Happy Monday my fine friends. Today is a very special day, indeed. Not only is it a fresh start to the week, but it’s also time for the Week In Review, and I sure hope you’ll join me because we’re having a party; a link up party, that is.
Before I get to the link up rules, we need to break down what the Week In Review is all about. Let me start (ignoring the whole first paragraph) by saying, I enjoy lists more than the average person. Not only do they bring order to my OCD loving world, but they make me giddy and send shivers down my spine. If I have to write, I’d prefer it be in list form.
Some examples of my excessive listing ways are Things To Do Today, Things To Cook This Week, Blog Posts To Write, Things To Buy at the Grocery Store, Target, Drugstore, Books To Read, Home Projects To Accomplish, and well the list(s) goes on and on. Sometimes the Hubby even sneaks things onto my lists. Dirty Birdie.
As any good list lover will tell you, lists can simultaneously bring joy and pain. That magnificent feeling you get when you cross an item off the list cannot be rivaled (unless we’re talking bedroom shenanigans), but the items which still need to be crossed off can sometimes add a certain amount of pressure. Which is where the Week In Review comes in. It is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the past seven days. It’s an achievement list and one with the sole purpose of bringing pleasure.
Want in? Here’s how, in list form because it’s only fitting.
The Week In Review Link Up Rules (Dun, Dun, Dun):
- Your post should be about all the things you accomplished in the last seven days. I share all my goings on starting on Monday and proceeding through Sunday, but you can pick your own date range because let’s be real, I’d have no way to know if you veered off course. Besides, veering off course can be fun, and far be it from me to stop the fun.
- Your post can be about food, social outings, workouts, home improvement projects, fun excursions, none of the above, or all of the above. The idea is to recognize all the things you accomplished in the past seven days. It’s an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back. Plus you get to write in list form, which rocks my socks. Although if you want to stick to prose go ahead; it’s your world.
- You’ll be able to link up starting on Monday morning, and the link up will stay open until Friday night.
- Add the Week in Review button to your post, link back to Clean Eats, Fast Feets and get your list on.
Here’s what I accomplished in the past week (happy dance ensues):
- I had a strategic planning session at my house. The date was Saturday, the topic: a Cinco De Maya themed baby shower (yes, you read that correctly) and the time was noon, which leads me to my next achievement.
- I vacuumed and cleaned the whole first floor of our house before noon on Saturday. I’m sure you all must think I’m a total clean freak (which is true), but if you saw the level of filth owning three cats brings, you’d understand. Alright the word filth might be an exaggeration, but there is literally so much fur flying around, I’m lucky I don’t choke on a hair ball. Hack, hack.
- I made Kirsten’s Orange Cherry Oatmeal Muffins, which was pretty much a foregone conclusion after last week’s What I Ate Wednesday. Go make these; they are amazing.
- I did four workouts: a Mixed Martial Arts class, a special Bootay workout, a Boot Camp class and a Zumba class, appearing in the order the classes were taken, which trumps alpha today.
- I worked umpteenth hours on the J.O.B., ya know the one that pays my mortgage and obscene grocery bills.
- I finally finished A Storm of Swords, the third book in the more commonly, albeit incorrectly, known Game of Throne series, and Holy Fuck. I’m sorry to be crude (not really), but if you read book three, you would completely understand. So much shit goes down in this book, I’m still in shock. I won’t ruin it for you, but I’m seriously stoked for the third season to debut on HBO next Sunday. Note to self: order HBO.
- I did our 2012 Federal and State taxes. Yes, I know how to rage.
- I wrote five blog posts and published four. Five minus four equals one. What the…yeah on that last one, it’ll be going down on Jessie Bear’s blog later this week, and I said going down on Jessie Bear. Awkward.
- I gave myself a manicure because my nails looked like they had been attacked by a honey badger.
- I made a cool Week In Review button for the blog and learned how to host a link up party. I am officially technically savvy, and I suppose announcing it makes me less savvy, but whatever.
- I made Strawberry Banana Bread, and it was pretty impressive. Of course, the recipe suggested you scatter some banana and strawberry slices across the top, and I was like, “as if,” and instead I very carefully and orderly placed my fruit just so; like there was any other choice. Quite frankly, I’m a little irritated the one banana slice seemed to step out of line. Visuals aside, he tasted fabulous and dare I say it? Yes, yes I think I will, “moist.”
- Since we’re on that topic, I also made lots of mad monkey love.
That’s what I’ve been up to. How about you? Let’s hear it. What did you do? Link up, tell me in the comments section, or why not go totally crazy and do both.
P.S. Instead of posting on Tuesday this week, look for me on Thursday…and Wednesday and Friday and Jessie Bear’s blog because I get around.
Good for you, Meghan! I like the button and the crazy-tech-savvy skillz. And now I’m craving the damn muffins, but since the kids are home for an epic snow day today, it will be Finnish Oven Pancake for breakfast instead.
I doubt I’ll do a week in review blog post, but whenever I get my weekly stats from Map My Walk I’ll reply to this and flash them all at ya. Because I’ve pushed the ‘start’ button each and every time I walked the precious pup this week and I’m looking forward to the totals. Thanks!
Thanks Kirsten. I actually took your advice and used InLinkz and it was pretty darn easy. I know the Week In Review is not your thang (deliberately misspelled), but I would to see your walking miles. Hmmm…Orange oatmeal muffins versus Finnish Oven Pancakes…even I’m torn. I had to photograph the muffins in the Polish Pottery though and make you proud.
Oops, out of milk. We had leftover pizza for breakfast, though I threw together some banana, wheat bran, and whole wheat muffins (OMG no oatmeal?) for afternoon tea. I am ridiculously proud that you made MY muffins and photographed them in MY favorite vessel–you’re really cool, you know?
My weekly stats, hot off my email:
12 walks
11 routes
22.1 total miles
6 total hours
2,109 calories burned
Pretty impressive!!
Hahaha! Guess the hubby’s list sneaking ways got the better of you, didn’t it? What exactly is an “oatmeal thingie”? or do I even want to know? 😉
LOVE the strawberry banana bread “arrangement”! And I wouldn’t have even noticed the rogue slice had you not pointed it out! I’ve GOT to make those muffins! After teasing me last week though, I thank you kindly for the photographic proof of their deliciousness…as for ACTUAL proof…we shall see!
Well, since we already talked about MOST of what my week consisted of, there is only one thing left that you do NOT know…but I’m gonna make you read my post to see for yourself…because I’m a tease…and I haven’t made mad monkey love in over two weeks! 😛
You walked!! A whole step!! That’s amazing. I’m still searching for your dirty word though….
The oatmeal thingie is actually this new type of oats they occasionally carry at the grocery store. Comes in a canister and has three different flavor profiles (I can’t think of the name). It’s usually a mixture of oats, quinoa, barley, fruit and all sorts of nutritional goodness. The Hubby eats oatmeal almost every morning (not me), so I buy it for him, when he adds it to the list. He did ask me where the “under the shirt petting” was… Ha.
You should make the muffins. They are so good, they don’t even need butter, jam, jelly or anything else. They can be eaten and enjoyed solo, which is a big statement coming from me.
I love the link-up button! Need to do this as soon as I get my laptop cord back and am actually able to use a computer NOT in the computer lab at school… Whoops 😀
That mixed martial arts class sounds like it would be fun. My brother was in karate when he was younger and I always thought it looked like a cool way to work up a sweat.
And that strawberry banana bread looks amazing. I’m a little picky on my food being symmetric too. I made pear crisp for the family over the weekend and I can’t tell you how long I spent trying to rearrange those slices before just giving up! HA.
Yes, I can’t wait for you to participate. I know you’re a fellow list lover (although maybe not a list doer). You can link up anytime this week or join the fun next. Whatever floats your boat.
The martial arts class was fun, although mainly a cardio workout with some weights thrown in. It keeps you hopping (literally).
I would to see your pear crisp. That sounds so good.
Well, mostly I just want to know what “oatmeal thing” is that your hubby requested, right before the petting. I mean, if it takes precedence, that’s gotta be a rockin’ oatmeal-based item. Unless that list is not arranged according to importance.
I DID MY TAXES TOO. Oh man, we are SO adult. I also invited myself over to someone’s house for next Sunday so I can watch GoT. Self-invitations? Not so adult. But no way I’m missing the premier.
Hmm, I hope it’s not arranged according to importance…the Hubby doesn’t have my same listing/OCD ways so let’s assume his items are random. The oatmeal thingie is Earnest Eats cereal, which I couldn’t remember the name of this a.m. It’s a strange cereal/oatmeal/just add hot water thing I’ve been buying him because it’s full of nutritional goodness and my mad monkey needs his nutrients. Awkward.
I love that you did your taxes too….we really are on the same wave length. Adult or not, you cannot miss the GoT premier, and we are going to have talk after certain episodes (namely, a couple of weddings, and again at the end, times three). This book was crazy!!
Thanks for linking up m’dear. Loves it.
HAHA OMG that honey badger picture made my day. I also vacuum in excess thanks to cats and my own self diagnosed OCD. We share that in common.
Another OCD vacuum kind of gal. We so need to form a club.
Gotta love the honey badger.
This is awesome! I actually do a workout recap every Monday, so count me in for participating! 😀 Glad I found your blog because of this! (Allie – Forgotten Beast did the link up and I found you through her). You are hilarious! Can’t wait to read more. 🙂
Thanks Carol. I love new link up participants, and I love new readers, especially those that think I’m hilarious. I’ll be checking out your workouts soon. 🙂 Glad you’re going to be joining us on the regular.
Your strawberry banana bread is like something straight from pinterest! Bet it tasted amazing!
It did taste amazing, but I snagged the recipe from Luv What You Do. Delish!!
Can you come make that bread for me? It looks divine! And I’m a list lover, too 🙂
I would happily make this bread for you. It was actually pretty darn easy, and the recipe is from Luv What You Do.
Another list lover…yeah! You should do a list sometime and link up.
Your strawberry banana bread looks INCREDIBLE!!!
I can’t wait to make that again soon!
It was your recipe my dear so all accolades should go to you. Thanks for posting it because I really enjoyed it. So good.
Er that strawberry banana bread looks YUM…definitely clicking over now! Most loaf recipes I see are banana & blueberry, which unfortunately are out of the question due to the lack of blueberry availability here! Strawberries, however, are available at a dime (or rupee) a dozen 🙂
The bread was delicious. I highly recommend it. We always have strawberries but since they are not grown locally (at least not right now), their flavor is good, although not great. I figured what better way to disguise that than baking them, and it worked. Unfortunately, in the wee hours last night, my cat, Max, took it upon himself to eat the last slice. I’m miffed because I thought it was going to be part of today’s breakfast. Humph.
THis is so cool! I will record this week + join in on the LINKPARTY next week! I am also starting a LINK party called #FITFRIENDS where you share your journey of getting fit, being healthy + doing wellness activities with your friends, family + just ANYONE you can get to join you in on being healthy! Check it out every Friday! I love that you try different workouts! Mixed Martial Arts sounds like a total blast I have been wanting to take self-defense classes but have been busy the days they hold them by my house. Its def. a goal of mine (on a list :)) Have a great rest of your week Love + Shine CourtStar
Yeah! I’m thrilled to hear you are going to join the link up party next week. I really like this list because I love the idea of being able to look back at a week and go damn, I did all that? Not too shabby, not too shabby at all.
I really dig the sound of your link up too so I will definitely check it out. I’ve (shockingly) got a post lined up for this Friday, but I will absolutely check in and try to participate next Friday.
The Martial Arts class was a blast…lots of cardio, and then weights using your own body weight (think pushups, planks, etc) all with some crazy booming music in the background. I go again today.
You have a great week too and thanks for stopping by.
Love this whole link up concept. Please remind me to link up on Monday… I don’t have the greatest memory when it comes to these type of things.
…and my poor hubs hasn’t gotten too much monkey love since I got home on Thursday.. like he’s only gotten it Thursday 🙁 🙁 Don’t judge.. I’ve been too tired, and have been having some stomach aches all week. Poor guy! TMI maybe??
I can do that. I’ll add it to my list. 😉
Never too much TMI here. Stomach troubles are no fun and a pretty solid excuse to pass on the monkey love. Hope you’re feeling better soon.
omg, a resounding “YES” to all of these things. List making is truly god’s gift to the world, maybe his apology for PMS? I love the idea of making a list of things you ALREADY FINISHED. It’s a celebration, bullet point after bullet point. I wanna participate soon!!
Yeah. I would love for you to participate, especially since you’re a fellow list lover. You description is very funny and yet so apt. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope to see you at one of our link ups. 🙂
This looks cool. I’ll try to do it next week! 😀 I’m a link up VIRGIN. You’re my first 😉
Your first!! Hot damn, I feel so honored. I promise it won’t hurt a bit. 😉
I love the idea of Week in Review and linking up…I Love linkups! Hmmm…I’m already doing It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? on …Mondays. I love lists and I especially like acknowledging what I’ve accomplished (there’s so little.) Guess I could link up on Monday and publish on Tuesday…right…or publish Monday when I don’t feel like talking about books…that could be troubling…I’ll figure it out. I love the idea, Meghan…I’m all in!
Hi Fran. I’m glad you are down with the idea. If you want, you could link up both on Monday with one post (although it might be a long one). Or you could do your Week in Review post later in the week and link it up then. I’ve got the link open until Friday because I know there’s a lot of other Monday link parties. I’m just glad you are in and that you are a fellow list lover. We need to form a club or something.
dang girl!! You accomplished so much! I need to link up with you… this sounds fun. BTW.. that bread is gorgeous! I love how you laid the fruit out like that!
If you like lists, this link up is for you. It’s become my new favorite list. You should join next week because I know you accomplish a ton too. Don’t forget to schedule chill time though.