Get your pads and pens ready because it’s time for the Week In Review.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the last seven days. It’s an achievement list, an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back.
Need more details? Head here. ♫ You can do it, put your list into it. ♫
Let’s get listing:
- I worked 40 plus hours on the day job, including some at night.
- I did take a break long enough to have lunch with an old friend though, and I don’t mean the sweet potato fries. I’ve seen lots of those lately.
- I mentally did tons of laundry and actually washed all the sheets. There’s something magical about clean sheets, hygienic even.
- After ignoring it for weeks, I knuckled down and knocked out my puzzle.
- I napped a lot. It’s my new thing.
- Speaking of prepping for parenthood, I grounded Oscar. He spent Saturday night off gallivanting and all day Sunday sleeping it off. Typical teenager.
- Courtesy of Love Grown, I devoured my first Hot Oats Muffin. I didn’t hate it. In fact, I’m looking forward to doing it again.
- I wrote and published three blog posts, two of which were recipes: Oven Roasted Candied Walnuts and Savory Parmesan Mashed Sweet Potatoes. Who am I?
- I met up with my girl Kirsten from Farm Fresh Feasts for brunch. Anytime she gets near Cleveland, we make it a point to share food, blogging stories, and veggie tips, sometimes literally.
- By way of cooking, I made some pasta sauce, a slew of broccoli, a batch of plain granola and another round of Candied Nuts.
- I celebrated my mother in law’s birthday at Forage Public House with their ultra creamy, balsamic topped, and herb encrusted Vegan Mac and Cheese.
And here’s what it looks like during the daylight hours.
- Last but certainly not least, I went to the Cleveland Food Show with the Hubby and tried all the samples, after monkeying around of course. Quick, somebody give me a banana.
I would have gotten a little crazier, except there was a small child waiting to take her picture with the monkeys, so I did my best to be appropriate. It was a struggle.
Your turn. I want to hear from you. Link up and get yo’ list on.
What are three things you accomplished in the last week?
Khushboo says
Oh wow that mac & cheese looks g-o-o-d!!! I love the addition of balsamic! I seem to have missed your mashed potato recipe last week- especially as I seem to be on a sweet potato kick lately, I definitely need to go back and try it out for myself. Cheese + potatoes = always a party in my mouth!
Khushboo recently posted…Unexpected benefits of lifting weights
Meghan says
Potatoes and cheese for the win!!
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
Juli @1000lovelythings says
Oh gosh Meg, this sounds like a crazy work week! No wonder extended napping was much needed!
I can’t believe how innocent you posed next to those monkeys. I would love to see what would have happened if you actually had a banana 😉
Juli @1000lovelythings recently posted…Week in Review – Riding on a Rollercoaster
Meghan says
Naps have been winning out lots lately. I’m always tired because of this growing people thing. It’s amazing how much energy it takes or how many French fries I want to eat. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
Kirsten says
You’re looking at the camera! Well done!
Me, sadly, whatever.
I cleaned my bathroom last week.
I started the cleaning process unexpectedly when the toilet overflowed moments before I would have been stretched out on my lovey dovey bed in a hard crash. Except I’m the Adult In Charge, so I had to suck it up and mop it up and get the laundry going before crashing.
Then, since the bathroom was still trashed, I figured I’d go big before getting my clean on and single handedly bathed the 3 dogs. Simon (60+ pounds) is not a fan of bathing and wants to flee the moment my back is turned.
Vincent (!6 pounds) isn’t a fan either but realizes that resistance is futile.
Robert Barker (40+ pounds) sits and laps up any water in the tub . . . he’s so mellow, that dog.
Other than that, I got my monster Thanksgiving Recipe Round Up of Round Ups together (probably over a thousand recipes in 31 round ups in all sorts of categories) published, cleaned the house for my in-law’s visit, and took my son to a sled hockey tournament where I got to see YOU!
Have a lovely week!
Kirsten recently posted…Best Thanksgiving Recipe Round Ups
Meghan says
It makes perfect sense to me why you washed the dogs, and I applaud you for taking advantage of a rough situation. I love Robert Barker. He’s awesome.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
Brittany says
YOU GOT MORE MAC AND CHEESE!!! I WAAAANNNTT!! Great list of accomplishments, I’m partial to that oat muffin, and Oscar of course. Oh..and the mac and cheese..always the mac and cheese.
Brittany recently posted…All Hallows’ Disney
Meghan says
I even brought some of the Mac and Cheese home and I had the leftovers last night!!
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
Jessica says
Considering you are growing a small human inside you, the amount of things you tackle in a week is outstanding.
Jessica recently posted…Difference between a road bike and triathlon bike
Meghan says
Thanks Jessica. I happen to think so too, especially since all I really want to do right now is sleep. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
Heather@hungryforbalance says
Sounds like a good week! Especially the monkeying around part. My week included teaching 4 BP classes, dealing with a sick toddler, and watching way more Christmas movies than is appropriate for this time of year.
Heather@hungryforbalance recently posted…The birthday party that wasn’t
Meghan says
Oh no, she’s sick? I hope Matilda is feeling better by now. The Christmas movies might help. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West says
Hi Meghan! You did a lot this week! And a food show … well … clearly I need to find one of those to go to in the Bay Area. In fact, I’m upset I’ve never been to one haahh! Here’s to another great week, lady! Thanks for hosting the fun party!
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…A concert, the weekend and my weekly workout report
Meghan says
I bet they have a food show in your area too. Google it, it’s a pretty popular event here and Food Network stars come in and have demonstrations and presentations.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
Suzy says
HA HA! I was *wondering* why your photo with the monkeys was so appropriate! Nice job getting all that stuff accomplished. The only thing I get done during early pregnancy is naptime and bread consumption.
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday
Meghan says
You just nailed two of my favorite things: naptime and bread consumption.
I have huge ambitions every weekend to clean the house, water the plants, do laundry and then I nap instead. Oops. Such is life. I figure I need to get used to the house being messy right?!
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
mylittletablespoon says
Mmmm clean sheets. Looks like we shared that accomplishment this week (though I have yet to put my sheets back on my bed…. my laziness sentenced me to the couch last night). Every single one of your recipes from last week look killer. This hot oats muffin thing-a-ma-jig has got me very intrigued. I want whatever that oozy red stuff is crawling all over it. me
mylittletablespoon recently posted…Week in Review: Health, Hygiene, Happy
Meghan says
I’m actually very much digging the hot oats muffin in a cup thing too. It was my first time trying it, and I really liked it. We have one left and the Hubby and I are battling over who’s going to eat it. I’d put your money on me. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
Chris says
I like this week in review thing. Maybe I’ll jump on and do one sometime. Just as soon as I have a week with enough stuff in it worth reviewing! =) Congrats on behaving with the monkeys.
Chris recently posted…The Fran I Forgot To Tell You About
Meghan says
It’s hard to behave when monkeys are around. I should get a gold star for that.
Come to the Week in Party. The whole idea is to show yourself that you do a shitton more than you give yourself credit for in a single week. Hello, yesterday I showered, went to work and fed myself. I call that winning.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
I consider every week I manage not to go crazy a huge success… Who’s to judge the degree of my success remains to be decided, though But let’s see… last week I managed to: help my parents paint their kitchen and living room, whip out 3 blog recipes (whaaaat?!), sneak a few runs in here and there, book a trip to the mountains (happy dancing!!), and binge watch far too much YouTube. Oops.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…. s’mores mug cake .
Meghan says
I like your definition of success and would say I fall right into it.
I’m thrilled you’re going to the mountains, although I’d love if you could come back in time to help me do some painting, now that I know you’ve got skills.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
Alyssa @ renaissancerunnergirl says
Dogs make the best preparers for parenthood. My parents got a dog before I came along, and have always advised me to do the same.
Alyssa @ renaissancerunnergirl recently posted…Weekly Workouts and Weekend Updates 11/10-11/16
Meghan says
This is exactly why I’m in trouble. I prefer cats because they’re low maintenance.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
danielle saucy smith says
high five! we can bump bellies too since i’m not ashamed of my little pooch. i call her Shelly.
i love the monkey pic, it should be on your Clean Eats Fast Feets Calendar. you are making one, right? 😀
danielle saucy smith recently posted…Week in Review: Little India, Food Love, & Old Beer Factory
Meghan says
My Clean Eats, Fast Feets calendar? What is this calendar stuff you speak of?
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
danielle saucy smith says
oh yes! i figured with all your incredible recipes and photos it was about time to giddyup and pop out some calendars. ya know, along with bun 😀
i’m old school, i love calendars. i would totally love yours. wishful thinking perhaps… but ya know what they say, “say it to create it!” so i’m hoping i’ll be able to order one soon. heehee
danielle saucy smith recently posted…Week in Review: Little India, Food Love, & Old Beer Factory
Meghan says
You crazy kid. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Pregnancy Eats Edition
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
I can barely remember what was accomplished today let alone in the past week! I can tell you this – I did not nap nor wash my sheets, but I did laundry every day. I also did more than my usual share of school volunteering – just some things to look forward to 😉
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Workout Recap Plus Thinking Ahead
Meghan says
See I think if you found time to nap more (good luck with that by the way), you’d totally wash your sheets more. It’s a necessity at that point.
I plan to ask your help for school projects. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape says
That’s an awesome week of triumphs and eats!
I love food shows in my local area – a great way to introduce yourself to all the local yummies! I always find some hidden gems too – although here in Perth I keep on finding hidden gems all the time, the place is full of them!
I always forget how satisfying a good puzzle is… I gave all mine away before we left, we still had so many to do! Should have shipped them!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Week in Review! (16 Nov)
Meghan says
Go out and buy another puzzle. They’re so worth it. In fact, they’ve been a huge help to my sanity lately.
Oddly enough, I found a great local, natural skincare line at the Food Show. I’m giving it a whirl and hopeful I’ll be able to ditch my fancy creams with too many ingredients for a better more holistic one. Cross those fingers.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: #5
Arman @ thebigmansworld says
oh my gee. The fourth monkey on the seat is a cutie!
Um…that puzzle!!! You’ve polished it off like a boss. I kind of have the urge to mess it up 🙂
My week was all over the place. I’m excited for this weekend 😀
Arman @ thebigmansworld recently posted…Healthy Low Carb Cake Batter Spread (Paleo, Vegan, Gluten Free)
Meghan says
I intend to put the puzzle away before you arrive. Hopefully, I’ll even clean the house because it’s a full on disaster right now.
Although I did put some cauliflower au gratin in the oven this evening. Should be ready in 30 minutes if you can make it in time. 🙂
Chelsea @ Chelsea's Healthy Kitchen says
If I had the time and didn’t care about wasting water, I would seriously wash my sheets like 3x a week. I love the feeling of crawling into freshly washed bedsheets! Also food shows are seriously the best! Are you posting about it?
3 things I accomplished this week: I published a recipe on my blog for the first time in way too long, I finally found 2 new bathing suits that I like for our trip next month, and I did some batch cooking to prep for our busy week.
Meghan says
A vacation next month which requires bathing suits… you’re going somewhere warm. That’s awesome.
As for the food show, I don’t typically post about those things. It’s not really my forte. I do like to enjoy them though. Give me all the samples. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…WIAW: The Pregnancy Eats Edition
masala girl says
i’ve been dying to try forage! that mac & cheeze sounds ahmazing…
masala girl recently posted…The BEST Berry Crisp- in ONE dish, & vegan!
Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli says
Ok, I have to ask, what exactly is that sitting in front of those friendly sweet potato fries?
There you go taunting me with talk of granola. I’ve finished my coffee but have yet to get off the couch. It’s coming. I’m willing it. Almost there. But wait, what’s this post on savory parmesan sweet potatoes?? 😉
Heather @ Kiss My Broccoli recently posted…My Week in HighBITES
Meghan says
That thing is a veggie burger. The veggie burgers are actually the buns and the inside is sliced avocado, some greens and sauce. It was definitely different.
I hope you made the granola.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review: #6