Happy What I Ate Wednesday my sweet little lollipops. As always, a big shout out and some mad monkey love goes to Jenn at Peas and Crayons for throwing our weekly soirée.
“Boy oh boy, have I got a treat for you today,” she says while rubbing hands together in a calculated fashion.
Typically, my WIAW are pretty strategic, and I’m guessing no one is shocked by this. While I love to show you the good stuff, it’s not always realistic, and at the end of the day I want to share who I really am, the good, the bad, and the not cooking. That’s right, because today is the I’m Not Cooking edition, and now my arms are folded stubbornly across my chest and shouting in their non-verbal way, “I’m not cooking, and you can’t make me. So there.”
I know, you all thought I was perfect, right? Me and my cheese and butter loving ways. Alright, so maybe perfect is a stretch (good thing I’m flexible), but you probably assumed I do a fair bit of cooking, which is almost always true, with emphasis on the almost because I get tired too sometimes. There are days I don’t want to cook either, so instead of showing you my gloriously healthy homemade meals with a side of cheese, I thought I’d share a different day with you (don’t worry; there’s still cheese); a realistic day. This is what happens when Meghan goes bad, in a way you’ve never seen before (and I’m probably over dramatizing again).
On Monday I mentioned my extreme hours at the office last week, which were far too many, so by the time Friday rolled around, I was dog tired. I should probably make some kind of joke about dogs and me here, but nothing’s coming; now that’s sad. Back to last Friday, it was taking all my energy, plus an extra cup of coffee to get through my day, much less worry about food. Still, a girl’s gotta eat so here’s what went down.
Breakfast was a banana and a bowl of my granola with yogurt. You know I’m tired because I didn’t even take a silly self-portrait of me eating said banana, and both of these are recycled pictures because I wasn’t planning on this day being my WIAW. Somehow, I don’t think this will offend you.
Moving on, lunch was a Rice Bowl from Tea House Noodles, and mine was loaded with brown rice (master of the obvious), veggies, and a four bean medley, all swimming in a Coco-Ginger sauce. I devoured this bowl and even poured the leftover sauce down my throat.
Our office closed early on Friday, and I somehow managed to escape around 3 p.m.. Instead of relaxing, I went and got my hair cut, made a double batch of granola for the following week, and then hit up the grocery store for supplies. After spending to much money, mostly on food, I said to the Hubby, “I’m too tired to cook, so can we just order a pizza.” Since he has our favorite pizzeria on speed dial and because it has been far too long, he happily obliged.
My pie came topped with black olives and onions, and it was magnificent. Ridiculously unhealthy too, but sometimes (and in moderation) you have to indulge. I ate half of this pizza for dinner on Friday night and the other half for lunch on Saturday. No shame in my game.
There you have it; an entire day’s worth of eats, without me cooking a single thing… although I did cook the granola days before, but that’s a minor technicality.
Before I bid you adieu, I want to remind folks about Monday, where Food Bloggers are being called upon to do a post on hunger. It’s still not too late to sign up, so click here if you are interested.
Since Monday’s post is going to be about fighting hunger, our Week In Review link up party will resume on Tuesday (and stay open until Friday), so I do hope you join us. If you are a list lover and like to feel good about yourself, this link up is for you. Think about it and then just link about it.
In the meantime, I’ll be back on Friday for some salad shenanigans. Say what? You’ll have to come back to find out.
How often do you feel like not cooking, and what’s your favorite meal when you don’t want to cook?
Hi Meghan, Happy WIAW! Good for you for not cooking, everyone needs a day or two off, even food bloggers 😉
Ain’t that the truth. Happy WIAW.
That pizza…. i’m drooling. Thank goodness I just finished lunch and have a napkin handy!
The pizza was really good.
The rice and bean bowl AND the pizza look perfect. Must have one of them! Have a great day, Meghan!
Thanks Fran. The rice and bean bowl was delicious, especially the coconut ginger broth.
Love that you ordered a pizza for dinner- I bet it hit the spot :)! It’s always nice to get a break from cooking & washing up! When I don’t feel like cooking, you can’t beat breakfasty foods like toast with PB, a big bowl of cereal & milk or my favorite: yogurt bowls! And if I want to go down the savory route, a sandwich with cheese and turkey/chicken does the trick!
Those are great options! I usually do breakfast for dinner when I’m too tired to cook, but I didn’t even have that in me that night. I was beat, and the pizza hit the spot.
ohhhh my lanta that pizza!! To me, there is nothing better than a good pizza. I could eat leftovers for days (well, if I leave any left overs behind that is!!) When I was in high school, my bestie and I had a little sleep over when my parents went out of town. We ordered a medium pizza, and devoured the entire thing while watching our favorite shows on tv. That was 4 huge pieces of pizza! But oh so worth every bite 🙂
It’s great how pizza can evoke such fond memories. Growing up, every Friday (or it seemed like it anyway) was pizza night at our house.
Those meals look pretty good! I have a hard time cooking anything on those (thankfully) rare days when I put in 11 – 12 hours at work. My go-to is usually a turkey sub from the local pizza place (they have great bread).
That sounds delicious too. When I’m that tired, sometimes my only option is take out and this pizza was perfect.
Mmmmm I love deciding that it is too much effort to cook and ordering a freakin delicious pizza.
Yep, ain’t it grand. It was 100% worth it, and this pizza is always delicious so no regrets.
there is nothing wrong with ordering pizza! or enjoying it! funny story, last night we got a knock at our door at around 8pm ( we had already had dinner) and it was a pizza guy, clearly at the wrong apartment. as soon as my fiance told him we did not order the pizza (it was from one of our favorite pizza places) i was like BABE you should have just taken it. i have such a weakness for pizza and never feel bad about it! life is too short to NOT enjoy pizza right?
You should have taken the pizza!!
Usually I make my own pizzas because I always know what I’m going to get and what’s in it, so I never have any guilt. Last Friday though, I was too tired even for that, and since I don’t order pizza very often, I went with it and loved every cheesy bite. No shame in my game.
You bad bad girl. That rice bowl is making me swoon, and so is the pizza actually. Man that shit looks gooooood!
I think I like it when you call me a bad, bad girl. Awkward silence ensues.
Wowie, loving the close up photos of the food, I feel like I could just reach out and grab it!
Thanks Kammie. I love the close up photos, but I feel like you have to do a far away one first so you know exactly what’s happening when you go in for a close up. 🙂
YUMMMMM – “the not cooking edition” so cute! I’ll take 8 of those salads too thanks…
Those salads are huge so you can take eight, but there’s no way you can eat eight. They are so good too and they have other sauces too. My other favorite is the curry because it packs a punch.
There are definitely days where I am just to tired to cook. That’s where food prep really comes in handy.
On Sunday when my family was eating out for Easter my end of the table started talking about their favorite pizza chains (ironic because everyone was eating Chinese!). But I find it so funny that the food “pizza” can have so many different meanings for people depending on where you get it from. For example, almost everyone agreed that Pizza Hut is just no good, especially their pan crust (it’s just so greasy and tasteless!). Then of course there were the local favorites that some of my relatives just swore by. My brother and I remained faithful to Dominos though 😀 It’s always and will always (unless they try to change it again!) be my favorite 🙂
Hmm. What would you say your favorite pizza is? I’m feeling a post coming along in my head about all the different types of pizzas and what they say about you as a person. Lol.
I think that sounds like a great post idea. Very cute and clever.
I’m not sure what my favorite is because I love so many different kinds and types, and it all depends on my mood that day.
I prefer to make my own because I know exactly what’s in it and where the ingredients are from, but if I’m going to order, it’s got to be a local mom and pop shop. I like to support the local economy whenever possible, and I can’t remember the last time I even tried Pizza Hut, but I do remember thinking it tasted like crap.
That pizza has me drooling. My girlie and I were at the grocery store yesterday, having a celebratory donut after an appt, and I saw not 1 but 2 pizzas marked down. Can’t resist the magical damn stickers. So we ate a rogue Tuesday night pizza night (a buffalo chicken and a sausage one). What the heck, it’s Spring break.
I like the sound of rogue Tuesday night pizza’s and I really like the magical stickers. Kind Bars had magical stickers at the grocery store today (and I have been waiting for this forever), but with my metal mouth, I can’t really eat them right now. Dammit.
Yummy yummy yummy! Glad to see you had beans- I’ve restarted eating them and they’re oh so good on so many levels 🙂 When I don’t want to cook, a nice and hefty sandwich always does the trick!
Oh yes, I love beans. I’m glad you started eating them again; they are too delicious to pass up and such a great source of protein and fiber.
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello.
That pizza looks fantastic!! And you are SO right! We all need to indulge in moderation :).
All good things in moderation, even moderation. Ha.
Yeah, I haven’t order a pizza in months so I figured it was time.
That. lunch. looks. amazing. Sometimes you just need a no-cook day! 🙂
Yep some days you need a break and this was one of them. Thanks for stopping by Sunnie.
I think I’ll have to not get my usual pizza toppings (feta cheese and banana peppers) next time and try the olives and onions instead. Looks amazing.
I really like the olives and onions combo. So much flavor, but don’t plan on making out with anyone after.
do you have the post guidelines for Food Bloggers against hunger? I emailed them a while back and never heard back from them.
I just sent you an email with the guidelines and their email address. I hope you’re able to do a post on it.
Ok, um…HOW did I miss you eating half a pizza?!! Seriously, I don’t think I’ve skipped a post of yours since I started reading…I would never miss out on the opportunity to share in some snarkiness and sarcasm!
Good for you for not cooking and being proud of it! You are a busy woman, my friend and sometimes I have no idea how you keep it all up AND still have the energy to post and read blogs! Super Woman I tell you! I’ll be stalking Ebay later for your cape! 😉
I haven’t cooked in weeks! Of course I’m not counting all the fried eggs I’ve been consuming lately since that takes all of about 5 minutes to do, but seriously, I just haven’t felt like doing anything lately. I want my meals quick so I’ve been doing a lot of refrigerator mining and pantry scouring. Usually my go-to is a salad of some sort, but for some reason I have had ZERO cravings for veggies so there has been a lot of yogurt, cereal, and the aforementioned eggs going on. Eh, whatever works, right?
That’s right. If it ain’t broke, no need to fix it.
I go through cooking and non-cooking phases too, and I just wanted to put it out there into the blogging world that I don’t cook every meal of every day. Nobody’s got time for that, and sometimes you just got to have pizza, preferably delivered. You can be healthy and still eat half a pizza on occasion.