Get your pads and pens ready because it’s time for the Week In Review.
The Week In Review is a list, in its purest form, not of the things you still need to do, but of all the things you have done in the last seven days. It’s an achievement list, an ode to yourself, a celebration of sorts, and a virtual pat on the back or smack on the ass. Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Need more details? Head here.
♫ You can do it, put your list into it. ♫
I should warn you, my entire existence these days is work, sleep, and baby stuff. I can’t wait for this child to come so life can get back to normal. Snort.
Let’s get listing:
I worked a more reasonable forty hours on the job.
I had a routine doctors appointment. Not surprising, my favorite part of these weekly visits is the lollipop. The Hubby is more into the heartbeat; me, I’ll take the sugar.
I put together a dresser all by myself; over the course of a couple of evenings. Boom goes the dynamite!! Which Oscar promptly christened because that’s what cats do.
I spent Saturday morning with the Hubby at a Baby Basics class, where we learned how to bathe, massage, swaddle and diaper a plastic baby with creepy eyes. Dear, sweet baby Jesus, let my kid be cuter than this. And healthy too of course, I’m not all vain.
I did my usual weekend errands: paid bills and hit up Nature’s Bin and the Breadsmith for our foodie staples. Brioche Nut Twirl totally counts as a staple, partially because it sounds naughty. I get my kicks from carbs these days.
In more baby news, I set about tackling the nursery. With the help of the Hubby and my in-laws, we put a decent dent in the work too, which I shared on SnapChat: CleanEatsFastFeets. Find me.
I finished penning all my thank you cards. Hallelujah. You know you’re loved when you have to buy more stamps and cards.
I laundered, folded and hung up what seemed like a bazillion baby outfits with bags more to come. This kid has a better closet than me; mainly because I gave her mine. See, I’m totally selfless. I’ve got this motherhood thing down.
I had a much needed lunch out with the Hubby and friends on Saturday afternoon: a strawberry arugula salad with a side of potato skins.
Last but not least, I got a pedicure with one of my besties on Saturday where I stayed in the massage chair for an inappropriate amount of time, and I ate all the spicy Indian food with my in-laws on Sunday evening.
There’s no truth to the rumor I’m doing everything possible, short of drinking castor oil, to induce labor. Alright fine, I totally am.
It’s your turn. I want to hear from you. Link up and get yo’ list on.
What are three things you accomplished in the last week?
meredith @ cookie chrunicles says
I love seeing the pretty baby stuff! so impressed you put together the dresser – I am not handy at all. no patience! you are good 🙂
meredith @ cookie chrunicles recently posted…Aspire 10k Race Recap
Meghan says
I actually enjoyed putting the dresser together. Reminds me of doing puzzles and I love those.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Miss Polkadot says
If you need any more alleged labor-inducing strategies [or just a chick flick ;)] I recommend watching “New Year’s Eve”. Though I guess you might feel cheated since your little one’s birth won’t see you winning $$$. But as long as baby girl’s healthy – and, yes, definitely far cuter than that creepy doll – all is well, right?!
I’m happy to see you had a more relaxed week – your previous ones seemed way too stressful. Rest up where you can! Happy Monday!
Miss Polkadot recently posted…Week in review: When life hands you limes …
Meghan says
You’ll be even happier to know I took this Thursday and Friday off work so bring on the long four day weekend. 🙂 Hooray for rest and relaxation.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Kirsten says
I’m super impressed with your work on the dresser–well done! And looking at the closet, I’m gonna go ‘head and donate all the hangers that are hanging around in my house ready to go up to you, because I’d just be duplicating what you’ve already got.
Boom! Something else to purge before my spouse comes home!
Last week I had my first job interview since 1993. I didn’t have a clue how it went because it seemed like we just sat around and chatted for 40 minutes, making me late to snag my daughter and take her to sewing class and therefore meaning that I took Robert Barker to dog school in my interview clothes.
A freshly-bathed and very shedding Robert Barker, too.
But something must have clicked because I got the gig.
Not a clue when I start, but I’ll fit it into the jam-packed week leading up to the spouse’s redeployment.
In other news, I washed 3 dogs by myself. I can’t say that even one wanted to be there, but the slo-mo video of Robert Barker leaping out of the bathtub and shaking off was pretty funny. Hell, slo mo Basset hound anything is pretty funny.
I made a spreadsheet to help track blog outreach.
I bought another bracelet for my daughter’s birthday, from an artist at my local farmer’s market. And picked up one for myself while I was at it.
Keep up the good work!
Kirsten recently posted…Bacon and Parmesan Turnip Fritters
Meghan says
I actually still have bags and bags of clothes to go through so I may need those hangers yet. Then again, purging the house of unnecessary stuff always feels good so have at it.
You had one hell of an impressive week last week and another super exciting one coming up. I’m thrilled you’re getting your man back. Have lots of monkey loving for me.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Juli@1000lovelythings says
Oh my god when I saw your spanchat on Saturday I had a little moment of shock. This baby doll is just waaaay too creepy! It doesn’t really make parenthood look very welcoming. But I have seen my fair share of newborns over the last few years and not a single one has been that creepy.
All these little dresses are so adorable! And well done on the nursery front! It looks like you’re ready now 🙂
I am so curious what Oscar will say to the baby. I bet he’ll be in shock for a bit!
Juli@1000lovelythings recently posted…Week in Review – Work, Food and all that jazz
Meghan says
I think Oscar is going to be in total shock. I suspect I’ll have a baby on one shoulder and Oscar on the other. He doesn’t really like to share me, although he’s going to have to learn. Poor fella.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Michele @ paleorunningmomma says
Snort is right! Seriously though you are so organized that you’re definitely making it easier on yourself. Excited for you!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma recently posted…Week and Weekend in Review (Lots of pictures!)
Meghan says
We’re getting there, one little booty at a time. Also, I like hearing you refer to me as organized. It sounds way sexier than anal. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Cora says
You get your hands on all the twirly nuts you can!
When they are not being used to set up epic furniture that is. Seriously – putting that dresser together on your own is ridiculously impressive. Superwoman cape goes to you.
Not only is this baby coming into a hella stylish looking and packed closet, but also into a beautifully designed and thought out couple of rooms. All the furniture you’ve been putting together and walls and decor look fabulous. Banana dangles and all.
Count down really is on 🙂
Cora recently posted…Week In Review: April. You decided to show up.
Meghan says
I love the banana dangles. They may be my favorite part, although I still need to frame a cute little picture of a vanilla gorilla and hang that sucker up. 🙂
We have been busy haven’t we? It has been the year of home renovations. In great news, I took Thursday and Friday off work this week so I can sneak in some relaxation time before this baby comes.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Ellie says
I’m glad your cat enjoys the dresser. My cats think anything that comes into our house is a play toy for them. If we brought a baby in…well…I can’t see that going well hahaha
I love going to the bank for the lollipops. I take one or two everytime. My favorite flavor is blue, not sure what it’s supposed to be lol
Ellie recently posted…Week In Review: Getting Ready To Race
Meghan says
I need to talk to my bank about passing out lollipops….. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Heather says
Those baby class babies are the creepiest. Ours was wearing a creepy pink bunny suit, which did not help at all.
Congrats on getting the nursery set up, though! I say you deserve all of the nut twirls after that accomplishment.
Heather recently posted…Driving, Toys and Eagles
Meghan says
Yeah, we’ve definitely come a long way on the nursery. I almost even feel prepared for the wee one to come.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Suzy says
Castor oil will clean you out, that’s for sure! The nursery looks great! Oscar is hilarious. You’re so close now, you can do this! You know which book really helped me with labour and delivery? The Birth Book by Dr. Sears. You know, to read in all your free time. :/
Suzy recently posted…Mileage Monday
Meghan says
Honestly I’m so ready for this baby to come that instead of being scared about the labor, I’m like Bring It On. It means the end fo all this discomfort is in sight. Boom.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West says
Hi Meghan! Nice work on the nursery and thank-you cards. You certainly are a productive one. 🙂 I hope this week holds good things for you!
Ashley @ A Lady Goes West recently posted…A fun weekend with visitors and my weekly workouts
Meghan says
You and me both. I’ve got some days off scheduled at the end of it, so I’m excited to relax a little.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Joyce @ The Hungry Caterpillar says
I think Boom is right! I’m very impressed with that dresser! The bananas are so adorable!
It is sure a nice kind of problem to have to write so many thank you cards. Sounds like you have a lot of support!
Joyce @ The Hungry Caterpillar recently posted…Hello from Digestive Purgatory + Week in Review
Meghan says
I do have a lot of support and that helps a tremendous amount. It feels good to be loved too. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Tara says
I love the way your nursery is coming out! How awesome is that ready-made mural?? I can (semi) relate to the amount of stuff babies acquire/need. We threw my cousin a baby shower on Sunday and the presents went on foreeeeeeverrrr. I got Baby Eliana a couple boring things off the registry, but more importantly two bibs: one featuring Notorious B.I.G. and another that said, “I got 99 problems but a bib ain’t one.”
Meghan says
The ready made mural is pretty sweet. It seems like a sign from the universe now.
I need those bibs. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Jayne says
you’re hilarious, and also coming day and days closer to being a mamma. I can’t wait!
Jayne recently posted…WIR #14: Monday Thoughts and Food.
Meghan says
Yep, just under three weeks away now.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Sarah says
Poor Oscar has no ides what he’s in for :0 Also I love the baby bananas hanging on the dresser! I’ve been thoroughly enjoying all your shenanigans on snapchat that I’ve become bad about making it to the actual blog. Glad to see you’ve got a nice balance of work and fun going (and the amazing eats to go with it).
Sarah recently posted…Budget Bites: March 2016
Meghan says
The baby bananas are the best part.
I’m pretty sure I’m addicted to SnapChat.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape says
Oh my goodness Meghan I can’t believe that it is literally ‘any moment now’…. Are you excited? is exited even the word?! Ha!
The nursey looks beautiful and I loved seeing it all completed on snapchat. I think that little baby of yours has more clothes than me already! My own fault there though, I hate to shop…
That Indian food looks amazing. – I swear they do the most incredible veggie dishes!
Jen @ Chase the Red Grape recently posted…Friday Favourites April 01
Meghan says
That little baby has more clothes than the Hubby and I combined. We went through three or four huge bags last night. We even separated it all into months 0 – 6 months, 6 – 9 months, 9 – 12 months, etc. It’s an entire other world Jen.
Yes, Indian food is amazing. The seasoning is always stellar.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Brittany says
OMG so much baby stuff…I don’t know how to handle it. I love Oscar stealing the table though. Ohhh that Breadsmith bread looks TASSSTYYYY.
Brittany recently posted…Springtime Sunshine
Meghan says
Oscar was hanging out in the crib last night and all the dresser drawers. 🙂 🙂 Better he get used to it now than when the baby arrives.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Kristy @ Southern In Law says
It looks like you guys had a successful weekend – and a fun one too!
Not long now!!!
Kristy @ Southern In Law recently posted…Recipe: Mint Chocolate Chip Protein Bites (with Matcha Powder!)
Meghan says
I can’t believe how quickly it’s approaching…. Eeep.
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Tiff @ Love, Sweat, & Beers says
Wow, what a list! Nesting much?? Great post. It made me smile. I hope you’re feeling good mama… or at last as well as expected. 😉
Meghan says
I’m feeling like I’m done being pregnant. Ha! You know what the end feels like….
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Amanda @ .running with spoons. says
I can’t believe how much you got done! And you were worried you wouldn’t have enough time 😛 I also can’t believe that it’s almost time for your little one to come – feels like just yesterday that you were breaking the news. Gah.
I’d like to say that I managed to accomplish not getting sunburnt on vacation, but that would be a lie… so I’m going to go with: I managed not to drown instead. Go me!
Amanda @ .running with spoons. recently posted…currently – april 2016
Meghan says
Now drowning is a big deal.
Apply more SPF and eat some shaved ice for me. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Danielle says
Your baby’s room is looking fabulous! Very put together:) we are a billion steps from that point, meaning we gotta pack up and move at the end of the month before I can wrap my head around the nugget dwelling. At least my brother brought me a whole bushel of nugget garments from the UK, I must say these miniature rags get me all warm and fuzzy. One of the things looks like a sack for your baby, a baby sack! Who thinks of this stuff? Hilarious and cute.
I’m betting that you’re ready for miss nugget to greet you pretty soon. Eek can’t believe it’s that time already.
Does this mean we’re grown up? Never…
Danielle recently posted…To Nourish
Meghan says
We’ll never grow up. It’s part of our charm. 🙂
Meghan recently posted…Week in Review: Baby Mania (#25)
Jane says
The three photos with all the dresser stuff on the floor, then the finished product, then from a bit further away with the cat on top – I don’t know why but it really made me laugh!
Jane recently posted…11 Steps to Making Your Own Home Spa
Meghan says
I’m happy to have made you laugh. Enjoy your weekend.