hadn’t hurt so badly!
Oh… And as if this comment wasn’t long enough! I got a dog bite near my eye when I was younger and it tore my tear-duct. I had to have a ton of surgeries, but anyways, that’s not the point. The doctor said though, that now my eye will be more sensitive and I’ll cry a lot more. Seriously though, my left eye tears up over everything! It’s so weird.
Yep, it’s from Cedar Point. That’s really cool that you’ve been there too.
And that’s horrible about the blood donation. Twice they collapesed your veins. Maybe you had a rookie.
A dog bite is no fun either…do you stay away from dogs now?
I have a little one inside and a large one outside. We had to put the dog down that bit me though because she did it twice. Honestly we thought the first time was fluke because I accidentally woke her up. I have to admit that I am still scared of big dogs though. I don’t like to be around them at all.
Next time I go to Cedar Point though, I’m definitely going to try a new ride. A “scary” one 🙂
I can understand your aversion. Both of my brothers were bitten by dogs at one point or another, but I was lucky. If I had been bitten, I’d be nervous too.
Cedar Point is the best, especially the “scary” rides (atta girl!). I’m not sure why, but I didn’t realize you were in or close to Ohio. If you ever get to Cleveland, you’ll have to let me know.
Great post…you had me laughing from the first line : )
I was a gymnast for 12 years myself…I need to pull out some of the old pictures!
I didn’t know you were a former gymnast too. I heart you!!