I legit eat salad four times week, maybe more.
I don’t even have relations that often, if you catch my drift. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
You know it’s a problem when your salad consumption surpasses your mad monkey loving.
If we’re talking strictly quantity, those leafy greens win, hands down. In fact, they dominate everything else in their path during CSA season. When you have a crisper drawer full of lettuce at all times, you learn to eat a lot of salads, and if you’re lucky, you actually enjoy them.
Me, I’m pretty much head over heels for my greens. It’s also a small wonder I haven’t turned into a rabbit.
In case it wasn’t already clear, I eat a holy crapton of salad in the summer, and I like it.
Ingesting bowls full of nutritional goodness makes me feel fabulous about myself in more ways than you can imagine.
The secret to my salad success, aside from neurotic color blocking, is variety. It really is the spice of life.
Enter salad toppings stage left.
Yep, the way to keep your salads fun and fantastic is to play with those toppings, and today I’m sharing some simple hacks to help you keep your greens funky and fresh.
Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway the Skeptics
- Fruit is your friend. It brings a bowl of greenery to life. Add berries, a soft cheese like blue, goat or feta, some nuts, onions and you’re in business.
One of my favorite Strange, But Good combinations is blueberries, banana slices, candied walnuts, and blue cheese, topped with a Poppy Seed dressing. The culmination of flavors here makes me melt. Try it, and I promise you’ll see why.
- Pick a Theme.
Make a Greek Salad and utilize the flavors of the Mediterranean: kalamata olives, artichoke hearts, green onions, tomatoes, oregano croutons, cucumbers, and feta.
Or head Southwest and add black beans, fresh corn, avocado, cherry tomatoes, and green onions topped with a Cilantro Lime Vinaigrette.
- Go Nuts. You get all the crunch of a crouton, with a better nutritional bang for your buck.
Better yet, top it with a Savory Parmesan Rosemary Granola.
- Get toasted. Add roasted sweet potatoes and cauliflower for a punch of flavor and a pop of pizzazz.
- Make a Mutt. Get creative; mix and match your toppings. There are no rules, so this is your chance to go hog wild, without the actual pig, unless of course you want to toss in some bacon. Far be it from me to stop you.
- Up Your Protein. A great way to ensure a salad leaves you satiated is to make sure it includes some protein. Add eggs, beans, nuts, and cheese.
- Last but not least, Ditch the Lettuce. A salad doesn’t have to be built on a bed of greens.
Green Bean Salad with ALL the Toppings
Vegetarian Taco Salad with Cabbage
Tomato Cucumber Salad with Kalamata Olives and Feta
Mediterranean Eggplant and Chickpea Salad
Cauliflower Avocado Chickpea Salad
Heirloom Tomato or Caprese Salad
Pear Salad with Walnuts and Blue Cheese
On that note, it’s time for me to get my salad on. Maybe I’ll get lucky and toss in a side of monkey loving. Now that would be one hell of a topping.
Do you eat salad often? Do you want to eat one now? I certainly do.
Anything combined with candied walnuts has my heart 🙂 your salad combos are divine!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Feeding A Paleo Runner WIAW
Thanks Michele. I’m a big fan of candied nuts, and as soon as I can figure out why these damn walnuts keep sticking to the waxed paper post baking, I’ll have a recipe to share. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
I eat salad a LOT. Like, once a day minimum. But you’re right, people always look at me strangely when I order one, and I’m like, all this cheese and chicken and pumpkin seeds (and such) can just be for me, and you can eat your sad little burger.
Alyssa @ Renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…WIAW #22
That’s right. Go suck on that sad little burger….well unless it’s a veggie burger and then I say toss him on top of the salad. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
You’ve been my greatest salad muse lately! Vegetarian Taco Salad, Southwestern Salad…I’ve been housing them. I really want to try your Rosemary Parm Granola next (by the way, the link for the granola above actually goes to your Southwestern Salad, just FYI).
Another salad I’ve been lovely lately is massaged kale, toasted almonds, and a soft boiled egg. The drippy yolk makes a nice dressing.
I’m honored to be your muse, and thank you for letting me know about that link. It’s been corrected. I also might have checked all the others too. 🙂
There’s something so simple and easy about kale, yes?
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
Your salads are so pretty! I have been adding lots of fruit and nuts to mine lately. Perfect for summer!
tiff @ love, sweat, & beers recently posted…Sweet Thing
The fruit and nut combination is glorious in salads especially with a little soft cheese like blue or feta.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
Oh, I’m so happy you did this!!! I’m bookmarking this bad boy. You KNOW I need it (both salad and monkey-loving).
Suzy recently posted…Woozy Wednesday: Flirtotally
Hooray. Happy dance ensues.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
I totally want a salad now. One of my best tricks is not knowing what is actually in my salad – keeps me guessing and keeps it interesting!
Jamie recently posted…WIAW – The “Cleanse” Edition
If you’re craving a salad now, then my work here is done. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
I heart salads! Right now I’m doing the warm salad thang, where I take cooked yummines and mix it cold leaves so they get all soft and hypnotized by the whoowoo of flavor thrown upon them. Lay like broccoli and cop a squat. Remember that one?
My hubby’s in grad school which means I need monkey love more than salad. But alas I’ll take them greens.. Hey here’s a banana! <3
Danielle recently posted…Saving my Sanity Through Lists
I remember cop a squat. I feel like I should make a point to use that in some conversations now. 🙂
My hubby is in Pharmacy School. What is it with these men of ours?!
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
Well! I know what I am having for lunch! All of these salads look so good! I always have trouble finding a perfect combination salad. I truly never know what to even throw in my salads to make them yummy! I definitely will have to try the taco salad and some of the salads with feta cheese! I just discovered the love of feta cheese XD!!
Katerina recently posted…My Fear Foods Bucket List
Feta cheese is an amazing thing.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
Your pictures are so gorgeous! Can you come over and make me a salad? Any salad? I’m not picky.
Heather@hungryforbalance recently posted…WIAW: When in doubt, just eat nut butter
Absolutely. I’d be honored to make you a salad.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
Love your ideas for salads!! My salads are so boring sometimes. These pics and layouts are great for salads. Thanks for the
ideas. Love your blog. Your a great example for eating good foods, and throwing in some humor with it.
Aw why thank you Shellie. I so very much appreciate your comment, especially since you were so complimentary. Flattery will get you everywhere.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
I love these salad hacks!! I always say that if you think salads are boring, you’re doing them wrong 😉
Sarah | Well and Full recently posted…My Favorite Coconut Bacon! (+ a Vegan Cobb Salad)
Exactly right. If you find healthy eats boring, then you’re doing something wrong.
Meghan recently posted…I Am An Oxymoron
After eating decidedly non-salad like things for a week, salads are all I want right now. Might as well enjoy them before cold weather has me running for soups and casseroles and the like.
Also I love you and your banana loving ways but I can’t get behind the banana on a salad thing. Not yet, anyways… :-p
Sam @ Better With Sprinkles recently posted…Vacationing.
Do the banana on a salad thing. Try it, with some blueberries and candied nuts. The combination is divine and will change your mind. It will rock your non-banana on a salad loving world.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
You only eat salad 4x a week? I’m calling BS. Pass me one of those beers.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Peanut Butter Yogurt Bowl [Recipe] + WIAW
I suspect we’re not really talking about salad.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
Excellent point.
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…Peanut Butter Yogurt Bowl [Recipe] + WIAW
I’ll share my beer now.
Meghan recently posted…I Am An Oxymoron
I need more salads in my life! And donuts! Definitely more donuts 🙂
I get enough salad. I need more donuts!
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
MY GOD These are unreal. I am so glad you decided to post this because not only was it fun and inspirational, it has me DROOLING. I eat salad everyday. Every.damn.day. I adore them…I usually make “the mutt” salad because I can never decide on what I want so I throw it all in there. I am now craving salad.
Brittany recently posted…Real Food, Real Good
I am thrilled to have inspired a salad craving, especially when you already eat them daily.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
Love this post idea. Sometimes I foolishly get uninspired with salads when really the sky is the limit! That said, I totally have been using cabbage in place of lettuce for months — it’s super healthy and adds so much wonderful crunch!
Erin@BeetsPerMinute recently posted…How To Stop Allowing Your Struggles To Define You (Part 1)
Cabbage in place of lettuce is genius. Great idea, thanks for sharing.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
Even as a kid, I was a salad hound. But I have to admit – I’m boring and make the same few combos over and over. Usually I’m fine with that but this post as inspired me to change it up! Thanks for some great ideas and fab, colorful photos to further sway me.
I can’t wait to see what crazy, clever and creative combos you come up with.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
Love the new look!
You’ve inspired me, well you and the freakishly hot weather, to change up dinner from the planned green tomato casserole to a taco salad.
I’ll use up salad greens PLUS the beef in the freezer as well as last year’s runny salsa. Triple win.
Kirsten recently posted…Mustard Greens Pesto with Pecans and Asiago
Yes, go forth and eat all the taco salads. Especially since this ungodly heat is going to continue.
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
you’re salads make any restaurant salad look HORRIBLE. They need to hire you. side gig perhaps? I love that ingredient pic. swoon!
lindsay recently posted…3 Ways to Overcome Discouragement
Aw you say the sweetest thing to make my heart melt. Thanks baby!
Meghan recently posted…Simple Salad Hacks Guaranteed to Sway The Skeptics
This post is so visually stunning! Veggies are so pretty. I get weird stares from my coworkers when I say that to them, but at least you know what I mean.
Chelsea @ Chelsea’s Healthy Kitchen recently posted…What I Ate Wednesday: Dietitian Edition 2
I 100% get what you mean. I think food, and especially veggies because their gorgeous colors, are like art work. In fact for me, they are art. I’m right there with you.
Meghan recently posted…I Am An Oxymoron
Yum! And exactly what I needed to read seen as I am going into salad season!
I do eat at least one salad every day though, so I probably should changed the fact that i eat more salads than I have the lovin… Need to rectify that… David will be happy – esp if we eat a salad after…
Anyhoo! I love a good watermelon and feta salad with almonds, ate them all the time in Oman. I also love having a sunny side up egg or poached egg on top of a salad, then bursting the yolk and mixing it through so it becomes like a dressing!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…What I ate Wednesday!
I’m thrilled to inspire an increase in monkey loving. That might make me happier than salads, and certainly David too.
Watermelon and feta is a fantastic combo. Try adding mint and jalapeno pepper to the next one. It’s a strange combo but takes it to another level.
I’ve never put an egg on a salad. I need to try it. Love the idea!
Meghan recently posted…I Am An Oxymoron
Sometimes you throw bananas in your salads, sometimes I throw mine in the microwave for 45 seconds to take the chill off.
I think your oddity is more socially acceptable.
Your oddity is fascinating. I might have to try this. Peel on or off?
Meghan recently posted…I Am An Oxymoron
Bananas in a salad?! No.freaking.WAY. You know I love ’em, but I have to admit that I’ve never tried combining them with greens outside of a smoothie… You’re making me want to give it a go, though. Will report back. And I’m very much a salad lover and eat one everyday… mostly because I figure it counteracts all the jelly beans 😉
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. thinking out loud #146 .
Yes, put the bananas in the salad right alongside some blueberries. The combo is fantastic. I can’t wait to hear what you think.
Daily salads? Wow, your consumption puts mine to shame. I like it.
Meghan recently posted…I Am An Oxymoron
You are hands down the QUEEN of salads I would give up bacon, sausage and chicken for all combined. Seriously m’dear. You make me go loco coco and I cannot wait to get my veggie fill with you.
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Healthy 3 Ingredient Pumpkin Fudge (Paleo, Vegan, Gluten Free)
Me neither. I fear you aren’t getting enough greens when left to fend for yourself, so I’m gonna pack you so full of veggies, you’ll go home with a baby bump of triplets. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…I Am An Oxymoron
This is perfection. Now I’m craving salad, and that is never a bad thing. I’ll be drooling over this page for at least the next 10 minutes!!
Sam @ PancakeWarriors recently posted…Death to Diet Food
Drool away. I hope you enjoy.
Meghan recently posted…I Am An Oxymoron