Get your pads and pens ready because it’s time for the Week In Review.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the last seven days. It’s an achievement list, an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back.
Need more details? Head here. ♫ You can do it, put your list into it. ♫
Let’s get listing:
- I worked forty plus hours on the job and published three blog posts, including my Broccoli Mac and Cheese recipe. This is the stuff my dreams are made of, especially since I topped it with my own Parmesan Rosemary Savory Granola. Veggies, cheese and texture. I’ll take two please.
- I set up pinning schedules for a handful of my group Pinterest boards on Board Booster. Have I mentioned how much I adore this program? The “set it and forget it” mentality is right up my alley.
- A rarity for me: I went out to lunch with my coworkers, not once, but twice. I also snuck in a strawberry cupcake because frosting. #TeamFrostingForever
- I did that whole adulting thing: paid bills, unloaded the dishwasher more times than I can count and hit up Nature’s Bin for groceries, my favorite weekly errand.
- I soaked in the tub a handful of times and snuck in a gloriously delicious two hour nap on Saturday. I’m pretty sure this is my soon to be sleep schedule: two hour increments. Gulp.
- The Hubby and I clocked a few more episodes of Breaking Bad. We may even finish this series sometime this century; I wouldn’t hold your breath though.
- Since our bathroom renovation is at a temporary standstill, I shifted my focus to the office, which we’re turning into a guest bedroom. First things first, getting the room completely cleaned out so we can rip up the carpet and repaint.
(Despite a lack of opposable thumbs, Oscar likes to be part of the Team.)
- I tried on two more boxes of maternity clothes from those given to me by family and friends back at Thanksgiving, and I only have one more box remaining. Trying on clothes is hard work, although progress means covering the bump and being able to button things over my boobs.
- In more baby talk and not the gibberish kind, although I certainly felt like it when we were done, the Hubby and I spent six plus hours yesterday doing the baby registries. It was completely overwhelming, although I now know the difference between a bib and a burb cloth. Lord help me.
- For the sake of normalcy, let’s talk food. I made a batch of Peanut Butter Chocolate Banana Granola, also known as The Elvis and the Hubby’s favorite and even threw in some pretzels for kicks or really texture if you want to get all technical about it. Either way, it was a good decision.
- I also made Juli’s Veggie and Cheese Brunch Skillet, twice. It was so good, I wanted to bathe in that stuff; alas the Epsom salts won out.
Your turn. I want to hear from you. Link up and get yo’ list on.
What are three things you accomplished in the last week?
1. we loved the Brokkoli Mac and Cheese – I am definitely going to make this again soon
2. I need that Pinterest thing, too.
3. Well done on the baby registries – mind-boggling for sure
4. I am so freaksishly happy that you not only loved the veggie skillet but made it twice <3 <3 <3
5. I love the cardigan. It suits you!
Juli@1000lovelythings recently posted…Week in Review – Travel Planning
For Pinterest, step one is to join some Group Boards to pin to since the good ones are what really generates the traffic. If you need help with that, let me know. Step 2 is to get on BoardBooster. They have free 30 day trial and I can walk you through that too.
The Veggie and Cheese Skillet is going to be a regular in this house.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
As I recall 2 hour increments is a pretty good day! Oh but so much fun, truly! Last week I bought a new laptop, cleaned my house top to bottom, and dealt with “husband chores” while Adam was away for the weekend. I’m actually starting the week out feeling pretty accomplished already, plus I’m still riding the house cleaning high!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Workout Recap and my Reward for Cleaning This Weekend
I’m envious of the clean house from top to bottom, not the actual cleaning part but having a clean house. I’m not overly fond of doing it, but I adore how it feels when it’s all said and done.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
Food, naps, and baths. Sounds like a marvelous trifecta! We are organizing the office space, meaning my hubby is in the zone and I’m still staring at papers. Filing is my nemesis but I’ll get to it. Eventually. I discovered that my spirit animal is a pink sparkly bunny with glitter ears. And likes to hop around drag queen clubs to fun music, surrounded by gorgeous people wearing bunny tales.
Sometimes real life is stranger than fiction 🙂
Danielle recently posted…A New Leaf
I think your spirit animal suits you perfectly.
I’m on the exact opposite end of the spectrum. My papers are all filed away, but I need to go through the filing cabinet and toss a bunch of it. I think I shall do it today, in front of the fire. Burn baby burn. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
3 cheers for granola making and boob coverage (not sure which is more important, they sound equally good to me!). Throw in a bath and you’ve got perfection 🙂 I’m going to have to add that broccoli cheese thing to my to-try list, we eat something similar a LOT already but its always good to branch out.
Sarah recently posted…Making a Change
The Hubby would say the granola is more important while the boob coverage, or lack thereof, could remain unchanged. 🙂
And it appears as if you have a new blog! Congratulations. Going to check it out now….
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
Check out that grocery haul. Beautiful fruit and Vitamin C galore!
I loved Breaking Bad. One of the few shows I’ve watched every episode of, from start to finish (though Gilmore Girls may be added to that list soon enough). Congrats on another week of all around productivity: renovating, cooking successes, friends, and baths. Sounds perfect to me.
Cora recently posted…WIR: Researching with Benedict, Relaxing with Lorelai
I scored some Epsom Salt at Target this weekend, thanks to you and your lovely post. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
Last week I took time off to heal my knees from a fall, finished two books and finally figured out how to put text on my photos for my blog. I always thought blogging and making things look really good would be stressful…but I’m kind of having fun editing stuff and increasing my social media stuff. I love tweeting other bloggers and making my pictures look better. I told myself if it started to stress me out I would stop.
My next step is to figure out Pinterest. Besides pinning things I want to make, I have no idea how to get it to help spread my blog. Any advice would be great!
Ellie recently posted…Week In Review [When life gives you a bum knee, it also gives you bananas]
The editing stuff really can be fun. I use PicMonkey for everything. It’s so super easy and intuitive.
Pinterest for blogging is an entire beast all on it’s own and while I’m still very much a novice, I’d be happy to help. My first advice would be to join some group Pinterest board and start pinning your own blog recipes or pearls of wisdom to them as appropriate. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
I showed Vegas that skillet pic this weekend and told her that’s what I want next. Still waiting. 😉
Peanut Butter Chocolate Banana Granola should as be known as MY favorite. And that savory granola on mac? Fucking brilliance.
In addition to naming the baby, you should name you boobs. Maybe they could at least be named for your pals Laura and Lucie?
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table recently posted…PRP Update & a Weekend of Not Cooking
I think I could handle that, the whole boob naming thing although the Hubby might dispute the title of the PB Granola being his favorite. I’m sure he’d have no qualms with the boob thing though.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
OMG OMG OMG OMGGG you look so adorable in that outfit and I love the bump!! AHH. I spy Natures Bin peanut butter, NOMMM. A successful week indeed!
Brittany recently posted…Muscle Massage
Anything Nature’s Bin is a success in my book. I love that place.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
Happy Monday, Meghan! Another great week for you! My husband and I finished the Breaking Bad series last year, and it’s so darn good. Right now we’re watching Dexter, which is old, but also a thriller. And about your recap? I feel like I am constantly unloading the dishwasher. UGH. Have a great week! Thanks for hosting! 🙂
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…Dates, workouts, a dinner party and my weekly workouts
I’m struggling with Breaking Bad since I’ve lost a lot of sympathy and empathy for Walt. I never did finish Dexter but the ones I did see were fantastic. Great show. I’d like to do Orange is the New Black or Downton Abbey next.
I literally unloaded the dishwasher again today. I’m sure it’ll happen again tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
I remember being overwhelmed when I first registered too! You will get the hang of the gidgets and gadgets quick I promise.
meredith @ Cookie ChRUNicles recently posted…weekend stuff & half marathon weather watch
I tried to stay away from a lot of the stuff I thought was just unnecessary but wow, there are a lot of things. I’m so grateful Babies R Us gave me a checklist I could go through. You know that appealed to the list lover in me. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
I was kind of thrilled when it was time for me to start wearing all maternity clothes… those jeans with the elastic waists? Brilliant! Good luck getting through making a baby registry too, it’s amazing how each year there are more and more options and suddenly picking out a stroller is more complicated than buying a car.
Heather recently posted…Week In Review – The Short and Sweet
You’re right; that stroller business was insane. Thankfully, we had a super helpful sales rep, who walked us through that part of the process…actually most parts because I was totally lost. I was like, what they need how many different mattress pads, liners, sheets, and whatever else goes in the crib. Eek.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
You look adorable!
I’m delighted with the progress of the house and look forward to more, even if you don’t have Colors Picked Out.
I went through another bag of training treats working with the motte of dogs in our house. Now that I am sourcing locally-made training treats made by homeless Daytonian youth (to pair with the dog biscuits made by Daytonians with Developmental Disabilities) I’m kinda throwing treats at the dogs for any excuse.
I ain’t done much else, though I did drive back and forth to Columbus so my kid and his team (plus amazing guest goalies since our goalie was sick) WON THE SPIDA INVITATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! Which was pretty cool as it’s his last time for that tournament.
Kirsten recently posted…Chocolate Cherry Beet Brownies
I’m working on colors for the bathroom and the new soon to be guestroom. Who knows what’s going to happen in the baby’s room, although the Alice in Wonderland mural will stay.
Tell Erik that is fantastic and I said Congratulations!!
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
OMG that broccoli mac and cheese looks amazing. I love anything with broccoli. And seriously the best part about cupcakes is the frosting! ; ) Have a great week!
Team Frosting all the way!
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
That granola sounds awesome!! But like most humans, I have such a hard time not eating the whole batch in one sitting. Especially while it is cooling!
I watched the first episode of Breaking Bad and found it a tad too dark for my pre-bedtime TV watching. Everyone says it gets better, but I don’t know if I had it in me to give in the chance. Laughing at Michael Scott or Leslie Knope is my plan of action!
Thanks for the link-up!
Kate recently posted…The little things
For some reason, I’m able to not attack the granola in a single sitting. I usually end up with a bowl for breakfast each, alongside some Greek yogurt. The Hubby on the other hand generally eats his weekly quota in two servings or less.
I’m struggling with Breaking Bad so I’m not sure I’d actually recommend it. I’d like to be done though so I can start something else.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
I spy an ECLP! And a baby bump! Holy snap. I think this is the first time I’ve seen you seriously bumpin’. Would you kill me if I said you look adorable? Or that I want to touch it? 😉 I’d seriously love to attack that granola, too… if it weren’t for the whole peanut butter thing 😛 But I’d probably be like your hubs and polish off my entire quota in 2 servings. Kryptonite.
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…link love 1/17
I know, right. The baby bump is absolutely bumping. You can’t miss it now. Sometimes when you put your hands on it, you can feel the baby moving. It’s completely surreal and also when you understand you are no longer in control. Thankfully, I’ve got a couple years before she starts eating my granola too. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
We just rolled in and I should NOT have read this blog post as I’m starving and our cupboards are empty. I’m sorry I didn’t get around to doing a WIR this week. I think I pretty much covered every waking second anyway. Ha! I’ll do it next week for sure.
Your beautiful baby belly is growing! I LOVE IT.
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday
No worries whatsoever. I completely understand and I hope you get some food in you soon. It figures today’s post was practically a food orgy. Rest and eat. See you soon.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
Do I spot sweet potato fries… Nommers!
Baby registry stuff sounds super complex and super scary… I have literally no idea what to do when I hold a baby never mind anything else.
Your bump looks so neat! And how awesome to get those boxes of clothes handed down to you – and nice stuff too!
Juli’s veggie skillet looks amazing! And adding an egg, simply genius! I bow to you!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Week in Review – Jan 18th!
Yes, the clothes have been incredibly helpful. It’s taken me forever to sort through them, although I’m completely grateful I have them. I actually sent back two boxes last week (I don’t like to keep excess clutter in the house) of stuff that either didn’t fit or wasn’t weather appropriate. With snow on the ground, I won’t be wearing shorts anytime soon. 🙂 Just one more to go now.
Juli’s Veggie and Cheese Skillet is amazing and is going to end up being a staple around here.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
You look fantastic. Cute. Beautiful. Like Meg. I love you.
Pretzels in Granola. Send it over please.
I am still amazed how you made it 6,5 hours with that baby stuff. We don’t have these kinda things in Switzerland, clearly cause we wouldn’t be able to make it through. I am impressed.
Thank God for all the good food you got there!
Luce@FitSwissChick recently posted…Your body is your Castle
Come to Cleveland and I will feed you all the pretzels with granola. In fact, I’m working on a new flavor and will need a taste tester. 🙂
I brought a jar of peanut butter and a spoon with me when we registered, which I actually used because I was hungry. We also stopped for a quick lunch too. I can’t even imagine that experience without a full stomach. It would be scary to say the least.
Meghan recently posted…Week In Review # 14
If shipping didn’t cost an arm and a leg I’d offer to use my newly aquired – or should I say: still in process – sewing skills to send you handmade PJ pants. Not only to be worn in bed and my sister really found these a blessing these past months. Then again, you seem to be covered on the clothes part.
Also: that granola! Sweet, sweet [and crunchy] memories.
I’m happy to see you’re including some relaxation in these lists every week because that’s a true and needed accomplishment for any hard-working gal.
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Week in review: Challenges, clumsiness and lessons
I don’t think you can ever have enough PJ pants.
Pretzels are always a good decision. Also, how exciting – a baby registry! Do you still walk around a store with the lazer gun scanning ALLTHEITEMS you want for your list? Could be fun, more likely to be over whelming.
Melissa @ Mango About Town recently posted…How to Cope with the Rising Cost of Produce
Yep, for baby registries, they give you a scanning gun, a list, and send you on your way. It was mostly overwhelming although it did feel good getting it done, plus very informative too.