Happy Monday!
I can’t believe I’ve been back from vacation for a full week now, and yet I’ve only blogged about vacation. Despite all evidence to the contrary, I swear I am slowly acclimating back to my normal life. Maybe slowly is the wrong word because it feels more like I jumped head first into an ice bath.
In any event, I’m getting back into the swing of things, and just to prove it (or really because it’s time for our Week In Review), I think we should list out what I’ve been getting down and dirty with…literally, in the last seven days.
Let’s get listing:
- When an opportunity to clean arises, me and my self-diagnosed OCD take advantage of the situation. Right before vacation, the Hubby and I ate all the perishables in the fridge, so when we got back, I saw an opportunity. I went to town on the fridge, leaving no surface unscathed in my mad cleaning frenzy. It felt good. Clean fridges, hell clean anything, make me giddy.
- Then I went grocery shopping so I could fill that bad boy back up…and eat because eating is of the utmost importance.
- I worked thirty-five hours on the job. Ya know, the one which pays for my ridiculous grocery bills.
- I wrote and published three photo heavy blog posts, all about my vacation in Brussels and Amsterdam. Sigh.
- I did oodles, or if you want to get all technical about it, baskets of laundry. What is it about vacations that seem to triple the amount of dirty clothes? Seriously, I don’t understand it.
- I hit up a farmers market and bought more produce than I should have, except is there really such a thing as too much? By the way, multiply the strawberries you see in the below picture by four. Yep, I got a little carried away, but I couldn’t help myself. I was mesmerized by the strawberries, and I’m pretty sure I heard them whispering my name or maybe that’s just leftover inner ear disturbance from the airplane. Whatever.
- I started planting flowers in the yard, with started being the operative word. I have several flats left and miles and miles to go before I sleep. Kidding, I need my beauty sleep; the flowers can wait.
- I made Banana Strawberry Muffins for one of my besties because she just gave birth to a baby boy. That’s right I’m an Auntie now, and I’m going to be the best Auntie ever because I’m not at all competitive.
- I, along with the Hubby, spent literally all day Sunday cleaning our screened porch. When we bought the house, it was marketed as a three seasons room, but let’s be real; we live in Ohio so there is no way we use this room for three full seasons. Also, since there are only screens, it’s open to the elements all winter long, which is code for it gets filthy, and I’m putting it mildly. It took the pair of us over six hours and a cajillion buckets of water, but it was worth it because our summer sanctuary is now complete.
On that note, I’m going to wrap it up, so I can hear from all of you. Link up and let me know what you’ve been up to. If you’re new to the Week In Review, you can click here to get the rules (not that I’m big on rules), and see what it’s all about. Come and join us and our wicked ways. Alright, I suppose there’s nothing wicked going on unless you count overbuying strawberries as wicked. Me, I think letting those perfect berries spoil would be the true crime, and that’s not going to happen; not on my watch.
What did you do this weekend? Do you enjoy a freshly cleaned fridge? Do you have a summer sanctuary at your house?
Is it weird that I actually LOVE cleaning our fridge & freezer. It kind of gives me a little high =) Ha Ha
Have a great day, darling!
I don’t think its weird. Not even one iota. It’s actually quite refreshing, in my humble (or not so humble) opinion.
Happy 20th, Ms. Meghan!! How exciting. Were you really doing this That long before I joined in? Guess you were. Ok, how many photos did you take of the fridge before you got one where it actually had that little “sparkle” at the bottom. I know you…you needed that to be there!! Love it. The produce looks wonderful and can’t wait to see what you make from all of it! Have a great day!!
I know; it’s crazy I’m already on week 20. It’s funny because I didn’t plan the little sparkle, but you can bet I was pleased with how it turned out. Now if only I could get everything to sparkle like that.
That clean fridge is downright sexy.
Thanks Jess. Sexy fridges are my thing. 😉
It’s kind of crazy – I never realize how dirty my fridge is until after I clean it and am nearly blinded by the shiny whiteness of it when I open the door.
That little porch room looks SO WONDERFUL! Seeing the tiny IG photo on my phone didn’t do it justice. I really want to lounge in there!
I agree! It never seems that gunky until I start cleaning all the gunk, and then I get all gunked out.
I love our little porch. It’s our oasis in the summer.
I cleaned out my fridge this weekend too! lol Love that three season room!!!
We should have had a fridge cleaning party. There’s something so wonderful and accomplished about a clean fridge.
Your fridge looks GORGEOUS!! I am imagining what it looks like with all that food too…HOLY FOOD HAUL! PLUS the farmers market goods!?! I’m coming over for meals all week!! Still loving that sanctuary, you were quite productive this weekend!
My name is Meghan and I have a food addiction. For reals, that was a weeks worth of food. Alright, that’s not all true because I had to restock some staples, but I did go buy more fruit since then.
This weekend was extremely productive so I’m ready for some good old relax time now…perhaps in my summer porch oasis. I’ll save you a seat on the porch and at the kitchen table.
I hope you had a great weekend.
That fridge is so clean it’s sexy 😉 and I love all the produce you had to re-stock it with! The best thing though is that porch, I wish I could come over and curl up on it (not that I’m inviting myself over…)
Looks like a great week back, though I’m sure it’s hard to beat that amazing vacation.
You’d be welcome to come over. I’ve curled up there with a good book and a glass of wine many a nights last summer.
It was a productive return to society, so much so I’m ready to relax now. I hope you had a great weekend too, what with all your graduation parties.
Oh yes, I think I could spend a little time in that summer room 😉 And ahhh, the feeling of a freshly cleaned fridge! The shiny, the white, the so-much-room-for-activities. Like grocery shopping.
I think you’d enjoy the little summer room. It reminds me of your tranquil backyard with a book and a cocktail.
There’s nothing quite like a clean fridge, unless you count a newly stocked fridge.
Except probably even better, because you don’t have to smack away at mosquitoes in the evening…which tends to cut into relaxation time, although still isn’t enough to discourage me from being out there.
Summer sanctuary indeed. I bet that is so nice in the summer. I could totally go out there with a tall glass of water, a few bunches of fruit, a book, and never go inside all day 🙂
I’m pretty sure our fridge will never look like that, clean or not 😉 Haha. I’m pretty positive it’s as old as me.
Holy moly. I’m digging your grocery store buys! Reminds me of Time Magazine’s “What the World Eats” http://www.time.com/time/photogallery/0,29307,1626519,00.html Way to represent the U.S.!! 😀
That’s actually pretty much what I do all summer. Relax with some water, maybe a glass of wine and a book. It’s so calming, and I love that you thought of my groceries for “What The World Eats.” That was a fascinating study, and I’m happy to put the US in a better light. Sadly, I’m the minority.
I hope you are getting acclimated to the new internship. 🙂
Your porch is beautiful!!! I could see spending the entire summer there : )
I can’t get over your bright white fridge. Could you bring your OCD to my house?
I’d be happy to, especially because a little OCD goes a long way. 🙂
The fridge freaks me out, but the screened porch! LOVE! I was the one to finally take a broom to ours because my repeated attempts to get my teens to clean it never resulted in anything noticeable, and my mother-in-law was coming. Now I’m back to not seeing the accumulated grime (not water was used in the cleaning I did, and it should have been) while I sit and enjoy the semi-outdoors.
My Map My Walk Stats:
12 workouts
7 routes
25.2 total dist. (miles)
7.1 hours
2.071 Triscuits.
a light week, and I’m jiggy with that. Oh crap, reminds me that my daughter and I got back from a walk to pick up milk 2 hrs ago, and I forgot to shut off the damn app. Eye roll.
I thought the fridge might scare you a little. It’s so fresh and so clean, clean.
The screened porch is pretty much where I plan to spend the vast majority of my summer, when I’m not prepping my CSA veggies that is. I’m glad you can appreciate the screened porch and I know you’ll be using yours.
May My Walk is increasing becoming a problem child. I think you need to show that thing who is boss, which is you…obviously.
Your banana strawberry muffins look divine! I must try baking those this weekend! Thank you for sharing 😀
You absolutely should; they were delicious. I got them from Luv What You Do, although she did an entire loaf of bread. If you want muffins, just bake them in a muffin pan for 18 to 20 minutes.
There are few things better than a clean fridge. I don’t know how anyone can stand to have drips of whatever and spills of something or other in their fridge. I’m not a fan of the actual cleaning process itself, but the reward makes it worth it.
There’s just something about farmer’s markets that make me spend more money than I should. But I suppose buying too much fresh produce is better than buying too much of anything else, right?
Those muffins look incredible. I totally get what you’re saying about not being competitive… 😉
Your screened porch looks gorgeous! I would spend all day of every day out there in the summer. I never understand why they advertise rooms like that as “three season”, though. I live in Michigan and we’re lucky if we get three good months of summer! Oy.
Thanks again for hosting, I hope you have a great day!
Drips and spills inside a fridge freak me out. I actually line the fridge shelves with paper towels which makes for easy clean up most of the time.
Being from Michigan I know you understand. It’s more like a two seasons room. Summer and then half of fall and half of spring.
Thanks for linking up.
I LOVE cleaning out the fridge. We basically had to start over when we moved cross country and it felt so good and organized! At least for a little while….:)
It’s amazing how quickly it gets dirty again, especially when you are storing fresh veggies from the farmers market. Man, those things can be filthy and yet equally delicious.
Impressive! That fridge is freakin’ SPARKLING!! There is nothing quite like a squeaky clean fridge…sometimes it will take me 2-3 tries to arrange everything once I start loading it back up…and that’s of course after I wipe down all the bottles and jars and stuff because seriously, what’s the point of cleaning the fridge if you’re going to fill it with dirty stuff, right? Right! 😉
I was totally smitten with some strawberries today myself…though I’m glad I didn’t get too crazy as I saw on my way to work tonight that the STRAWBERRY FARM is open again!! Eeeeek! I can’t WAIT to go pickin!! 😀
Ohhh, and congratulations Auntie Meg!! 😀
You are absolutely correct. You have to clean all the bottles and jars before adding it back in. I didn’t mention that because I figured people think I was really crazy, not that there’s anything wrong with really crazy.
I so badly want to go strawberry picking. Mind if I tag along?